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Do Dogs Enjoy Music?
Some scientific evidence has shown that dogs exhibit calmer behavior while listening to soothing music.
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Don't Miss the Migration of Thousands of Beluga Whales That's Streaming Live
Thousands of beluga whales are swimming south, and you can watch their progress live.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Westminster Dog Show 2023: Best photos from Day 1 schedule
The best photos of dogs from Westminster on Day 1 of the 2023 dog show.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Photographer Catches Falcon Hitching a Ride on a Goose
A wildlife photographer captured a "once in a lifetime" photo of a peregrine falcon hitching a ride on a goose.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
120 Hilariously Goofy Animals To Brighten Up Your Day
When it comes to internet humor, animal photos are the new cat's meow. These wacky, wild, and sometimes weird images have taken the internet by storm and left us all feeling pawsitively entertained.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Missouri farmer traps 'crazy-looking cat' that turns out to be wild African serval
The farmer said the cat had been meandering on his property for about 6 months.
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Wild Fox Befriends Cat In Adorable Viral Video
They're both sly and cunning, playful and adorable.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Find Out Which Dog Toys and Treats are Dangerous for Your Dogs!
Do you know that more than 200,000 dogs choke on dog toys and treats every year in the US? Find out what treats and toys are safest and healthiest for your dog!
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Chocolate Labrador Now Pays for Owner’s Apartment Rent after Becoming Famous on Instagram!
Hard work pays off for this young woman and her chocolate Labrador who's now a celebrity dog on Instagram and Tiktok!
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Dogs Battle the Heat With Chaotic Pool Party
Pool playtime at the Lucky Puppy daycare center in Maybee, Michigan, becomes even more essential during high temperatures, footage shared to YouTube shows.Center owner Brenda Langley, who regularly shares footage of the canines under her care enjoying a d
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Mama cat has dog babysit her 6 kittens when she 'needs a little break'
TikToker @ljayne7 shared a video of her dog Toby helping out the postpartum cat manage her litter
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Nature Photographer Catches Bear Snoozing on Camera
An adorable bear nap caught on camera.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Watch This Dog Escape Gorillas After Accidentally Entering Their Zoo Habitat
A very dangerous game of chase, but everyone is OK!
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
"This Is My Life Now": 50 Funny Pics Of People And Animals Accepting Uncommon Situations
When life gives you limes instead of lemons, what will you do? These people go well, I guess this is my life now and just deal with it.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Why Does My Dog Lick My Hands? 5 Reasons
When you adopt a puppy, you can expect to have your hands and face licked a lot. It’s just what they do, and it’s usually accompanied by lots of tail wagging, excitable yelping, and even
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Does your dog have an ear infection? Here are some of the signs to watch for
Ear infections are a common and often recurring ailment for some dogs. This is especially true for those breeds with floppy ears.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
112 Uplifting Dog Posts To Make Your Day Better (New Pics)
Meet one dog and you will fall in love with these animals. They encourage us to get out and explore the world, they help us find joy in simple things, like riding in a car, and they are always willing to snuggle. Dogs are the best.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
The mystery of the world’s loneliest penguins | WIRED UK
King penguins have started popping up on Martillo Island in Argentina. Where they came from, and whether they will stay, is a mystery
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Dog Waits for His Tiny Humans to Get on the School Bus Every Morning
Oh, just look at this loyal and adorable pupper protecting his family at all costs. He is definitely taking his role as big brother seriously, and doing it with so much pride and joy.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Why Do Dogs Walk in Circles Before Lying Down?
