Inspiring people with the truth about Israel, the Jewish people and the freedom-loving world one video at a time.

Avi Abelow

Articles 144
Views 109.6K

Jerusalem | Miscellaneous

    Miscellaneous | Jerusalem

    Netanyahu Highlights A Historical Evening in Jerusalem

    Share on FacebookTweet WhatsappEven though July 4th celebrations begin on July 4th, the US Embassy to Israel held its official celebration party on the eve of July 2nd, in Jerusalem. This was the first ever US Embassy July 4th celebration in Jerusalem, a

    Miscellaneous | Jerusalem

    US Ambassador Reveals Jerusalem's Connection to the Founding of the USA

    US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman revealed a little recognized connection between the founding of the USA and Jerusalem.

    Miscellaneous | Jerusalem

    History was Made in Jerusalem and it is Driving the Leftists Crazy

    History was made yesterday in Jerusalem with the opening of an archeological site of a street used by Jews to walk up to the Temple Mount, 2,000 years ago!