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- Pallywood
Pallywood | News
News | Pallywood
Palestinian Television Claims Images of Holocaust Victims Show Arabs Killed by Jews
A composite image of victims at the Nazi concentration camp of Nordhausen (right) and the same image broadcast by Palestinian …
News | Pallywood
The man who died twice: Report claims Palestinians staged Gazan's death
"This incident demonstrates a propagandist mechanism of staging the injuring and killing of a person who eagerly anticipates his own martyrdom."
News | Pallywood
Websurfer Exposes Staged Photo of 'Israeli Soldier' Pointing Gun at 'Palestinian Youth' | Jewish & Israel News Algem
A photo circulating on Facebook that purports to show an IDF soldier aiming his rifle at the neck of a Palestinian youth is apparently staged, Israeli Channel 2 news reported on Sunday. According to the report, both the “Israeli soldier” and the �
News | Pallywood
Palestinian soccer delegation’s own goal
WATCHING Pitch Battle, which chronicled the journey of the Palestine football team to the 2015 Asian Cup in Australia, I was reminded of a meeting I had in Canberra a year ago. It was with a federa...
News | Pallywood
Latest Blood Libel: Fake Israeli Police Brutality Edition by Aussie Dave | Israellycool
More lies from the Israel haters. The following photo has been disseminated by the Israel hating crowd and is being passed off as Israeli policemen brutalizing a Palestinian woman. One problem: it is fake.
News | Pallywood
'Pallywood' in Hebron: Press Coaches Palestinian Mother to Cry On-Cue as Soldiers Seal Up Empty Home (VIDEO)
In a striking illustration of the belief held by many Israelis of slanted, anti-Israel media reporting, footage uploaded on Monday by the 0404 News site shows an Arab mother in Hebron bursting into tears on cue for a group of press photographers as soldi
News | Pallywood
▶ Hamas Funeral: I See Dead People ... Move - YouTube
Pamela Geller on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pamelageller Pamela Geller on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PamelaGeller/ Pamela Geller.com
News | Pallywood
Pallywood - truth in the middle east hollyland, what goes behind the scenes and for the cameras
Palestinians putting up shows for the world's media to view, documentry that will truely shock you - and the rest of the world just beleive it. Get the TRUTH...
News | Pallywood
HURRAH for 'blood-stained' SHIRTS!: Daily Mail leads with ISM propaganda
You really have to question the judgment of Daily Mail editors in not only publishing the following selectively edited anti-Israel propaganda video released by the pro-terror group, International S...
News | Pallywood
Caught In The Act! Gaza Health Ministry Inflating Number of Gazans Killed
Following our previous Gazan casualties analysis - which was deliberately based on the Al Jazeera li...