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From the HuffPost | Politics
Politics | From the HuffPost
'Mass Murder': Trump's Coronavirus Confession Is Already Being Used In Attack Ads | HuffPost
New videos hit the president for saying he asked his advisers to slow testing for coronavirus.
Politics | From the HuffPost
The Heartbreak Of Elizabeth Warren | HuffPost
As the senator exits the 2020 presidential race, her supporters wonder if they’ll ever see a woman president.
Politics | From the HuffPost
Ocasio-Cortez's Clapback At Ted Cruz's Croissant Tweet Exposes GOP's Hypocrisy | HuffPost
The New York congresswoman told the Texas senator the GOP's policies treat people as disposable.
Politics | From the HuffPost
Elizabeth Warren Suggests Trump May Be In Prison By 2020 | HuffPost
“By the time we get to 2020, Donald Trump may not even be president. In fact, he may not even be a free person,” she said to applause.
Politics | From the HuffPost
Donald Trump Says You Need A Picture ID To Buy Groceries In America | HuffPost
The president made the comment while pushing for voter ID laws at a Florida rally.
Politics | From the HuffPost
Stephen Colbert Gives Trump Voters A Hilariously Awkward New Rallying Cry | HuffPost
The "Late Show" host gives "Lock her up!" a makeover.
Politics | From the HuffPost
Laura Ingraham Compares Child Immigrant Detention Centers To Summer Camps | HuffPost
The Fox News host also quoted an article that likens the centers, some of which keep children in cage-like structures, to boarding school.
Politics | From the HuffPost
Roy Moore Believes America Was Great During Slavery. Twitter Users Detonate. | HuffPost
"Families were united" then, the Senate candidate actually told an African-American person.
Politics | From the HuffPost
ABC News Suspends Reporter Brian Ross For 'Serious Error' In Flynn Story | HuffPost
The network said Ross' report on Trump's instructions to Michael Flynn was not "fully vetted."
Politics | From the HuffPost
Trump Staffer Responsible For Finding Positive News Stories Resigns | HuffPost
As director of rapid response, Andy Hemming was tasked with recirculating positive news to journalists.
Politics | From the HuffPost
Stephen Fry Explains Why Some People Believe Everything Donald Trump Says | HuffPost
Some supporters of President Donald Trump believe just about everything he says, even when he’s wrong. And Trump himself seems to have absolute confidence in his own beliefs ― again, even when he is demonstrably wrong.
Politics | From the HuffPost
Democrats Seek Criminal Probe Of Donald Trump's Donations | Huffington Post
They argue he broke the law by giving money to a prosecutor who didn't deeply investigate Trump University.
Politics | From the HuffPost
Donald Trump Hired Me As An Attorney. Please Don't Support Him For President.
Bullies will always exist somewhere, but the White House should not be that somewhere.
Politics | From the HuffPost
This Map Of Donald Trump's Foreign Policy Would Be Funny If It Weren't So True
Remember, he has called himself his own adviser on the issue.
Politics | From the HuffPost
A New Divide Emerges Between Clinton And Sanders
The presidential candidates are occupying differing roles in a dispute over labor policy.
Politics | From the HuffPost
Ted Cruz's Latest Mailer Is Almost Too Much To Be Believed
A liberal group has filed a complaint, arguing the mailer violates Texas law.
Politics | From the HuffPost
12 Things Sarah Palin Just Said, In What We Can Only Assume Is Real Life
We keep pinching ourselves and it's not working.
Politics | From the HuffPost
David Bowie's Son, Duncan Jones, Posts Heartbreaking Tribute To His Late Father
So sad. Duncan Jones, director and son of David Bowie, posted a simple yet heartbreaking tribute to his late father early Monday after his death.
Politics | From the HuffPost
Donald Trump Is an Amateur--When it Comes to Insults
The Media has been consistently confused by Donald Trump's rise in the polls because they've predicted since the summer that his trash talking would sink his campaign. Though he sounds like a bellige
Politics | From the HuffPost
Donald Trump Thinks Americans Are Stupid. And You Know What? He Might Be Right.
What does this say about Donald Trump? Not much, aside from what we already knew: Donald Trump is a very intelligent man. He knows how to push Americans' buttons. He knows how to tap into our worst fears and deepest prejudices.
