Trout’s Reading List

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Politics | Politics

Politics | Politics

Nation's Murderous Psychopaths Undecided On Whether They’ll Follow New Gun Laws

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Democrats such as Beto O’Rourke have proposed a number of new gun laws, such as universal background checks, a ban on magazines that hold more than ten bullets, and possibly even a “mandatory buyback” of some weapo

Politics | Politics

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s Account Hacked | National Review

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s Twitter account appears to have been hacked Friday afternoon,

Politics | Politics

Don’t Root against the Economy | National Review

President Trump fears a conspiracy of forces are trying to push the country into an economic recession.

Politics | Politics

Let's all share our heartfelt, totally woke, and absolutely real conversations with TSA agents

And then the TSA agent asked me, "Why are Democrats so opposed to securing the border?"

Politics | Politics

BREAKING: Far-Left Queens D.A. Candidate Backed By Ocasio-Cortez Loses | Daily Wire

Tiffany Cabán, the far-left candidate for Queens D.A., has lost the race for the Democratic nomination to Melinda Katz after a seven-week battle.

Politics | Politics

The Honkley Meme is a symbol of white supremacy - NPC Daily

Despite what you may have heard from alt-right hate mongers like Tim Pool and Paul Joseph Watson, clowns are indeed a symbol of racism and white supremacy. And it’s not just that weird toad thing the SPLC-designated hate group Four Chan has named “Hon

Politics | Politics

Disaster At Seesaw Art Installation As Obese American Children Catapult Mexicans Over The Border

SUNLAND PARK, NM—Disaster occurred at the US-Mexico border earlier this week after the installation of seesaws on the border wall. Part of an art project by UC Berkeley faculty, the seesaws were intended to let kids on both sides of the border play

Politics | Politics

Diogenes' Middle Finger: Democrats Flock to New York to Kiss Al Sharpton's........Ring

Politics | Politics

American Movie Studios Are Wrong to Appease Chinese Censors | National Review

And it’s not the first time Hollywood has bowed to authoritarian foreign powers.

Politics | Politics

Executive Director of House Dems’ Campaign Arm Resigns amid Backlash over Lack of Diversity | National Review

Allison Jaslow announced her resignation in response to calls from staffers and lawmakers for an “immediate restructuring” of DCCC senior leadership.

    Politics | Politics

    If Mueller Wasn’t in Charge, Who Was?

    A rundown of the possibilities and why they matter.

    Politics | Politics

    The Democrats, Not Trump, Are the Racists | Roger L. Simon

    It doesn't take Nostradamus, or even a Coney Island fortune teller, to predict the coming Democratic presidential debates will be filled to overflowing with accusations of racism toward Donald Trump. Not only that, the candidates will certainly be do

    Politics | Politics

    Newly released surveillance footage suggests Erica Thomas wasn’t quite honest about her ‘verbal assault’ at Publix

    As Twitchy told you earlier, according to the police report, a witness to the alleged “verbal assault” of Erica Thomas said that Thomas herself, and not Eric Sparkes, was the one who repeatedly said “Go back to where you came from.” That threw quite a wrench in Thomas’ narrative.

    So does this: