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Sleep | Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness | Sleep

Staying Up All Night Rewires Our Brains — This Could Be Key To Solving Mental Health Conditions

What happens in the brains of mice when they stay up all night could help us better understand mood and other psychological conditions.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

Why do some people need less sleep? | Popular Science

Plus, can you train yourself to sleep less? Some people need less sleep because of genetic mutations and age.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

What Are Sleep Chronotypes? How to Figure Out If You’re a Night Owl or Early Bird

Our night owl or early bird tendencies are actually rooted in our biology, known as chronotypes. Here’s everything you need to know about them.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

How Often Should You Wash Your Sheets and Towels?

While every week or two will generally suffice for sheets, towels are best washed every few days. A microbiologist explains.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

Why I Sleep in a Separate Bed From My Husband

There’s an assumption that not sharing a bed is the death of a relationship but in many cases it can be the saviour.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

How to Whiten White Sheets With 2 Ingredients

I could never get my white sheets really clean, until I tried this.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

How to Deep Clean Your Mattress Quickly and Easily

Cleaning Lab Director Carolyn Forte explains how to clean a mattress yourself.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

How to Get Through Your Day on No Sleep

So you had a terrible night’s sleep. Here’s a comprehensive guide to handling everything you can’t move and how to wriggle out of what you just can’t handle.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

In Our Cellular Clocks, She’s Found a Lifetime of Discoveries | Quanta Magazine

For decades, Carrie Partch has led pioneering structural research on the protein clockwork that keeps time for our circadian rhythm. Is time still on her side?

Health & Fitness | Sleep

How to beat jet lag: apps, hacks and pills : Shots - Health News : NPR

Wondering how to prepare for sleep disruption? Should you take melatonin or other sleep aids? Here's answers from researchers and seasoned travelers — including NPR's international correspondents.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

How Much Sleep Do You Need? Tips for Better Slumber at Every Age - The New York Times

Sleep needs shift throughout the lifespan. Experts offer tips to get more rest — no matter how old you are.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

Drinking Water Before Bed Might Help You Sleep Better, Age Better and Boost Your Energy Levels

Drinking water in bed might be the most simple way to improve your overall health, from aging better to sleeping deeper.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

How to reclaim your sleep and escape the exhaustion epidemic | BBC Science Focus Magazine

Tired all the time? You’re not alone. Here’s how to reclaim your rest and escape the exhaustion epidemic

Health & Fitness | Sleep

This Is How Often You Should Wash Your Sheets and Bed (and the Best Way to Keep It Clean)

Have you always wondered when the right time is to wash your bed sheets? We’ve got you covered.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

5 Tips for Becoming A Morning Person

Even the most dedicated night owls can train themselves to become early risers.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

How many hours of sleep do you actually need? | Popular Science

How much sleep do we actually need? And can we train ourselves to need less? Find out.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

Why Sleep Is the Glue That Holds Our Lives Together - Thrive Global

Sleep often ends up being the last thing on our to-do list. Really, it should be the first.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

Shuteye and Sleep Hygiene: The Truth About Why You Keep Waking up at 3 a.m.

You eschew caffeine after lunch, have stopped drinking alcohol and eat healthily. But you’re still staring at the ceiling in the small hours. Here’s why.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

Sleep tips from experts that might surprise you - Vox

How to sleep better (without giving up naps or your phone in bed).

Health & Fitness | Sleep

Sleep More, Save the Planet? | Atmos

Who has the right to sleep? In the ongoing climate crisis, it’s just another area where the scales are tipped toward injustice.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Shuteye and Sleep Hygiene: The Truth About Why You Keep Waking up at 3 a.m.

    You eschew caffeine after lunch, have stopped drinking alcohol and eat healthily. But you’re still staring at the ceiling in the small hours. Here’s why.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    How to Sleep: Try Japan’s Kaizen Method to Cure Insomnia and Sleep Anxiety

    Having trouble falling asleep? The Japanese word ‘Kaizen’, which means ‘change’, could transform your bedtime routine and help tackle insomnia.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    How the 3-3-1 Rule Can Help You Fall Asleep Quickly and Reduce Anxiety | Inc.com

    Sleep is key to productivity -- but it also helps calm chronic anxiety. I've found a series of simple tactics that almost assures a good night's sleep (while reducing angst).

