עקיבא קונינגהיים

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Media Bias | News

News | Media Bias

How J.D. Vance Masterfully Defeated the Liberal Media on CBS - Israel Unwired

Share on FacebookTweet WhatsappSenator J.D. Vance delivered a masterclass interview on CBS, showcasing his sharp intellect, policy knowledge, and ability to connect with the American public. From the outset, Vance…

    News | Media Bias

    Big Tech Censorship & Government Collusion: Judicial Watch Reveals Secret History of 2020 Election | Judicial Watch

    Judicial Watch has uncovered critical new details in the secret history of the 2020 election: how state government officials—at times interfacing with the Biden presidential campaign—colluded with Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to censor freedom of speech

    News | Media Bias

    Truth & Lies in BBC Report About Gaza Animal Rescue

    A BBC report about the rescue of animals from Rafah Zoo proves me right. But it wouldn't be the BBC without some lies against Israel.

    News | Media Bias

    BBC Erases Non-Israeli Jews from Entebbe Hostages | HonestReporting

    The BBC's story of the Entebbe crisis counts 94 Israelis, erasing the non-Israeli Jews also held hostage. Rather than correct, the BBC doubles down.

    News | Media Bias

    BBC Distorts Reality of Life in Hebron | HonestReporting

    The BBC takes Hebron, one of the most complex places in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and creates a spectacularly misleading and one-sided narrative.