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Brenda Richards

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Dating & Relationships | Advice & Self-Help

Advice & Self-Help | Dating & Relationships

Woman finds husband's 'secret Instagram account' full of recipes he makes for her

Rachael Sullivan posted a viral TikTok showing the sweet reason her husband, Tom, has been keeping a "secret Instagram account" full of meals he cooks for her.

Advice & Self-Help | Dating & Relationships

Dating during coronavirus: 7 ideas for virtual dates while social distancing

This week on Love Syncs, here's how to plan a date that involves more than just staring at each other on Zoom.

Advice & Self-Help | Dating & Relationships

Meet Tinder's 30 most successful and right-swiped daters

Plus, they lift the lid on the mind blowing details of their overflowing inboxes.

Advice & Self-Help | Dating & Relationships

This Groom Turns To Read Vows To His Bride's Daughter And Brings Everyone To Tears

A wedding video from January 2014 that features a particularly tearjerking moment of a groom reading vows to his new stepdaughter started to go viral online this week.

Advice & Self-Help | Dating & Relationships

11 Results from Studies About Online Dating | Mental Floss

With more and more people relying on online dating to meet a partner, the act of online dating also gets studied more and more. Here are 11 revelations from recent studies.