My name is Kim. I love art!

Kim Grant

Articles 366
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Photography | Visual Arts

Visual Arts | Photography

Kodak is Hiring Film Technicians: 'We Cannot Keep Up with Demand'

Eastman Kodak is hiring technicians as the company struggles to keep up with consumer demand for color film.

Visual Arts | Photography

Thomas Hoepker Looks Back at Six Decades of Photojournalism — Blind Magazine

The Magnum Photos member revisits his storied career in a new exhibition and monograph.

Visual Arts | Photography

The Dennis Hopper Photograph That Caught Los Angeles

The actor stopped at an intersection, took out his Nikon, and made history.

Visual Arts | Photography

Canon Is Planning Huge Announcements | Fstoppers

Canon has been chugging along the last few years, releasing some impressive mirrorless cameras and lenses. It seems they have no intention of stopping, with another major announcement of multiple cameras and lenses coming soon. Canon Rumors is reporting t

Visual Arts | Photography

Macro Photographer Captures Eye-mazing Portraits Showcasing the Swirling Beauty of the Iris

Photographer Giannina Roche captures macro photography that focuses on the swirling beauty of the iris of the eye.

Visual Arts | Photography

How to Photograph Low Light Cityscapes: The Best Gear and Techniques

If you follow these tips, techniques, and gear recommendations, you'll never be disappointed with your low-light cityscape photos again.

Visual Arts | Photography

How to Shoot Portraits: Tips for Beginner Photographers | Shutterbug

If you're a beginner photographer who wants to learn how to shoot portraits, there are lots of resources out there. One place we turn to frequently for great beginner photography portrait tips is Bach Photography. In the below video, Bach explains in plai

Visual Arts | Photography

Photographer Wanders NYC Streets To Reveal Neo-Noir Stories Hiding in Plain Sight

Photographer Nicolas Millers' neo-noir images capture the cinematic nature of life in historic New York City.

Visual Arts | Photography

This Photo by Stephen Dalton Isn't Photoshopped. It's Kodachrome!

Photographer Stephen Dalton shot this photo of a Lacewing Fly in the 1970s using Kodachrome. It's a single photo with no Photoshop.

Visual Arts | Photography

New video pits the iPhone 11 Pro against a Canon DLSR, and it’s closer than ever

YouTuber Matti Haapoja has put the iPhone 11 Pro to the test against a $7,500 DSLR camera – can you tell which image is from the iPhone?

Visual Arts | Photography

Photography Cheat Sheet: Privacy and Copyright for Photographers

Today's photography cheat sheet is all about the rights and responsibilities of photographers when it comes to matters concerning copyright and privacy.

Visual Arts | Photography

In the Mirrorless Age, Here’s an Argument for a DSLR

Mirrorless cameras might be the future. But there's a reason why most professional photographers still choose to shoot with a DSLR.

Visual Arts | Photography

Garry Winogrand's Color Street Photo Exhibit is Enthralling and Confusing

Garry Winogrand Color is a fantastic exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum that showcases much of the photographer's rarely seen slide film.

Visual Arts | Photography

16 of the Best Apps for Landscape Photography

In this article, I’ll share my top 16 favorite apps that I use almost every time I have to plan a photography session, a photo trip, or a complex spot with a long hike in the mountain to get there.

Visual Arts | Photography

Quick Tip: How to Use Your Camera’s Live View Mode to Get the Correct Exposure Every Time | Shutterbug

Here’s a simple trick that will help you get the right exposure in your photos without all the unnecessary stress. According to photographer Pierre T. Lambert who shares the quick tip in the short video below, the technique will speed up your shooting p

Visual Arts | Photography

Olloclip has the Killer iPhone Camera Lens Kit You've Been Waiting For | The Manual

Smartphones ushered in this latest generation of mobile “prosumer” photography. While smartphone cameras aren’t yet up to par with their DSLR counterparts, they’re getting there. Thanks to clever add-on lenses like the latest from olloclip, they m

Visual Arts | Photography

52 Week Photography Challenge for 2018 - DIY Photography

The first two Dogwood Photography 52 Week Challenges were an amazing success, with tens of thousands of photographers participating from around the world. We enter the third year of the challenge with the Community Challenge! This challenge has been creat

