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Health News | Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness | Health News

Is EMF Really That Harmful? Answers from the Latest Research - airestech

The latest research on electromagnetic fields (EMFs) sheds light on their potential impact on cancer risk, brain function, reproductive health, and sleep.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Four Functions of Ketones Beyond Fueling Your Body

Ketones may be a powerful tool for not only optimizing energy metabolism but promoting overall health and well-being.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Top 6 ways infrared saunas may help improve sleep | Sunlighten

    Sleep is foundational to health, yet millions struggle to get enough. Infrared sauna therapy may help by regulating body temperature, reducing stress, and promoting relaxation—key factors in improving sleep quality. Learn six ways infrared sauna use bef

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    What We've Learned from a Year of Vaccine Shedding Data

    Numerous data sources now corroborate that the COVID vaccines shed in a consistent and replicable manner

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Effect of ketogenic diets on insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 in humans: A systematic review and meta-analysis

    Ketogenic diets may support healthy aging and cancer treatment by safely reducing IGF-1, glucose, and insulin

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Hand Sanitizers And BPA: A Dangerous Link | NaturalHealth365

    (NaturalHealht365) Hand sanitizers contain a transport agent that helps BPA (a nasty chemical found in plastics) get into your body.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Euketonemia: A New Term for Optimal Ketosis

    By Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE With ketogenic diets becoming more popular and increasingly recognized for their benefits across various health

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Clinical Trial Results: Fatty15 Can Treat Nutritional C15:0 Deficienci

    A randomized, double-blinded and placebo controlled clinical trial, recently published in the Journal of Nutrition, has added further support that many of us have a nutritional C15:0 deficiency called Cellular Fragility Syndrome. More importantly? Fatty15

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Are Scents of Nature an Untapped Well-Being Boost? - Neuroscience News

    A new study urges researchers to explore how the smells of nature impact human health and well-being.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Powerful Anti-Cancer Molecule Discovered Inside 5,000 Year Old “Bread Fungus” — Nathan Crane

    Find out Why Scientists believe this Ancient “Goo” may be Nature’s Solution to Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, and more… More and more, w

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Mitochondrial Health 101: Everything You Need to Know

    Often described as the "engines" of our cells, mitochondria are tiny organelles critical in keeping us energized and functioning at our best. Maintaining and enhancing the health of your mitochondria is a powerful way to boost your overall energy levels,

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Where is 5G Now | Update on 5G Rollout | The Wave x Aires Tech - airestech

    Understanding 5G: discover the implications of this technology, the dangers of EMF, and how it is being integrated across various sectors.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Best Homemade Bug Repellent Recipe

    Get rid of gnats and fruit flies with this non toxic homemade bug deterrent recipe.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    DIY Fly Repellent Spray

    We have been using this DIY Fly repellent spray for our porch area and it is so helpful!This combination of ingredients has worked best for me, so today I wante…

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Lifestyle Changes Key to Preventing Half of Cancer Deaths, American Cancer Society Report Reveals

    In a report by the American Cancer Society (ACS), researchers have identified that up to half of cancer deaths in the United States could potentially be prevent

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Aires Tech Blog | The Wave Forward | EMF News, Research & Stories

    At The Wave Forward , we dive deep into the global effects of Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) and tech innovation, guided by reliable research, personal anecdotes, and insights from industry leaders.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Facts About That 10-Year Follow-Up Colonoscopy

    Researchers delving into the timing of subsequent colonoscopies found that for some people, the risks are no different if they wait 15 years instead of 10. 

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Researchers Find That Music Affects How We Eat

    Music contributes more than just ambiance to your dining experience—it may drive your eating behavior.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Mycotoxins: The Hidden Hormone Danger In Our Food Supply

    One quarter of our global food supply contains a hidden hormone-disrupting danger that can cause serious acute, as well as chronic adverse health effects. A recent study on young girls in New Jersey found detectable concentrations in the urine of 2/3rds o

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Three Ways Your Cell Phone Can Save Your Neck

    Cell phones are often blamed for neck problems. We show three ways your phone can promote healthy baseline posture that actually improves neck health.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    The importance of mitochondrial health: A user guide

    Healthy mitochondria are the foundation of good health, science is uncovering. Learn why they matter and what you can do today to optimize them.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Macular Degeneration: Treatments Seek to Limit or Stop Vision Loss

      Age-related macular degeneration, which can lead to distorted vision and blindness, affects 20 million Americans.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      DNA Testing: Unlocking the Genetic Code of Personalized Medicine and Longevity

      The “one-sized-fits-all” model of health care may potentially become a thing of the past as newer technologies target personalized treatment based on DNA.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      New Study Shows a Leaky Gut Leads to an up to 30-Fold Risk of Autoimmunity

      Leaky gut syndrome is more than a hyped-up passing health fad—it’s a formidable condition that could shape the rest of your life.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      6 Reasons to Practice Transcendental Meditation in 2023

      Practice Transcendental Meditation for 20 minutes, twice a day, to help you lose weight, thrive at work, and ward off heart disease.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Posture Workouts in a Swimming Pool

      Training in water lifts weight off joints and provides resistance. Use with healthy posture principles for optimal results in swimming and on land.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Curcumin Inhibits Cancer Cell Growth | NaturalHealth365

      (NaturalHealth365) Research reveals that curcumin can decrease swelling, inflammation and the size of deadly cancerous tumors.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      How Acupuncture Works For Pain, Sleep, PMS, & More

      Curious about trying acupuncture for back pain, sleep, PMS, or overall well-being? Here’s what you need to know about how acupuncture works & what to expect.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      3 Breathing Exercises to Calm the Brain, Reduce Stress, and Cure Anxiety

      When you breathe correctly, you pump cerebrospinal fluid into the brain to reduce stress and cure anxiety. You've ...

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      The Human Antenna: Exploring Biological Communication

      Our physical bodies are far more than mere vessels; they are intricate and remarkable antenna systems. From the arrangement of our bones to the structure of our cells, every aspect of our body profoundly influences our health and well-being. Remarkably, s

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Turmeric Compound Induces Cancer Cell Death | NaturalHealth365

      (NaturalHealth365) Researchers discovered that a compound found in turmeric can help suppress cancer cell growth.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Sleeping Naked For a Better Night's Rest: Does it Work?

      The good news is, there is one easy way to promote great sleep that all of us can do each night. Simply ditch your clothes and sleep naked!

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        4 vagus nerve exercises to transform how you handle stress

        Vagus nerve exercises support calmness by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. Try these exercises to support your body's stress resilience.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Aspartame Declared Possible Carcinogen | NaturalHealth365

        (NaturalHealth365) Recent study findings prompt WHO to declare aspartame possible carcinogen. Read more about this important update.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Dandelion Extract Obliterates Cancer Cells | NaturalHealth365

        (NaturalHealth365) Science now confirms that dandelion extract may help in the fight against breast cancer.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Eyeglasses, Posture, and Headaches

        Vision and headachesWe know that challenges with our vision can cause headaches. Squinting in bright light or straining the eyes to bring hazy text into focus can easily result in strain or pain in the eyes, temples, top of the head, or elsewhere. Wh

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Is This One of the Best Nutrients for Your Eyes and Brain?