Have you ever noticed your dog turning in circles before lying down for the night? This curious canine behavior has a little something to do with evolution.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Watch Atlanta Humane Society puppies explore Georgia Aquarium
Atlanta Humane Society puppies got to tour the Georgia Aquarium
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Social distancing also applies to pets during coronavirus pandemic, veterinarian says
As the world is adapting to the new restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic, a veterinarian says people should also be taking precautions when it comes to pets.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Creator of Labradoodles Says He Unleashed 'Frankenstein’s Monster'
Three decades ago, while working at the Royal Guide Dogs Association of Australia, Wally Conron bred a guide dog that could live in a household with a blind woman and her dog-allergic husband. Almost immediately he realized that his creation, the labradoo
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Researchers strapped video cameras on 16 cats and let them do their thing. Here’s what they found | Science | AAAS
Science chats with the researcher behind a new attempt to record cats when they’re on their own
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Missouri Now Has a Retirement Home for Senior Shelter Dogs | Mental Floss
Russell Clothier was tired of seeing old dogs being left behind at animal shelters. So he decided to open up a senior dog sanctuary.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Dog Runs Grueling Desert Ultramarathon Just For Fun
This is Cactus, a Moroccan runner who completed the grueling Marathon des Sables through the Sahara Desert earlier this week. He is talented and he is also a dog.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Rescue bull looks so sad after he accidentally bursts his favorite toy ball
Tex the longhorn bull looked adorably dejected after he pushed his bright red yoga ball into a barbed wire fence and deflated it
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Baby, dog fight for soldier's attention in heartwarming military homecoming
This soldier's return home turned into an all-out contest for his affection.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Puppy Brings Smiles to Patients at South Charleston Dentist Office
February is Pediatric Dentistry month and a local dentist office has a unique way of keeping it's tiny patients calm and comfortable.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
13 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of Dog Show Handlers
Here's how they know you should never put liver in your pantyhose—and why that Busy Bee scene in 'Best in Show' may not be so far-fetched.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
‘It Takes Just Five Minutes To Save A Cat’s Life’: How To Protect Feral Cats During The Dangerous Cold Spell
The dangerously-cold temperatures plaguing Chicago this week could be deadly for many outdoor creatures, including the estimated 200,000 feral cats that live in the Chicago area.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
12 of the strangest dog behaviors explained
Dogs often exhibit strange behavior like sniffing other dogs' butts, eating poop, getting "the zoomies," and more. Here's why.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Ohio Shelter Is Giving Dogs Short-Term Homes for the Holidays With Its “Sleepover” Program
Here's hoping you fall in love and make it a permanent thing.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
7 Facts About Ragdoll Cats
The Ragdoll cat can be described in three words: big, beautiful, and friendly.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Big Dog Surprised To Discover Someone Tiny Has Taken Over Her Bed - The Dodo
She came up with the cutest solution.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Good Samaritan arrested after helping animals survive Florence
A woman was taken into custody after providing care to more than two dozen animals – 17 cats and 10 dogs – for owners who had to evacuate.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
How You Can Help Animals Affected by Hurricane Florence | Mental Floss
Test your knowledge with amazing and interesting facts, trivia, quizzes, and brain teaser games on MentalFloss.com.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Why the World’s Biggest Pig Is in Serious Trouble
The 600-pound giant forest hog is expert at avoiding people, who are increasingly hunting the animal in its African habitat.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Valley of the Ragdolls
They’re floppy, relaxed, and they come when you call them. Is the Ragdoll a genetic miracle, or just one very cool cat?
