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- Judaism
Judaism | Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous | Judaism
6 Lessons From Jacob’s Wrestling With the Angel
We also wrestle with spiritual doubts and conflicts.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
What Does Jacob’s Ladder Symbolize?
Jacob’s simple ladder foreshadows the trajectory of human development.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Jews Worldwide to Celebrate Mystical Spring Holiday of Lag BaOmer
Day also marks 41st annual completion of Mishneh Torah and Sefer Hamitzvot
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Sinai: Were the First Tablets a Mistake? - Guest Columnists - Parshah
Why were the first set of tablets given with such fanfare?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
17 Facts About Moses Every Jew Should Know
Moses was born in Egypt during the enslavement of the Jews. His parents, Amram and Yocheved, were from the illustrious tribe of Levi.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
The Moses Connection - The Daily Dose of Jewish Wisdom
“Command” in Hebrew is tzivah, which also means “connect.”
Miscellaneous | Judaism
13 Facts About Jewish Leap Years - Jewish Calendar
The Hebrew leap year ensures that the Jewish calendar remains true to the solar cycle
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Understanding After Doing - The Daily Dose of Jewish Wisdom
At Sinai, we declared, “We will do and we will understand!”
Angels descended from heaven and placed two crowns upon our heads.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Did G-d Smite the Firstborn? - Parshah
Our job is to find the divine sparks hidden within each person, each object and each event, and let that shine.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
When Do Jewish Boys Begin to Wear Their Tallit? - And why do some Ashkenazim wait until after marriage?
The answer to this question really varies depending on your ancestry and/or community custom. Allow me to share some information...
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Do Jews Really Believe In Reincarnation?
Every descent of the soul into this world has a specific Divine purpose. This is the case whether it is the soul’s first descent or a subsequent reincarnation. There are many aspects of gilgul haneshamot—reincarnation of the soul—that are complex and intricate beyond the scope of this response. However, to understand the general purpose for reincarnation, we can look to the three reasons outlined by Rabbi Yeshaya HaLevi Horowitz, as provided by the Kabbalists, in his classic work Shnei Luchot HaBrit (Shaloh).1
Miscellaneous | Judaism
My Father, My Superman - Health & Wellness
I watched my father, encloaked not in a red cape but in a weathered, white tallit, a joyful Chassidic melody on his lips.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Judaism: Why Is the Contemporary Prayer Book So Long?
During the days of the First Temple, no formal prayer was needed.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Uncertainty, Unknowability, and Free Will in Kabbalah and Quantum Mechanics - Torah & Science
Developments in the physical and biological sciences over the last two millennia have, in the minds of many, challenged the belief systems of the major Western religions. Consequently, many Jews and others longing to understand the nature of reality and the meaning of human existence have been lured away from their faiths in a quest for more ‘objective’ truths.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why the Jewish People Await Moshiach - Parshah
There’s a secret reason the Jewish people have always wanted Moshiach, and that reason is very relevant to your life, right here, and right now.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Must One Honor Abusive Parents?
There are many kinds and levels of abuse, and different people can cope with and tolerate different situations and relationships.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
How Did the Mission of the Twelve Spies Go So Wrong?
Moses felt that the Israelites had no reason to fear the inhabitants, as they had all seen the great miracles wrought against the much more powerful Egyptians.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Is Midrash for Real? - Part 1 in a series on the truth behind Talmudic tales
Torah, like any wisdom, has departments. You can’t study literature the same way you study biology, and you can’t critique poetry as you would journalism. So too, you can’t study one department of Torah the same as you study another.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
13 Facts About Learning Torah - Mitzvahs & Traditions
Torah study occupies a central place in Jewish life, but how much do we really know about this activity?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
9 Facts You Should Know About Mount Sinai - Shavuot
Mount Sinai is where G‑d Himself descended and struck a deal with His chosen people.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
10 Facts About Pesach Sheini Every Jew Needs to Know
If someone was unable to participate in the Passover offering at
the proper time, they would offer the sacrifice a month later.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Torah Study: Does It Matter Which Words Rashi Quotes?
