Inspiring people with the truth about Israel, the Jewish people and the freedom-loving world one video at a time.

Avi Abelow

Articles 144
Views 109.6K

Islamism | Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous | Islamism

The Most Important Lesson from the Horrendous Hebron Massacre of 1929

The Hebron massacre of 1929 decimated the oldest Jewish community in the Holyland of Israel, which existed in Israel since Second Temple times 2,000+ years ago!

Miscellaneous | Islamism

Explosive Undercover Report: Horrendous Incitement Exposed inside Mosques Across North America

This is happening right under the noses of the American authorities, across the United States. This undercover investigation exposes the radical incitement.

Miscellaneous | Islamism

Arabs threaten and beat Muslim woman as she stands up for Israel

They have repeatedly attacked Sara Zoabi, but she refuses to give up!

Miscellaneous | Islamism

Miss Iraq exposes CAIR's plan to destroy America!

She can see the truth, yet so many Americans can't!

Miscellaneous | Islamism

"Palestinian" Arab Woman Murdered by Her Family - Honor Killing Goes Viral

Muslim Woman Murdered by Her Family Finally Brings Focus to the Heinous Crime of Family Honor Killings in Muslim Society

Miscellaneous | Islamism

A frightening look inside a children's camp in Turkey

So much for being the first Muslim majority country to recognize Israel.

Miscellaneous | Islamism

This Muslim let the truth slip out on live TV

Uh oh...

Miscellaneous | Islamism

The Muslim Plan for American Jews Nobody is Talking About

The AMP is one of the most dangerous American Muslim organizations in America. People better wake up.