Stuff I'm interested in. Some fun things but usually things that the nightly news won't touch


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Great Reset | Politics

Politics | Great Reset

Alpha-gal syndrome: Meat allergy linked to tick bites rising, CDC says

Up to 450,000 Americans may have a syndrome that can cause dangerous reactions to several types of meat.

Politics | Great Reset

An Insider View of ESG | National Review

The ESG cartel pushes liberal rhetoric in service of Democratic political success.

Politics | Great Reset

Part 4 of The Great Jet Set: Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the New Fascism Part 4: The Path to Totalitarianism - Larry Alex Taunton

(NOTE: This series originally appeared in The Daily Wire.) If you understand nothing else about Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum, get this: they are godless. That matters. From your answer to the question “Does Read more…

Politics | Great Reset

Part 3 of The Great Jet Set: Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the New Fascism Part 3: Who is Klaus Schwab? - Larry Alex Taunton

World Economic Forum chairman Klaus Schwab (center) with his Harvard mentor Henry Kissinger and former UK Prime Minister Ted Heath   (NOTE: This series originally appeared in The Daily Wire.)   The biography of Klaus Schwab, Read more…

Politics | Great Reset

Part 2 of The Great Jet Set: Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the New Fascism Part 2: The Man of Mystery - Larry Alex Taunton

(NOTE: This series originally appeared in The Daily Wire.) Klaus Schwab, founder and sole chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) since its inception in 1971, is the original international man of mystery. As I noted Read more…

Politics | Great Reset

Part 1 of The Great Jet Set: Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the New Fascism Part 1: The Perils of Utopia - Larry Alex Taunton

(NOTE: This series originally appeared in The Daily Wire.)When I began researching this series for The Daily Wire a couple of months ago, I scarcely knew

Politics | Great Reset

The Great Reset: A Perfect Storm

Storms come in many forms and may consist of many different constituent elements, but when all these elements combine at the same critical moment, we call it a “perfect storm.” When such a storm is tr...

Politics | Great Reset

Sri Lanka Just Fell. What Do We Have to Do With It?

The anti-growth environmental movement deserves much of the blame.

Politics | Great Reset

Trudeau’s Advice for the Poor – Kill Yourself | Armstrong Economics

I reported that Canada has begun a eugenics program, yet again, to remove the undesirables from society legally. The Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) program was initially intended to provide legal euthanasia for people suffering from terminal illnesses. It wa

Politics | Great Reset

10 Signs the War in Ukraine is part of the Great Reset

A special correspondent Welcome to the second phase of the Great Reset: war. While the pandemic acclimatised the world to lockdowns, normalised the acceptance of experimental medications, precipita…