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
This Is How To Tell If Your Cat Misses You
If you have pets, then you know that going on vacation can be a little bittersweet. Sure, it's great to get away from everything, relax, and go on some new adventures, but it's also really hard to take a break from your little fur babies! You miss th…
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
15 Reasons You Should Appreciate Squirrels
There's more to the ubiquitous rodents than meets the eye.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
11 tales of animal crime that may prove 2017 was the beginning of the end for humanity
This list includes an arsonist tortoise and a dog threatening his owner with a knife.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
We See You, Fake Service Dog Owners
You're ruining it for people who actually need them.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
6 Brilliant Facts About Bengal Cats | Mental Floss
With its lithe body, large oval eyes, and a coat that’s covered in contrasting spotted or marbled markings, the Bengal looks like a tiny jungle cat. Here are six bits of trivia about the exotic kitty.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Scientific Reasons Why Your Cat Acts So Weird | Nerdist
The internet loves cats. If the internet were Superman, cats would be the Sun. But even though cats are cute and fluffy (and always ready to start something),
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Ringling Bro. circus elephants take final bow - CBS News
After years of pressure from animal rights groups, elephants at Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus retire
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Orangutan Who Misses Mom So Much She Hugs Herself Finally Gets Love
A rescue organization has dedicated itself to rehabilitating her.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Healthy diet gives new lease of life to world’s oldest tortoise, 183-year-old Jonathan | Daily Mail Online
A new healthy diet of nutritious high-calorie foods including bananas and guavas has helped 183-year-old Jonathan the Seychelles giant tortoise to regain a new lease of life.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Little corgi bravely defends shoe from big dog
Boots are constantly at risk of being eaten by greedy dogs. One corgi decides to take a stand.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
11-Year-Old Girl Learns To Walk With The Help Of A Great Dane
Bella Burton was born with Morquio syndrome, a rare genetic condition that affects her bones and greatly limits her mobility. She’s undergone multiple surgeries and myriad therapies, but the 11-year-old still struggled to walk on her own, always requiring crutches or a wheelchair to get around.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Injured Deer Walks into Emergency Room After Being Hit by Car | Fox News Insider
A deer limped into a hospital emergency room after being hit by a car Monday afternoon.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
English Bulldog Puppy Barks For The First Time And Has The Funniest Reaction
Piper the English bulldog was born fairly recently, and lucky for us, her owners captured one of her very first attempts at barking. The result is possibly the funniest thing you'll see today.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Here's a Pug Recreating Taylor Swift's Instagram Photos (Yes Even the Swan One)
Doug the Pug is not only very clever, but also a future supermodel, judging by this amazing photo shoot from Mashable in which he recreates Taylor Swift's Instagrams.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Rhinos Get Camera Implants in Their Horns to Fight Against Poachers
A team of British conservationists have created a new system for stopping the killing of rhinos at the hands of poachers. The idea involves giving rhinos G
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
The Best Pets For Your Health | TIME
Our pets aren’t just our best friends; they’re members of the family. While their companionship can bring us so much joy, pets are also good for our health, according to a wealth of studies—sometimes in unexpected ways.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
7 Signs Your Dog Definitely Needs More Exercise
Sufficient exercise is important for all dogs, but some require more than others. Toy breeds are fine with a regular daily walk, while working breeds might need an hour or so of running.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
7 Signs Your Dog Definitely Needs More Exercise
Sufficient exercise is important for all dogs, but some require more than others. Toy breeds are fine with a regular daily walk, while working breeds might need an hour or so of running.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Duck Couldn't Be Happier To See His Little Human Home From School
The sweet domesticated duck is the featheriest member of the Toschi Family in California, among whom son Jonny holds the highest place in his heart. Since Nibble's mother died before he hatched, the duck imprinted on the 10-year-old boy as though he were parent — a role Jonny has happily embraced.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Cute golden retriever tries to mediate tennis ball tug of war
A simple game of fetch has devolved into a hilariously never-ending tug of war match where no dog is the winner.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Rare pygmy hippo is introduced to the world and takes a shower
There's been a new delivery at Melbourne Zoo in Australia. A rare pygmy hippo has been presented to the world on Jun. 7, the first of its kind since 1981.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
RIP, Tiffany Two: World's oldest cat dies at age 27