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    15 CEOs on How Much Sleep They Actually Get

    We asked 15 CEOs to tell us the truth about their nightly routines—and whether they get up as early as Tim Cook.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    What the Science Actually Says About Weighted Blankets

    Studies are scarce, but experts still recommend them wholeheartedly.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    What Happens to Your Body When You Start Napping Every Single Day

    Curious about the benefits of napping? Here's everything to know after one day to six months down the line.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    The 7 Types of Rest, and How to Get the Kind You Need

    If you never feel fully rested, it could be because you're not getting the right type of rest

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Scientists Talked To People In Their Dreams. They Answered : NPR

    Scientists have found that two-way communication is possible with someone who is asleep and dreaming. Specifically, lucid dreaming — dreaming while being aware you're dreaming.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    The 7 types of rest that every person needs |

    Are you getting your seven or eight hours of sleep a night -- yet you still feel exhausted? Here's why that could be happening, according to physician Saundra Dalton-Smith.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Feeling Sleepy? Six Findings That Reveal The Nuanced Effects Of Poor Sleep – Research Digest

    By Emma Young. Too little sleep can be bad for us — but it's not always the disaster it’s held up to be.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Quick Video Sleep Tip to Prime You for Sweet Dreams

    Some quick and easy self-care strategies to help improve your sleep ???? In this sleep tip, we go over an easy way to set up your thoughts and your unconscious ...

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Overcoming Burnout and Healing Insomnia in Two Easy Steps | Dr. Dyan

    Reduce insomnia and manage anxiety by following these simple steps. Read more to learn how to reset the mind, relax, and practice self care throughout the day.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Dr. Dyan Haspel-Johnson's Tuesday Sleep Tip - How to Ground Yourself Throughout the Day

    Some quick and easy self-care strategies to help improve your sleep ???? In this sleep tip, we go over an easy way to ground yourself through the day to relax t...

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Dr. Dyan Haspel-Johnson's Tuesday Sleep Tip - How to ground and center throughout the day

    Some quick and easy self-care strategies to help improve your sleep ???? In this sleep tip, we go over an easy way to ground and center quickly throughout the d...

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Self-Hypnosis for Better Sleep: Calm and Cozy podcast with guest Dr. Dyan Haspel-Johnson

    Looking for the best podcasts about hypnosis? Or great sleep tips? Listen to help insomnia, lower anxiety, mind body healing, & for alternative health tips.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Dr. Dyan Haspel-Johnson's Tuesday Sleep Tip - About Hypnosis: Time Distortion

    Some quick and easy self-care strategies to help improve your sleep. In this sleep tip, we go over the hypnotic characteristic of how time slows down and sp...

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Your Insomnia and Sleep Symptoms Are Telling You Something | Dr. Dyan

    Sleep symptoms are your unconscious giving you clues. Find out what it means to have insomnia vs fatigue vs. nightmares. Unlock the language of sleep.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep and the Immune System and How to Support Them | Dr. Dyan

    Sleep and the immune system go hand in hand. These tips help you to boost the immune system and sleep better by finding small pockets of rest.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Dreams, nightmares, and how they connect us to ourselves | Dr. Dyan

    Dreams and nightmares are broken down into 3 categories. Understand their purposes, how they guide us and then direct dreams to lead to healing and insight.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep and the Immune System and How to Support Them | Dr. Dyan

    Sleep and the immune system go hand in hand. These tips help you to boost the immune system and sleep better by finding small pockets of rest.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Why Prioritizing Sleep in the Time of Coronavirus Is So Important

    As our routines change, setting consistent bedtime schedules can help us regain control and combat feelings of stress and anxiety.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Busy? What’s busy got to do with sleep? – SleepHub

    Being busy over a prolonged period of time is an important trigger for long-term problems with insomnia, depression and anxiety.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Poor Sleep Elevates Next-Day Blood Pressure, Study Finds

    Tossing and turning all night may not be more than just miserable for the mind. Poor sleep may also lead to higher blood pressure the next day, a new study finds.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep & Hypnosis with Dr. Dyan Haspel-Johnson - The Snooze Button

    If the first thing you think of when you hear the word “hypnosis” is a Vegas act making people bark like a dog, this episode is for you. If you’ve tried just about…

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Common Themes in Dreams About the Pandemic | Psychology Today

    A few dreams show glimmers of hope for the future, although right now they are rare green shoots amid a dark and frightening dreamscape.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Why Prioritizing Sleep in the Time of Coronavirus Is So Important

    As our routines change, setting consistent bedtime schedules can help us regain control and combat feelings of stress and anxiety.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Study suggests that cannabis helps to induce sleep but does not help prevent nightly awakenings

    Cannabis appears to help induce sleep but it does not seem to promote sleep continuity, according to new preliminary research published in the journal ...