Politics | From the HuffPost
How to Beat The Donald: Encourage Him
Handwringing has never been so vigorous in American politics. Call them vanity candidates, protest candidates or, heck, qualified candidates -- the likes of Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina are not supposed to happen in presidential contests.
Politics | From the HuffPost
8 Key Questions for the Next Republican and Democratic Debates | Peter Dreier
We probably already know how the Republican and Democratic candidates will answer these questions, but it is always good to get their views on the record and let the public see where they stand. This is particularly important because, according the public
Politics | From the HuffPost
Boehner's Golden Opportunity | Chris Weigant
Boehner has already nominated himself as the Republican Party's sacrificial lamb. But on his way out, he could also be a very effective scapegoat, thus sparing both his party and the country at large a whole lot of needless drama and economic instability
Politics | From the HuffPost
When Even Glenn Beck Thinks You're Embarrassing | Michael Keegan
Sarah Palin is no longer a candidate, but her influence lives on. Donald Trump is the Republican frontrunner and Ted Cruz is eager to take his place if he falters. Both knew that if they wanted someone to rile up a crowd, Palin was their woman. In very fe
Politics | From the HuffPost
Donald Trump's Three-Ring Circus | Dave Spencer
These debates are high-stakes card games and pragmatic Republicans need to stand up and firmly bid No Trump before he tarnishes the GOP brand even further. While Trump can't be ignored, he can be exposed.
Politics | From the HuffPost
Harry Reid Slams Entire GOP Over 'Disgusting' Donald Trump Remarks
WASHINGTON -- Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) slammed not just Donald Trump but the rest of the Republican Party Wednesday over the wealthy businessman's anti-Mexican slurs. Trump has re
Politics | From the HuffPost
'Space Guy' Jeb Bush Would Increase Funding To NASA
WASHINGTON -- If elected president in 2016, Jeb Bush would propose an increase in funding to NASA. "I'm a space guy," Bush said in a Wednesday sit-down with the New Hampshire Union Leader
Politics | From the HuffPost
Senate Votes To Turn NSA Spying Back On, But With Reforms
WASHINGTON -- After allowing portions of the Patriot Act to expire early Monday morning, lawmakers voted on Tuesday to reinstate the National Security Agency's sweeping data collection programs, thoug
Politics | From the HuffPost
Stop Asking Why There Are Not More Women in Tech. Start Asking What Value They Can Bring. | Wendy Schultz-Henry
If we do not take into account this deep rooted gender bias, that is ingrained in the structure of our systems and beliefs, progress cannot be made.
Politics | From the HuffPost
Obama Campaign Logo Designer Weighs in on Hillary Clinton's
With all of the recent criticism (and some praise) surrounding Hillary Clinton's newly revealed campaign logo, I decided it was time to have another chat with Mr. Sender in order to gain his perspective on Hillary's new bold
Politics | From the HuffPost
Bad Advice From the Start - Hillary Clinton's Over-Packaged Video Is Lifestyle Branding at its Most Inauthentic
It's understandable if Hillary's Clinton's "I'm running for president" video feels like you've seen it before. That's because you have. It's epically generic lifestyle branding. The video is a collection of scenes showing diverse Americans...
Politics | From the HuffPost
Will Ferrell Says Racist Frat Song 'A Real Argument For Getting Rid' Of Fraternities Altogether
During a conversation with the New York Times last week, actor Will Ferrell called the racist behavior of a fraternity at the University of Oklahoma
Politics | From the HuffPost
Hillary Clinton's Email Problem Is Unsolvable
Tuesday afternoon, the first act of "Hillary Clinton Email Dämmerung" concluded, with the former secretary of state providing an eager mass of reporters with a brief press conference, in which she "Addressed The Controversy For Th...
Politics | From the HuffPost
3 Reasons Why Americans Should Be Cautious of $2 Gas Prices
Though falling gas prices are affording Americans some financial breathing room, the dramatic drop is in no way an indication that we are approaching utopia....
Politics | From the HuffPost
Here's Where 2016 Candidates Stand On Vaccinations
WASHINGTON -- Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) caused a stir on Monday after he called for “balance” on the issue of vaccinating children against disease. (For the record, the scientific community overwhelmingly supports childhood vaccination...
