Empowering consciousness in all whose lives I touch.


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Relationships | Psychology

Psychology | Relationships

50 tips for cultivating gentlemanly manners and conduct from an 1800s handbook on etiquette

The following is an excerpt from "The Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness" by Cecil B. ...

Psychology | Relationships

Retired Colonel Reads 'How Humankind Came To Be,' Receives Dream of 'Lifeline to Heaven'

After Jim Smith read "How Humankind Came To Be" by Mr. Li Hongzhi, the English translation of which is ...

Psychology | Relationships

'Like Shaking Up a Snow Globe': Clarity and Confidence in Divorce Decisions

When someone is in the process of making a decision about whether to stay in a marriage or to pursue a divorce, research from the National Divorce Decision-Making Project shows that they often think about how it will impact their children, finances, perso

Psychology | Relationships

For Most Couples Who Stay the Course, Marriage Gets Better With Time: An Interview with Paul R. Amato

Most previous research appears to back up the common assumption that marriage generally declines in quality over time. However, a fascinating new study led by sociologist Paul Amato challenges the myth that couples who stay married are destined for an un

    Psychology | Relationships

    When You Talk About Relationships, Do You Say 'I' or 'We'? Your Choice Is Revealing, Psychology Study Suggests

    Researchers found that those who displayed what they called "anxious and avoidant" attachment styles used the pronoun "I" more often when talking about romantic experiences.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Mindful Eating 101: 8 signs you're a mindless eater

    We all exhibit signs of mindless behaviour such as mindless eating on a regular basis. Here are 8 signs you are a mindless eater, and some tips on how to learn mindful eating.

    Psychology | Relationships

    7 Research-Based Principles for Making Marriage Work

    In The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, written with Nan Silver, renowned clinical psychologist and marriage researcher John Gottman, Ph.D, reveals

    Psychology | Relationships

    We were married for 10 years and lonelier than ever – then THIS happened and changed everything | Fox News

    Sometimes it can creep into our lives with an unwelcome stealth. I would never have conceived that I could be surrounded by a husband, kids, and friends, and yet still feel its clutches suffocating my heart. But there I was, married 10 years, two kids, bu

    Psychology | Relationships

    3 Tips to Have Better Conversations

    Be genuine. Be interested. And stop hogging the conversation.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Five Considerations You Should Know Before Remarrying

    Remarriages for people over 55 are on the rise. Here are some things to consider before taking a second trip down the aisle.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Study breaks down the healing effects of a loving touch

    Holding a partner's hand - especially if they are empathetic and biologically synced up to you - can diminish the feeling of pain, according to a new study from Colorado University, Boulder.

    Psychology | Relationships

    New Study Proves That Humans Love Dogs More Than They Love Humans

    Do you love dogs? Or do you know someone who does? We can already see you nodding your heads. It comes as no surprise that the bond between humans and dogs transcends all scientific laws. From time to time, stories keep popping up about pet-owners who wen

    Psychology | Relationships

    Can Photos of Cute Puppies Help Marriage Blues?

    Researchers have come up with another reason why we are attracted to irresistible photos of puppies and kittens, and another reason that we can never get our fill of these adorable photos.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Let’s talk about intimacy – and why it makes for better love and sex

    The key to a great relationship is more than physical – it’s about taking off the mask and really revealing yourself

    Psychology | Relationships

    6 Surprising Secrets For How To Have A Happy Relationship

    How do couples stay happy and make their love last through all the challenges? Here are the 6 BIG secrets for how to be happy in a relationship.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Helen Fisher on Positive Illusions | Terms of Enlightenment: What scientific term or concept ought to be more widely kno

    This year, the Edge.org Annual Question surveyed leading thinkers about the ideas that deserve more exposure beyond the world of science. A selection of answers.

    Psychology | Relationships

    How to Fall Back in Love

    New research finds people can increase their romantic feelings by practicing ‘love regulation.’ Try looking at pictures from your relationship and thinking positive thoughts.