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Self-Medication: Study Finds Deep Sleep 'Rewires' The Brain To Eliminate Anxiety

    Falling into a deep sleep soothes the brain into a relaxed state, allowing it to reset inter-neural connections and reinvigorate itself, a new study finds.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Study: Science Underestimated The Dangers Of Sleep Deprivation - Study Finds

    According to a new study, sleep deprivation is even more detrimental to our bodies and ability to complete tasks than previously thought.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    New Study Pinpoints Why Sleep Is Often the Best Medicine | Psychology Today

    Researchers in Germany have identified why sleep is often the best medicine and why sleep deprivation can increase someone's odds of getting sick.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Committing to Sleep Can Change Your Life — Find Out for Yourself

    The science shows sleep helps you stay healthy and get the best out of life.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    What does science tell us about music and insomnia? | Sleep Research | Sleep Junkies

    Research shows that music can be a non-addictive and cost-effective way to reduce the time it takes you to fall asleep and lessen sleep disturbances.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Hypnotic Suggestions Given Before Nighttime Sleep Extend Slow-Wave Sleep as Compared to a Control Text in Highly Hypnoti

    (2020). Hypnotic Suggestions Given Before Nighttime Sleep Extend Slow-Wave Sleep as Compared to a Control Text in Highly Hypnotizable Subjects. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis: Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 105-129.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep Secrets That You’ve Been Searching For | Dr. Dyan

    Get 3 easy sleep secrets that you can start tonight to help you sleep better, feel calmer, and connect mind and body. Sleep naturally with these simple tips

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    How Sleep Changes Your Brain, From Infancy to Old Age, According to Science

    Neuroscience reveals many ways sleep changes our brain, from neuron growth to white matter density and the developmental dangers of jet lag.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Self-Medication: Study Finds Deep Sleep 'Rewires' The Brain To Eliminate Anxiety

    Falling into a deep sleep soothes the brain into a relaxed state, allowing it to reset inter-neural connections and reinvigorate itself, a new study finds.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Study: Long Naps, Sleeping For More Than 9 Hours Increases Stroke Risk

    A new study finds that regularly taking naps that exceed 90 minutes, or sleeping for over 9 hours each night, may raise one's chances of suffering a stroke.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep Demons: Bill Hayes on REM, the Poetics of Yawns, and Maurice Sendak’s Antidote to Insomnia – Brain Pickings

    “Sleep acts … more like an emotion than a bodily function. As with desire, it resists pursuit. Sleep must come find you.”

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Hypnosis Changed My Life and my Sleep

    When my anxiety and insomnia returned, my therapist suggested a new form of treatment. The results challenged my inner skeptic.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    3 Easy Steps to Overcome Trouble Sleeping and Other Symptoms

    Trouble sleeping? Tired of being tired? Here are 3 steps to help you listen to your symptoms to calm your mind and heal your body so that you can sleep

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    When Sleep Improves so Does Anxiety, Depression, and Paranoia

    Study finds therapy designed to treat insomnia also reduced paranoia and hallucinations, and improved depression and anxiety in patients

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep Quality Shown to Improve with Digital CBT

    By Jack Barton. Screens are often blamed for damaging our sleep and mental health - but technology can be a force for good.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Here's the Lowdown on Why We Dream

    The science and secrets behind dreams and how they affect our sleep and waking moments.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    10 Great Morning and Night Practices to Help You Sleep

    Experts give suggestions on how to start your morning, prepare for the day ahead, and wind down before you go to sleep.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Another Study Shows Teens Do Better with Later Start Times

    Researchers discovered that middle and high school students slept longer and were less likely to be too drowsy to finish their homework if their schools started later in the morning.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    You're Sleep Wake Cycle May Seem Challenging for a Reason

    Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders refer to a group of conditions in which the timing of sleep is affected. Circadian rhythms are often referred to as the body’s internal clock or the biological clock. Individuals with a circadian rhythm sleep-wake d

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    6-8 Hours is the Perfect Amount of Sleep. Here's Why

    Just like Goldilocks in pursuit of the perfect bowl of porridge, logging six to eight hours of sleep each night is just right for heart health. Any more or less than that amount of time can potentially be detrimental to our hearts, new research shows.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Research Shows That Late Night Snacks Disturb Sleep

    We've all been there. That late night craving for some junk food sets in, even though it's way too late to be eating. Most of the time all it takes is a little bit of willpower to resist, but giving in to temptation from time to time happens to the best o

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Here are 21 Easy Things that Can Improve Your Sleep

    These simple tweaks will help you fall asleep faster and get better quality sleep this year.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Third Of Adults Still Sleep With 'Comfort Object' From Childhood, Survey Shows

    Getting a good night's sleep is a just as much as challenge as it is a priority for many of us, which is why people often turn to various nighttime "rituals" before and after hitting the sack.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Study: Roller-Coaster Sleeping Habits Weaken Focus, Creativity

    A new study finds that staying up late on some nights and then binge sleeping on others can take a toll on one's focus and creativity levels.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Survey: Average American Has 99 'Terrible' Nights Of Sleep Each Year - Study Finds

    With as many as 70 million adults in the U.S. suffering from a sleep disorder, there's no question that a good night's rest is incredibly valuable to many. Just how valuable, you ask? According to one survey, the average American would pay $290 for a perf

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Mild Sleep Problems May Cause Elevated Blood Pressure in Women, Study Finds

    Previous research has indicated that chronic sleep deprivation can cause cardiovascular problems, but a new study shows that, for women, even less worrisome sleeping issues may lead to higher blood pressure.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Be More Productive At Work If You Get 7-8 Hours Of Sleep Every Night

    Getting less sleep on a regular basis doesn’t necessarily mean you'll get more done with all that extra time on your hands. A recent study reveals that people who battle sleeping problems may actually be less productive on the job. 

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    How a person sleeps is partially reflective of their personality, study finds

    New research published in the European Journal of Personality has found that some personality traits are connected to how long and how well people sleep. ...

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Researchers Identify Sleep As A Key Reason Why Personality Traits Predict Longevity – Research Digest

    By Christian Jarrett. People with certain personality characteristics are more likely to sleep too little, or too much, or to experience greater sleepiness during the day, and in turn this raises their risk of dying.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Survey: Average American Has 99 'Terrible' Nights Of Sleep Each Year - Study Finds

    With as many as 70 million adults in the U.S. suffering from a sleep disorder, there's no question that a good night's rest is incredibly valuable to many. Just how valuable, you ask? According to one survey, the average American would pay $290 for a perf

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Self-Soothing Techniques That Will Help Your Toddler Fall Asleep Right Away - Thrive Global

    3-year-olds have inordinate amounts of energy and it’s hard to calm them down, but this system of self-soothing really works.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    17 Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night

    This article lists 17 evidence-based tips to sleep better at night. Getting good sleep is very important for optimal health.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    A Lack of Sleep Affects Not Just Your Health, But Your Attitude and Mood

    Insufficient sleep clouds your perspective and challenges your ability to regulate your emotions. Here's what to do about it.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    The Struggle Is Real: Baby Sleep Problems Can Lead To Parental Depression

    Most parents of newborns know the struggle that comes with getting babies to sleep through the night. Now a recent study shows baby sleep problems may actually lead to depression for some.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Study: Babies Introduced To Solid Foods Earlier Sleep Longer, Wake Less Frequently At Night - Study Finds

    If getting your infant to wake up less frequently overnight and log more hours of shuteye overall, then this research is for you. A new study finds that babies transitioned to solid food earlier sleep longer and woke less frequently overnight compared to

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Survey: Average American Has 99 'Terrible' Nights Of Sleep Each Year - Study Finds

    With as many as 70 million adults in the U.S. suffering from a sleep disorder, there's no question that a good night's rest is incredibly valuable to many. Just how valuable, you ask? According to one survey, the average American would pay $290 for a perf

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    6 Ways Sleep Boosts Your Brainpower: Memory, Mood, Creativity