See how a nuance in a simple one-line Rashi can be examined, unpacked, and understood in an entirely new light.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Is It Wrong to Like a Lot of Stuff? - Parshah
Is it OK to
enjoy a good shopping spree and to delight in yet another Amazon box at your
Miscellaneous | Judaism
How to Observe Judaism in Outer Space?
Space travel presents its own unique challenges to the Jewish astronaut: How can one procure kosher space food, as well as all the other necessities of Jewish life? How does one face Jerusalem when praying in orbit?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Torah: What to Tell Yourself When Things Go Wrong
In the meantime, it’s dark, confusing, and difficult. That’s only because the process of getting to a deeper place can give space for negative consequences. But just around the bend is a time, a space that is even deeper and greater, that it will make thi
Miscellaneous | Judaism
3D Kabbalah #5: The Art of Balance - 3D Kabbalah: How G-d Creates the World
God's names are expressions of one single Entity, reflecting Him and how He interacts with the reality He creates.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Judaism: Darkness is a lie. There is only light.
Darkness lurks ubiquitously, mockingly, as though it is the sober truth—that all is empty, for there is no meaning.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Judaism: Perseverance Vs. Perfection - Vayigash
The Joseph-Judah relationship and the points at which their paths converge continue throughout history. From the sale of Joseph onward, Judah and Joseph constantly interact with each other, and their relationship continues in various forms. Here, in Parsh
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Can I Use Vaccines Made From Fetal Tissue or Non-Kosher Animals? - Ethics & Morality
We will start off with the question of non-kosher ingredients and work our way to vaccine made with fetal tissue.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Did Abraham Really Invent Monotheism?
What About the Yeshivah of Shem and Eber?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Contemporary Voices: Do You Really Think G-d Speaks to Us?
“How can I know what
G‑d wants me to do?” a woman once asked the Rebbe.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Halloween Is Not Consistent With Jewish Values
Halloween's history and theology make it problematic for Jews on many levels.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Do Some Letters in the Torah Have ‘Crowns’?
Many of the letters are topped by
small spikes, called tagin or ketarim. Here is why.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
On the Essence of Shabbat Shuvah - High Holidays
There is an essential problem in the combination of Shabbat and teshuvah.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
14 Tips for an Amazing Yom Kippur at Home
Many of us will be celebrating Yom Kippur alone for the very first time. Here are our pro tips to making your at-home Yom Kippur meaningful and memorable
Miscellaneous | Judaism
How I Will Celebrate Rosh Hashanah Alone? - High Holidays
I’m an older woman, living
alone. I'll be observing the holidays at home, by myself.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Shofar Over the Internet During Elul? - Chabad
Due to the pandemic, I’m
currently unable to attend service. Can I fulfill this custom by listening to
the shofar over Zoom?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Seven Thoughts About Elul to Help Us Turn Inward and Forgive - High Holidays
Welcome to the month of turning inward, the month of forgiveness, the month of spiritual accounting, the month of deepening.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Judaism: What Does ‘Eye for an Eye’ Really Mean?
Does Torah want us to poke out the eye of an eye-poker?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Preparing for Tisha B’Av During a World Pandemic - A 25-hour period of fasting and reflection begins on Wednesday night,
Every year, Jews around the world don non-leather shoes, and make their way to synagogues and Chabad centers for evening services, followed by the mournful reading of Eichah (the book of Lamentations), the slim volume in which the prophet Jeremiah mourns the impending destruction
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why a Mezuzah Is Not a Mezuzah
If not for the scrolls, there would be no reason for plain old doorposts...
Miscellaneous | Judaism
How Two-and-a-Half Tribes Ended Up East of the Jordan - Jewish History
Learn how Moses gave the land east of the Jordan to Reuben, Gad, and half of Manassah, on one condition.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Learn the Shabbat Law of the Week - Chabad Lubavitch
Official homepage for worldwide Chabad-Lubavitch movement that promotes Judaism and provides daily Torah lectures and Jewish insights. Chabad-Lubavitch is a philosophy, a movement, and an organization. Chabad is considered to be the most dynamic force in
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Rabbis Agree: Kneel Before No one Except God
In response to the situation, Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel, co-founder of the Land of Israel Network, quoted former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Shavuot in the Age of Corona
On Shavuot morning, 3,332 years ago, Heaven kissed Earth, and G‑d communicated the 10 Commandments upon Mount Sinai. Every year we relive that experience when we stay up all night and then read of this event from the Torah during Shavuot morning services.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
May I Order a Shabbat Delivery? - And what to do with packages that arrive - Shabbat
In general, if a Jew is forbidden to do a certain act on Shabbat, it is also rabbinically forbidden for him to ask a non-Jew to do so on his behalf (unless there are specific extenuating circumstances, such as illness, etc.).
Miscellaneous | Judaism
What Is Kabbalah? - The Soul of Judaism - Essentials
If this is a secret wisdom, why are we teaching it?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
11 Common Shabbat Myths and Misconceptions - Shabbat
Myths and misconceptions have developed around this holy day. Ready to take a good look at them and
set the record straight? Let’s go!
Miscellaneous | Judaism
4 Spirit Boosters for the Corona Fiscal Blues
I feel rather depressed. I’m not doing anything important and have not yet found another job. But most of all, I miss having a sense of purpose and identity.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Chabad: Coronavirus Resources & Inspiration - Insight & Commentary
No matter where we may live in this ever-shrinking world, almost everyone seems to be affected by coronavirus (COVID-19). As the days progress, the number of people impacted is increasing at an alarming rate with entire cities under quarantine.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
10 Things You Can Do for People in Quarantine
Even now there are many things that we can safely do to help others.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Judaism: Are You Really Planning to Bring Back those Animal Sacrifices?
I can see the experiential quality of it all: an ancient temple with heavenly music and mystical song; priests in flowing robes deep in meditation; mesmerizing, choreographed ritual. But why the barbecue?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
21 Talmud Facts Every Jew Should Know
The bulk of the Talmudic texts contain analysis of Biblical verses and Torah law, but it’s interspersed with everything from medical advice to stories, from folk sayings to fabric dying tips.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Jewish History: Who Was Amram?
Amram, son of Kehot, led the Jewish people in
Egypt and fathered three of the greatest leaders in Jewish history.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Did Non-Kosher Animals Become Jewish Names?
This seems strange, since the sages place great significance on a
person’s name.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Judaism: The Truth about Moshiach - Moshiach 101
Why is Moshiach so integral to the Jewish belief system? It would certainly be nice to see an end to global suffering, but that is a universal ideal. Why is that a principle of the Jewish faith?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
(Why) Must a Bar Mitzvah Boy Read From the Torah?
There is a prevalent custom for boys to read
the weekly Torah portion when they become a bar mitzvah. Here's why.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
8 Old and New Chanukah Traditions!
Looking to expand beyond the bare-bones basics? Here are 8 deeply meaningful traditions
for you and your family to personalize.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
16 Menorah Facts Every Jew Should Know!
The word menorah is Hebrew for “lamp,” and generally refers to the eight-branched candelabra that we light on the Jewish holiday of Chanukah.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Add a Light Each Night of Chanukah?
There are two general reasons given in the Talmud1 for why we add a candle each night:
Miscellaneous | Judaism
New Video App Shows Children a Better World - Chabad.org/Kids continues to raise the bar for Jewish children’s media
The new Chabad.org video app for children will deliver technologically advanced features while including the hundreds of videos from JewishKids.org, packaging them in a feature-rich experience with an improved look and feel.
