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Avi Abelow

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Gaza | Politics

Politics | Gaza

IDF Attacks Hamas Targets in Gaza in Retaliation for the Recent Rocket Attacks

The IDF attacked Hamas targets in Gaza in retaliation for the recent rocket attacks over the past 48 hours.

Politics | Gaza

Israeli School Building Suffers Direct Rocket Hit from Gaza Terrorist Attack

A Sderot school building suffered a direct rocket hit from Gaza terrorists. Miraculously, nobody was injured in the attack.

Politics | Gaza

Hamas killed woman and baby, and the media blamed Israel

This is just absurd!

Politics | Gaza

GAZA Ceasefire! Seriously??? Deep Dive on the Why Netanyahu Agreed to It

Why Did Netanyahu Agree to a Ceasefire with Hamas in Gaza? Watch this deep dive on the strategic situation to better understand this crazy situation.

Politics | Gaza

The Gaza Situation is Absolute Insanity

Everything you want to know about the latest outbreak of Islamic terror violence against Israel from the Gaza strip. We will end this, just a matter of when

Politics | Gaza

Israeli Airforce Bombs Key Hamas-Iranian Terrorist in Precision Strike

Finally, Israel returned to using the strategic precision strike to kill a senior terrorist enabler in Gaza. This man transferred Iran's money to Hamas.

Politics | Gaza

IDF Pounds Gaza in Retaliation for Massive 600+ Rocket Attack on Israel

Hamas finally stopped shooting rockets from Gaza in the middle of the night. Experts say this is partly due to Israel'sunrelenting airstrike attack.

Politics | Gaza

Hamas Victory Pictures vs. Israel Victory Pictures - Gaza

We are in a battle of light vs. darkness, good vs. evil, life vs. death. The victory pictures say it all, and a picture is worth a thousand words.

Politics | Gaza

The Epic Gaza Speech that Israeli PM Netanyahu Never Gave!

Epic speech! It is the exact thing that an Israeli leader needs to say. Please share this video far and wide so Netanyahu sees it and hopefully says it