    You’ll see powerful effects on your mood, creativity, memory and more.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Why You Can’t Think Straight When You’re Sleep Deprived | Psychology Today

    It’s difficult to identify a cognitive skill that isn’t affected by sleep, and compromised by sleep deprivation.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    How Your Stomach Could Be Impacting Your Sleep | Psychology Today

    We’ve learned a staggering amount about the microbiome and its relationship to sleep in recent years.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    How Your Sleep Can Impact Distraction Levels | Psychology Today

    There are countless distractions challenging us in modern life. Your sleep habits can make it better—or worse.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep: A simple way to improve wellbeing

    The Simple And Essential Way To Improve Your Wellbeing And Live A LONG Time

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Study: New Sleep Med May Prevent People From Snoozing Through Emergencies - Study Finds

    Popping a sleeping pill to ensure sound shuteye may get you extra rest, but it also might prevent you from waking up in the event of an emergency

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Study: Women Who Are 'Early Birds' Are Less Likely To Develop Depression - Study Finds

    Women who find themselves feeling blue may want to consider changing their bedtimes. A recent study found that middle-aged women who both go to bed and rise earlier are less likely to develop depression than others in the same demographic.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Deep Sleep A Natural 'Fountain Of Youth' In Old Age, Study Says

    A new study finds that seniors who don't get enough deep sleep are more likely to suffer from memory loss and life-threatening ailments like heart disease.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Study: 7 In 10 Teens Don't Get Enough Sleep, Raising Risk For Drug Use, Suicidal Thoughts - Study Finds

    According to sleep experts, teenagers need between eight and ten hours of sleep every night, but a new study finds that when they're not meeting that standard, they're more prone to risky behaviors.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    if you’re sensitive to alcohol, you’re probably sensitive to sleep deprivation too

    By Julia Gottwald. It seems alcohol intoxication and sleep deprivation are more similar than we once thought.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    A Top Sleep Scientist Shares the Nighttime Routine She Swears By

    Cheri Mah, MS, MD is one of the most sought after sleep scientists in the sports world, consulting with Olympians and a growing list of professional teams including the Golden State Warriors. Here, Dr. Mah, a Physician Scientist at the University of Calif

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep Deprivation Makes Your Anxiety Peak

    According to two new studies, a lack of sleep is associated with both increased anxiety and increased anger, both of which can also lead to further sleep deprivation, creating a cyclical problem.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    5 Steps to Wind Down and Fall Asleep - Mindful

    How to stop tossing and turning and get some quality shut-eye.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    weird dreams actually make sense (according to neuroscience and psychology)

    Think of it as your brain’s version of throwing spaghetti against the wall and seeing what sticks.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Struggling in the Dark - Mindful

    Lots of research tells us what the best habits are around sleep, but if we are trying too hard day and night, rest may not come easily.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep Trackers May Actually Make Your Sleep Worse, Study Finds

    A new study finds that wearable sleep trackers, such as ones found in some smart watches, might actually make your sleep worse.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    'World's Largest Sleep Study' Finds 7 To 8 Hours A Night Is Best For Our Brain - Study Finds

    Researchers behind what's touted as the "world's largest sleep study" say sleeping for seven to eight hours a night -- no more, no less -- will put you at the top of your game the following day.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    A new blood test may detect sleep deprivation

    Sleeplessness can lead to a number of negative outcomes, from lost work to car crashes, but a new blood test may now be able to measure sleep deprivation.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Study: Sleep-Deprived Drivers Up To 15 Times More Likely To Be Involved In Crash - Study Finds

    A new study finds that drivers who slept for less than four hours were 15 times more likely to cause a crash, compared to drivers who slept seven to nine hours, the recommended level for adults.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep Quality Affects Children's Eating Habits, Linked To Obesity - Study Finds

    Children who struggle to sleep soundly may battle eating issues and struggle to maintain a healthy weight over time, a recent study finds.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Debunking Sleep Myths: Is the Only Symptom of Insomnia Having Trouble Falling Asleep? - National Sleep Foundation

    The causes of insomnia are vast and varied. Check out what might be behind the sleepless nights at your house.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Study: Sleeping Longer Can Lead To A Healthier Diet - Study Finds

