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Economics | Business & Finance
Business & Finance | Economics
Oil sees biggest jump in nearly 11 years after Saudi attack | Fox Business
WTI experiences largest gain since Dec. 2008.
Business & Finance | Economics
Trump administration moves to give more Americans 401(k) access | Fox Business
A new rule will allow more small businesses to band together to offer joint retirement benefit plans.
Business & Finance | Economics
US manufacturers must fill 500K jobs to compete globally: NAM president Jay Timmons | Fox Business
The U.S faces a skilled-labor shortage of more than half a million unfilled jobs in the manufacturing sector, according to the National Association of Manufacturers.
Business & Finance | Economics
Seniors poised for $27B in drug savings under new Senate package | Fox Business
The bill would cap out-of-pocket costs for seniors and dissuade drugmakers from hiking prices above inflation.
Business & Finance | Economics
The Reason Renewables Can't Power Modern Civilization Is Because They Were Never Meant To
Germans believed that the billions they spent on renewables would redeem them. Many of them will insist that the renewables effort was merely “botched,” but it wasn't. The Energiewende was doomed to fail.
Business & Finance | Economics
JPMorgan Chase to invest $50M more in Detroit for residents who are 'left behind' | Fox Business
JPMorgan Chase will be investing $50 million in Detroit to focus on racial disparities, the company said Wednesday.
Business & Finance | Economics
Jeff Sessions Expands Crackdown on Businesses Hiring Foreigners over Americans
DOJ Cracks Down on Businesses Hiring Foreign Workers over Americans
Business & Finance | Economics
Fed's Beige Book Economic Report Another Vindication for Wilbur Ross
Manufacturers say they are worried about tariffs and the tight labor market. But consumers are not feeling the bite of rising costs. | Big Government
Business & Finance | Economics
Shock: Wages and Jobs Soar at American Businesses 'Hit' by Metals Tariffs | Breitbart
Experts said American industries that use imported metals were going to suffer under tariffs. Instead, they added 27,000 new jobs.
Business & Finance | Economics
A Very Trumpian May: American Incomes and Savings Rose While Utility Bills Fell | Breitbart
Tax cuts have lowered utility rates this year, leading Americans to spend less on gas, water, and electricity. With incomes rising, this has helped push up the saving rate.
Business & Finance | Economics
Wilbur Ross Schools Dem Sen. on Plan to Counter China’s Steel Dumping
Testifying before the Senate Finance Committee Wednesday, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross took Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) to task over the Trump administration's plan to hold China accountable for dumping steel globally.
Business & Finance | Economics
Food Stamps, Disability, Welfare, Medicaid Enrollment Plunges,
Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?
Business & Finance | Economics
US becoming more energy independent, on path to being 'biggest oil producer in the world' | Fox News
With consumers seeing gas prices at a seven-year high, they might be a little skeptical when the president makes comments like this one in April: We're very strong on energy, we're essentially now energy independent.
Business & Finance | Economics
US becoming more energy independent, on path to being 'biggest oil producer in the world' | Fox News
With consumers seeing gas prices at a seven-year high, they might be a little skeptical when the president makes comments like this one in April: We're very strong on energy, we're essentially now energy independent.
Business & Finance | Economics
U.S. Budget Makes History with Best Month Ever in April
We can thank "stronger-than-expected" economic growth last year and early this year.
Business & Finance | Economics
Trump Policies Pushed U.S. Back Into No. 1 On Competitiveness Ranking
Have Donald Trump's policies had a big impact on the U.S. economy and its competitiveness? The answer, we think, is an obvious yes. Now comes a new report, based mainly on "hard" data, that confirms that.
Business & Finance | Economics
Household Income Hits All-Time High Under Trump, And He's Getting Credit For It
A new report shows that the median household income has climbed 3% since President Trump took office. It's another sign of a strong economy, and at least one poll shows the public credits Trump for the good news.
Business & Finance | Economics
Uninsured Increase in 2017: ObamaCare Is To Blame, Not Trump
The ranks of the uninsured climbed last year. So, naturally, President Trump is taking the blame because of his attempts to repeal ObamaCare. The fault, however, lies not with Trump, but with ObamaCare itself.
Business & Finance | Economics
Coal Is Dead! Long Live King Coal! | Investor's Business Daily
A growing chorus of prophets and pundits has been proclaiming the death of the American coal industry. After all, more than 250 coal-fired power plants have been retired since 2010 with several dozen others slated for closure in the next year. But it's to
Business & Finance | Economics
ObamaCare Premiums: As Insurance Costs Soar, Democrats Lie
ObamaCare regulations caused premiums for people buying their own insurance to more than double between 2013 and 2017, and then soar even higher in 2018, with huge hikes predicted again in 2019. But instead of telling the truth about why this is happening
Business & Finance | Economics
Wages Rise at Strongest Pace in Nearly a Decade | Breitbart
Compensation for American workers rose at the fastest annual pace since the third quarter of 2008, the Department of Labor said Friday.
Business & Finance | Economics
U.S. trade deficit in goods drops in March for first time in seven months - MarketWatch
The trade deficit in goods narrowed 10.3% to $68 billion, according to the government’s advanced report released Thursday.
Business & Finance | Economics
Are Electric Car Subsidies Just Giveaways To The Wealthy? | Investor's Business Daily
Gov. Jerry Brown and some California lawmakers are pushing Golden State drivers to the fast lane of an all-electric car future. But if they are the future, why do we now need to subsidize wealthy purchasers of electric cars?
Business & Finance | Economics
State Taxes: Americans Are Migrating In Droves To Low-Tax States
There has been a vast, largely unheralded migration in the U.S. over the past decade. Not because of weather, or amenities. But because of taxes.
Business & Finance | Economics
The Trump Economy, One Year In: A Success By All Measures | Investor's Business Daily
One year into President Trump's first term, the economy is on a roll, creating wealth, income and jobs for Americans. Trumponomics is working.
Business & Finance | Economics
Trump's Deregulation Binge Shows No Signs Of Ending | Investor's Business Daily
While the media-driven scandals du jour roll on, President Trump quietly goes about reshaping the U.S. economy. How? By deregulating it. The red-tape cutting strategy is working, and Trump's not done yet.
Business & Finance | Economics
Report: Trump's Immigration Policies Raising Restaurant Wages | Breitbart
Because of tighter enforcement, kitchen workers have more clout to seek wages and promotion.
Business & Finance | Economics
Trump Tax Cuts Are Boosting Growth And Mostly Paying For Themselves, CBO Report Says
When the Congressional Budget Office released its updated budget forecast, everyone focused on the deficit number. But buried in the report was the CBO's admission that it vastly overestimated the cost of the Trump tax cuts, because it didn't account for
Business & Finance | Economics
Newt Gingrich: Trump is working to disarm welfare's poverty trap | TheHill
"Republicans should take note, though. President Trump can lead the way, but true reforms will have to come from Congress."