Politics | From the HuffPost
7 Biggest Problems of Reverse Culture Shock | Amanda Roosa
These are things you don't really take time to consider before returning home. You're too excited at the idea of seeing your much loved and much missed friends and family....
Politics | From the HuffPost
A Former Senator Just Dealt A Serious Blow To The Legal Case Against Obamacare
The former senator who nearly blocked Obamacare in Congress may have just helped save it from the Supreme Court. By now, you may have heard about King v. Burwell, the lawsuit brought by some of the Affordable Care Act’s conservative and libe...
Politics | From the HuffPost
From The Oval Office To The Great Wall Of China: A Look At The Best White House Photos Of 2014
Chief official White House photographer Pete Souza and his team follow President Barack Obama and the first family into the Oval Office and around the world, giving Americans a glimpse into the day to day life of our nation's leader. Below, take a...
Politics | From the HuffPost
From Daniel Pantaleo To Darren Wilson, Police Are Almost Never Indicted
A police officer who choked an unarmed man to death on a public sidewalk will not face trial. This is the second recent high-profile case in which a grand jury declined to indict a white police officer who had killed an unarmed black civilian -- firs...
Politics | From the HuffPost
The Last Generation of Kids That Played Outside | Nate Hanson
Consider the iPad -- The iPad was invented and built by grownups who had to play outside when they were kids. Fast forward to this current generation where the majority of kids sit inside staring at... an iPad....
Politics | From the HuffPost
Why Is Amazon Flailing? | Joseph Farrell
With the disastrous release of Kindle Fire Phone and the utterly ignorable Echo, it seems Amazon has lost its way....
Politics | From the HuffPost
Woman Hanged In Iran For Killing Alleged Rapist Sent Her Family A Chilling Message
An Iranian woman who was executed on Saturday despite international pleas for clemency left her family a heartbreaking message several months before her death. Reyhaneh Jabbari, 26, was hanged on Saturday morning in Tehran's Evin prison after spe...
Politics | From the HuffPost
What Happened When Wisconsin Man Jordan Matson Decided To Take On ISIS
DERIKE, Syria (RNS) Like many Americans, Jordan Matson is outraged by the brutality of the Islamic State. But unlike virtually every other American, he decided to take on the militants head-on. Now, the 28-year-old Racine, Wis., man is recovering ...
Politics | From the HuffPost
Raging GOP Candidate Mike Bost's Past Includes Dog Killing And Mysterious Stolen Gun
WASHINGTON -- Illinois state Rep. Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro) has made a name for himself throwing extraordinary tantrums during legislative sessions. But he doesn't appear to have contained his notorious temper to the statehouse, according to a review...
Politics | From the HuffPost
Nonprofit Creates Roofs From Recycled Plastic Bottles, Reducing Waste And Creating Jobs At Same Time
Not all roofs are created equal. The material hanging over rural Ecuadorians' homes, for example, is typically built from either grasses -- which attract insects, leak horribly and collapse when water-logged -- or corrugated tin -- ...
Politics | From the HuffPost
Sweden To Experiment With Six-Hour Workday
A few lucky workers in Gothenburg, Sweden, will scale back to a six-hour workday this summer as part of an unusual government experiment. The test group of government workers will work a six-hour day beginning July 1, while a second control group...
Politics | From the HuffPost
These Harvard And MIT Kids Say They've Made NSA-Proof Email
Those who worry that Gmail or the National Security Agency may be rifling through their emails now have a new alternative: ProtonMail, a super-secure email service created by students from Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. &q...
Politics | From the HuffPost
Newt Gingrich 'Deeply Offended' By Karl Rove's Remarks About Hillary Clinton's Health
WASHINGTON -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) sharply criticized Karl Rove Tuesday for speculating that Hillary Clinton may have brain damage, saying he was
Politics | From the HuffPost
William Shakespeare at 450
How can any of us find the words to wish a happy 450th birthday to the single most significant, elegant, funny, wise and human writer ever to use the English language? That's what I, and countless others, have thought and think of Shakespeare....