The new Chabad.org video app for children will deliver technologically advanced features while including the hundreds of videos from JewishKids.org, packaging them in a feature-rich experience with an improved look and feel.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Is Eating Melaveh Malkah Important? - Shabbat
The sages in the Talmud tell us to “always set the table after Shabbat even to eat small amount of food." Here's why.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
25 Shabbat Facts Every Jew Should Know
Every week, for the 25 hours beginning just before sundown on Friday until after night has fallen on Saturday night, Jewish people celebrate Shabbat, a period of rest and spiritual rejuvenation.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
What Is Tikkun Olam? - What does Tikkun Olam mean, who came up with it, and how do I do it?
Tikkun Olam: In Jewish teachings, any activity that improves the world, bringing it closer to the harmonious state for which it was created.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
How (Not) to Fight Evil - Chapter 14 of Positivity Bias
How often do we wish we could be kinder and more loving? Who hasn’t wished that they could curb their impulses to satisfy momentary needs? Who doesn’t want their good deeds to outshine their selfish ones?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Yes, I Am a Chassidic Feminist - Celebrating Jewish Womanhood
A perspective on the curse of Eve.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Flying Rocks, Palm Fronds, And The Soul Of Sukkot
It’s 2019 and here we are, educated people, carrying around palm fronds and a citron while the rest of the world is busy being productive. What’s with the Jews and their stubborn insistence on living in a world of superstitions and anachronisms?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
7 Paradoxes About the Sukkah That Help Us Break Through Illusions
We depend on our touchstones: psychological security, a stable income, protection from crime. Clothing, food, warm shelter
Miscellaneous | Judaism
How Does Yom Kippur Work? - DIY Soul Repair - High Holidays
Only you can fix yourself. What does a particular day of the year have to offer?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
What Is Rosh Hashanah?
The Jewish New Year, anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve, a day of judgment and coronation, and sounding of the shofar . . .
Miscellaneous | Judaism
9 Rosh Hashanah Myths and Misconceptions - High Holidays
Get ready to reexamine everything you ever assumed you knew about Rosh Hashanah
Miscellaneous | Judaism
A Psychotherapist’s Shema in Auschwitz - Vaetchanan
What is it about the Shema Yisroel prayer that has inspired so many through the most trying of times and has provided such meaning and purpose to help us survive even the most despairing circumstances?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
14 Facts About "Learning Rambam" - Jewish History
Rambam Is Studied Daily by Thousands of People Worldwide
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Who Is a Good Jew? - Wisdom & Teachings
What are people made of? What really lies beneath the surface of the masks we wear and present to the world? Are we selfish animals at heart motivated by base desires, or are we aspiring souls seeking deeper meaning and connection with others?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn’s Soviet Photo; or, Seeing the Rebbe Once He’s Gone - Chabad-Lubavitch News
A search for the story behind the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe’s lone Soviet portrait yields not one, but two photos
Miscellaneous | Judaism
What Did the Rebbe Say About the Moon Landing? - Chabad
Discover three powerful lessons we can learn from America’s historic Apollo 11 mission – the first crewed landing to the moon.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
A Rift Extending Across History - Chassidic Masters - Parshah
From the rivalry between Leah and Rachel, through the animosity between Joseph and his brothers, the clash between Saul and David, the split between Judah and Israel, to the dual nature of the messianic redemption—a rift and twinship that extends across h
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Is a Tallit So Often (Mostly) White? - Questions & Answers
The overwhelming majority of tallits have historically been white, often with stripes. There are a number of reasons for this.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Is It All About Getting Spiritually High? - Parsha Perks
Our natural human desire to get close to God sometimes leads us to pursue methods of religious ecstasy. Yet our human desire to be close to God may well be at odds with God’s divine desire to be close to us.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Does Judaism Forbid Tattoos?
This prohibition applies to all tattoos besides those made for medical purposes . . .
