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Cosmic Research | Science & Technology

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

National Security Alert for the United States and Other World Governments Related To UAP/UFOS. - Dr. Steven Greer

The constitutional United States Government (USG) needs detailed information on rogue unconstitutional Illegal Secret Government (ISG) UAP/UFO and related technologies in order to properly investigate, and ultimately control by all means necessary the now

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Straight out of sci-fi: Scientists achieve long-distance “quantum teleportation” for the first time – NaturalNews.

Scientists have successfully "beamed up" units of quantum information known as qubits over a great distance for the first time. Led by scientists from the California Institute of Technology, a team of researchers demonstrated this so-called &q

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Thousands of Mysterious ‘Micro Depressions’ Discovered Offshore Near Big Sur

A new survey of the ocean floor off the California coast revealed nearly 15,000 small craters referred to as “micro depressions.”

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Water Found in Atmosphere of Planet Beyond Our Solar System

Scientists for the first time have detected water in the atmosphere of an Earth-like planet orbiting a distant star, evidence that a key ingredient for life exists beyond our solar system, according to a study published on Sept. 11.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

NASA Scientist Claims Earth May Have Been Visited by Extraterrestrials

A NASA scientist has claimed that Earth may have been once visited—or is being visited—by extraterrestrials, but we may not have realized it.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Scientists find huge world of hidden galaxies, changing our understanding of the universe | The Independent

Scientists have found a vast array of hidden galaxies, which together could change our understanding of how the universe works. The mysterious galaxies, which were previously unknown to researchers, were discovered by a breakthrough new approach that allo

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Evidence of 14B year-old 'time machine' star found 35,000 light-years from Earth | Fox News

Astronomers have found evidence of one of the oldest stars in the universe, a star that lived 13.8 billion years ago, nestled inside a star that's nearly as old.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Something Mysterious ‘Five Times Larger Than the Big Island of Hawaii’ Is Discovered Buried on Moon

Scientists have discovered an unknown material on the largest crater of the moon and they are yet not sure what it is all about.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

US Navy drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs | Fox News

The U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots and other employees to report encounters with "unidentified aircraft."

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

The Weakening Of Earth's Magnetic Field Has Greatly Accelerated

Earth’s magnetic field is getting significantly weaker, the magnetic north pole is shifting at an accelerating pace, and scientists readily admit that a sudden pole shift could potentially cause “trillions of dollars” in damage. 

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Aliens Might Shoot Lasers at Black Holes to Travel the Galaxy

We don't know if aliens exist. But if they did, it'd be cool if they got around using lasers and black holes.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Parallel universes are REAL argue physicists

IN another universe, you could be a millionaire or a convicted murderer.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Russian Satellite Registers Unknown Physical Phenomena in Earth's Atmosphere - Sputnik International

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - An ultraviolet telescope installed on the Russian satellite Lomonosov has registered light "explosions" in the planet's atmosphere, whose physical nature has not been explained so far, the director of the Research Institute of

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

The north magnetic pole just changed. Here's what that means.

The foundation of many navigation systems, the World Magnetic Model finally got a much-needed update with the end of the U.S. government shutdown.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Is it aliens? Scientists detect more mysterious radio signals from distant galaxy

Scientists are puzzling over powerful, millisecond-long flashes of energy from deep space, known as “fast radio bursts,” that some think are alien signals.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Record Cold Forces Rethink on Global Warming | Trending

Headlines around the world are reporting exceptionally frigid conditions and unusually high levels of snowfall in recent weeks. They tout these events as records, but few people understand how short the record actually is -- usually less than 50 years, a

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Total Lunar Eclipse Meets Supermoon Sunday Night

Here comes a total lunar eclipse and supermoon, all wrapped into one. The moon, Earth and sun will ...