    In case you needed a reason to stay in bed more, a new study finds that sleeping longer may lead you to being a better eater.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    The Healthy And Wealthy Track Sleep Habits The Most In The U.S., Study Finds - Study Finds

    NEW YORK — Looking to adopt the habits of the well-to-do? You may want to think about paying more attention to your sleep. People who use smartphone apps to track and monitor their sleep habits tend to be wealthier and report themselves as healthier tha

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Study: Sleeping Longer Can Lead To A Healthier Diet - Study Finds

    In case you needed a reason to stay in bed more, a new study finds that sleeping longer may lead you to being a better eater.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    How to Stop Worrying and Fall Asleep Faster

    New research says that mindfulness therapy, which focuses on helping people get over their anxieties about not falling asleep, may be an effective treatment for insomnia.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    A Lack of Sleep Triggers Viral Loneliness | Thrive Global

    A recent study found a direct link between poor sleep and social isolation. Here's what the researchers want you to know about their findings.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep Quantity vs. Sleep Quality

    Logging major hours of sleep each night but still feeling exhausted? You may need to focus on quality, not quantity.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Fall Asleep Fast

    Tired of tossing and turning? Follow these four easy strategies to help you fall asleep faster.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Using an Alarm Clock, Alarmed in the A.M.

    An alarm clock does just what its name suggests - it alarms us, every morning. That can't be healthy. Is there an alternative?

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Does "Sleep Hacking" Work? | Mark's Daily Apple

    You can "hack" a lot of your health, diet, and lifestyle. You can cook the entire week's meals ahead of time, buy high-quality prepackaged foods and ready-to-cook meals, cover your nutritional bases with smart supplementation. You can condense y

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    8 Hours Of Sleep An Easy Antidote For Depression, Anxiety

    Not getting the recommended eight hours of sleep a night may do more than make someone groggy and unfocused. It may even lead to depression and anxiety, according to a new study.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Study: Student Athletes Often Suffer Sleep Paralysis, Hallucinations In Bed - Study Finds

    Despite the many health benefits associated with playing sports, a new study finds that student athletes are prone to sleep paralysis and dream-like hallucinations while waking up or falling asleep.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    6 Calming Affirmations to Say to Yourself the Next Time You Can't Sleep

    To get a better night's rest, try using the mantras in Jennifer Williamson's new book, Sleep Affirmations: 200 Phrases for a Deep and Peaceful Sleep.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Brain Changes Linked to Sleep Need - Sleep Review

    We've all experienced going to bed tired and waking up refreshed, yet how that happens at the molecular level remains a mystery.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    The 11 Kinds of Insomnia - Health

    Can't sleep? Here are 11 types of insomnia developed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    How to Shut Off Your Brain When You Can’t Sleep - Health

    Racing thoughts at night could be a sign of anxiety or insomnia. Use these tricks to shut your brain off, stop the racing thoughts, and go to sleep

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    What It’s Really Like to Fall Asleep When You Live With Anxiety

    A woman with anxiety shares what it's like to fall asleep when she's experiencing intense anxiety at night.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Eliminating Pain Is Key to Improving Sleep - Sleep Review

    A board-certified internist and expert in pain and sleep explains 4 health domains for pain alleviation, as well as 7 common causes of pain (and how to get rid of each).

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Fibromyalgia and Sleep Disorders: Link Between Sleep Apnea, Insomnia and Restless Legs Syndrome

    A Bel Marra Health report examines the connection between fibromyalgia and sleep disorders such as insomnia and restless legs syndrome.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    How to Address Fibromyalgia to Improve Sleep Disorder Treatments

    A board-certified internist and expert in pain and sleep explains how to easily diagnose and treat fibromyalgia, including how and why it's so important to optimize sleep in these patients.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Electric light, particularly at night, disrupts human circadian rhythmicity: is that a problem?

    Over the past 3 billion years, an endogenous circadian rhythmicity has developed in almost all life forms in which daily oscillations in physiology occur. This allows for anticipation of sunrise and sunset. This physiological rhythmicity is kept at precis

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Insomnia: Sleep Tips Slideshow

    Can't sleep? Start using the tips from this WebMD slideshow tonight to sleep better.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Study: Weekend Sleep-Ins May Help You Live Longer

    There was a 65% higher death rate for people who regularly slept less than 5 hours on all nights, compared with people who regularly slept 6 to 7 hours per night.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    How to sleep better and live longer - just by re-setting your body clock!