Visual Arts | Photography

How To Overcome Fears Of Photographing Strangers

HAPTIC presents the Ultimate Beginner's Guide for Street Photography Series -- visualizations of essential photography lessons and tips by ANNETTE KIM. Annette researched, synthesized, and visualized the key lessons to present to you a fun, easy to read V

Visual Arts | Photography

Here’s Why You Should Use Vintage Lenses with Your Modern Mirrorless Digital Camera | Shutterbug

There’s been a growing trend among digital photographers to use vintage lenses on modern mirrorless cameras. Why would you want to do that? Among other reasons is that old manual focus lenses often sell for a fraction of the cost of their current autofo

Visual Arts | Photography

This is the Kit This Pro Uses for Travel Photography And Why He Chose It

Photographers! Let's talk a little about this! This is the Kit This Pro Uses for Travel Photography And Why He Chose It

Visual Arts | Photography

Top 10 Best Cameras For Travel Photography - The Adventure Junkies

Travel Cameras 101. Find out why you need a good camera, what to consider when choosing one and the best cameras for travel photography available.

Visual Arts | Photography

The Top 10 Things I Wish I Had Known as a Beginner Photographer

Oh the road to becoming the best photographer you can be, you come across loads of useful information... and some not-so-useful information. Sometimes, it'

Visual Arts | Photography

How to Isolate a Moving Subject: Panning for Beginners

Panning with a moving subject is a great way to show motion whilst also separating your subject from the background. Learn how to achieve this effect in th

Visual Arts | Photography

Transforming a Boring Photo Into a Dramatic One With Photoshop

The mere mention of image manipulation may make some photographers cringe, but there’s no denying that some skill with Photoshop can enable you to completely transform an image.

Visual Arts | Photography

How to Make the Jump from Amateur to Professional Photographer

What makes a pro photographer a pro? How do you do it? Do you just wake up one day and the photo gods anoint you a pro? Do you have to pass the pro photogr

Visual Arts | Photography

How to Take More Risks in Street Photography

Dear friend, I think the reason why street photography is fun is because it is risky.

Visual Arts | Photography

Take up film photography in the digital age

Digital cameras may be easier to use, but many hobbyists still enjoy taking photos on film. Find out how, and why, you might want to try shooting on film.

Visual Arts | Photography

The Man Who Photographed a Forgotten America by Moonlight - Feature Shoot

Late Arrival, 2011 Diner, 2011 Noel Kerns is an American time traveler. His camera has taken him on road trips across Texas, down Route 66, and through the ghost towns of the American West. He’s found these bygone patches of the United States under the

Visual Arts | Photography

Are Lens Filters Even Needed In Photography Anymore? | Digital Trends

Technology available now has replaced the need for many lens filters that were popular, so the question is: Are lens filters even needed anymore?

Visual Arts | Photography

15 Pics That Show Photography Is The Biggest Lie Ever | Bored Panda

The internet is full of beautiful and amazing photographs, but do you ever stop and wonder just what went into that perfect shot? I'm not just talking about the

Visual Arts | Photography

5 Tips to Capture Lightning | Sony | Alpha Universe

Don Smith's top tips for shooting daytime to get the shot & keep safe!

Visual Arts | Photography

One Photographer's View of NYC, Before and After 9/11

“There was something magical about them, two rectangles that grew so tall."

Visual Arts | Photography

10 Tips For Photographing Your Children

You don't have to be a professional to be photographing high-quality images of your favorite subjects.

Visual Arts | Photography

Autry’s 'Revolutionary Vision' mavericks took old school photos of nature and the West

84 years ago, as small cameras were revolutionizing photography, American photographers like Ansel Adams and Imogen Cunningham took a backward step.

Visual Arts | Photography

How Photography Can Transform Social Justice In America | Co.Design | business + design

Harvard professor Sarah Lewis talks to Co.Design about the transformative power images have for social justice.

Visual Arts | Photography

This is What Different Light Modifiers Do for Studio Portraits

Starting out in studio portraiture and not sure what light modifier to choose to achieve the photo you want? In the post, we'll take a look at the differen

Visual Arts | Photography

Rare color photos of 1928 England, full of soul and spunk

This diverse set of English pictures was colored using the Autochrome process, the foremost photo technology of its day.

