Dr. Deplorable

Articles 207
Views 101.8K

Politics | Politics

Politics | Politics

Biden's campaign likely coming to an end -- thanks to Clinton-linked Ukraine bombshell, Nunes says | Fox News

Rep. Devin Nunes predicted on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures" that Joe Biden's campaign is likely coming to an end -- all because of reports about his possible misconduct in Ukraine that "first originated back when Hillary Clinton was trying to make su

Politics | Politics

Robert Johnson gives Trump 'credit for doing positive things'

"For African Americans, the trend continues to be favorable," says the entrepreneur who started The RLJ Cos. after selling BET in 2001.

Politics | Politics

Google is constantly looking for ways to manipulate the electoral process, former engineer says | Fox Business Video

Former Google engineer Kevin Cernekee explains how Google can potentially manipulate the electoral process and addresses the bias within the tech giant.

Politics | Politics

Monica Lewinsky produced season of ‘American Crime Story’ about Clinton sex scandal set to air before 2020 election | Fo

Monica Lewinksy produced the third season of American Crime Story centered on the scandals leading up to former president Bill Clinton’s impeachment hearing in the 90s which is set to air in the final weeks of the 2020 presidential election.  

Politics | Politics

Bob Woodson: Warren's claims of Trump racism on health care and environment are 'insulting and condescending' | Fox News

The claim by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., that President Trump is advancing environmental and health care racism insults African-Americans, according to Bob Woodson.

Politics | Politics

African American faith leaders defend Trump after White House meeting: 'He's not a racist' | Fox News

President Trump is not racist and his meeting with 20 pastors and faith leaders from the African American community was not a photo-op, Dr. Alveda King told Fox News amid accusations from the Left.

Politics | Politics

Rebecca Grant: What’s behind Trump’s selection of John Ratcliffe as director of national intelligence? | Fox News

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, who has sometimes been at odds with President Trump, is stepping down Aug. 15, the president announced in a tweet Sunday. Trump wants to replace Coats with Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, a fierce Trump defender

Politics | Politics

Pro-China Communists Working to Mobilize 40 Million New Voters Against Trump

President Donald Trump and the Republican Party better be ready for a tsunami of new Democratic voters coming their way in 2020.

Politics | Politics

Puerto Rico Is So Corrupt, New Scandal Breaks While People Still Protesting Old One

As thousands gathered to protest the U.S. territory’s government after a recent scandal was brought to light, an entirely new scandal came out of nowhere.

Politics | Politics

The “Fine People” Hoax Funnel - Dilbert Blog

I’ve been publicly debunking the “fine people” hoax since 2017. The press created the hoax by consistently and intentionally omitting the second half of President Trump’s comments about Charlottesville. If you only see or hear the first half of what the p

Politics | Politics

Pompeo launches commission to ground foreign policy in US founding principles | Fox News

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday unveiled the formation of a commission aimed at grounding future foreign policy discussions in America's founding principles. 

Politics | Politics

Left-wing billionaire George Soros accused by Albania's president of 'conspiracy' aimed at destabilizing country | Fox N

The president of Albania on Tuesday denounced municipal elections that took place on Sunday as a “farce”, accusing left-wing billionaire philanthropist George Soros of being involved in a “conspiracy”

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The Trump economy is destroying the Obama coalition | TheHill

The Trump economy will continue to drive the revolution and change the political landscape.

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Business executives come back to Trump a year after Charlottesville - POLITICO

Some who publicly divorced him after his refusal to condemn white supremacists amid racist violence are back at Bedminster for an official dinner.

Politics | Politics

Trump unravels more of Obama's legacy, with proposed freeze on mileage rules | Fox News

The Trump administration on Thursday moved to freeze fuel economy standards in what officials described as an effort to give drivers access to “safer” and “more affordable” vehicles, in the latest swipe at former President Barack Obama's legacy.