    The field of circadian biology — the study of the human body clock — is radically changing the way we understand how the body and the mind function. Here's how it can help you.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Is Sleep Apnea Affecting Your Daily Life?

    Sleep apnea is typically associated with snoring, so it can be a surprise to learn that there are daytime symptoms too. Read on to learn how to I.D. the disorder.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Caregivers: How to Carve Out More Time for Yourself—and for Sleep

    Overseeing a loved one’s health is a rewarding but often exhausting experience. Learn how to make the job easier with these 3 sleep-better strategies.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    What Is Sleep Paralysis, and How Do You Stop It?

    Sleep paralysis is more common than you probably think — but that doesn’t make it any less scary. Here’s what causes it, and how to stop it.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    How to end your day in a happy note

    It is important to finish our day in a good way, we need to prepare ourselves for another happy day. Here are my suggestions on how to end a day in a happy way

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Why Do I Wake Up Feeling Like I Never Slept?

    A new study helps explain why so many insomniacs feel like they never fell asleep: It’s possible to remain consciously aware while your brain (or parts of it, anyway) is in a sleep pattern.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Arianna Huffington became successful after she started sleeping well

    Arianna Huffington says believing this bad habit makes you successful is a "complete delusion."

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Why a lack of sleep makes us depressed

    Lie awake and you could be playing havoc with your amygdala.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    How Getting Enough Sleep Every Night Can Help You Ward Off Diseases

    Getting enough sleep each night plays a major role in how your body works. Find out how to reduce your risk for chronic disease with good old-fashioned shuteye.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Why Do We Need to Sleep?

    At a shiny new lab in Japan, an international team of scientists is trying to figure out what puts us under.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    What Is Sleep? Latest Research & Treatments

    Need to know more about What Is Sleep?? Find expert research & treatment advice from the American Sleep Association - Official Site.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep Hallucinations - Research & Treatments

    Need to know more about Sleep Hallucinations? Find expert research & treatment advice from the American Sleep Association - Official Site.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    What Snoring Is & How To Stop Snoring

    Need to know more about snoring? Find expert research & treatment advice from the American Sleep Association - Official Site.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Insomnia and Heart Disease

    Over the past decade increasing evidence has emerged indicating that insomnia, especially when it occurs in a setting of short sleep, is related to heart disease.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    The Importance of Sleep for Young Athletes Who Travel

    Not only can a healthy sleep schedule boost performance during a game, but it could also protect kids from getting injured.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Depression and Sleep

    Does your depression affect your ability to sleep? Don't worry, there are things you can do to sleep better with depression.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Why Am I Sleepy After Eating Lunch? A Role of Afternoon Circadian Dips

    Why do most people become sleepy after eating lunch? Learn about the link to your circadian rhythm and a few ways to counteract this desire to sleep.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep Statistics - Research & Treatments

    Need to know more about Sleep Statistics? Find expert research & treatment advice from the American Sleep Association - Official Site.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Calming Rituals to Help You Fall Asleep

    Tips for help to fall asleep fast by using calming rituals like yoga, deep breathing, meditation, and other relaxation methods.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Not a Morning Person? Learn How to Wake and Get Up Early

    What are the best ways to wake and get up early? Discover simple solutions to make mornings easier, including alarms, morning sunlight, and caffeine.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    We’re in a ‘Dream Deprivation’ Epidemic

    A new paper argues that a lack of dream sleep is a widespread public-health problem, one with dire implications for waking life.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Vicious Cycle of Insomnia and Sleeping Pills

    Talking to Matthew Walker, a sleep scientist and the author of the new book Why We Sleep, about sleeping pills and CBT-I.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep Deprivation Messes With The Brain's Emotional Response

    Lack of sleep throws the brain regions associated with emotion off balance, finds a new study.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Nobel Prize in medicine: US body clock scientists win

    Three US scientists have landed the Nobel Prize for Medicine for their discoveries explaining the inner workings of our biological clock.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    New: how sleep helps the brain to reorganize itself

    A study has given new insights into how sleep contributes to brain plasticity -- the ability for our brain to change and reorganise itself -- and could pave the way for new ways to help people with learning and memory disorders.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Treating Insomnia Could Help With Anxiety and Depression

    In a study of 3,700 people, cognitive behavioral therapy helped lift insomnia—and other mental health conditions.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Jet Lagged? Here's What to Do About It

    Planning an end-of-summer trip? Here's how to protect yourself from jet lag!