Visual Arts | Photography

Rare Color Photos Of Paris Taken 100 Years Ago | Bored Panda

Tired of the endless series of black and white photos that were popular in the day, French banker Albert Kahn decided to do something about it. In 1909, he

Visual Arts | Photography

Prynt: Transforming an iPhone Into a Polaroid - Forbes

Two months ago, I previewed in this column several new future-like, functional iPhone cases that were soon coming to market. One of them, the Prynt Case, has hit virtual store shelves. Essentially, it's a one-inch thick sleeve that your iPhone slides into

Visual Arts | Photography

Photographer uses food to create amazing scenes - Business Insider

If only snow was actually powdered sugar.

Visual Arts | Photography

This glorious NYC storm photo has been compared to an impressionist painting - Telegraph

Photographer Michele Palazzo woke up extra early to capture this stunning image of the Flatiron building in New York during Storm Jonas

Visual Arts | Photography

Winners of the 2015 Urban Photography Competition Shine a Light on Diverse Urban Life Around the World - My Modern Met

The 2015 CBRE Urban Photographer of the Year Competition recently released their selection of winning and honourably mentioned images that celebrate the diver…

Visual Arts | Photography

How to Improve Any Photo in 8 or Less Steps | Light Stalking

When perusing photography articles and tutorials across the Web it’s not uncommon to encounter various takes on “getting it right in camera.” From exposure to white balance to composition, the idea is to get as many things as possible right in camer

Visual Arts | Photography

Shootout: The Canon 35mm f/1.4L II Versus the Sigma 35mm f/1.4 ART

I recently did a shootout to compare the image quality of the new $1,799 Canon 35mm f/1.4L II against the $899 Sigma 35mm f/1.4 ART. Unlike most comparison

Visual Arts | Photography

Photographer Documents Diminishing Darkrooms Around the World

Since 2003, Canadian photographer Michel Campeau has traveled all over the world to document the last of the photographic darkrooms. Toronto, Havana, Paris, Berlin and Ho Chi Minh City are just some of the cities Campeau has traveled to, seeking out what

Visual Arts | Photography

Holga's digital toy camera lets you take Instagram pics IRL

The Holga Digital toy camera lets you take filtered photos and save them to an SD card like a normal digital camera.

Visual Arts | Photography

A Beginner's Guide to Buying Camera Gear on eBay

Camera gear can be expensive, but one way to work around this issue is to purchase equipment used from online auction websites such as eBay. But it can be

Visual Arts | Photography

This is the Story of the Long Path to Colour in Photographs | Light Stalking

Colour, we take it for granted. We see in it and our digital sensors are capable of capturing millions of variations of it. Of course it has not always been that way. In fact, for the great majority of photographic history, most images were shot in black

Visual Arts | Photography

The Decline of Analog Photography Seen Through Pictures

The decline of analog photography is an undeniable topic these days. Luckily, Canadian photographer Robert Burley has taken action to capture some of the last remaining spaces that represent yesterday's photography. The Disappearance of Darkness: Pho

Visual Arts | Photography

8 Simple DIY Smartphone Photography Tips & Ideas -

In this video tutorial photographer Richard Schabetsberger demonstrate some creative smartphone photography tips & tricks. Watch and Enjoy. For more ph

Visual Arts | Photography

Still Life Photography in Five Steps!

If you’ve been participating in the Light Stalking forums lately, you will have probably also been following the rise in popularity of Mila Pinchev’s still live photographs. With her growing following clamouring for some tips, we were able to convince

    Visual Arts | Photography

    DIY a Working 35mm Camera with Konstructor! | Photojojo

    The best way to fully immerse yourself in any hobby is to delve in, hands first, from the ground up. The DIY Konstuktor Camera Kit is your full immersion

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Sony's new point-and-shoot is the point-and-shoot to end all point-and-shoots

    A well-worn techie cliché asserts the best camera is the one you've got with you, and that usually means the smartphone sitting in your pocket. No

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Nolab Digital Super 8 Cartridge to Breathe New Life into Old Super 8 Film Cameras

    A lot of film people have deep connections to Super 8 cameras, once the medium of choice for everyone from film school students to porn directors. But it's

    Visual Arts | Photography

    What The? Sony is Selling the a7R for $200 Instead of $1,900

    Heads up: for some reason the Sony a7R full frame mirrorless camera is currently listed on the Sony Store for $199.99 instead of its regular price of $1,89

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Expectation vs Reality When Buying a New Camera

    Here's a brilliant 45-second commercial that shows what expectation versus reality is like when buying a fancy new camera. People often have lofty ideas of

    Visual Arts | Photography

    1913 color photos reveal vivid reds like you've never seen

    Early Autochrome portraits portray a young woman in a surreal dreamland, cloaked in a striking red cape.