Miscellaneous | Judaism
The Ark of the Covenant Explained
A golden box containing the tablets with the Ten Commandments, the ark stood in the Holy of Holies, the Temple’s innermost sanctum.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Shirley Chisholm, The Rebbe and a Vision to Feed America's Hungry Children
U.S. Rep. Shirley Chisholm (D-N.Y.), the first African-American woman elected to Congress, helped expand federal food supplement programs at the urging of the Rebbe.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Everything You Need To Know About Yom Kippur
For nearly 26 hours Jews everywhere “afflict their souls” and spend the day in synagogue, praying for forgiveness.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Sitting Next To Your Spouse In An Orthodox Synagogue
On separate seating in the synagogue
Miscellaneous | Judaism
17 Rosh Hashanah Facts Every Jew Should Know - High Holidays
Brush up on basic facts, traditions, and more associated with the Jewish New Year.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Yes, Judaism Is Pro-Life | Daily Wire
On Thursday, Avraham Bronstein, rabbi of the Hampton Synagogue in Westhampton Beach, New York, penned an op-ed for Ha’aretz, Israel’s most left-wing newspa
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks: The Consolations of Mortality
Before any of the deaths are mentioned we read about the strange ritual of the red heifer, which purified people who had been in contact with death – the archetypal source of impurity. That ritual, often deemed incomprehensible, is in fact deeply symbol
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Faith and Friendship - Covenant & Conversation - Parshah
After all that had happened – the miracles, the exodus, the division of the sea, food from heaven, water from a rock, the revelation at Sinai and the covenant that went with it – the people, yet again, were complaining about the food. And not because
Miscellaneous | Judaism
May I Join a Protest on Shabbat? - Questions & Answers
While an action may be halachically permitted, it may not be in keeping with the spirit of Shabbat and is therefore avoided.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Do We Dress Up on Purim? - On wearing costumes on the holiday of Purim
Some reasons behind the age-old custom to dress up on Purim.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
8 Things to Enjoy This Chanukah
Chanukah is coming, and we want to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very happy and inspiring eight-day Festival of Lights!
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Chabad’s Massive Growth Is Pragmatic, Yet ‘Defies Logic’ | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com
JNS.org – How do you go about feeding a crowd of 5,600 hungry rabbis and other guests, many of whom have...
Miscellaneous | Judaism
If the Haggadah Is Right, We’ve Got Education All Wrong - Crucial lessons to take from the Haggadah for the whole year
From a child's answers, you might know something about what the child knows. From a child's question, you know who the child is.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
“Tell Them It’s Never Too Late”
The rabbinical students hesitated before knocking. The name on the doorbell read David O’Malley-Keyes. Not a very Jewish sounding name. But you never know.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
If Judaism Is Spiritual, Why All the Rules? - On Freedom By Choice - Questions & Answers
More than Torah is about keeping rules, it’s about breaking them. Torah is about transcending the rules of the universe and creating freedom.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
10 Ways to Stop Worrying and Start Living - Personal Growth
I’m very anxious about all the terrible things that can happen. We live in such a dangerous world, and so many people are suffering. I’m always terrified that some calamity is going to befall me or those whom I love, G‑d forbid.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
What Does “Oy Vey” Mean? - Questions & Answers
Oy and vey are two very old Jewish interjections which both mean “woe.” Oy is found many times in the Bible (see Numbers 21:29, I Samuel 4:7 and Isaiah 3:11 for a few examples). Vey is newer than oy; it is oy’s Aramaic equivalent..
Miscellaneous | Judaism
How Jews Respond to Terror - A talk following the horrific attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015 - Lectures
As global terrorism continues to wreak havoc, Israel has been the target of these horrific evils for decades. In guiding us to defend ourselves against murderous attacks the Torah provides us with a dual approach. (A talk at the Jewish Women’s Retreat i
Miscellaneous | Judaism
How does Judaism view vegetarianism?
For better or for worse, meat is an undeniable favorite on the kosher menu. Is this good? Let’s have a look . . .