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Fast north magnetic pole shift prompts navigation update

Planet Earth is alive. Deep beneath its skin, its life blood — rivers of molten iron — pulse around its core. And this mobile iron is what generates the magnetic field that causes auroras — and keeps us alive.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

NASA Releases Audio From the Surface of Mars

NASA released a video clip containing audio it captured from the surface of Mars.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Thanksgiving Day 2018 may be among coldest on record in northeastern US

People spending time outdoors during Thanksgiving Day into Black Friday may face some of the coldest conditions on record in the northeastern United States for late November.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

DRAFT Disclosure Announcement for World Leaders

The following DRAFT speech was written by Dr. Greer when requested by two separate points of contact to President Trump and President Putin. The two contacts do not know each other but both requests were made over a few weeks in the Spring of 2018. Dr. G

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Mysterious radio signal from space? Astronomers aren’t sure of origins

A mysterious, low-frequency radio signal was detected using a radio telescope based in Canada, astronomers say. The source of the signal is not clear.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

10 Amazing Facts About Sri Yantra, The King Of All Sacred Geometries

Get to know here 10 amazing facts about Sri Yantra, the king of all sacred geometries.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Galaxy Distorted by Long-Ago Collision Glows in Gorgeous Hubble Photo

The misshapen galaxy NGC 3256, the product of a long-ago merger between two spiral galaxies, shines in a newly released photo captured by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

UFO mysteries unraveled: How the ‘real-life X-Files’ emerged from a top secret UK project | Fox News

A former official at the U.K.’s Ministry of Defence has shed new light on the circumstances surrounding a secret government UFO study that was conducted during the 1990s.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Amateur mathematician cracks decades-old math problem

Aubrey de Grey took on the Hadwiger-Nelson problem, which has stumped mathematicians for more than 60 years

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Can An Earthquake Happen Near You? Find Out Here

Find Out If You're Living On A CA Fault Line - Beverly Hills, CA - Do you live on a fault line or near one? Find out with this interactive map released by the California Geological Survey.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Two pilots on different aircraft reported having close encounters with a mysterious object flying high above Arizona last month.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Approaching ‘grand solar minimum’ could cause global cooling | Watts Up With That?

There's a lot of evidence mounting that solar cycle 25 will usher in a new grand solar minimum. Since about October 2005, when the sun's magnetic activity went into a sharp fall, solar activity has been markedly lower, with solar cycle 24 being the lowest

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Don't Look Up: 'Astonishing Number' Of Viruses Float Down On Us From The Sky

"Fresh air" may not be so fresh after all. A new study finds that millions of viruses and bacteria are swept into the atmosphere and travel long distances before eventually falling back down to earth. 

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

For the first time ever, astronomers have detected planets outside our galaxy

In an incredible world first, astrophysicists have detected multiple planets in another galaxy, ranging from masses as small as the Moon to ones as great as Jupiter.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Scientists discover neutron star collisions make gold, other elements

The discovery is significant in part because it is the first time researchers have detected light along with the gravitational waves.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Scientists witness huge cosmic crash, find origins of gold

WASHINGTON (AP) — It was a faint signal, but it told of one of the most violent acts in the universe, and it would soon reveal secrets of the cosmos, including how gold was created.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Comprehensive Assessment of the UFO/ETI Phenomenon – Sirius Disclosure

By Steven M. Greer, M.D. Copyright 1991. A comprehensive analysis of the UFO phenomenon, as well as original research and experiences of members of the CSETI CE-5 Initiative Working Group, has enabled us to make some specific conclusions about UFOs, Ext

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

From meteor showers to a supermoon: 5 astronomy events you won't want to miss this fall

The longer autumn nights will feature many notable celestial events that stargazers can mark down on their calendars.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

The Matter with Dark Matter

How do scientists know there's a mysterious substance called "dark matter" that dominates our universe? An astrophysicist explains.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Why the Great American Total Solar Eclipse is cause for pause?

​Let me begin by saying, I am not suggesting the total eclipse is going to cause anything in particular. However, there are undeniable (call them) coincidences

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Earthquake fault maps for Beverly Hills, Santa Monica and other Westside areas could bring development restrictions - LA

The California Geological Survey has released a draft of the Santa Monica fault map, which, when finalized, will restrict development on top of the earthquake fault.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Scientists Now Believe the Universe Itself May Be Conscious – Awareness Act

A new scientific concept has recently come to light, which scientists are calling "panpsychism." Panpsychism says that the universe could be capable of consciousness, which could change everything. For quite some time, scientists have been worki

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

There may be alien life in our solar system, says Nasa

*/ There might be alien life in our own solar system, Nasa has announced. All of the necessary things to support life have been found on one of the moons that orbits Saturn. Enceladus has chemicals that when found on Earth tend to indicate life, suggestin

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Atmosphere found around Earth-like planet GJ 1132b

Astronomers make the first detection of an atmosphere surrounding a "super-Earth" planet.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Animation shows how many dwarf planets might orbit past Pluto