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Pro Photographers vs Non-Pro Photographers | Bob Mackowski

    Have a hard time distinguishing the difference between professional images and non-professional snapshots? Please allow me a moment or two to show some specific differences and get into why you need a pro photographer for your wedding. Thanks to ...

    Visual Arts | Photography

    After the 1960s Harlem exodus, the people who stayed

    In the 1960s, large numbers of residents left Harlem for neighborhoods in Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx, seeking better schools, improved housing and a stronger sense of safety. Left in Harlem were the people who couldn't afford to or chose not to move.

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Man and His Toy Airplane Optical Illusion | Mighty Optical Illusions

    Take a look at this amazing Man and His Toy Airplane Optical Illusion illusion. Browse and enjoy our huge collection of optical illusions and mind bending images and videos.

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Photographer Shoots a Portrait of Every Book Reader Spotted on the Subway

    “The Last Book” is an interesting series of images collected by Dutch photographer Reinier Gerritsen, who spent 13 weeks over 3 years scouring the subway system of New York City for riders reading books. Every time he saw one, he would snap a picture and make a note of the book that was being read.

    Visual Arts | Photography

    ​6 Videos That Show How Drones are Revolutionizing Architecture and Landscape Photography - Architizer

    Photographer Iwan Baan travels the world, living out of a suitcase and hotel rooms exclusively, in order to document architectural marvels in far-flung local...

    Visual Arts | Photography

    These Dreamlike Photo Manipulations Were Created Using Only an iPhone

    By day, Robert Jahns is a digital artist and art director based in Germany. By night, he's known as nois7 on Instagram and runs a popular account boasting

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Photographer Creates Grids Showing How People on City Streets Look the Same

    Fashion street photographers usually look for styles that are one of a kind. Hans Eijkelboom doesn't. For over twenty years, the Dutch 'anti-sartorial' pho

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Polaroid’s ‘Instagram Camera’ Now Available for Preorder

    Polaroid, a company that’s synonymous with old-school instant cameras, is bringing its products into the social media age with the Polaroid Socialmatic.

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Next iPhone Camera Said to Pack a 'Weird Two Lens System' That Delivers 'DSLR Quality'

    One of the big selling points of each new iPhone since 2007 has been improved camera quality. If new rumors are to be believed, we may not have seen the bi

    Visual Arts | Photography

    5 Ways To Improve Your Photography Without Touching Your Camera

    Photographers! Let's talk a little about this! 5 Ways To Improve Your Photography Without Touching Your Camera

    Visual Arts | Photography

    The One Roll Challenge: What Would You Shoot if There Were Only One Roll of Film Left?

    Inspired by Steve McCurry’s “The Last Roll of Kodachrome,” four Tokyo-based photographers took to the streets with only a single roll of 120 film and a Has

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Mercedes-Benz Pays Tribute to the Return of Instant Film in this Informative and Inspirational Mini Doc

    To pay homage to the return of beloved instant film, Mercedes-Benz has created a four and a half minute mini-documentary that takes an inside look at the i

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Kick It Old School For This Week's Vintage Photo Challenge #MashPics

    Pull out the retro T’s and dust off the record player, because this week's Photo Challenge is throwing it back.

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Why Photography is Such a Fun Hobby

    It’s a simple question. Why am I taking pictures? What’s so special about photography compared to other visual art forms? I’m not writing this to give you...

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Photos of Some of the Wackiest Novelty Toy Cameras Made in The Past

    Sometime after George Eastman brought a camera into every home and before Apple put a capable camera into every pocket, the toy camera was born. And the ne

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Forced perspectives - a gallery on Flickr

    Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take

    Visual Arts | Photography

    9 black-and-white mobile camera apps go mono a mono - The Next Web

    Monochrome is back in fashion — as if it every really left. Despite the ubiquity of color images native to digital cameras, the drama of black and white photography is... Keep reading →

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Magical Nighttime Long Exposures and Composites by Matt Payne - My Modern Met

    Oregon-based photographer Matt Payne's passion for the outdoors shines through in his stunning landscape and nightscape photography. He finds the most enchant…

    Visual Arts | Photography

    30 Links to the Finest Photos and Articles of the Week You Won’t Want to Miss!

    With another week behind us we find Toad Hollow Photography searching all known points of the internet looking for links to tutorials, special features, great photography and interesting blogs. This week’s list plays host to a wide variety of genres and topics, all posted by some of the finest artists working in the field contemporarily. We hope you enjoy checking out these photos and articles as much as the Toad did in bringing this list to you.