        Published research noted that lutein is found in the brain, suggesting that this antioxidant may have beneficial effects ...

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Forever Chemicals In Popular Clothing Brands | NaturalHealth365

        (NaturalHealth365) Forever chemicals associated with worrisome health problems found in popular brands of clothing.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        The biology of stress and the science behind Apollo Vibes

        Do you ever have so much to do that you can’t focus on anything? Or how about lying awake at night unable to sleep because your mind is racing. Or when you’re run down and sore after a stressful day? There’s a biological reason for all of this.  Ch

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Vision Improved With These Carotenoids | NaturalHealth365

        (NaturalHealth365) Studies show lutein along with the macular carotenoid zeaxanthin enhance bone and vision health.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Has The "Cancer Cure" Been Known For 42 Years?

        I’d like to introduce you to a man named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski. Some of you know him, but I suspect many of you do not. They’ve tried to keep him and his medical research out of the public view for decades. In fact, after learning about him

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Dr. Héctor Pérez explains the secrets to achieving better heart health

        Learn from Dr. Pérez as he explains how making healthy lifestyle changes is key to having a healthier heart and avoid heart disease.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Where Can I Find Quercetin in Foods?

        Discover nine remarkable benefits of quercetin for immunity, inflammatory response, weight, pain, exercise performance, skin health & more…

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Chewing Gums Contain Toxic Chemicals | NaturalHealth365

        (NaturalHealth365) Millions of people purchase tons of chewing gums every year and have no idea they are slowly poisoning themselves.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Prevent Cancer By Eating THIS Vegetable | NaturalHealth365

        (NaturalHealth365) Studies show eating this common vegetable helps prevent cancer and lower blood pressure. Find out more in this article.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Food Dyes Damage DNA and Cause Cancer | NaturalHealth365

        (NaturalHealth365) Food dyes are being banned in Europe, but in the U.S., the FDA continues to ignore their risks, such as cancer.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Take the Sting out of Bug Bites with Histamine Balance - Vibrant Blue Oils

        Essential oils can act as a natural remedy for bug bites to reduce inflammation, swelling and itchiness.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        The Art Of Smudging - A Shamanic Cleansing Ritual

        There is something primordial within us that connects smoke with spirituality. In Native American tradition, it’s seen as a bridge to the higher realms, a way to bring in good spirits and dispel the negative or stagnant ones. The most common smoke-purif

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Here’s why Pinhole Glasses can support healthy vision

        Have you ever wondered why squinting, or partly closing your eyes, helps you see things more clearly? According to science, it’s because the act of doing so actually changes the shape of your eyes ever so slightly – just enough to allow the light ente

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Eat like an African and drop your cancer risk in two weeks

          Americans were put on an African diet and Africans were put on an American diet. Scientists were shocked by the results.

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          GInger Helps Protect Against Cancer | NaturalHealth365

          (NaturalHealth365) Ginger offers multiple health benefits. Find out how this pungent spice can help protect against cancer.

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Popular Foods Contaminated With Chemicals | NaturalHealth365

          (NaturalHealth365) Many popular foods - even organic brands - touted as healthy are contaminated with harmful chemicals, heavy metals.

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Why an Alkaline Approach Can Successfully Treat Cancer

          In the 1930s, an interesting natural cancer treatment was proposed as a simple, effective answer to cancer—almost any ...

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated

          The U.S. government has been secretly tracking those who didn't get the COVID jab, as well as those ...

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Does Bulletproof Coffee Break Your Intermittent Fast?

          Will your intermittent break if you drink Bulletproof Coffee? Find out everything you need to know, including the numerous benefits!

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Benefits of Eating Organic Grass-Fed Beef

          The Benefits of Eating Organic Grass-Fed Beef have never been more crucial. A recent National Health Survey had a shocking statistic: out of 2,310 people tested, 80% had traces of the herbicide Glyphosate (a known cause of cancer) in their urine. Eating O

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Sleeping Naked For a Better Night's Rest: Does it Work?

          The good news is, there is one easy way to promote great sleep that all of us can do each night. Simply ditch your clothes and sleep naked!

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Ways To Boost Your Immune System

          Immunity Boosting Micronutrients Since it's flu season - and most of us at the office are feeling it - we thought we'd shine a light on how you can use

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Pomegranate Offers Heart-Protective Benefits | NaturalHealth365

          (NaturalHealth365) Discover the many health benefits of pomegranate, including improved heart health and lower risk of cancer.

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Researchers Demand COVID Vax Trial Data | NaturalHealth365

          (NaturalHealth365) Researchers write open letter to CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna, calling for full release of clinical trial data.

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Popular Athletic Clothing Brands Have High Levels of Hormone Disrupting Chemical BPA: Watchdog Group

          Sport bras and athletic shirts of some of the major global sports brands were found to contain dangerous levels of estrogen-mimicking BPA (bisphenol A) posing a considerable risk to people’s health, according to legal notices sent by the Center for Envi

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Seven More Reasons to Love Avocados That You Didn’t Already Know - thenutritionwatchdog.com

          By: Cat Ebeling  Co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fig

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Taking 4,000 Steps a Day Can Reduce Dementia Risk—But More Walking Is Even Better

          New research shows that while 10,000 steps a day can reduce dementia risk by half, even 4,000 steps a day has health benefits.

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Let Us Tap Together! - Circle of Life with Rasaji

          This Is a Nice Intro to Taping On 15 Major Pressures Points in The Body That Help

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Study Finds Ultra-Processed Foods Like Frozen Meals and Soda Lead to Cancer

          Your go-to frozen meal or cold cuts could be amplifying your risk of cancer or premature death.

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Why self-care is so important for heart health by Dr Rashmi Byakodi

          Here are some practical tips on self-care for your heart health and why it is so important for your overall health, by Dr. Rashmi Byakodi.

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Herbs for Fire Season Support

          If you live in an area prone to wildfire, you know that fire season brings a whole list of things to prepare for including ways to relieve discomforts derived from smokey air and overcast skies. Here are some helpful herbs and resources to help support re

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Top Longevity Supplements to Take for Anti-Aging

            In this article you will discover the top longevity supplements to take to slow down aging, improve energy, brain, skin and immune health.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Top 12 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Nutrients

            One of the hottest areas of cancer research has to do with cancer stem cells and the top 12 cancer stem cell killing nutrients.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Keto Lifestyle 101: The Ketogenic Diet for Beginners

            The keto lifestyle is blowing up in the nutrition scene because of its ability to help you shed fat, lower inflammation, and increase your brain function. With words like “ketosis” and “ketones”, plus all the talk of macros and fat adaptation, yo

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Wildling Beauty

            Skin rituals for face and body that lift, plump, sculpt, and tone the skin.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            How Infrared Sauna Can Help With Relaxation | Sunlighten

            Nothing creates space for de-stressing like a Sunlighten infrared sauna. Relaxation may be an infrared sauna’s most underrated superpower. We look at some of the science that shows dry sauna heat makes positive physiological changes in the body that hel

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            How not to Hunch like your Parent and Grandparent

            Hunching is learned rather than inherited, so the Gokhale Method uses healthy posture principles and carefully honed techniques to reeducate the body.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            6 Foods That Could Fix Underlying Cause of Inflammation

            Sulfur is a somewhat "forgotten" nutrient you don't hear mentioned very often, but it's very important for optimal ...