Politics | From the HuffPost
CBO: Obamacare Will Cost Less Than Projected, Cover 12 Million Uninsured People This Year
WASHINGTON -- The Congressional Budget Office has released updated estimates on the Affordable Care Act's impact on both the budget and the health insurance industry. The findings show that the president's signature health care law is actually growin...
Politics | From the HuffPost
Here's What The Girl In That Iconic LEGO Ad Thinks Now
What a difference 33 years makes. Back in 1981, Rachel Giordano was a red-headed 4-year-old child model with pigtails and baggy jeans, starring in a LEGO ad -- in a time when toys did not yet scream pink or blue. Today she's a 37-year-old doctor ...
Politics | From the HuffPost
Chris Christie Addresses Bridge Scandal In State Of The State Speech
WASHINGTON -- With the
Politics | From the HuffPost
All Of The Shows You Should Be Binge-Watching RIGHT NOW
Here's some breaking news you'll love: Apparently, if you're binge watching TV shows, you're not alone. According to a survey released by Netflix, 61 percent of respondents binge-watch regularly, with 73 percent of respondents defining a
Politics | From the HuffPost
Former South African President Nelson Mandela Dies
Former South African President Nelson Mandela, who served 27 years in prison for anti-apartheid activities and led his continent into a new era, has died at age 95.
Politics | From the HuffPost
These Companies Refuse To Ruin Thanksgiving
If you make a last-minute run to Costco on Thanksgiving Day, you'll be out of luck. The discount retailer is bucking the hot trend in retail: kicking off the holiday shopping season before the turkey is even out of the oven.
Politics | From the HuffPost
Here's Evidence That The GOP Is Not 'Pro-Business' Anymore
For being widely known as
Politics | From the HuffPost
Mobile Health Lets Doctors Practice Like It's 1950
Sixty-three years ago, my grandfather suffered a heart attack. His physician arrived at the house upon receiving a call from the family, quickly made the diagnosis, ensured his stability, and recommended that he relax and enjoy life outside the hustle and
Politics | From the HuffPost
Rand Paul On Plagiarism Claims: 'It Annoys The Hell Out Of Me'
WASHINGTON -- Sen. Rand Paul lashed out at the media Wednesday for its coverage of the plagiarism allegations that have rocked the Kentucky Republican over the last week.
Politics | From the HuffPost
Some Badly Needed Historical Perspective Regarding the Affordable Care Act
Okay, I get it. The Healthcare.gov website is still glitchy; there are evidently people who are losing their current health insurance plans; premiums continue to rise; and the Republicans along with irresponsible members of the press are blowing it entire
Politics | From the HuffPost
House GOP No-Shows At Obamacare Briefing They Demanded
For all their fury, most of the House Republicans who had demanded their own closed-door briefing from the administration on President Barack Obama's struggling health care rollout were no-shows on Wednesday. Rep. John Fleming (R-La.) told reporters t
Politics | From the HuffPost
GOP Official Resigns Over Racist Remarks
WASHINGTON -- A Republican precinct official in North Carolina resigned from his position Thursday, after The Daily Show aired a segment on the state's voter ID law in which he criticized
Politics | From the HuffPost
Al Gore: 'Congress Is Pathetic Right Now'
Former Vice President Al Gore called Congress
Politics | From the HuffPost
Conservative Group Makes Huge Mistake In Clinton Attack
The Conservative Campaign Committee made a big mistake in an email to supporters while asking for donations to help support efforts backing Ken Cuccinelli in the race for Virginia governor. While
Politics | From the HuffPost
Cory Booker's Win Exposes Glaring Senate Reality
Hours after Senate-elect Cory Booker (D-N.J.) learned he was headed to Washington, he appeared on MSNBC's
Politics | From the HuffPost
Conservatives Sink House Debt Deal
WASHINGTON -- Conservative tea party-aligned groups shot down House Republicans' ill-starred proposal keep the government open Tuesday, forcing GOP leaders to turn to the Senate to reopen the government and prevent the nation from defaulting on its de
Politics | From the HuffPost
Americans Increasingly Sure Republicans Wrong On Shutdown
Nearly three-quarters of Americans disapprove of Republicans' handling of the budget crisis, according to an ABC/Washington Post poll released Monday. Disapproval of the GOP, which has risen steadily since just before the government shutdown began, is