The #smallbiz owner's source for ideas of E-mail marketing, SEO, Facebook, Twitter, sales force automation with inspiration for entrepreneurs and #digitalnomad.

Daniel Nytra

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SEO | Business & Finance

Business & Finance | SEO

10+2 FREE SEO Tools |

Many people perceive SEO as magic. Nonsense. You only need to find out what people really want… and give it to them: Give advice or solve their problem. If visitors find what they are looking for on your website, then [click to continue...]

Business & Finance | SEO

10 Rules of SEO or Marketing Magic Allowed |

If you put the keyword “SEO” into, you’ll get an approximate number of results: 203 million pages. So everybody knows it. But why is SEO, as opposed to for instance PPC campaigns, still used by few companies? Why does [click to co

Business & Finance | SEO

What I use every day in SEO & Marketing |

Complex systems doesnt exist and here is a good mix several tools together: Email marketing Activecampaign: Cheap and very effective tool for email marketing. Finds contacts and their profiles on FB, Google+, Twitter + photo show you a particular perso