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Studies Find Natural Treatments for Coronavirus

              Contrary to what mass mainstream media would have you assume, coronaviruses aren't uncharted territory. In fact, human coronaviruses ...

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              SARS-COV-2 Vaccines and Neurodegenerative Disease

              Since December 2020, when several novel unprecedented vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 began to be approved for emergency use, there ...

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Adrenal Problems Addressed By Adaptogenic Herbs | NaturalHealth365

              (NaturalHealth365) Are you suffering from adrenal problems? Poor adrenal health increases your risk of various diseases. Here is a solution.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Easy Tips to Keep Your Dry Eyes at Ease

              Winter can lead to dry, itchy eyes. It’s windy and dry outdoors, and heaters pumping inside don’t offer ...

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              More Good News on Ivermectin

              When it comes to the treatment of COVID-19, many Western nations have been hobbled by the politicization of ...

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Best Time to Take Your Supplements

              Your body is a complex miracle of biochemistry. And knowing how to use it and fuel it better will help you get more out of it.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              A Solid Future for Cancer Cell Therapy

              Cell therapies have transformed the treatment of certain blood cancers. Scientists now are working to bring that success to solid tumors.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Can Vegetarians Eat The Bulletproof Diet?

              You can get a lot from the Bulletproof Diet, even if you don't eat meat. Here are a few hacks tailored for vegetarians who want to go Bulletproof.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              How I Reversed an Autoimmune Disease (Part 1)

              Today I live a healthy, happy life. You’d never know that 6 years ago I nearly died from an advanced stage of an autoimmune disease and no doctor could help me.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Saunaing: The easiest habit you’ll love to create - Sunlighten

              Your health, and the health of the ones you love, depends on the small choices you make to live healthy regularly over time. The way to be successful in developing healthy habits lies in finding a few foundational things that are doable; that you will a

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              7 Medicinal Mushrooms That Fight Cancer

              Medicinal mushrooms are among the most powerful foods for preventing and treating cancer. Get the scoop on 7 cancer-fighting varieties.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Seven More Reasons to Love Avocados That You Didn’t Already Know - thenutritionwatchdog.com

              By: Cat Ebeling  Co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fig

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              The Health Benefits of Chocolate: Cool Stuff You Didn't Know

              Learn the health benefits of dark chocolate, how to source the best quality chocolate and the little-known compound that makes chocolate so good for you.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              These Foods Have Natural Chemopreventive Properties | GreenMedInfo

              The greatest ally against chronic disease may be found in your everyday diet, from fresh, raw fruits and vegetables to popular beverages such as coffee and green tea

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Amazon devices will soon automatically share your Internet with neighbors

              Amazon's experimental wireless mesh networking turns users into guinea pigs.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Histone Acetylation: The Other Superpower of Ketosis

              Read about how histone acetylation works, why you want to keep your gene expression in good working order, and how ketosis can help.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Aluminum Linked To Alzheimer's Disease | NaturalHealth365

              (NaturalHealth365) A new study reveals bombshell evidence that a toxic heavy metal, aluminum may be linked to Alzheimer's disease.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Cocoa Offers Remarkable Health Benefits | NaturalHealth365

              (NaturalHealth365) Even a single episode of stress can raise the risk of cardiac events. Discover how cocoa can support your heart health..

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Plant Melatonin vs Synthetic Melatonin - Why Nature Knows Best – Symphony Natural Health

              Melatonin is a unique antioxidant with the ability to cross the blood brain barrier. But not all melatonin supplements are created equal. Research shows the benefits of natural, plant melatonin over synthetic alternatives.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              6 At-Home Infrared Saunas for Every Space and Budget | Well Good

              At-home infrared saunas are available in a variety of price points, with many foldable options that save space, too.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              10 Lifestyle Changes Linked to Lower Blood Pressure Without Medication

              High blood pressure is like an overheated engine—nothing good can come from it. If our blood pressure is high (aka hypertension), then you want easy, natural ways to lower it.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              All the Reasons You Need to Drink Coffee Before Your Workout

              Coffee is your new favorite pre-workout. Here are all the amazing ways it boosts your workout, plus how to get more from your brew.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              BBC One’s “The Truth About Improving Mental Health” Features Alpha-Stim® as a Treatment for Insomnia - Alpha-Stim

              BBC One's "The Truth About Improving Mental Health" features Alpha-Stim as a safe and effective treatment for insomnia.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              CDC Report Buries Shocking Data About Asymptomatic Spread

              If the contagiousness of people without symptoms does not drive the spread of SARS-COV-2, then restrictions on the general public don't make sense.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Study Shows Power of Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil for Brain Health

              MCT oil for brain health? A study conducted at Canada's University of Sherbrooke shows how Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil lights up the brain.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              New Research Review Says HCQ Plus Zinc Reduces COVID-19 Deaths

              Hydroxychloroquine has been one of the most controversial treatments for COVID-19 throughout the pandemic. Now a new research ...

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Government Consigned Israeli Population to be Human Subjects in a Massive Experiment

              BBC: "Israel bought large stocks of the [Covid-19] jab in exchange for acting as the world's guinea pig."

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Heat, Cold, Light and What to Skip to Keep Your Immune System Strong

              Everyone knows that much the world has been on lockdown for the last several months, first with the 2 month goal of “flattening the curve,” but now it’s morphed into “lockdown until there’s a vaccine.”

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              British legislator calls for widespread vitamin D rollout following 82% reduction in COVID-19 deaths in Spain – Natura

              British Member of Parliament David Davis is urging the British government to strengthen its vitamin D supplementation program for people at-risk of COVID-19 following an impressive precedent set by Andalusia in Spain. Speaking before the House of Commons

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition

              It may come as a surprise to some, especially those with conventional medical training, but the default state of the body is one of ceaseless regeneration. Without the flame-like persistence of continual cell turnover within the body - life and death ceas

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Heat, Cold, Light and What to Skip to Keep Your Immune System Strong

              Everyone knows that much the world has been on lockdown for the last several months, first with the 2 month goal of “flattening the curve,” but now it’s morphed into “lockdown until there’s a vaccine.”

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Best Kept Secrets to Prevent, Halt, or Even Reverse Macular

              Have you ever felt your money was wasted on supplements? That even though you consistently followed the protocol from your health-care practitioner you were not getting the results others obtained with the same program? You may have been right! We've help

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Humidifiers May Play a Role in Preventing COVID

              Controlling the humidity level in your home, or even simply in your bedroom while you sleep, may lower ...