    Visual Arts | Photography

    By the Silent Line: Beautiful Photos of a Parisian Railway Being Reclaimed by Nature

    Photographer Pierre Folk has spent 3 years documenting the same, 20-mile long stretch of Parisian railway with his 4x5 view camera... but he's not doing it

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Easily Capture Animal Attitude in Your Photos With These Tips | Light Stalking

    Animal attitude makes us smile, giggle and stare at an image a bit longer than a bird perched on a branch. Animals are not always perfect posers. However, there are a few essentials that can help improve capturing animal attitude in the field. These 5 1/2 essentials can apply to new photographers. They can also serve as a refresher to advanced photographers who want to “show some animal attitude.”

    Visual Arts | Photography

    33 Pictures Taken at Just the Right Moment - Neatorama

      Image: ImgurPeople who take a ton of pictures know all too well that snapping the shot at the right split second is imperative when it comes to capturing good photos. They also know that doing so is harder than it seems. At times, the

    Visual Arts | Photography

    The eerie Americana of photographer Ed Freeman - in pictures

    Los Angeles photographer Ed Freeman captures the architecture of the American roadside in a remarkable portfolio of images, writes Kathryn Bromwich

    Visual Arts | Photography

    On the Prowl With Instagram’s Ultimate Street Photographer | Magazine | WIRED

    Maciek Jasik It's bright but cold and the yellow cabs and skyscrapers are on some Big Apple snow-globe shit—the whole thing looks like a Hollywood back lot. Fifty-third and Fifth Avenue is an aggressively New York corner and one I usually avoid

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Cool Off From the Summer Heat With These 21 Refreshing Photos

    With temperatures getting higher week after week, we're all in need of something refreshing. That's why, for our latest Mashable Photo Challenge, we asked readers to share photos of how they cool off from the summer heat.

    Visual Arts | Photography

    What's in Your Bag? Be Sure to Travel with These 9 Photography Accessories

    Photographers! Let's talk a little about this! What's in Your Bag? Be Sure to Travel with These 9 Photography Accessories

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Before And After: 30 Of The Most Creative Recreations Of Childhood Photos

    We're sure you have already heard of this viral trend of recreating childhood photos. A while ago we wrote about a photographer Irina Werning with her creative Back To The Future photo series, and about two brothers hilariously recreating their favorite c

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Long Exposure Photos of Budapest Trams Lit Up with 30,000 LED Lights

    Photo by Victor Varga Photo by Krisztian Birinyi Photo by Krisztian Birinyi Photo by englishhungary Photo by Andras Csore Photo by Centre for Budapest Transport Zsolt Andrasi Although Christmas still feels like something in the vast future (or past, depen

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Wildscreen photography festival 2014 – in pictures

    The world's leading wildlife photographers will hold workshops, talks and training events at the Royal Geographical Society in London in October. Ahead of the event, here is a selection of their best…

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Speedy snaps: photos developed in energy drinks – in pictures

    They're not just for keeping your eyes pinned open at 3am ... energy drinks can be used to develop photographs too. Stephen Gill's psychedelic new series is fuelled by the fizzy orange stuff. Take a…

    Visual Arts | Photography

    How to Capture Portraits That Are More Than Just Snapshots

    Learn how to capture portraits with 6 simple tips. These are less about technical information and more about the practical intangibles that lie at the center of portrait photography.

    Visual Arts | Photography

    10 Remarkable Traits All Photographers Have (According to Hollywood)

    10 Remarkable Traits All Photographers Have (According to Hollywood)

    Visual Arts | Photography

    The 4 Most Important Questions Every Working Photographer Should Answer

    This post is part of PhotoShelter's Guide to Conquer the Rest of 2014. We've compiled our best business tips to help you get over the mid-year hump and mak

    Visual Arts | Photography

    These Photography Genres Will Force You to Get Off Auto

    Moving from Auto to Manual is not difficult. Here are 5 genres that will force you to make the shift.

