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Avi Abelow

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Judea & Samaria | Politics

Politics | Judea & Samaria

German-American Visits Judea & Samaria for the First Time - Israel Unwired

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Politics | Judea & Samaria

Palestinian Authority flags flown at major intersections throughout Judea and Samaria - Regavim is responsible

Thousands of residents of Judea and Samaria on their morning commute today (Sunday) were shocked to find major intersections flying Palestinian Authority flags.

Politics | Judea & Samaria

The Christians who fight for full Jewish sovereignty in Israel

At least some people get it!

    Politics | Judea & Samaria

    Historic Funeral Held for 2,000-Year-Old Jewish Bones Desecrated by Arab Looters

    A funeral 2,000 years in the making was held for human remains from an ancient burial tomb near Jericho’s Hasmonean Palace.

    Politics | Judea & Samaria

    Interview with Caroline Glick on the Trump Deal of the Century

    In this interview, Caroline Glick outlined the key points that must be addressed in President Trump’s upcoming Deal of the Century peace plan.

    Politics | Judea & Samaria

    Opposition questions Israel's future with Trump's peace plan

    What will Trump decide to bring forth to the table?

    Politics | Judea & Samaria

    Jews Celebrate EPIC Building Dedication in Hebron - Beit HaShalom

    It finally happened! The Jews have moved into Beit HaShalom (House of Peace), the four-story residential complex purchased by Jews in Hebron.