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    The SMC Ultimate Guide To Staying Cool During Hot Nights

    Fed up of losing sleep due to hot nights? Here's the ultimate guide to staying cool overnight, featuring our resource post and infographic.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    How To Sleep Better During Allergy Season

    If hay fever is keeping you awake at night during allergy season, try these techniques to help you sleep better.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    7 Sleep Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making

    22% of people complain they have trouble sleeping, but are they working to fix that? Here are 7 solutions to the sleep mistakes you don't know you're making

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    5 Ways To Combat Sleep Deprivation

    A good night’s sleep boosts brain power, helps build muscle, burns excess fat, and sets you up for the day ahead. It is, quite simply, one of the most im...

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Mastering Sleep Positions for Better Health

    Many factors that facilitate restful sleep, including room environment, mattress and pillow, but sleep positions are key for better sleep and health.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep Disorders May Impact Men and Women Differently

    Not all sleep disorders are created equally, apparently: A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine suggests men and women are affected differently by sleep-related issues like…

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Should You Take Melatonin for Insomnia?

    Insomnia is such a prevalent medical condition in this day and ag

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Which Came First, Sleep Problems or Anxiety?

    There's a strong link between anxiety and depression, and sleep problems, and it goes both ways.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    A Brief Guide on How to Sleep Better Every Night

    Want to learn how to sleep better? Look no further. This guide walks you through everything you need to know to learn how to sleep better every night.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    A Brief Guide on How to Sleep Better Every Night

    Want to learn how to sleep better? Look no further. This guide walks you through everything you need to know to learn how to sleep better every night.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Portions of the brain fall asleep and wake back up all the time

    New research finds that small regions of the brain cycle in and out of sleep, even when awake.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Scientists Can Now Tell If Someone Is Dreaming from Their Brain Waves

    People who are in a deep slumber may not be able to say whether they're dreaming, but their brain waves may reveal it.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    How to wake up earlier—with minimal misery

    Five simple steps to help you rise and grind, even if you're not a morning person.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    9 Ways To Bounce Back The Day After A Crappy Night's Sleep

    Really, the most important thing is that next night — it’s what will keep one bad day from becoming a pattern of sleeplessness.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleeping Through the Night Is a Relatively New Invention

    Shorter chunks of shut-eye used to be more normal than one long, uninterrupted snooze.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    #Stress Getting in the Way of Sleep? New Research Might Have the Answer

    New research finds an easy way that can help to protect against stress and restore healthy sleep patterns after a stressful event.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    To Sleep, Perhaps to Learn

    Odds are the kids in your life are not getting enough sleep. Scientists now know that sleep is needed for "smart forgetting."

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    What you can do to boost your immune system

    New research finds that cutting your sleep hours can create a depressed immune system.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    15 Sneaky Reasons You’re Always Tired

    Constant fatigue is a very uncomfortable, but very common, physical state. YouGov’s latest research shows that a significant number of Americans don’t fe...

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Adopting These Tough Morning Routines Will Make You Exceptionally Successful

    Your morning projects the vibe of the rest of your day, and that is something that the ultra-successful live by day-to-day. While the rest of the world i...

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Sleep Disturbances Have Many Causes

    Is chronic insomnia wearing you down? Learning about different kinds of sleep problems and their causes may help you find a more effective treatment.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    A Weekend Of Camping Can Cure You Sleep Woes

    NPR delivers breaking national and world news. Also top stories from business, politics, health, science, technology, music, arts and culture. Subscribe to podcasts and RSS feeds.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    What a Good Night’s Sleep Looks Like, By the Numbers

    A new report from the National Sleep Foundation outlines four criteria for measuring sleep quality.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    How to Fall Asleep Faster

    A few simple sleep hacks to help you minimize the time between going to bed and getting to bed.

    Health & Fitness | Sleep

    Even When You're Awake, Parts Of Your Brain Fall In And Out Of Sleep

    Tiny clusters of neurons continually cycle in and out of "offline" mode, new research finds.