Politics | Politics

Dershowitz: Manafort's Crime 'Is Being Associated with Donald Trump' - They're Trying to 'Squeeze' Him | Breitbart

On Tuesday's broadcast of the Fox News Channel's "Tucker Carlson Tonight, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz stated that Paul Manafort's "crime is | Breitbart TV

Politics | Politics

Pastor Predicts Donald Trump Will Be 'The Most Pro-Black President in Our Lifetime’ | Breitbart

Pastor Darrell Scott thanked Trump for helping inner-city communities, predicting he would be the “most pro-black president in our lifetime.”

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Watch Live: Christians United for Israel, Day 2 | Breitbart

Christians United for Israel (CUFI) holds the second day of its Washington Summit Tuesday in Washington, D.C.

Politics | Politics

Today's Hysteria Over Trump Is Worse Than The McCarthy Era

You and I are living through the greatest mass hysteria in American history. For many Americans, the McCarthy era held that dubious distinction, but what is happening now is incomparably worse.

Politics | Politics

Left And Their Biased Media Allies Confused By Trump's Continued Popularity

If you listen closely, you can hear that primal scream of panic coming from the nation's big media. Despite their Trump-hatred, he continues to gain in popularity.

Politics | Politics

Rapidly Growing Healthcare Solution Keeps Government Out of Medical Costs | Breitbart

The following post is sponsored by Liberty HealthShare. The story of one of today’s most rapidly growing healthcare solutions dates back to the early | Medicine

Politics | Politics

Gregg Jarrett: Comey and Strzok -- Two key players in the scheme to clear Clinton and frame Trump | Fox News

In one of the more stunning revelations contained in the report compiled by the Justice Department’s watchdog, former FBI Director James Comey claimed he doesn’t remember the moment he decided – and put down in writing -- that Hillary Clinton had co

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Survivors of socialist regimes react to Democrats' agenda | Fox News Video

Immigrants from Albania, Russia and Nicaragua react to the rise of 'Democratic socialism' in America.

Politics | Politics

Virginia County Votes to Arm Teachers, Pay for Their Guns | Breitbart

Virginia's Lee County school district voted to arm teachers and pay for their guns and training.

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Liberal Law Professor Responds to Left's Attacks After Defending Judge Kavanaugh | Fox News Insider

A politically liberal law professor who taught Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh in college received harsh backlash for writing an opinion editorial in the New York Times that defended the jurist.

Politics | Politics

Obama Paid Iran Much More Than Trump Wants for the Wall - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Rush Limbaugh, America's Anchorman and Doctor of Democracy, is known as the pioneer of AM radio. Limbaugh revolutionized the media and political landscape with his unprecedented combination o f serious discussion of political, cultural and social i

Politics | Politics

Devin Nunes Refers Clinton Confident Sidney Blumenthal for Testimony in Russia Probe | Breitbart

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., has referred 15 individuals, including longtime Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, for possible “open setting” testimony in the ongoing Russia investigation.

Politics | Politics

Young White Men Abandon Democrats, Flock to Trump's Economic Nationalism | Breitbart

President Trump's reshaping of the GOP from being aligned to the Chamber of Commerce to a party serving the interests of America's working and middle class is winning over young white American men en masse. | Big Government

Politics | Politics

Viral ‘Walk Away’ Videos Highlight Growing Movement of Democrats Leaving the Party | The Epoch Times

News Analysis When actor James Woods tweeted out the hashtag “#WalkAway” in late June, even the alt-right missed the enormity of what lay beneath it. The Democratic Party had, in fact, struck an iceberg. Some 5 million people on Facebook and YouTube h

Politics | Politics

MUELLER’S MISSION: Judge Says Mueller ‘Using’ Manafort to ‘TARGET’ Trump | Sean Hannity

A federal judge slammed Robert Mueller’s year-long investigation in a ruling released this week, saying “even a blind person can see” the...

Politics | Politics

Hillary Clinton Endorses Harassment of Women in Government

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton criticized calls for civility from Conservatives as Trump officials face public harassment over the administration's immigration policies. 