The world's oldest cat died at age 27. That's about 125 human years. Tiffany Two died on May 22, but Guinness World Records confirmed the sad news last week.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Exam Season: Now With Piglets! | Mental Floss
Members of NTU's student union have decided to create a piglet room for their fellow students to use to de-stress. Students are allowed to spend a few minutes interacting with the tiny swine, as well as goats, chickens, and even a donkey. To make sure both humans and animals stay safe, there are experts on hand watching over the room.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Delightful Images of Squirrels in the Wild | ExposureGuide.com
Talented nature photographer Vadim Trunov shoots delightful squirrel images that depict them in all sorts of cute activity.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Seriously!!! Watch This… MEOW! Mama Cat Teaches Kitten How To Drink
Mama cats are the best teachers. Watch as her adorable baby, with the bluest eyes, learns how to drink water from a bowl. This is just too darling and I’m pretty sure I’ve watched it 7 times already.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
A cheetah cub and puppy are best friends, and it makes total sense
If you've ever worried about the baby cheetah in your life feeling lonely, consider finding them a puppy of their very own. According to Zooborns, Pancake the cub's mom, Sage, couldn't produce the milk the tiny cub needed to survive and abandoned the newborn shortly after giving birth at Wildlife Safari in Winston, Oregon.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
World's Last Male Northern White Rhino Placed Under 24-Hour Armed Guard In Kenya
After the decimation of his species by poachers, Sudan the rhino finds himself in an extremely precarious position: He is the last male northern white rhinoceros on the planet. According to The Independent, the 40-year-old animal has been put und...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Goat On The Lam At ESPN Campus Is A Hero To Kids Everywhere
A damn goat terrorized the ESPN offices in Bristol, Connecticut on Thursday, proving once and for all that goats will goat anywhere they please. ESPN employee Jordan Loperena first tweeted the madness in a campus parking lot: There is currently...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Heroic Dog Saves Cat Friend From Cup
A cat in need requires a friend indeed. In this video, posted on YouTube Saturday, a helpful dog leaps to the aid of his cat friend after the feline gets his head stuck in a plastic cup. We’re not certain why the human in the video didn...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
The Combination Of Puppies And Ice Cubes Is Magical
If the weather is getting you down, these puppies may make you a bit more enthusiastic about ice. Whether they're fighting or just playing, the little doggies have an adorable fascination with cubes of frozen water. For barking, tail-wagging and ...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
The 11 Best Dog Parks In San Francisco: SFist
San Francisco is known, apocryphally, as the city where dogs outnumber children. And just as kids benefit from going to the playground to get some fresh air, exercise, and socialization, so does your dog.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree
The Scottish SPCA said the case
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Spying on your pet is now easy (and addictive) with Petcube — Tech News and Analysis
For one week, I became a helicopter cat parent. I had just placed a Petcube, a palm-sized cube that contains a camera, speaker and laser-pointer, on my bookshelf. With a few taps on my iPhone I could suddenly watch a live feed of my cat, Hobbes, […]
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
This Dog Dressed As A Teddy Bear Actually Makes Exercise Look Fun
Think you're too busy to hit the treadmill this holiday season? Take a page out of Munchkin the Shih Tzu's book. The pup rose to fame when she donned a teddy bear costume on Halloween. Nearly a month later, she's become an expert at running on a t...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Fiercely Loyal Dog Clings For Miles To Side Of Ambulance Taking His Owner To Hospital
This pooch really went the distance to make sure his owner was going to be OK. After experiencing some dizziness, J.R. Nicholson, an 85-year-old rancher from Mason, Texas, was rushed to the hospital late last month, ABC News reported. Little did ...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Insights on hummingbird travel, life span revealed
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Hummingbirds are giving up some of their secrets.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Weekly Innovation: Harness Could Allow Dogs, Humans To Communicate
Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a dog harness, equipped with speakers and vibrating motors, that could be used in search and rescue or to improve dog training.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
This Is Why You Don't Train Puppies To Ring Bells
Did you forget to feed your puppy? Maybe this video will ring a bell. Careful, though: Once that bell starts ringing, it may be impossible to stop. This cautionary tale brought to you by Maddie, a 10-week old dachshund puppy whose owner taught her...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
'Old Faithful', A Beautiful Portrait Series Capturing the Sweet Elegance of Elderly Dogs
Bodley - 12 years old Old Faithful, a beautiful portrait series by Toronto-based photographer Pete Thorne, captures the sweet elegance of elderly dogs. Posting a new portrait every day on the proje...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Chocolate Lab Puppies Wrestle With Teddy Bear In Battle That's (Almost) Too Cute For Words