Miscellaneous | Judaism
24,000 Plus One - Chassidic Masters - Parsha
Rabbi Akiva taught that "Love your fellow as yourself" is a "cardinal principle in Torah." How was it that that Rabbi Akiva's disciples, of all people, were deficient in this area?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Strange Parallels Between the Purim Story and the Nuremberg Trials | United with Israel
There are uncanny parallels between the hanging of Haman’s 10 sons during the Purim epoch and the post-Nuremberg Trials hanging of 10 Nazis for crimes against humanity.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
The Jewish Press » » Chanukah: Guide for the Perplexed 2014
Chanukah is the holiday of liberty, combining The Book (faith and dedication to God) and the sword
Miscellaneous | Judaism
MEDVED: Correcting Mistakes About Hanukkah | Truth Revolt
Despite extensive media coverage and rising levels of public partying, the upcoming holiday of Hanukkah (that begins Tuesday night, December 16th) still causes confusion among both Jewish and non-Jewish Americans. No, it’s not a festival of tolerance or
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Google Builds Sukkahs at NY Office!
Google joined the Festival of Sukkot this year, creating two sukkahs.
The company used the balcony of its headquarters in New York to build two 21st century booths for the holiday.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
New Year's Resolution Solution: Register Your Rosh Hashanah Resolution Here!
Schedule automatic reminders for your new year's resolutions.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Is the World Blind?
Too many times over the last many weeks I felt like shouting, “Wake up, world! Can’t you see the difference between the good guys and the bad ones? Are you blind?!”
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Tunnels of Love - Israel
The deadly network originates from basements and private homes in Gaza and extends into Israel—a tool for mass terrorist attacks against Jews.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
At San Diego Comic-Con, a Time Out for Shabbat
With Comic-Con International: San Diego just around the corner, Rabbi Mordechai Lightstone, of Brooklyn, N.Y., has been making a push on social media, email and mailing lists to draw attendees to a Shabbat dinner this week organized by the Chabad of Downtown San Diego.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Power or Influence? - Covenant & Conversation - Parsha
We tend to think of them as similar, if not identical. But it is not so. The two are quite distinct, and operate by different logic.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Anne Frank’s Stepsister - Eva Schloss tells her story of survival - Lectures
A riveting story of courage and survival of the horrors of the Holocaust.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Is There a Mitzva to Eat Matza the Entire Holiday of Pesach?
If itis a mitzva to eat matza all Pesach, then why is there no berakha attached to it?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Passover 2014 - Pesach - Jewish Holidays - Festival of Liberation
Passover (Pesach) celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. Our Passover megasite has tools, guides, insights, stories, inspiration—and just about everything you need to celebrate Passover. (But bring your own wine.)
Miscellaneous | Judaism
The Amazing Rabbis Singing Simon and Garfunkel!
Taken from the israeli TV show
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Community Post: 11 People You'd Never Think Were Orthodox Jews.
You think you know what Orthodox Jews look like. The media always depicts them the same way : beards, hats, wigs , and often pasty white. Rabbis, diamond dealers, and women pushing strollers . But ...
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Looking for Mr. Right
The Rebbe told me, “You are very different from each other. Remove him from your agenda.”
Miscellaneous | Judaism
The Rebbe's Big Idea
Is Chabad relevant to world peace?
The Rebbe had a certain vision, a very radical vision, of heaven, earth and the human being. Radical, but somehow completely grounded in the same tradition in which all these crazy modern values are rooted.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
The Google Glass Tefillin Stand: Geeky Religious Marketing
A reader who is actually an ex-Googler and orthodox Jew, forwarded me an email he received from the Chabad of Stanford that was titled
Miscellaneous | Judaism
A Father Reflects on the Tragedy in Boston
Boston-area rabbi writes about responding to his children’s questions.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Parshat Truma: Giving of ourselves
A person who gives of his strengths or of his money gives mainly of himself.