Politics | Politics

Never Trump Fail: President Enjoys Record Support from Republicans

The latest polling shows President Trump enjoying record support from Republicans, proving once again just how little influence and moral authority Never Trump has.

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Obama stand-down on Russia probe looks completely partisan: Varney | Fox Business

Why, oh why, did Obama's national security adviser shut down the Russia meddling investigation?

Politics | Politics

The FBI DELIBERATELY IGNORED ‘Golden Emails,’ Crucial Abedin Messages And More | The Daily Caller

Weiner laptop likely has answers to questions about Clinton her Clinton Foundation pay-to-play, obstruction of justice and possible espionage act violations

Politics | Politics

Clinton gets 'kid gloves,' while Trump gets 'brass knuckles:' Grassley on IG report | Fox Business

Inspector General Michael Horowitz reviews whether Peter Strzok's anti-trump bias impacted the launch of the Russia probe.

Politics | Politics

Donald Trump blesses House Republicans' immigration bill - Washington Times

President Trump blessed House Republicans' compromise immigration bill "1,000 percent" Tuesday, giving political cover to conservatives looking to back the bill and creating momentum ahead of a showdown vote expected this week.

Politics | Politics

Republicans demand names of anti-Trump FBI employees from bombshell IG report | Fox News

A group of eight House Republicans has asked Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz to give them the names of FBI employees mentioned in last week's report on the Hillary Clinton email investigation, some of whom were portrayed as anti-Trum

Politics | Politics

Satisfaction With U.S. Direction Reaches 12-Year High

Americans' satisfaction with the way things are going in the country has reached a 12-year high of 38%, one point above last month's satisfaction rate.

Politics | Politics

How Stephen Miller became Trump's trusted adviser: Bio, photos, career - Business Insider

Stephen Miller has a long history of controversy, and he has become a key policy driver in the Trump White House, playing a major role in government shutdown negotiations and enacting the controversial "zero tolerance" policy of separating migra

Politics | Politics

Mitch McConnell: 'Why Can't the Mueller Investigation Finally Wrap Up?'

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell suggested Friday special counsel Robert Mueller should conclude his investigation into possible collusion between Russia and Trump campaign officials. 

Politics | Politics

Donald Trump: ‘Unfair’ for Paul Manafort to Go to Prison When Hillary Clinton Is Free

President Donald Trump commented Friday about former campaign manager Paul Manafort, who was sent to jail for alleged witness tampering after his bail was revoked.

Politics | Politics

Backlash after Bill Clinton notes changing 'norms' about 'what you can do to somebody against their will' | Fox News

Former President Bill Clinton, in a recent discussion with PBS about former Senator Al Franken, noted changing “norms” about “what you can do to somebody against their will.”

Politics | Politics

DOJ excoriates University of Michigan's 'bias response team,' says free speech is 'under attack' | Fox News

The University of Michigan's sweeping bias response policy violates the First Amendment by punishing students for offenses as minor as hurting their classmates' feelings, the Justice Department said Monday in a statement of interest filed in federal court

Politics | Politics

James Clapper Concedes Obama’s Iran Deal Gave Away ‘Too Much for What We’d Gotten’ | Breitbart

NEW YORK -- James Clapper, director of National Intelligence under the Obama administration, issued rare criticism of aspects of the Obama-brokered international nuclear deal with Iran. - clapper | Breitbart Jerusalem

Politics | Politics

EXCLUSIVE - Juanita Broaddrick: NBC Skipped 'Perfect Opportunity' to Ask Bill Clinton About Rape Allegations | Breitbart

Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick says she was “sickened” by NBC’s interview of Clinton in which the network only asked the former president about his consensual affair with Monica Lewinsky in the context of the current #MeToo era.