These chocolate Lab puppies are having loads of fun with a teddy bear, and we're having way too much fun watching them. Now all we can is wait to see which will win this battle of cuteness. Will it be the puppies? Or the teddy bear? Our money...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Seeing Eye Cat Adopts Blind Dog As Best Friend, Guides Him Everywhere
This is the classic story of a dog chasing a cat, though it turns the convention on its tail, so to speak. The remarkable tale of friendship focuses on Pudditat, a stray feline with a fierce reputation as a bully who grew close to Tervel, a blind ...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
5 Weird Things Dogs Do and Why They Do Them | i Love Dogs
From walking in circles before lying down to kicking a leg when getting a tummy rub, we've got the pooch scoop on the reason dogs do these weird things.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Dog Is Convinced That the Glass Door Is Actually Closed - Neatorama
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udbMNZDQS48](Video Link)No, really, puppy: the door is actually open. You don't have to stand outside. You can step right in.At 0:45, a human does what is hilariously necessary to persuade the dog.-via 22 Words...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Husky Puppy Afraid to Descend Stairs, Despite Treat Temptation - Neatorama
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPzxPEK6Ly4]YouTube LinkIn this video, Paul Mather films his attempts to get his adorable husky pup Dakota over her fear of going down the stairs. He uses treats to persuade Dakota, but while she is interested in those that
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Dog Tries Desperately To Save Fish's Life - Neatorama
I think it is sometimes easy to look at animals and not realize that they are a bit of purity in an impure world. People want to write off their actions as all being based on the need to survive, so let me ask you, what is the dog doing in this video that
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Buddy's Baby Crawling School
For licensing/usage please contact: licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom Bear Bear hasn't gotten the hang of crawling so Buddy decided to show her how it's done.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Cuteness Break: Puppy Plays Waltz On A Piano
Let the classical stylings of this German Shepherd be your moment of relaxation for the day.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Dog Passes Out With Joy When Girl Comes Home After Two Years
When this schnauzer saw a familiar face after two whole years away, the pet could barely keep it together. Watch the video above posted by Rebecca Ehalt to see what happiness looks like. It really is too much to handle for the little pooch who wh...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
This Dog Apologising To A Baby For Stealing Her Toy Is The Sweetest Thing That Ever Happened
What happened is, Charlie the Beagle stole Laura the baby’s toy...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Awkwardly sitting cats - Lost At E Minor: For creative people
There are cats. And then, there are awkwardly sitting cats — balancing themselves delicately with feline bums firmly planted on the floor, chair, bed, what
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
History of Schnauzers
The dog breed Schnauzer is a very popular breed of dogs that have been around for centuries. This dog is well loved for its great behavior, willingness to learn, and the companionship that the dog can give.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
A Real Life Fox and Hound Story!
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCGRTdfOooc] YouTube LinkThis fox was found malnourished and minus his tail at age four weeks. The vets who treated him dubbed him
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Moving with Your Dog: Tips for Adjusting to a New Home
Moving to a new home can be very stressful for dogs. Here are tips to help keep your dog calm during the move and easily adjust to his new home.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
ASK A TRAINER: How Do I Stop My Dog from Stealing Toys at the Dog Park?
A mixed-breed dog loves stealing toys and balls from other pooches at the dog park. Ask a Trainer Nikki Moustaki offers expert advice to stop this thief.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
HOW TO Treat Flea Allergies in Dogs
Flea allergies in dogs is the most common veterinary dermatologic condition in the world. Here's how to recognize and treat this irritating condition.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Furry Two-Face chimera cat is bewitchingly beautiful - Lost At E Minor: For creative people
Cats are hardly ordinary creatures, and Venus, a cat living in North Carolina, is even more extraordinary. The chimera cat is, as her Facebook fan page sta
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
The Pugs Of Westeros: Three Pugs Re-enact Game Of Thrones
Roxy, Blue and Bono are three cute pugs from California that love being dressed up and photographed by their owners - Phillip Lauer, 57, and his wife Sue, 47. Eventually, the couple was contacted by streaming service Blinkbox with an offer to make a short
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
10 Chain Stores that Welcome Dogs | i Love Dog-Friendly - Premier Dog-Friendly Travel Guide
If you need to go shopping but don't want to leave your pooch at home, these national chain stores are often dog friendly.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Happy Tears: Formerly Blind Dog Sees His Family
Watch as Duffy gets to see his family again after losing his sight. From Duffy's family: This is my Irish Terrier Duffy. He's a rescue dog and he's had a l
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
ASK A TRAINER: How Do I Make My Cavalier-Chihuahua Mix Stop Barking?