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Breathwork Helps Tame Stress, Benefits Your Mind and Body

              Too many people breath the shallow breaths of the stressed and anxious. That lack of airflow creates more stress, and so a vicious cycle begins.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Former Israeli General And Space Security Chief: "Aliens Are Real" Says President Trump Was Close To Public An

              Haim Eshed, a former Israeli general told the Jerusalem post that Aliens are in fact real, and that both the U.S. and Israel have known for years

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              COVID-19 Vaccine Bombshell: FDA Documents Reveal DEATH 21 Serious

              Public discussion and documents reveal that the FDA knows that rushed-to-market COVID-19 vaccines may cause a wide range of life-threatening side effects, including death.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Three-Spice Combo Improves Chronic Knee Osteoarthritis | GreenMedInfo

              Turmeric extract, when combined with gingerols in ginger and piperine in black pepper, shows promise for addressing osteoarthritis, with results similar to those achieved by a common anti-inflammatory medication

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Cleveland Clinic Identifies Melatonin as COVID-19 Treatment

              Melatonin has been shown to play a role in viral infections and research suggests it may be an important adjunct to COVID-19 treatment.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Sulforaphane: What Is It, Its Benefits, & Top Foods & Supplements

              Find out all about sulforaphane, a powerful antioxidant in cruciferous vegetables, why it's good for you, and how to use it for your health.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Black Seed - 'The Remedy for Everything but Death' | GreenMedInfo

              This humble, but immensely powerful seed, kills MRSA, heals the chemical weapon poisoned body, stimulates regeneration of the dying beta cells within the diabetic's pancreas, and yet too few even know it exists.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Brain Benefits of Yoga Comparable to Aerobic Exercise | GreenMedInfo

              Think you need to pound the pavement in order to obtain the benefits of exercise? Studies show yoga may be just as good as aerobics when it comes to maintaining a healthy brain

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              25 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Foods Smarter Than Chemo & Radiation

              An important scientific review identifies 25 of the top foods and herbs which kill the cancer stem cells at the root cause of cancer malignancy.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Improve Your Health With Bite-Sized Fasts

              Laz Versalles recently vowed to get back into shape. A former college football player, Versalles still looked strong, but with marriage and fatherhood, he'd put on some extra pounds.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Maintaining a Healthy Mind in Uncertain Times - Sunlighten

              Now is a time most people are stressed due to the pandemic. Learn 7 natural ways to improve your mental health.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Is Fat Good for You? Everything You Need to Know About Dietary Fats

              You need to eat lots of healthy fats to stay slim and perform at your best but not all fats are created equal. Find out everything you ever wanted to know about dietary fats.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Study Shows Coffee in the Morning Increases Ketone Levels

              A Canadian study showed that drinking coffee in the morning will not only keep you in a fasted state but increase your blood ketones to help you burn fat.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Science of Saunas: 10 Proven Clinical Health Benefits of Saunas

              Saunas create a variety of well-documented health benefits, including the release of 'feel good’ endorphins, improved circulation and blood flow, and more.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              What is the Best Intermittent Fasting Window to Lose Belly Fat?

              Time-restricted eating, a form of intermittent fasting, has been associated with weight loss and other health benefits.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Mask wearers are “dramatically less likely” to get a severe case of Covid-19

              When people wear masks, they can still get infected, but they’re more likely to have milder symptoms.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Are You Getting Enough Protein? How to Find Your Ideal Protein Intake

              Get the scoop on different types of protein, their bioavailability, and how much protein to eat for muscle gain, weight loss, and recovery.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Five Ways to Battle the Midlife Midsection

              Weight gain and aging often go hand-in-hand. Before you resign yourself to a life of elastic waist clothing, there are a few things you can do to control or reverse the weight gain in your middle, and minimize your risk of serious illness. Here are five t

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              The Complete Intermittent Fasting Guide for Beginners

              Intermittent fasting has tons of benefits, and it’s really easy to do. Find out how it works and the best way to fast in this intermittent fasting guide.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Is Intermittent Fasting All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

              Intermittent Fasting (IF) is a popular trend among many of Hollywood’s elite, as well as several fitness professionals, who swear by this method for keeping their enviable bodies in shape, but what exactly is IF and is it something you should consider t

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              WHO Admits: No Direct Evidence Masks Prevent Viral Infection

              Most objections to mask-wearing requirements are not to the masks themselves, but to the mandate, and well-documented consequences such as oxygen deprivation should give anybody pause

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              7 Simple Indicators Your Body Reveals About Your Health

              You don’t always need a doctor to tell you if you’re healthy. Every day, your body can reveal certain clues that reveal the state of your health.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Intermittent Fasting 101: Find Out if It's Right for You

              Interested in intermittent fasting? Discover the types, health benefits, and risks in this easy to follow intermittent fasting 101 guide.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Tracking the Glucose Ketone Index - Heads Up Health

              In this post we will examine the glucose ketone index as a biomarker for tracking metabolic health.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              My Favorite Exercises for When You Can't Visit the Gym, Part 1: Chair Pose | Gokhale Method Institute

              Whether you are on the road, in a campground, or just stuck at home during quarantine, you can always exercise. I’ve been dancing since I was a young child, so I have a very strong bias for dance as a way of exercising, but I also like to change it up w

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Magnesium: The Missing Mineral

              Minerals are key to a well-functioning body: Iron helps generate red blood cells; calcium builds bones; the dance ...

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Bristol Stool Chart - What Your Poop is Telling You... - Heads Up Health

              Learn how to use the Bristol stool chart to track the health of what comes out of your body and track your results with Heads Up Health.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              PERSPIRATE. MOTIVATE. FEEL GREAT! - Sunlighten

              Start your workout with a quicker sweat that doesn't increase your heart rate and provides your body with healing benefits, using an infrared sauna.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              These 5 Yoga Poses Can Reduce Menopause Symptoms

              During (and even leading up to) menopause, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Your body is changing in all sorts of ways over which it seems like you have no control. But you have more control over many of these symptoms than you think—and that’s where

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Innovative New Method May Allow Doctors to Target ‘Bad’ Gut Microbes

              Our body relies on an ecosystem of microbes in our stomach for good health. But when this microscopic community turns bad, our health suffers.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Men's Health Month Series: 3 - Sam's 5 Pillars of Wellness - Sunlighten

              One of the reasons I love working at Sunlighten is because the culture here completely embodies my stance on health and wellness.  Wellness can mean different things to different people. For me, it is about optimizing my performance both physically and m

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

              Getting a grip on blood pressure without drugs isn't impossible, and can even be fun and delicious.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Censoring Evidence on Vitamin C

              High doses vitamin C isn't something many doctors are comfortable trying, but this relatively low-risk treatment may have potential—despite the censorship.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              UV Rays Emitted Inside Trachea Could ‘Eradicate’ Viruses and Bacteria

              Sunlight can directly kill troublesome microbes. Now UV light is being used in medical treatments that bring its cleansing to our trachea, where bacteria can grow.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Top 20 Immune Boosting Foods