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Lomography Lomo'Instant Camera • Highsnobiety

    Lomography introduces their latest instant photography camera via a Kickstarter campaign in the form of the Lomo’Instant.

    Visual Arts | Photography

    How to Effectively Combine Aperture and Shutter Speed

    It’s probably safe to say that nearly everyone reading this has not only heard of the famed exposure triangle, but has also dedicated a decent amount of time contemplating this triple-faceted protocol of using aperture, shutter speed, and ISO to produce

    Visual Arts | Photography

    100-Year-Old Negatives Discovered in Block of Ice in Antarctica

    For the past 100 years, a box of never-before-seen negatives has been preserved in a block of ice in Antarctica. Recently, Conservators of the New Zealand Ant…

    Visual Arts | Photography

    Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford

    Marasmius haematocephalus Panus fasciatus Leratiomyces sp. / Found in Booyong Reserve, Booyong, NSW Mycena chlorophos Cyptotrama aspratum or Gold tuft Schizophyllum commune Hairy mycena White Mycena Mauve splitting waxcap Marasmius sp. / Marasmius haemato

    Visual Arts | Photography

    A Practical Guide to Insulting Photographers for Best Effect

    Photographers! Let's talk a little about this! A Practical Guide to Insulting Photographers for Best Effect

    Visual Arts | Photography

    The 5 Best Apps to Up Your Instagram Game

    Getting more likes on your Instagram photos could be as easy as adding one of these apps to your routine.

    Visual Arts | Photography

    14 Stunning Photographs That Bridge Past and Present

    Visual Arts | Photography

    How many photos have ever been taken? | 1000memories

    Today we take photos for granted. They are our memories of holidays and parties, of people and places. An explosion of cameras and places to share them (Facebook, twitter, instagram)...

      Visual Arts | Photography

      Tremble at These Surreal, Sky-High Urban Roller Coasters

      These photo manipulations may inspire feelings of nausea, dizziness, and impending doom.

        Visual Arts | Photography

        10 Photographers Who Are Pushing The Boundaries Of Their Medium

        Photography is everywhere, with diluted and dispersed forms of the art medium popping up at your family reunions, your museum visits and your attempts to brunch in peace. Yet regardless of the form's omnipresence, a truly great photograph still has t...

        Visual Arts | Photography

        Posing couples: 6 simple ways to create heartwarming photos | Digital Camera World

        Two great people, six great poses. In this tutorial we'll show you some simple ways for posing couples to make more interesting compositions.

        Visual Arts | Photography

        Easy Studio Lighting for Noir Portraits!

        Create timeless noir portraits with simple constant lights.

        Visual Arts | Photography

        Vintage everyday: Selfies from 1920!

        Interesting photos of the Byron Company's photographers posing together for a photograph on the roof of Marceau's Studio in New York City.

        Visual Arts | Photography

        Extraordinary Gorilla Photography

        I've never looked properly to a gorilla. I've always known that these are some powerful, gorgeous primates, but I would never guess that they are such expressive creatures. Taking a closer look, they seem to be so human.

        Visual Arts | Photography

        Photographers Find Creative Ways to Deal With Irritating Potholes

        Potholes are the cherry on top of winter. A frustrating, dangerous cherry.

        In cities hit hardest in the winter months, drivers risk flat tires and busted bumpers on every trip out of the house. But filling in potholes can be a bumpy ride in itself, and a lot of city residents are left with the nasty holes to deal with on their own.

        Visual Arts | Photography

        Adventures of a LEGO Photographer Taken with an iPhone

        Just about everybody loves LEGOS. The building blocks are great inspiration for a life-sized Star Wars X-Wing Starfighter replica; they inspire hilarious post…

        Visual Arts | Photography

        Swedish Photographers Who Blur the Line Between Fashion and Art

        Sometimes, a photograph intended for a glossy fashion magazine or advertising campaign transcends its original purpose. “Different Distances: Fashion Photography Goes Art,” an exhibition presented by the Consulate General of Swe

        Visual Arts | Photography

        Time traveling photographer adds herself into her childhood pictures

        Genius. Photographer Chino Otsuka has discovered the art of time travel. Instead of exploiting a whole in the Space-time continuum to time travel, she simply digitally spliced her adult self into old photographs from her childhood. That way it looked like

        Visual Arts | Photography

        Editor's Picks: Our Favorite Pictures of the U.S. Snowstorm

        Our photo editors picked their favorite shots of the snowstorm that barreled through the U.S. Northeast this week.