Trainer Erica Wittenberg offers expert advice to a frustrated dog mom whose Cavalier King Charles Spaniel-Chihuahua mix barks at everyone and everything.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Dogs are happier when they earn treats through problem-solving
Researchers in Sweden claim dogs like to solve problems just like humans. They found the pets were visibly happier when they had a 'eureka moment'.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Photographer Lives Her Dream By Taking Expressive And Playful Dog Photos
Black noses, grey noses, long tongues, short tongues – these many different noses and tongues, in all their shapes, colors and sizes, are what make Dog Breath Photography so wonderful. Kaylee Greer - the mastermind behind these creative photo shoots - a
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Chini the Dog and Her Human Life
The SurgeonChini the Chinese Crested dog has done everything! Here are her many professions and lifestyles photographed by Irina Werning. You may remember Werning's recreations of childhood photos with adults. Her latest photo series is the Chini Project.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
California Highway Patrol Rescues Chihuahua
The California Highway Patrol is being lauded for its efforts in rescuing a Chihuahua off the I-680 freeway Friday. The Contra Costa CHP posted a photo of the rescue on Twitter saying: 'This little dog...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
90-Pound Guard Dog and 8-Ounce Kitten Are ‘Two Peas in a Pod’
View the 90-Pound Guard Dog and 8-Ounce Kitten Are ‘Two Peas in a Pod’ photo gallery on Yahoo. Find more news related pictures in our photo galleries.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Jiff GMA. Jiff The Dog Tricks Jiffpom Pomeranian Good Morning America
Jiff On GMA. Jiff The Handstand Dog Tricks Good Morning America. jiffpom pomeranian handstand dog jiff pomeranian gma
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Elke Vogelsang's dog portraiture - Telegraph
German photographer Elke Volgelsang's heartwarming portraits of her pet dogs
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Stunning Photo Series Highlights The Beauty Of Black Dogs That Are Often Overlooked In Adoption
Photographer Fred Levy may have found his most photogenic subjects yet. The 44-year-old from Maynard, Mass., recently launched the Black Dogs Project, a photo series that photographs black dogs against a dark background. The initiative tells the s...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
'Mischievous Pets' photography competition - Telegraph
This year Petsavers chose 'Mischievous Pets' as the subject for their annual photographic competition, open to all UK residents. Here we display some of the hilarious entries
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
20 Fun Facts About Our Mysterious Feline Friends
Cats aren't exactly open books. Here are a few facts that even ailurophiles (cat lovers) might find surprising.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
When The Humans Are Away, The Dog Will Do THIS
Some dogs experience separation anxiety when their owner leaves them home alone. Not this one. After its owner leaves, this pooch heads straight for a bed it isn't allowed on to have a playful romp. A video of the delightful doggy disobedience,...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
The Moment A Retired Iraq Sergeant Adopts The Dog He Served With Is Pure Joy
For four years in Iraq, Air Force Technical Sergeant David Simpson served alongside a German Shepherd named Robbie. When Simpson retired last year for medical reasons, the service dog was still working, and the two parted ways.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
What Happens When You Put Two Pit Bulls In A Photo Booth | Bored Panda
Photographer Lynn Terry decided to put two beautiful pitbulls together in a photo booth and the rest, as they say, is history. Bumper landed a big, wet, sloppy kiss on her friend Willis' cheek for the world to see. Bumper was rescued from a dog fighter by
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
30 Cats And Dogs Losing The Battle Against Human Furniture | Bored Panda
We love having cats and dogs around as our furry companions, but we often don't give them much thought when we arrange our homes (unless you own any pet furniture). Nonetheless, our pets are understanding – they try to make do with human furniture. Thin
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
North Hollywood Landord Will Evict You If You DON'T Have A Pet
A kindly old landlord in North Hollywood has put an interesting spin on a common and annoying rental problem: if you don't have a pet, she won't let you rent in her building.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
The 20 Important Facts Dog Lovers Must Never Forget. The Last One Brought Me To Tears...