Pluto is just an icy appetizer for dwarf planets that may exist in the Kuiper Belt.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Quantum Theory Proves Consciousness Moves To Another Universe After Death

A book titled “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe” has stirred up the Internet, because it contained a notion that life does not end when the body dies, and it can last forever. The author

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Rare Astrological Event: January 7th 2017 All Planets Are Moving Direct

Starting January 7th and going through February 6th, 2017, all of the major planets will be moving direct (forward). Ancients saw this as a time of great

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Major earthquakes might be caused by the moon

The 2011 earthquake in Japan and the 2004 temblor in the Indian Ocean may have been precipitated by tidal stress from the moon.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Sun quiet again as it heads toward solar minimum

The sun has been completely spotless on 21 days in 2016 and it is currently featuring just one lonely sunspot region.  In fact, on June 4th of this year, the sun went completely spotless for the first time since 2011 and that quiet spell lasted for abo

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Obituary: Great Barrier Reef (25 Million BC-2016)

Climate change and ocean acidification have killed off one of the most spectacular features on the planet.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Not a Drill: SETI Is Investigating a Possible ET Signal From Space

The implications are extraordinary and point to the possibility of a civilization far more advanced than our own.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Earth-like Planet Discovered Near Solar System

European astronomers announced their discovery of a small rocky planet potentially hospitable to life circling the star closest to our own solar system—our nearest neighbor in a galaxy dense with unexplored alien worlds.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Meet the shark born before George Washington

The Greenland shark has long been belittled as sluggish, homely and dim-witted. But now the species can demand respect: scientists say it is the planet’s longest-lived vertebrate, or animal with a backbone.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Stellar Star Comparison Video Puts Almost Everything Into Perspective | Nerdist

In the span of a few hundred years, humans have gone from feeling very big — at the center of literally everything — to very small. We can thank science for

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Some earthquakes on San Andreas fault are triggered by gravitational tug of sun and moon

The gravitational tug between the sun and moon is not just a dance of high and low tides: It can also trigger a special kind of earthquake on the San Andreas fault.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Is massive magma build-up in New Zealand the start of a new volcano?

A team of scientists studying volcanic activity used satellite data to study minor shifts in the crust of coastal New Zealand, pointing to a massive subsurface magma chamber and a potentially developing volcano.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

The Science Behind Nature's Patterns | Science | Smithsonian

A new book explores the physical and chemical reasons behind incredible visual structures in the living and non-living world

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Astronomers say they’ve found the biggest structure in the universe and they named it the BOSS - The Washington Post

The BOSS is big. Really big. Yuuuuuge. It's an immense complex comprising more than 800 galaxies and weighing 10,000 times as much as the Milky Way.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Pluto’s largest moon may have once had an ocean

Charon may have once had a subsurface ocean that has long since frozen and expanded, pushing out on the moon’s surface and causing it to stretch and fracture on a massive scale.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

The 12 Greatest Challenges for Space Exploration | WIRED

From space madness to crash landings, here's how we'll beat the 13 most difficult challenges to space exploration.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Apollo 14 astronaut (and UFO seeker) Edgar Mitchell dies

Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell has died at the age of 85, according to reports that emerged on the 45th anniversary of his first moonwalk.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

CIA Releases Some Of The Best UFO Sightings In The World | Latest UFO sightings

George Stock of Passaic, New Jersey has apparently snapped a series of pictures of a mysterious disc on July 29, 1952. With the CIA highlighting the top secret

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Planet IX? Astronomers Find Solid Evidence Of New Planet Beyond Pluto

This week astronomers at Cal Tech announced that our solar system may in fact have nine planets (planet IX) after all, and no, it’s not about Pluto.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Neutrino Mystery | talk natashahehir

The 2015 Nobel prize for physics went to Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, showing that neutrinos have mass. This turned out to be the solution to one of the biggest mysteries in particle physics which begin

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

NASA Studies High Clouds, Saharan Dust from EPIC View | NASA

From a dusty atmosphere stretching across the Atlantic Ocean to daily views of clouds at sunrise, a new NASA camera keeping a steady eye on the sunlit side of Earth is yielding new insights about our changing planet.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Leading Theory Of Solar System Formation Just Disproved! — Starts With A Bang! — Medium

Looks like the inner planets formed *after* the gas giants moved to their current position, and Jupiter ejected a fifth …

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

'Death Star' Vaporizes Its Own Planet: F...