    Psychology | Relationships

    The 10 Most Heartfelt Compliments You Can Give Men

    Read on for some pretty damn adorable answers from men on the heartfelt compliments that make them swoon when said to them by a special lady.

    Psychology | Relationships

    When You Love a Man With Low Self-Esteem - 9 Things to Keep in Mind

    When a man is dealing with low self-esteem, he’ll make mistakes. Big mistakes. My shame and low self-esteem led me to become reckless.

    Psychology | Relationships

    If You Can Answer YES! To These 9 Q's, You're Meant To Be

    There are subtle (not-so-subtle) signs that the one you love is the right one for you. Ask these 9 questions of your relationship to learn the truth.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Light Therapy May Boost Low Libido in Men

    Light therapy similar to that used to treat seasonal affective disorder may increase sexual desire in men with a low libido via an increase in testosterone levels, an Italian study suggests.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Smart Girls Never Trade Self Respect For A Man's Attention

    How smart girls always avoid trading their self-respect for temporary attention from a man. Having sex too soon, or acting inappropriately is damaging

    Psychology | Relationships

    19 Breakup Quotes To Help You Pull Yourself Back Together

    19 quotes about heartbreak and healing to help you move forward after your breakup.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Harvard psychologist Amy Cuddy says people judge you on 2 criteria

    In her new book, "Presence," Amy Cuddy says that people quickly answer two questions when they first meet you.

    Psychology | Relationships

    If A Man Doesn't Make An Effort, He's Not Interested In You

    If a guy wants a relationship with you, he'll make an effort. If he doesn't you'll know it's time to break up with him.

    Psychology | Relationships

    15 Real Signs You're In A Relationship With A Genuine Man

    When men are truly interested in having a relationship with you, here are 15 ways he will show it.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Strong Women Never Let Relationships Destroy Their Happiness

    Trusting yourself means you don't have to rely on a relationship to save you or make you happy. That's what makes you a strong, independent woman.

    Psychology | Relationships

    The New Science of Single People -- Science of Us

    Now that single people are such a big share of the population, maybe social scientists will stop ignoring them.

    Psychology | Relationships

    The Divorce Diet? Losing a Spouse and Some Pounds, Too

    Ending a marriage is often a good way (well, let’s just say a way) to get in shape.

    Psychology | Relationships

    The Power of Fantasy in a Relationship

    Sexual fantasies can improve a relationship, new studies show; researchers add a caveat: It is best to fantasize about your partner.

    Psychology | Relationships

    21 Best Foundation Makeup Tips – How to Apply Foundation for the meta title

    ​Life-changing ways to use foundation to create an even complexion, conceal dark circles, hide zits, and more.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Why You're Good With Faces But Terrible With Names

    In a purely objective sense, a person’s face and name are, by and large, unrelated.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Want to Build Trust? Order the Same Food

    Researchers found that when people see each other eat the same thing, they are quicker to negotiate agreements

    Psychology | Relationships

    The Science of Affection: Parents and Children's Emotional Patterns

    "The nature of love is about paying attention to the people who matter, about still giving when you are too tired to give."

    Psychology | Relationships

    Everyone Secretly Hates Going Out, Study Says

    Four out of five Americans said they made up excuses in order to avoid going out and instead played video games, ate in, or did chores.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Tips to Become More Interdependent

    How to become more interdependent from Lauren Hazzouri.

    Psychology | Relationships

    The Family Relationship That Could Be Most Responsible For Your Emotional Life

    The ‘corticolimbic system’ plays an important role in mood disorders, such as depression.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Can Tylenol Help Heal a Broken Heart?