Politics | Politics

Terry McAuliffe: The Clintons Did 'a Horrible Thing' to Monica Lewinsky | Breitbart

Sunday on MSNBC's "Kasie DC," longtime Clinton confidant and former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-VA) said former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did "a horrible thing" in the way they attacked former W

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GOP doubles female recruits for congressional races | TheHill

House Republicans have doubled the number of female candidates they have recruited to run for congressional seats this year as they seek to hold their majority and counter accusations of a gender gap with Democrats.

Politics | Politics

Supreme Court decides Colorado gay wedding cake case: A timeline of events | Fox News

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Colorado baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding ceremony.

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Bill Clinton: I wouldn't have done anything differently in Lewinsky scandal even in #MeToo era

Former President Bill Clinton says that, even in light of the #MeToo movement, he would not have approached how he dealt with Monica Lewinsky any differently.

Politics | Politics

Trump addresses Roseanne racist tweets, ABC cancellation, slams Bob Iger - Business Insider

President Donald Trump on Wednesday weighed in on the controversy surrounding a racist tweet sent by Roseanne Barr. The tweet, along with other controversial posts, led ABC to cancel her show.

Politics | Politics

The Media Who Cried Wolf: Anit-Trump Bias Hurts Media Most

How is President Trump surviving the relentless onslaught of negative media?   The counter-intuitive conclusion is that this unparalleled negative coverage is more damaging to the source than the target.

Politics | Politics

Poll: Two-Thirds of Americans Give Trump Credit for Economy | Breitbart

Sixty-eight percent of adults -- and of swing-voting independents -- give credit to President Donald Trump's policies for the good economy, according to a new CBS poll.   - economy | 2018 Elections

Politics | Politics

Judicial Watch Sues State, Treasury Departments for Records on $400 Million Cash Payment to Iran - Judicial Watch

Payment was Delivered near Same Time Five American Hostages Were Released  (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the State and Treasury Departments for records on the Obama a

Politics | Politics

Democrats' Economic Quandary in 2018 Messaging | RealClearPolitics

Democratic campaign operatives have acknowledged that running against Donald Trump and the White House controversy du jour -- at the expense of more substantive policy issues -- could weaken their...

Politics | Politics

Black Support For Trump Is Rising Into The Danger Zone For Democrats

If black support for Trump gets into double figures, the Democratic Party will have to look for different themes than Russia and Stormy Daniels.

Politics | Politics

Democrats’ Resistance Narrative Is Crumbling. Republicans, Step Up Your Game. | National Review

Message to suicidal congressional Republicans, especially senators: Step in from the ledge and legislate.

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Study: Nearly 40 Percent of Top Liberal Arts Colleges Have No GOP Professors | Fox News Insider

A new study found that 39 percent of "top-tier liberal arts colleges" in the United States don't have any Republicans on their faculties.

Politics | Politics

Kanye Effect: Black Male Approval of Trump Doubles in One Week

According to a Reuters poll, approval for President Trump has doubled between April 22 and April 29, from 11 percent to 22 percent.

Politics | Politics

Tolerant San Francisco fed up with dirty, smelly streets - SFGate

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Though known for its compassion to the needy, San Francisco may have hit peak saturation with tent camps, stinky urine and trash littering the streets, and the new interim mayor has vowed to do something about it. In the last few week

Politics | Politics

Romney praises Trump's first year in office: It's similar to things 'I'd have done' | TheHill

Former GOP presidential nominee and current Senate candidate Mitt Romney praised President Trump's first year in office on Tuesday, saying it was similar to what the first year of a Romney administration would look like.

Politics | Politics

Lindsey Graham: I Don't Trust Comey --- 'He Was Part of an Effort at the FBI to Give Clinton a Pass' | Breitbart

Sunday on Fox News Channel's "Sunday Morning Futures," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said he does not "trust" Former FBI Director James Comey. Graham said, "James Comey — I don't trust him. I think he was part of an effort at the

Politics | Politics

Exclusive: Democrats lose ground with millennials - Reuters/Ipsos poll | Reuters

Enthusiasm for the Democratic Party is waning among millennials as its candidates head into the crucial midterm congressional elections, according to the Reuters/Ipsos national opinion poll.

