My name is Ben, from L.A. Foodie. Entrepreneur. Tech guy.

Ben Stewart

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Food | Food & Drink

Food & Drink | Food

The best and worst foods for you at Trader Joe's

It's easy to be fooled by Trader Joe's packaging into thinking you're buying something healthy. This handy shopping guide will help you choose the best items.

Food & Drink | Food

How to eat out if you're vegan | Life and style | The Guardian

Which are the best cuisines for vegans? Our chefs and writers’ tips on what to order, what to avoid and what to ask. Plus, the best vegan-friendly restaurants around the country and where to eat on the high street

Food & Drink | Food

The Foolproof Steps to Making a Perfect French Omelette at Home

A classic French omelette has a smooth, silky exterior with little to no browning that cradles a tender, moist, soft-scrambled interior. The technique for making one is something every cook should learn—as long as you know these key steps, it's easy