    When a neuroscience student gets dumped, she finds comfort (and an over-the-counter remedy) in her knowledge of the physiology of romantic rejection.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Connect With Spiritual Friends: Here's How

    I knew I needed to make some new friends who shared my love for everything wellness and woo-woo, but I didn't know where to find these hip, heart-centered, crystal-loving ladies. Turns out, they're everywhere. You just have to know where to look. If you��

    Psychology | Relationships

    How to Be a Good Kisser – 10 Tips From Scientific Research

    What Does Science Say About How To Be A Good Kisser? Regular readers might be saying “What the hell is this, Cosmo Magazine?” In all fairness, how to be a good kisser is something no one really gets instruction in.

    Psychology | Relationships

    13 Questions to Ask Before Getting Married

    There are certain intimate and awkward topics couples should discuss before the wedding — unless you prefer to be surprised years later.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Effective Leaders Know the Science Behind Their Behavior | Daniel Goleman | LinkedIn

    Lynn had dreaded this meeting with her team. Frowning, she looked around the conference table and said, “I’ve got bad news. Upper management told me this team’s performance is unacceptable. We have to

    Psychology | Relationships

    6 Bad Relationship Behaviors Portrayed as Romantic

    Relationships can be difficult enough, but when media portrayal of bad relationship behaviors does not match real life, it can lead to toxic situations.

    Psychology | Relationships

    What Keeps Couples Happy Long Term

    A large, new study on sexual satisfaction finds happy long-term couples share certain habits.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Dating App Once Uses Your Heart Rate To Help You Find Love

    We've all felt it — the little adrenaline rush and increased heart rate that comes when we meet someone we're attracted to — but now we can track it...

    Psychology | Relationships

    How Our Brains Respond to Race

    New research shows that the brain’s response to faces of different races develops at a young age

    Psychology | Relationships

    The psychology of why rekindled romances are so intense

    Last month, the New York Times’ Modern Love column told the tale of two romantic relationships that ended and were then rekindled many years later. The author’s romance first ended when her boyfriend lost the piece of paper with her address and had no

    Psychology | Relationships

    Look Ahead: Four Steps to Better Relationships in the New Year

    How to meet people, share a hobby, have more sex with your partner and answers to other reader questions.

    Psychology | Relationships

    A Computer That Can Hear a Marriage in Trouble

    Researchers try to harness technology to help therapists better help struggling couples.

    Psychology | Relationships

    The Secret to Having a Good but Difficult Conversation

    Do your difficult conversations seem to create more problems? Follow these steps to prepare, enter, and engage the person to increase your odds of having a good outcome:

    Psychology | Relationships

    The Five Stages of Ghosting Grief

    A woman dives into the confusing vacuum created by an unanswered text.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Love Advice After 32 Years of Marriage

    My parents may be at fault for me romanticizing love. Last week, they celebrated their 32nd anniversary. Because sadly, that is much different than the modern love story of today, I asked them, separately how they've made it work this long.

    Psychology | Relationships

    5 Signs You Might Be Dating a #“Man-Child”

    Consider if you are dating someone you will have to carry along in life or a real partner you can depend upon. What appears fun and sexy now, could eventually become deadweight that you have to carry along with your children, household duties and finances

    Psychology | Relationships

    The Least Helpful Thing to Say to Someone Who's Down

    When trying to comfort someone going through difficult times, we must consider numerous details to decide how to best help them. If we choose the wrong social support tactic, our attempts to help can have the opposite effect.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Who's the Emotional Vampire in Your Life?

    As a physician, I've found that the biggest energy drain on my patients is relationships. Some relationships are positive and mood elevating. Others can suck optimism and serenity right out of you. I call these draining people "emotional vampires.&qu

    Psychology | Relationships

    What I Wish I Knew Before I Delivered My Stillborn Son

    When the doctor confirmed my worst suspicions and slowly helped me up from the exam table, I asked, "What happens now? Do I need to have a D&C?" He shook his head no. "You'll need to deliver." With those words, I was transported in

    Psychology | Relationships

    7 Factors Affecting Orgasm in Women - PsychAlive

    Approximately 25% of women have difficulty ever achieving orgasm. Read about the psychological (and physical) factors that affect women's sexuality.