Politics | Politics

Former White House Florist: State Visit Revealed First Lady Melania Trump's ‘Formidable’ Cultural Diplomacy

Laura Dowling took in the details of the Trump administration's first official state visit and dinner, from the French-infused culinary delicacies and floral arrangements to the operatic offering staged to entertain French President Emmanuel Macron, his w

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Blue State Blues: How Jeff Sessions Might Save the Republican Congress | Breitbart

Trump may have to thank Jeff Sessions for helping save the GOP Congress by mobilizing dormant conservatives in California around the "sanctuary state" fight.

Politics | Politics

Exclusive: Poll Shows Americans Side with Trump over Mueller Probe

A poll conducted of 1,000 likely voters by McLaughlin & Associates and former Clinton pollster Dick Morris provided exclusively to Breitbart News shows...

Politics | Politics

Alan Dershowitz: Trump foes seek to take away his legal rights -- endangering everyone's rights | Fox News

The anti-Trump forces are now so desperate to get the president convicted of a crime or impeached that they are prepared to compromise the most basic due process rights of the president and people associated with him.

Politics | Politics

UC Berkeley must face lawsuit alleging bias against conservative speakers

In a decision late Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Maxine Chesney in San Francisco said two conservative groups could pursue claims that the school applied its "high-profile speaker" and "major events" policies in a manner that unfairly

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Three More Border Patrol Agents Assaulted in South Texas

Illegal immigrants attempting to avoid capture assaulted three more Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents over the weekend. One of the incidents involved alleged drug smugglers.

Politics | Politics

Trump Russia Collusion: The Real Collusion Was In The Obama Administration

As the likelihood that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia seems headed toward zero, the likelihood of proof of a different form of collusion seems headed upward toward certainty.

Politics | Politics

Emails show Obama White House statements on Clinton probe worried FBI's Strzok | Fox News

James Comey isn’t the only one who took issue with Obama White House statements downplaying the Hillary Clinton email probe in 2016. A new email obtained by Fox News shows that even anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok was concerned about their comments at

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How long will I be allowed to remain a Christian? | Fox News

To say that Christians and Christianity are under a withering and brutal attack in certain areas of the world would be an understatement.

Politics | Politics

Andrew McCabe criminal referral sent to US attorney - Business Insider

The Justice Department's inspector general sent a criminal referral to the US attorney in Washington, DC, about Andrew McCabe, the former deputy FBI director.

Politics | Politics

Who is Kimba Wood? Judge on Cohen case officiated Soros wedding, was Clinton AG pick | Fox News

The federal judge presiding over the Michael Cohen case finds herself at the center of one of the toughest legal brawls of the Trump era -- but District Judge Kimba Wood is no stranger to the spotlight.

Politics | Politics

Homeless encampments increasingly affecting California train traffic | Fox News

The explosion of homeless encampments alongside railroad tracks has contributed to a spike in delays for California's rocketing passenger ridership, an outbreak of accidental fires and deadly collisions, frustrating executives who call the impact on passe

Politics | Politics

California’s crazy one-party liberal politics is why I had to finally leave the state -- and I’m not alone | Fox New

In 2011, after spending my adult life in California, working in the once-thriving aerospace industry there, serving 19 years in the state’s National Guard and six years in the legislature, I picked up my family and moved to Texas.

Politics | Politics

Poll: ‘Tepid’ Support from Young Voters, Minorities Could Cost Dems Midterms | Breitbart

The legacy media have been trying to spin the narrative that young voters in favor of gun control and minorities opposed to President Donald Trump’s immigration policies will power the blue wave Resistance in November. But a new Washington Post-ABC News

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Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

Rasmussen Reports - The best place to look for polls that are spot on

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McCabe Admonished FBI Officials For Leaks | The Daily Caller

As deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe "admonished" other FBI officials over leaks he himself authorized.