              A wide variety of diverse foods, especially fruits and vegetables, can have a huge impact on your immune system’s resilience.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              10 Frizzy Hair Solutions for Smooth, Sleek Hair | Young Living Blog

              Meta Description(2-3 sentences, SEO keyword loaded) Frizzy hair got you feelin’ down? Cheer up! Our list of frizzy hair solutions will have you—and your hair—doing the happy dance in no time.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Natural Protection Strategy Against Viruses, Including Coronavirus

              Viruses like coronavirus challenge the body. It must develop immunity through wrestling with infection. Some foods and vitamins better help it do that.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Should I Disinfect My Groceries? Advice About Grocery Shopping Safely : Shots - Health News : NPR

              Coronavirus got you nervous about grocery shopping? We talked to scientists for their advice about how to stay safe at the store — and when handling food back home.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 | Pesticide Registration | US EPA

              List N includes products with an emerging viral pathogen claim and products with claims for human coronaviruses.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Best Foods to Help Your Body Fight the Coronavirus

              While there are no current allopathic treatments that target coronavirus, there are osteopathic treatments that can help you body fight back.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Does Everyone Over 60 Need to Take the Same Coronavirus Precautions?

              If you’re worried that older parents aren’t following rigorous enough precautions, don’t lecture them. Instead, ask how they’ve prepared.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Scientists Find 69 Drugs and Compounds Potentially Effective Against COVID-19

              Researchers have identified dozens of drugs and compounds that may be effective in combating the CCP virus.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              9 Health Benefits of Oranges Backed by Science

              Simple minded scientists sometimes try to simplify the medicinal qualities of the orange down to vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. That is a mistake.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Flavors of BPA Keep Plastic Hormonal

              BPA-free means little when common plastics have same side effects.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              How to Keep a Germ-Free Home

              Families are taking a more serious look at their homes and considering what they can do to reduce the spread of germs at home.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              A Guide to Vitamin C: Health Benefits & Best Sources | Fullscript

              Vitamin C is known for its role in supporting the immune system, but its health effects can range from collagen formation to prevention of ocular diseases.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              This Is How Your Hair Changes As You Age | Nutrafol

              Our hair changes as we get older. Learn how hair changes with age and why both men and women should adjust their hair care routines for each stage of life.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Meditation for Busy People: Protective Aura

              Protective Aura: Try this two- to three-minute meditation to help you de-stress, unwind, and enjoy not taking yourself, or the situation around you, too seriously.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Dr. Ben Carson Brilliantly Turns Tables on Dems Attacking Mike Pence's Coronavirus Response

              HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson criticized attempts to politicize the coronavirus task force’s handling of the disease at a press briefing Wednesday.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Essential Guide to Portion Sizes | Nutrition | MyFitnessPal

              We’ve all been there: after enjoying a quick snack, we check the nutrition label only to learn we’ve just eaten two, three or even four servings when ...

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Cultivating a J-Spine with Chair Pose (Utkatasana) | Gokhale Method Institute

              As a student and teacher of yoga and practitioner of the Gokhale Method, I choose yoga poses that make good use of my time. “Chair pose” is well worth the time investment. In fact, it has become one of my favorite strength-building postures. It is use

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Cel | The Powerful Beauty & Health Benefits of Asparagus

              A rich, nourishing moisturizer formulated specifically to heal and protect dry, cracked, hard-working hands. Made with moisture-rich ingredients to intensely hydrate your skin.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              How to Sit on the Floor, Part 2: Squatting | Gokhale Method Institute

              This is the second post in our multi-part series on floor sitting. For Part 1 on floor sitting, click here.Why squat? Squatting isn’t something we do much in industrialized societies beyond childhood, but if you can do it healthfully, it is an eminently p

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Keeping Your Vagina Happy & Comfortable Throughout Menopause & Beyond – Bonafide

              Unlike hot flashes and night sweats, which will eventually cease, vaginal changes due to diminished estrogen production during menopause are chronic and progressive over time, if left untreated. Let's review what can be done to keep your vagina healthy an

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Effects of Low Estrogen as We Age

              Estrogen levels will naturally decline with age and bring a variety of health issues. Fortunately, you can offset some of these with diet and supplements.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              What Is the Immune System?

              Researchers continue to discover important, new dimensions of a complex interaction of elements in the body known as the immune system.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              How to Improve Your Posture in a Day | Gokhale Method Institute

              Pop-up Courses ensure an excellent teacher:student ratio for lots of direct attention.Our newly-crafted Pop-up Course fills a gap in our group class offerings. After many years of experimentation, we are excited about this format as it enables more peopl

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              TM Intro Talk - Everything You Need to Know

              In this short video you'll find out what regular TM practice does for you health and wellbeing, how and why the TM technique works and the steps to learn.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              What is the Best Ab Exercise? | Gokhale Method Institute

              The abdominal crunch, though ubiquitous, is actually quite detrimental to the spinal discs and nerves. Better to find an abdominal exercise which respects and protects the spine! Image courtesy Jonathan Borba on Unsplash.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Tune In to Your Body's Wisdom

              "If we don’t listen to our body... it slaps us upside the head. Then we actually have a physical problem."

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Humans Learn through Repetition | Gokhale Method Institute

              Learning and internalizing techniques doesn’t always happen immediately — or without assistance from a teacher.I spent many years developing and perfecting the Gokhale Method Foundations Course. After years of crafting the language, honing the metapho

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              7 Easy Exercises That Are Key to Good Health

              Exercising can help prevent heart disease and other high-risk health conditions as it relieves back pain and stress.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              10 Health Benefits of Swimming - MySwimPro

              Swimming is an amazing form of fitness for people of all ages. If you already know how to swim, it can be easy and inexpensive. You can go at their own pace. Swimming helps not only with your physical health to stay in shape, but the benefits also extend

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Brain Regeneration: Why It’s Real and How to Do It

              There are common substances, one of them is probably in your spice rack, that can help you regrow lost brain cells. Call it the Einstein diet.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              When Is It Good to Pull Back Your Shoulders? | Gokhale Method Institute

              This is the second post in our series on shoulder positioning. Read Part 1 here!Typing with shoulders too far forward.Often, in industrialized cultures, the shoulders are slumped or held forward. There are so many daily tasks in the modern world that make

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              14 Home Remedies For High Blood Pressure | RESPeRATE

              Looking for natural ways to lower blood pressure? Try these 14 home remedies for high blood pressure. #14 will surprise you...