Dogs are family. If we want them to be happy, we must remember they have sophisticated thoughts and emotions too. 1. Don't be angry with me for too...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
The Winter Olympics' weirdest sport, Curling, would be a lot more watchable if they used cats. Really. It would.
Cats have an astonishingly low friction coefficient.Hey, look, I know a lot of people rip on curling for being boring, for the fact that it's basically ice bocce, and for the fact that the athletes don't have to be the most in-shape people at the
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
A Definitive Ranking Of The Most Adorable Photos From The 138th Annual Westminster Dog Show
While the Best in Show is still coming up, here is a ranking of the most adorable photos taken at the 138th Westminster Dog Show.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Border Terrier Scruff Acts As Guide For His Blind Son Lucky
A blind border terrier is being guided through life with the help of his own special guide dog – his father.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Kitten Becomes Friends With Golden Retriever, Makes Us Want A Winter Snuggle Buddy
After being rejected by her mother in Japan, Imichi, an adorable tabby kitten, found an unlikely new home. Imchi was taken in by animal lover @Jessiepon and Ponzu, a golden retriever, late last year. The pair has been taking care of the newborn over ...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Puppy Bowl's 'Adoption Tails' Prove The Event Is About Way More Than Cuteness
On Sunday, Animal Planet aired Puppy Bowl X -- a delightfully furry tradition that this year arguably saw more excitement than the Super Bowl did. If you tuned in, you witnessed new levels of adorableness. But you may have missed the moving adopti...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Puppy Bowl X Best Moments : Videos : Animal Planet
Check out our favorite moments from the Puppy Bowl X extravaganza!
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Group Walks Reveal Who's the Big Dog : DNews
A dog's personality is revealed when walking with other dogs, new research finds. Continue reading →
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
6 Dog Breeds With Secret Superpowers
It turns out humans have bred all sorts of weird superpowers into these animals to help them do our bidding.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Stray Cat Takes Day-Old Puppy Off The Streets, Shows The True Meaning Of Family
Earlier this year, we wrote about the interspecies love between a cat called Lurlene and a pit bull puppy called Noland.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
LOOK: Lion Is BFFs With Dachshunds
By Michael Leaverton , Dogster Bonedigger is a five-year-old, 500-pound male lion.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Yoga sessions at beluga whale exhibit spark protest - TODAY.com
The Vancouver Aquarium’s decision to offer yoga classes alongside its beluga whale exhibit has not left a group of protesters with a...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
20 Adorable Photos of Cats and Dogs from Meet the Breeds 2013
Every year, the American Kennel Club (AKC) and The International Cat Association (TICA) gather more than 200 breeds of adorable puppies and kittens in New York City's Jacob Javits Center. Here's what we learned at the 2013 show. (And if this isn
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
14 of Your Dog's Wild Relatives
All the domestic breeds of dogs that we are familiar with, from chihuahuas to pit bulls, are the same species: Canis lupus familiaris. In fact, our dogs are a subspecies of Canis lupus, or wolf. Your dog could interbreed with most wolves -if you weren
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Not Again: Dogs Shaved Into Different Characters/Animals | Geekologie
This isn't the first time we've seen dogs shaved into different characters, it's just the latest and saddest. I don't think the dogs are necessarily mistreated or anything, I just feel like it's demeaning. All the pictures were taken...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Pet wig fashions
View the Pet wig fashions photo gallery on Yahoo! News. Find more news related pictures in our photo galleries.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Lion Really Loves His Rescuer
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUrwQqPVbuU http://FreeAutomatedMarketing.RepStars.Biz http://us.repstars.com/my/spots/show?fn_spot_id=3526 THE MOST ADVANCED ...
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
WATCH: Dog Bikes His Way To Stardom
With four legs, two wheels and a future on TV, Norman the bicycling sheepdog is ready for stardom. To his owner-coach, Karen Cobb, this was bound to happen.
Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets
Pet Adoption: Adopt a pet from our list of 300,000 homeless pets: Petfinder
Pet Adoption - Adopt a pet from over 12,000 animal shelters and rescues across the country. Search cats & dogs for adoption by breed, age, size, location & more.