    Psychology | Relationships

    In Two-Career Marriages, Women Still Do More of the Work at Home

    Even though today’s husbands pitch in more than ever, the division of labor is far from equal.

    Psychology | Relationships

    When Someone You Love has an Addiction

    When someone you love has an addiction, the shame, guilt and powerlessness can be overwhelming. Here's how to respond with empowerment, love and strength.

    Psychology | Relationships

    6 Surprising Ways to Communicate Better With Your Partner

    Are you having troubles talking about your feelings to someone you love? Does your partner run the other way any time you bring up the word “feeling”?

    Psychology | Relationships

    Beauty Queen Walks Out In Nursing Scrubs—Then Looks Up And STUNS Everyone

    Last week, Miss America hosted its second night of preliminaries in Atlantic City. For the talent competition, most contestants showcased their singing, dancing, and musical talents while donning their sparkly, glittery costumes — but Kelley Johnson wa

    Psychology | Relationships

    Whatever You Do, Stop Sliding In(to) Marriage

    There is no magic bullet when it comes to committed relationships. But if we know how to build a good foundation, success and happiness are much more likely to happen. The worst we can do is sliding into a type of relationship that is doomed. Take a stanc

    Psychology | Relationships

    This May Be the Secret to Happiness in Relationships

    You may think the best way to deepen your relationship is to have serious, deep discussions about your thoughts and feelings. However, it may be that sharing a smile rather than deep feelings can be as good, if not better, for your relationship’s long-t

    Psychology | Relationships

    Recovering from a Breakup: Proven Ways to Heal (From Science)

    What if recovering from a breakup could be stronger, more complete ... and quicker? Science may have just found the secret for when your heart is broken...

    Psychology | Relationships

    Love Advice After 32 Years of Marriage

    My parents may be at fault for me romanticizing love. Last week, they celebrated their 32nd anniversary. Because sadly, that is much different than the modern love story of today, I asked them, separately how they've made it work this long.

    Psychology | Relationships

    The Facebook Interaction That's a Major Predictor of Relationship Success

    Some may find them (cutely) annoying, but scientists say they’re on to something. Dating couples who do this one thing on Facebook are more likely to be together after six months than those who don’t. It’s due to something called “public commitmen

    Psychology | Relationships

    Giving to Get vs. Griping to Get

    It’s really baffling how many of us act as though we believe that deprecating our partner will help us get what we want from them. Why? Because venting frustration by grumbling or growling will probably be experienced by them as a personal attack. And t

    Psychology | Relationships

    The 3 Things You Should Never Say to Your Partner

    These three all-too-common phrases relate to remarks—whether well-meaning or not—virtually guaranteed to antagonize your mate. Regardless of your motive, the likely reaction to such ill-chosen expressions will range from their going completely silent

    Psychology | Relationships

    Cultivating Desire in Couples

    America, in matters of sex as in much else, seems to be a goal-oriented society that prefers explicit meanings, candor,...

    Psychology | Relationships

    Beyond Words: A New Book About What Animals Think and Feel

    Award-winning scientist Carl Safina's "Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel" is an excellent summary of recent research on the fascinating animals with whom we share our magnificent planet. I highly recommend "Beyond Words" and I

    Psychology | Relationships

    How Threat Emotions Cause Us To Misread Our Partner

    Whenever we’re anxious or angry, we’re prone to misread our partner. By learning to recognize how emotions shape perceptions, we can restore close connections.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Washington Valedictorian's Secret Instagram Reveals Tear-Jerking Thoughts on Classmates - ABC News

    Konner Sauve, 18, said he gave his classmates a real shock at the end of his graduation speech.