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              How to Protect Yourself From Inflamm-aging

              Stress doesn't just come from your job or relationships. Bad food, poor sleep, and loneliness can all stress your body. Fortunately, de-stressing is fun.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Studies Show Microwaves Drastically Reduce Nutrients

              Microwaves are quick and easy but they take a heavy toll on the complex nutritional profile of the foods they zap.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              5 Effective Steps to Better Gut Health

              Taking care of the ecosystem of microbes in your stomach will ensure a health immune system and overall well-being.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Red meat halves risk of depression - Telegraph

              Women who reduce lamb and beef in their diets are more likely to suffer
              depression, according to the new study.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Shamanic Yoga - Pave the Way to a More Empowered You

              Shamanic yoga is based on psychophysical exercises and spiritual practices, and that is done in a magical place reached through ecstasy.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Big Pharma Invented These Diseases To Sell Drugs (Osteoporosis Is One Of Them)

              Let’s say you’ve invented a new gadget and you want to manufacture and sell it. Only problem is, it does something that nobody needs. There was a point in history,

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Upgrade Your Downward-Facing Dog with the Gokhale Method and SpineTracker™ | Gokhale Method Institute

              Studying and teaching yoga has been part of my life for several years. However, after learning the Gokhale Method, I approached the well-known yoga posture “downward-facing dog” (Adho Mukha Svanasana) in a new way. Hip-hinging with my even spinal gro

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Google Is Burying Alternative Health Sites to Protect People From ‘Dangerous’ Medical Advice

              Google is undermining important conversations about health by burying views and facts it considers unworthy.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Save Our Bones Bulletin: US Packaged Foods Found To Be “Ultra-Processed”, Triclosan Linked To Bone Loss, Doctors Suf

              This month’s Bulletin contains some alarming and sobering news from the worlds of food and medicine. A startling study sheds new light on just how unhealthy and heavily processed most

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Why Food Is Actually Information

              Pretending food is nothing more than calories and proteins vastly under-acknowledges the life-changing role it can play.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Expert Warns Lack Of Sleep Changes DNA Behavior, Can Lead To Weight Gain, High Blood Pressure - Study Finds

              Experts also warn that lack of sleep raises the risk of heart disease, may lead to weight gain, and can even change the way our DNA behaves.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              3 Unexpected Stress Triggers That Can Damage Your Bones

              Stress is not only unpleasant; it can damage your bones by keeping cortisol levels elevated. So naturally, it makes sense to avoid it. Sometimes, that means “exposing” sources of stress

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              The Inside Job of Creating Peace - by Doc Childre

              Many people hope and pray to find peace in their lives, especially during times of stress and uncertainty. Finding peace is an inside job – something we can learn to create. Research studies have shown that individuals, groups and organizations are capa

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Improving Your Neck Placement: a New Metaphor | Gokhale Method Institute

              Note the forward head and neck placement of both these High Street pedestrians. This usually results from tucking the pelvis (see the man (right)), but can also become a habit independent of pelvic position (see woman (left)). Here our Bristol teacher Cl

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Whole body vibration shakes up microbiome, reducing inflammation in diabetes - Neuroscience News

              Whole-body vibration (WBV) therapy may be a way in which inflammation associated with diabetes can be controlled. WBV alters the microbiome, increasing levels of a bacterium that creates short-chain fatty acids, which help the body to better use glucose.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              The Way to Stronger Knees

              The knee does tonnes of work, literally. And to do that work, it needs us to use it properly and keep it properly fed.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Improving Your Neck Placement: a New Metaphor | Gokhale Method Institute

              Note the forward head and neck placement of both these High Street pedestrians. This usually results from tucking the pelvis (see the man (right)), but can also become a habit independent of pelvic position (see woman (left)). Here our Bristol teacher Cl

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              The 11 Biggest Myths About Hair Growth & Loss

              Learn more about the biggest hair growth and loss myths that you should stop believing.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              New Research Links Healthy Habits to Lower Alzheimer’s Risk | Everyday Health

              Combining positive lifestyle interventions may maximize benefits, while certain habits raise the risk of dementia.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Having Hair Issues? How to Stimulate Hair Growth Naturally

              You are not alone in wondering how to stimulate hair growth. Actually, the average person loses about 70 to 100 strands of hair every day.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              New Insights on Gut Permeability and Depression

              New research suggests those with a leaky gut, when toxins or bacteria seep through the intestinal wall, face a greater risk of depression.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Scientists close in on blood test for Alzheimer's - STAT

              Half a dozen research groups just presented new results on various experimental tests, including one that seems 88% accurate at indicating Alzheimer's risk.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Artificial Retina Implants: Seeing Is Believing | The Health Edge

              Things are really looking up for people who suffer from vision loss. Scientists from Sweden and Israel teamed up to develop the thinnest retinal implant in the world. The wireless device is layered wi

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Journey with Joan Baez | Gokhale Method Institute

              Feeling happy after a lesson. If you ask Joan Baez what keeps her in good enough shape to do worldwide musical tours at age 78, she will hand you a little brown card that says “Esther Gokhale, Creator of the Gokhale Method.”My wooden business card.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Purina says it’s cracked the (egg) code on feline allergens

              News that may save more cats from relinquishment: A diet coated in egg powder has been found to neutralize the protein that causes people to experience allergic reactions to cats.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Top 15 Anti-Inflammatory Foods and How to Follow this Diet - Dr. Axe

              In an anti-inflammatory diet, we move away from processed diets of the West and toward ancient eating. Here are the best anti-inflammatory foods.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Best Types of Nontoxic Cookware Nonstick Cookware Dangers - Dr. Axe

              Toxic cookware like nonstick cookware contain dangerous chemicals that can damage our bodies, studies show. It's time to buy nontoxic cookware.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Study identifies protein that causes 'exhaustion' of immune system cells | The Times of Israel

              Understanding role of TOX protein could pave way to restoring normal function in systems weakened by chronic disease, say researchers from Israel's Bar-Ilan University and others

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              How to Sit on the Floor, Part 2: Squatting | Gokhale Method Institute

              This is the second post in our multi-part series on floor sitting. For Part 1 on floor sitting, click here.Why squat? Squatting isn’t something we do much in industrialized societies beyond childhood, but if you can do it healthfully, it is an eminently

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Top 15 Anti-Inflammatory Foods and How to Follow this Diet - Dr. Axe

              In an anti-inflammatory diet, we move away from processed diets of the West and toward ancient eating. Here are the best anti-inflammatory foods.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              4 Shocking Truths About Supermarket Shampoos - CEL MD

              Bad hair days should be a thing of the past, so why are we finding ourselves getting more frustrated in our search for the perfect shampoo? Walking up and down the aisles in the drugstore, trying to find the best deal on a shampoo could be a complete wast

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              'Living drug' offers hope to terminal blood cancer patients - BBC News

              Doctors say some lymphoma patients are being completely cured in a way "never been seen before".

