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- Life and Family Coaching
Life and Family Coaching | Advice & Self-Help
Advice & Self-Help | Life and Family Coaching
Understanding Positive Psychology and Coaching
Positive Psychology and Coaching
Advice & Self-Help | Life and Family Coaching
12 Things to Know When Someone You Love Has Anxiety | The Mighty
#6 can make all the difference.
Advice & Self-Help | Life and Family Coaching
Kids do a lot better when schools ban smartphones - May. 18, 2015
Banning students from carrying cell phones in school has the same effect on exam results as adding an extra week of learning, a new study found.
Advice & Self-Help | Life and Family Coaching
Random Acts of Kindness - Mental Health & Happiness
If today is a day where you feel that our world is more and more disconnected, angry, alienated and cruel then today would be a great day for you to spread some random acts of kindness.
Advice & Self-Help | Life and Family Coaching
64 Positive Things to Say to Kids
Encouraging Kids Eighteen years after my dad died, I can still hear him, when I get too serious saying, “Lighten up, Lissy!” And in moments of complete self doubt and embarrassment, I bolster myself by thinking of him singing, “Oops, you […]
Advice & Self-Help | Life and Family Coaching
Be Less Irritable With Your Child Today | Hunter Clarke-Fields
The key to any kind of successful parenting is keeping our cool -- self-regulation. We have to model the behavior that we want to see in our kids. This means that our adult-tantrums (a.k.a. yelling fits) are not helping us folks....
Advice & Self-Help | Life and Family Coaching
8 Ways To Maintain A Strong Connection With Your Kids
As we become more connected to our smartphones and other devices, there's an increasing sense of disconnection and loneliness that pervades our lives. While we may expect this feeling with
Advice & Self-Help | Life and Family Coaching
7 Fun Ways To Teach Your Kids Mindfulness
I taught a mindfulness class at my daughters’ elementary school this week. Unsurprisingly, the kids taught me way more than I taught them. While I was doing research to develop the class, I came
Advice & Self-Help | Life and Family Coaching
Teens Turn To Life Coaches To Cope With Pressures
NEW YORK -- At 17, Maggie Duwelius is a busy high school senior with her eye on a tough, competitive college. She's a hard worker, her mom said, but her grades often fall short of that goal as she navigates a whirl of extracurriculars: sports, volun...
Advice & Self-Help | Life and Family Coaching
Sorry, Facebook: Parents, not snapshots, are the secret to tapping a kid's power of memory.
Sorry, Facebook: Parents, not snapshots, are the secret to capturing kids' memories. Children who can recall early events are more likely to make sound choices as teens and adults
Advice & Self-Help | Life and Family Coaching
This 15-Year-Old Entrepreneur Built a Babysitting Empire Worth Big Bucks | Teen Vogue
Ever have a babysitter you weren't crazy about for reasons you couldn't quite explain? Noa Mintz can relate -- but instead of just constantly complaining to her mom about her own less-than-stellar sitter, she decided to take action and track down a n...