    Psychology | Relationships

    13 Ways to Keep Love Alive

    Since May is Date Your Mate Month, here are a few ideas you might want to consider. Try some of these and add your own creative touches to the process of keeping romance alive! Taking time out of our busy lives to make sure that the intimate aspects of ou

    Psychology | Relationships

    15 Ways to Get Someone out of Your Head

    We work hard to remove whatever is toxic from our lives. We buy organic foods, we remove chemicals from our home. We eat green, we clean green. We buy organic cosmetics. But we put very little concerted effort into trying to go green in our minds. When ou

    Psychology | Relationships

    Body Language: Understanding Non-Verbal Communication

    Learn how to understand and interpret other people's body language, and how to use body language effectively at work.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Who Can Really Make Us Happy?

    Scientists submit the old saying, "a happy wife, a happy life" to empirical scrutiny.

    Psychology | Relationships

    Management 101: How to Handle Passive-Aggressive Workplace Behavior

    Janet wore a smile from the nose down; her eyes bore daggers. If I offered a Friday afternoon off for having finished a big project early, she “wished” it had been last week when she and …

    Psychology | Relationships

    Read Sheryl Sandberg's touching Facebook post on mourning husband

    Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg took to the social media site on Wednesday to write about mourning the loss of her husband Dave Goldberg.

    Psychology | Relationships

    After breakup, her crash course in returning to the JDate scene

    I thought I had it all. The perfect Jewish boyfriend, a brag-worthy job that "fit" to L.A. standards and the most amazing potential in-laws a girl could ask for. That is, until a few months ago, when the rug was pulled out from under me without

    Psychology | Relationships

    The Secret to Maintaining Sexual Desire

    Research explains why it's easier for some of us than others.

      Psychology | Relationships

      Audacity of Mature Love: Is It Ever Too Old For Love?

      (photo credit above) http://wemagazineforwomen.com/you-are-never-too-old-for-love/The other day I was speaking with a much younger friend who lives in India, and she vehemently denied that older folks need to feel or want love.  She said, if you are abo

      Psychology | Relationships

      6 Toxic Relationship Habits Most People Think Are Normal

      Men and women are raised to objectify each other and to objectify their relationships.

      Psychology | Relationships

      How to Love Better: Mindfulness in Relationships.

      Mindfulness requires an intentional and honest look at the connection we feel with those around us.

        Psychology | Relationships

        Elements of Love by Ofer Zur, Ph.D.,

        The Basics-Love 101; The Lover's Personal Investments; The Community of Care-Love 202; Sexuality-Love 1-on-1; Beyond the Essentials-Love 1000+.

        Psychology | Relationships

        A Surprising Ingredient for Lasting Relationships

        You'll be surprised by this key ingredient to make your marriage work.

        Psychology | Relationships

        How Couples Can Resolve Their Biggest Fights Over Money - WSJ

        Battles over finances are common and frequently brutal. They don't have to be.

        Psychology | Relationships

        The secret to desire in a long-term relationship

        In long-term relationships, we often expect our beloved to be both best friend and erotic partner. But as Esther Perel argues, good and committed sex draws on two conflicting needs: our need for security and our need for surprise. So how do you sustain de

        Psychology | Relationships

        4 Ways to Boost Your Charisma | Psychology Today

        Most people think that charisma is a mysterious quality that people are born with. However, there has been a century of research on charisma, and nearly a half-century focusing specifically on what makes a person charismatic. As a result of this work, we

        Psychology | Relationships

        5 Tips for Avoiding Conflict in Your Relationship

        My husband and I got into a fight over a pillowcase. It was one of those times where it was clearly his fault, and I was sure he would apologize. He didn't. Instead he seemed surprised that I wasn't apologizing to him. How could we have such different vie

        Psychology | Relationships

        The Four Types of Attraction

        You know the story: Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Boy and girl have their happily ever after—well at least those relationships that don't end in divorce do. Every part makes sense except for boy falls in love with girl. Why her? Why not a