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              REVEALED: Asparagus Stem Cells Are The Answer To Hair Loss! - CEL MD

              Eating your greens will keep you healthy, so they say, but can vegetables and plant-based goodness keep hair-thinning at bay, too? Not just good for your insides, but as a topical solution to hair loss, our recent clinical trial here at Cel has proven it

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Learn to Age Well From the Real ‘Experts’

              Some people age better than others. That's often because they've lived better than others thanks to wisdom and habits passed down for generations.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Why Does the Oldest Chinese Buddha Figure Slump? | Gokhale Method Institute

               The oldest surviving Chinese Buddha figure shows surprisingly slumped posture. Note the forward head, absence of a stacked spine, and tucked pelvis. He would not look out of place with a smartphone in his hand!This surprisingly hunched Chinese Buddha fi

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Study: Seniors’ Physical and Mental Health Linked to Optimism

              Traits like optimism, resilience, wisdom, and self-compassion are found to be protective, while loneliness seemed to be a risk factor.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Tuning in to Microwave Sickness

              As the amount of electronic radiation hitting our bodies increases, so too does its effect on our bodies' own electrical systems, especially our brains.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Improving Your Neck Placement: a New Technique | Gokhale Method Institute

              I’ve taught stretchlying on the side for decades. So it’s a (welcome) surprise to discover a way of arranging the neck that is both more effective in adding additional neck length and more relaxing for the neck muscles. It takes good form to be able

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              "I Found I Could Defeat Sciatica:" Norm's Story | Gokhale Method Institute

              Photo courtesy Norman Crawford.Norm, a hydrologic analyst and author now 82 years of age, originally hails from Alberta, Canada. When Norm was 16 years old, he accepted a summer job in Lake Louise (also known as Lake of the Little Fishes by the local Ston

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Just how effective is hypnosis at relieving pain?

              Can hypnosis treat pain? A recent meta-analysis combines the findings of 85 studies and concludes that it could be an effective option for pain relief.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Uncovering the Mysteries of Fibromyalgia

              Fibromyalgia may be one of the most painful side effects of the overuse of antibiotics, one theory goes. Understanding this could be key for finding a cure.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              FDA Found Listeria at 21 Percent of Ice Cream Factories, It Says

              The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on April 24 that it found harmful bacteria in 21 percent of ice cream manufacturers.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              7 "Hair-Killing" Habits EVERY Woman Over 30 Should Know About

              By the time we reach our thirties, we’re knowledgeable about the do's and don't's of hair care, and what we need to do in order to look after our locks. We’ve spent our teens trialing lavish colors and out-there styles, and our twenties investing in

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Is Belly Breathing Good for You? | Gokhale Method Institute

              It’s common for students to arrive at our classes with strong notions about breathing. Among these is “Belly breathing is good breathing; chest breathing is bad breathing.” I disagree with this widespread belief and present varying amounts of pushba

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Short, Brisk Walks Reduce Knee Osteoarthritis Related Disability: Study

              A new study found seniors who engaged in one hour of moderate-to-vigorous exercise a week could reduce the risk of mobility disability by up to 85 percent.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              8 Everyday Cancer-Causing Chemicals Hiding at Home That You May Have Overlooked

              We are surrounded by toxins in our daily lives. The air we breathe, the plastic world that surrounds ...

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              The wonder drug that could reverse the ageing process

              Sarah Knapton visits the Mayo Clinic to report on how US scientists are trialling senolytics, which target the zombie cells that cause age-related diseases

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Biggest Mistake Dieters Make? Not Enough Water

              Thirst is easily mistaken for hunger. Drinking a glass of water a great way to avoid eating too much and stay hydrated. Water also helps you lose weight.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Morning Neck Pain: Why It Happens and How to Avoid It - The Atlantic

              After waking up with a searing pain that radiates down to my shoulders, I hunt for the culprit.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Baby Massage, Traditional Indian Style | Gokhale Method Institute

              My students sometimes lead me to particularly juicy nuggets that enrich my understanding of posture-related practices in other cultures. Sometimes they simply send me a link to an article; sometimes it is an introduction to a special person. Recently, my

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              How to Sit on the Floor, Part 1: Cross-legged Sitting | Gokhale Method Institute

              Sitting cross-legged on the floor is common in many cultures around the world, and has become popular in some segments of modern Western societies. This Druze woman who I met in Israel has sat cross-legged all her life. She runs a hospitality business �

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              An Exercise Regime Everyone Can Squeeze In

              New research finds that any exercise—no matter how brief—can have a meaningful impact on our overall health if repeated often enough.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Wi-Fi in Schools: Experimenting With the Next Generation

              Schools are turning to devices and intense wireless internet networks to teach kids even as mounting evidence points towards significant health risks.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Intuitive Eating: The Diet That Tells You to Quit Dieting - The Atlantic

              “Intuitive eating” encourages people to eat whatever they want. It might be great advice.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Self-Induced Disease: Why the #1 Killer of Americans May Surprise You

              Most modern illness comes from bad behaviors that that can be hard to change. But with focus and motivation, we can avoid self-inflicted suffering.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              How to Correctly Order Your Exercises In the Gym | Shape Magazine

              Whether you're doing a leg workout, bodyweight circuit, or crushing a total-body dumbbell workout, follow these tips for which exercises to do first.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Statins can benefit all ages, including those over 75, study finds

              A new study reverses current thinking on giving statins to people over 75, finding the cholesterol-lowering drugs benefit people of all ages with minimal risk.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Can CBD Speed Up Your Metabolism? | HelloMD

              Shop our curated selection of Cannabis and hemp-derived CBD products from only the highest-quality health and wellness brands. Medical Marijuana doctor recommendations also available.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Up to a Third Of Knee Replacements Pack Pain and Regret

              Knee replacements are marketed as a miracle cure for pain and mobility issues, but the actual results are questionable—and sometimes dangerous.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Is Sunscreen the New Margarine?

              Is it possible that we've been wrong about sunscreen all along?

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Salt and Blood Pressure - Are They Connected? | RESPeRATE-blog

              Does salt cause high blood pressure? Salt is endangering your health and putting you at risk for a host of diseases.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              6 Reasons to Eat Chocolate

              While milk chocolate is loaded with sugar, dark chocolate provides the many benefits of cocoa without the unfortunate side-effects of sugar.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              The Fascination With Fascia

              Researchers and health experts are exploring the impact of fascia tissues, and ways to treat ailments that come from fascial degeneration.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              The use of Umbilical Cord Blood Plasma Stem Cell Therapy - Dr. Marc Darrow is a Stem Cell, PRP,Prolotherapy Expert in Lo

              At the Darrow Stem Cell Institute, we continue to research and explore new treatment options for our patients. Of obvious and great interest to us is the ever evolving research surrounding stem cell therapy for musculoskeletal disorders. Not only do we mo

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              5 Simple Steps to Pain Relief with Alpha-Stim - Alpha-Stim

              The Alpha-Stim pain protocol involves 5 simple steps. Relief is long lasting and often immediate. Alpha-Stim is a drug free way to treat pain.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              3 Simple Ways to Make a Bruise Go Away Faster

              How to Make a Bruise Go Away Faster. Bruises often appear at the least opportune moments, creating unwanted blemishes on your skin that detract from your overall look. If you need to get rid of a bruise quickly, be it for a photo, special...

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Why Pomegranate Juice is 'Roto-Rooter' for the Arteries

              Millions take toxic cholesterol and blood pressure lowering drugs that may do nothing to reduce heart disease specific mortality. What if a simple fruit extract worked better?

