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Brenda Richards

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Exercise & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness | Exercise & Fitness

2,000 Calories and 10,000 Steps a Day Is Probably All You Need to Be Healthy, According to Experts

You won't look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but experts insist everyday fitness is simpler than you probably think.

Health & Fitness | Exercise & Fitness

Weight Watchers vs. Noom: Which is better for weight loss?

Find out how relative newcomer Noom stacks up against the legacy of Weight Watchers.

Health & Fitness | Exercise & Fitness

A guide to wearable fitness trackers to make holiday shopping easier

A list of all the best fitness trackers so you can get ahead on your holiday shopping.

Health & Fitness | Exercise & Fitness

How ‘Wellness’ Became an Epidemic

Why are so many privileged people feeling so sick? Luckily, there’s no shortage of cures.

Health & Fitness | Exercise & Fitness

The Best Workout Songs, According to Spotify

These are the tunes users played the most while they got their sweat on in 2016.

Health & Fitness | Exercise & Fitness

The Changes That Helped Me Drop 80 Pounds | Women's Health Magazine

I've been overweight most of my life. I basically ate whatever I wanted and didn't exercise at all. For breakfast, I'd have a bagel, and lunch was either a deli sandwich or pizza. Besides choosing foods that weren't exactly low in calories, my biggest problem was overeating. I didn't know anything about portion control—I just ate until I felt really full.

Health & Fitness | Exercise & Fitness

What To Eat After You Work Out

By Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD As a sports nutritionist, I consult for pro teams and privately counsel professional and competitive athletes in numerous sports, as well as fitness enthusiasts. Pros and weekend warriors definitely have different nutrit...