Politics | Politics

Trump lawyers argue material seized in Cohen raid is protected by attorney-client privilege | TheHill

President Trump’s lawyers argued Friday that records seized by the FBI from Trump’s personal lawyer's office are protected by attorney-client privilege, according to

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IG report faults fired FBI official McCabe for leak to media | TheHill

The disclosure was related to a Clinton Foundation investigation.

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Former FEC Chairman To Mark Levin: Stormy Daniels Money Cannot Be In Kind Campaign Contribution | Daily Wire

Law Professor and former FEC chairman Bradley Smith spoke with conservative radio host Mark Levin on Tuesday.

Politics | Politics

Robert Mueller Loses Majority Support After FBI Raids Trump's Lawyer

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's raid on President Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen has backfired in the eyes of voters, according to Rasmussen Reports.

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Lost amid all the 'noise' over Scott Pruitt is the very real damage Obama's EPA did to rural communities | Fox News

My work takes me to small, energy-rich towns around the country - the places where America gets its power, where multiple generations of energy workers live and worship and raise their families.

Politics | Politics

Mueller violated Michael Cohen's constitutional rights | Daily Mail Online

Dershowitz said that 'if the government improperly seizes private or privileged material, the violation has already occurred, even if the government never uses them.'

Politics | Politics

Parkland shooting hero blames sheriff and superintendent for failing to prevent massacre | Fox News

Anthony Borges, a student gravely wounded while saving his classmates' lives by blocking a door during the Florida school massacre said Friday that the county sheriff and school superintendent failed the victims by not arresting the shooter before the att

Politics | Politics

Tammy Bruce: California's latest contradictions -- Welcoming criminals but warning about 'dangerous' coffee | Fox News

The same week that a number of cities and counties in California sued their own state over the dangerous law making the state a “sanctuary” for illegal alien criminals, a judge issued a ruling to save Californians from themselves and their coffee-drin

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Trump administration's lawsuit against California sanctuary laws backed by these cities, counties | Fox News

These are the cities and counties that have supported the Trump administration's efforts to combat California's so-called sanctuary laws.

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Newt Gingrich: President Trump is up, elite media are down | Fox News

Imagine the frustration building in elite media offices across the country.

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Jason Chaffetz: 10 things Congress should do, but won't | Fox News

Congress is on the clock. Time is ticking. Here are ten actions Congress should take now to truly do the work of the American people, but they won’t.

Politics | Politics

DOJ: Border-Crossers Have 88 Percent Chance of Evading Deportation by Claiming 'Credible Fear' | Breitbart

Border-crossers entering the United States illegally have an 88 percent chance of evading immediate deportation by claiming "credible fear" in their native country, the Department of Justice (DOJ) analysis reveals.

Politics | Politics

Bill Clinton Admits to Interfering in Israeli Election

Former president Bill Clinton confessed that he tried to help Shimon Peres win Israel’s general elections in 1996 against Benjamin Netanyahu.

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Research: Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Would Cost U.S. Taxpayers $2 Trillion | Breitbart

Giving amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens living across the United States will cost American taxpayers about $2 trillion, a researcher predicts.

Politics | Politics

MyPillow Ignores Liberal Outrage, Refuses to Pull Ads from Laura Ingraham's Fox News Show

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has taken to Twitter to assure customers that he will not be pulling his advertising from Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show despite the liberal outrage over her feud with anti-gun Parkland kid David Hogg.

Politics | Politics

MyPillow Ignores Liberal Outrage, Refuses to Pull Ads from Laura Ingraham's Fox News Show

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has taken to Twitter to assure customers that he will not be pulling his advertising from Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show despite the liberal outrage over her feud with anti-gun Parkland kid David Hogg.

    Politics | Politics

    When will the media accept that Trump is not a criminal target? | TheHill

    Robert Mueller has told the White House that the president is only a “subject” of the investigation.