New observations show a planetary body dissolving around a white dwarf star, the first time such an object has ever been spotted.

    Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

    The Earthquake That Will Devastate the Pacific Northwest

    Kathryn Schulz writes about the Cascadia fault line along the Pacific Northwest, and the region’s inadequate disaster-preparedness plans.

      Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

      Nobel Prize in Physics Won by Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald for Work on Neutrinos

      Two scientists from Japan and Canada have won the Nobel Prize in physics for discoveries relating to neutrinos, which increased understanding of matter and the universe.

      Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

      Are Space and Time Discrete or Continuous? - The Nature of Reality — The Nature of Reality | PBS

      Split a mile in half, you get half a mile. Split the half mile, you get a quarter, and on and on, until you’ve carved out... Read Full Post

      Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

      Mars Shows Signs of - WSJ

      Trickles of salt water may flow freely along ravines on Mars despite the planet’s extreme aridity, deep cold and tenuous atmosphere, NASA-funded scientists announced Monday.

      Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

      Mars Shows Signs of Liquid Water

      Trickles of salt water may flow freely along ravines on contemporary Mars despite the planet’s extreme aridity, deep cold and tenuous atmosphere, NASA-funded scientists announced Monday.

      Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

      Jaw-dropping Andromeda galaxy photo comprises 37 hours of exposure

      A pair of "backyard" astrophotographers have collaborated to produce a stunning image of our nearest galactic neighbour.

      Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

      To Scale: The Solar System on Vimeo

      On a dry lakebed in Nevada, a group of friends build the first scale model of the solar system with complete planetary orbits: a true illustration of our place in…

      Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

      Mysterious New Human Species Emerges from Heap of Fossils - Scientific American

      Meet  Homo naledi, the newest member of the human family. Its physical traits are weird, its circumstances are unique and its age is totally unknown

      Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

      Must See: The World's Wonders from Space

      Three astronauts returned to Earth from the International Space Station after taking amazing space photos.

      Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

      Can You Really Go Back in Time by Breaking the Speed of Light? - The Nature of Reality — The Nature of Reality | PBS

      Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. But if it could, the conventional wisdom goes, it would travel back in time. Is the conventional... Read Full Post

      Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

      Ancient Lake on Mars was Once A Sustainable Place For life, New Study Found

      A team of scientists have discovered evidence of an ancient martian lake which may be the remnants of one of the last salty lakes on the Red Planet.

      Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

      New Horizons data hint at underground ocean

      Pluto wears its heart on its sleeve, and that has scientists gleaning intriguing new facts about its geology and climate. Recent data from NASA's New Horizons probe—which passed within 7,800 miles of the surface on July 14—have revealed striking featu

      Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

      Pluto is stunning in latest color close-up from Nasa

      Close-up images taken by the New Horizons spacecraft are combined with color data to paint a new and surprising portrait of the dwarf planet, Nasa said

      Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

      Latest New Horizons picture of Charon: oddly familiar

      The New Horizons team released one more picture from Tuesday's encounter, one of three high-resolution images from a mosaic that crossed the center of Charon's disk, and it took me a while to figure out what it reminded me of.

      Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

      First look at New Horizons' Pluto and Charon images: "baffling in a very interesting and wonderful way"

      Today's press briefing at the Applied Physics Laboratory in California was preceded by hours of New Horizons team members cryptically dropping hints on Twitter at astonishing details in the seven images downlinked since the flyby. The images are, in fact,

        Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

        Ask Ethan #96: Is the Multiverse science? — Starts With A Bang!

        There are three things an idea must do to become a full-fledged scientific theory. How does the Multiverse stack up?

        Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

        Possible Signs of Alien Life on Comet: Philae Lander Detects Promising Features on Comet 67P - Yahoo

        From Yahoo: Several features on a comet being explored by the European Space Agency's Philae lander indicate it could be home to alien life, according to two astronomers. While the comet has a black crust darkening much of its surface, astronomers have sp

        Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

        Pilot Who Flew The Airplanes That Crashed On 9/11 Blows The Whistle

        Former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. Retired commercial pilot. Flew for Pan Am and United Airlines for 35 years ...

        Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

        Cosmic Confusion: Talk of Multiverses and Big Errors in Astrophysics

        At the 2015 World Science Festival, four prominent astrophysicists discussed one of the most troubling puzzles in modern physics, and whether a theory of multiple universes can hope to solve it.

        Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

        Pluto’s Unique Moons! — Starts With A Bang!

        Pluto’s moons, Nix and Hydra, are the first with irregular rotations, and hence unpredictable sunsets and sunrises.

        Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

        Astronomers Have Found Clear Link Between Black Holes And Galactic Merger

        Astronomers have investigated the relationship between supermassive black holes that power radio-signal-emitting jets and the merger history of their host galaxies.

        Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

        We're One Step Closer to Understanding a Moon That Could Be Home to Alien Life

        Finding life elsewhere would end our cosmic isolation: if there is life in our own planetary backyard, then life is probably common throughout the universe. These enticing possibilities are why my colleagues and I have spent 17 years developing a spacecra

        Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

        Hubble video shows shock collision inside black hole jet

        When you're blasting though space at more than 98 percent of the speed of light, you may need driver's insurance. Astronomers have discovered for the first time a rear-end collision between two high-speed knots of ejected matter. This discovery was made w

        Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

        Watch astronauts dock with the International Space Station

        Sometimes reality can be just as stunning as the movies. That's certainly the case with this latest video from NASA. The space agency has released a video documenting the Russian Soyuz capsule as...

        Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

        Here's why some scientists are convinced there's life on Mars

        From Yahoo Finance: Mars is no Earth. Our planet is swaddled in a nice atmospheric blanket that protects us from...

        Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

        Science's Path from Myth to Multiverse

        In his latest book Nobel Prize winner Steven Weinberg explores how science made the modern world, and where it might take us from here

          Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

          NASA probe beams back its first color image of Pluto

          After more than nine years of traveling through the solar system, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has sent back its first color image of Pluto.

              Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

              151 Degrees Of Fudging…Energy Physicist Unveils NOAA’s “Massive Rewrite” Of Maine Climate History

              Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

              Has NASA Really Created A Warp Drive?

              Forget blowing bubbles, NASA may be on the path to discovering warp bubbles that will open up every corner of the universe for human exploration. We have broken the speed of sound, but now NASA scientists are tentatively announcing they may have broken t

              Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

              NASA Says We're on Verge of Finding Alien Life | WSJ Live

              NASA's chief scientist Ellen Stofan predicts that scientists will find signs of alien life by 2025. WSJ's Monika Auger reports. Photo: NASA

                Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

                Blood Moon: Shortest Total Lunar Eclipse of the Century Rises Saturday

                Skywatchers hoping to see the total lunar eclipse rising Saturday won't have much time to do it: The total phase of the lunar eclipse will only last about 5 minutes, according to NASA.

                Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

                Solar Eclipse On The Equinox: A Powerful Catalyst for New Beginnings

                On March 20th at 5:36am (ET) we will be having a total Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the same day as the Equinox. It will be visible from Greenland, Iceland, most of Europe, and parts of Asia and Northern Africa. In astrology, solar eclipses create changes�

                  Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

                  We now have the technology to really test Einstein's theory of relativity

                  A century after Einstein presented his theory of relativity, scientists have the technology to begin looking for evidence that could reveal physics beyond it.

                    Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

                    The Seasons of Life | Psychology Today

                    How the season of our birth may affect our behavior and health by caralynn

                    Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

                    What if the universe had no beginning? | Science Wire | EarthSky

                    Reports of the death of the Big Bang have been greatly exaggerated. Big Bang theory is alive and well. At the same time, our universe may not have a beginning

                      Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

                      Strange lights on dwarf planet Ceres have scientists perplexed

                      A dwarf planet is shining two bright lights at a NASA spacecraft right now, and our smartest scientists are unsure what they are. As bizarre as that sentence sounds, that's the ...

                        Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

                        Scientists discover black hole so big it contradicts growth theory - Yahoo News

                        From Yahoo News: By Colin Packham SYDNEY (Reuters) - Scientists say they have discovered a black hole so big that it challenges the theory about how they grow. Scientists said this black hole was formed about 900 million years after the Big Bang. "Ba

                          Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

                          Power of the Sun: Elusive Solar Neutrinos Detected, a Cosmic First

                          Tiny particles forged in the heart of the sun have been detected for the first time, offering scientists a glimpse into the nuclear fusion core of our closest star. The subatomic particles, called neutrinos, are hallmarks of the dominant