          Visual Arts | Photography

          Amazing photos blend modern San Francisco with the 1906 post-earthquake city

          In the early morning of April 18, 1906, a devastating earthquake laid waste to the city of San Francisco, leaving half the population homeless and killing between 700 and 3000 people. For three yea...

            Visual Arts | Photography

            Film Photography Explained To Modern Kids

            Snapping a photo of your brunch used to be a completely different thing.

              Visual Arts | Photography

              A guide to street photography: Gavin Harrison's smartphone art

              Street photography is the purest, most spontaneous way to create art with a camera. No studios, no props, no poses; all you need is the right equipment

                Visual Arts | Photography

                Holding up history: JFK assassination then and now

                Scenes from Dallas related to the assassination of John F. Kennedy are seared into the memories of people around the world — Dealey Plaza, the Texas Book Depository, the

                  Visual Arts | Photography

                  Photos of Unrelated People Who Look Exactly Alike

                  Canadian photographer François Brunelle is on a mission to find 200 doppelgängers around the world.

                    Visual Arts | Photography

                    Glacier Picture -- Switzerland Photo -- National Geographic Photo of the Day

                    See a picture of a pair of climbers descending into a moulin on Switzerland’s Gorner Glacier, from National Geographic.

                        Visual Arts | Photography

                        Heaven on Earth: Amazing salt flats where the sky and ground merge into one to create dreamy landscapes

                        These amazing photos might appear to be of a heavenly landscape - but they are in fact of the world's largest salt flats in Uyuni, Bolivia.

                          Visual Arts | Photography

                          17 Photos of Summer in Los Angeles in the '60s and '70s

                          It's probably going to feel like summer well into September (and October? and forever?), but Labor Day weekend pretty much marks the end...

                            Visual Arts | Photography

                            Best Travel Pictures of 2013!

                            Aquathlon competitors make a splash, cheetahs surprise tourists, and a purple storm looms in the best travel photos of the year.

                              Visual Arts | Photography

                              15 Stunning Photos Show The Power Of Photography

                              In 1888, California received its first seismograph. Vincent van Gogh cut off his left ear.

                                Visual Arts | Photography

                                10 Photos To Remind You That This Is A World Worth Fighting For...

                                Sometimes we need to be taken to the extremes of it to realize just how important this world is and how hard we need to fight for it.

                                    Visual Arts | Photography

                                    One Second in Every Nation

                                    Graham Hughes took on a rather impractical task: he set out to visit every nation in the world, without using air travel or private vehicles of any kind. (You might ask why? The short answer is, the no-air-travel thing had never been done before; and the private vehicles bit would disqualify him for a Guinness World Record™) He has completed the journey, and in this video presents one second in every nation (201 of them in all), plus 15 territories. And yes, we went to North Korea...briefly.

                                        Visual Arts | Photography

                                        These Blissful Black And White Photos Make Us Feel Nostalgic

                                        The stress and strain of constantly being connected can sometimes take your life -- and your well-being -- off course. GPS For The Soul can help you find your way back to balance.

                                          Visual Arts | Photography

                                          America in the 1970s: Chicago's African-American Community

                                          Day 3 of Documerica Week on In Focus -- a new photo essay each day, featuring regions of the U

                                            Visual Arts | Photography

                                            America in the 1970s: The Southwest

                                            Welcome to Day 2 of Documerica Week on In Focus -- a new photo essay each day, featuring regions of the U

                                              Visual Arts | Photography

                                              America in the 1970s: New York City

                                              Today marks the start of Documerica Week on In Focus -- a new photo essay each day, featuring regions of the U

                                                Visual Arts | Photography

                                                America in the 1970s: The Southwest

                                                Welcome to Day 2 of Documerica Week on In Focus -- a new photo essay each day, featuring regions of the U

                                                  Visual Arts | Photography

                                                  Advanced Digital Photography Techniques |

                                                  Photo pros rely on our magazine to cover the most advanced digital photography techniques in-depth. From color calibration to file formats and everything in between, we cover it all.

                                                    Visual Arts | Photography

                                                    Modernized President: Portraits of Abraham Lincoln, In Color - LightBox

                                                    For this week's issue of TIME, Sanna Dullaway digitally colorized archival images of America's 16th president in hopes of bringing history to life. Here's a look back on the iconic images she's revisited.