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              ABC News: Dayton officers using technology to treat stress, anxiety, PTSD - Alpha-Stim

              Original article by Christina Schaefer for ABC 22 DAYTON, Ohio (WKEF/WRGT) In the 30 years Gregory Moyer has been a police officer, he’s seen a lot, “things that come back to haunt you.” He’s a detective with Forensic Services at the Dayton Poli

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Parents Advised Not to Give Decongestants to Young Children

              Decongestants used to treat symptoms of the common cold are largely ineffective and should mostly be avoided, a new study says. They can even be dangerous.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Joint Health: How to Tell if Your Supplements Are High Quality

              If you’re one of the millions of Americans who experience joint pain, you probably know that the market is awash with supplements for joint health—Amazon alone has over 10,000. But not all brands live up to their promises. Some joint supplements don�

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              The Most Surprising Barrier To Weight Loss - PsyBlog

              People's weight loss efforts can be undermined in this surprising way.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              These 100-year-old retirees are running, teaching yoga, and living their best lives. Here are their secrets to happiness — Money

              Orville Rogers is 100 years old and routinely breaks records at track meets around the country. Sure, the World War II veteran doesn’t have much competition in his age bracket, but that’s beside the point. The point is that Rogers is in his fourth dec

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Eating Junk Food Raises Cancer Risk, Even for Slim Women

              Whether you are slim or obese, one thing is clear: calorie-dense processed foods increase cancer risk, regardless of body weight.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Posture and Pregnancy: A Report | Gokhale Method Institute

              During my first pregnancy in 2011–12 I had — compared with other women — only a little trouble; I felt relatively fit. At the time, the occasional pain in my lower back and my permanent shoulder/ neck pain seemed normal because I had suffered them s

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Holiday Health (Posture Tips) | Gokhale Method Institute

              The holidays are upon us and ‘tis the season for cooking, cleaning and entertaining. You may find yourself especially reliant upon your body as you enjoy the added festivities. We want to help keep you safe and healthy with some seasonal posture tips! S

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Building muscle mass á la Gokhale Method by focusing on length and strength | Gokhale Method Institute

              Anyone who has studied the Gokhale Method is familiar with the length and strength that we promote in all our muscle groups. As it turns out, length and strength are the two key elements to increasing muscle mass.  These benefits come to those who sleep,

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              How to Text with Good Posture | Gokhale Method Institute

              There’s nothing inherently problematic about the activity of texting from a posture point of view. The problems arise because we have poor habits in how we hold objects in front of us, how we read, and also because what’s on our cell phones tends to b

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              How to Get the Most Antioxidants in Your Diet

              Antioxidants are critical to fighting off age-inducing free radicals and the best way to get antioxidants is to eat the rainbow.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              New Research Reveals What Probiotics Do Inside Gut

              Researchers have used invasive techniques to collect samples from inside the stomach and evaluate how well probiotics actually work.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Choosing a Bed | Gokhale Method Institute

              Students often ask me if there is a particular mattress that is in line with the Gokhale Method. While I do have a few suggestions, the most important part of lying down is how you do it. Stretchlying on your back or side to put some extra length in your

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Superbugs jumping frequently between humans and animals

              MRSA staphylococcus is an example of a superbug. These bacterial strains are resistant to most antibiotics and can cause serious infections.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Reiki to Ease Pain: What Should I Know?

              People around the world have been helped by Reiki, but a lot is still unknown. WebMD explains what we do know about this Japanese folk treatment and how it may help you.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Management of Osteoarthritis with Avocado/Soybean Unsaponifiables

              Osteoarthritis (OA) is a painful and life-altering disease that severely limits the daily activities of millions of Americans, and it is one of the most common causes of disability in the world. With obesity on the rise and the world’s population ...

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Health Coaching Might Sound ‘New Age’, but It Could Help You Reach Old Age

              There are two ways of tackling chronic lifestyle diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes: discover new drugs and treatments or persuade people to make positive lifestyle changes to avoid developing them in the first place. Health coaching is

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Making Flat Feet Into Arched Feet

              Growing up as Esther’s third child, I was lucky to have been brought up with my posture (almost entirely) intact. The weak spot was my feet. Despite Esther’s encouragement (and sometimes nagging) to wear healthy shoes and sandals, I was pulled by the

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Does Full-Fat Dairy Promote Heart Disease? Research Says No

              Saturated fats do not clog your arteries; on the contrary, these fats are important for optimal health, and actually combat many of today's chronic diseases.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              'You’ve had what we call a cosmic orgasm': the rise of conscious breathing

              You do it more than 23,000 times a day, but are you breathing properly? From a rebirthing session to holotropic breathwork, Richard Godwin inhales the latest wellness craze

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              How to Lose Weight By Changing Your Posture | Gokhale Method Institute

              There are several ways the Gokhale Method helps a person lose weight. I discovered this benefit of the method from students reporting back to me that they had lost 10 pounds without changing anything other than their posture. This happened frequently enou

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              The Secret To Staying Happy Is Getting Whatever Exposure To Nature You

              A new study finds that even just seeing a tree or hearing a birdsong will up your state of mind.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Is it better to shower in the morning or at night

              There are two types of people—those who shower in the morning and those who shower at night. But, according to experts, each has different benefits. Here's how to decide whether or not it's better to shower in the morning or at night.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Game-Changing Diet Lowers High Blood Pressure In 2 Weeks

              Lower your blood pressure is 2 weeks? Sounds like a fantasy, but check out this new dietary regimen with amazing results.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              How to do Pull-ups with Healthy Posture | Gokhale Method Institute

              Our company’s deepest goal is to support people in being more sturdy in the world. Posture is a key ingredient for this, as is fitness. It’s commendable when people take on a fitness regimen of any kind; the companion undertaking needs to be to learn

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Just two MONTHS of stress can affect male sperm quality, worrying study reveals - Mirror Online

              Researchers from Ben-Gurion University have found that prolonged stress, such as that experienced during military conflict, can impact sperm quality

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Scientists in Mass. and beyond are working to slow the aging process

              Serious scientists, who’ve long scoffed at “anti-aging” products such as nutritional supplements and growth hormones, are now warming to the idea of slowing human aging.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Man’s Best Friend for Posture, Part I | Gokhale Method Institute

              One of the great strengths of the Gokhale Method is that you learn it doing practical activities, like sitting and walking; you then practice it during your day-to-day life. Regular tasks like driving the car and household chores, and leisure activities l

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Concussion Linked to Parkinson's Disease

              The accumulation of mild head injuries over time has been shown to raise your risk for neurological dysfunction later in life; according to recent research, even a single concussion could increase your risk for Parkinson's disease.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Baking Soda: An Inexpensive Treatment Aid for Autoimmune Diseases

              Baking soda has a number of medicinal uses and benefits; it's commonly known to have alkalinizing, antacid and electrolyte replacement properties.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              New chemical compound 'stops common cold in its tracks'

              Scientists working on human cells in a dish find new way to tackle rhinovirus – though a cure is a long way off

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Sex a key part of life for people over 65, study says

              US survey finds two-fifths of people between 65 and 80 report being sexually active, but topic is rarely discussed

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              DNA tests for IQ are coming, but it might not be smart to take one - MIT Technology Review

              Scientists have linked hundreds of genes to intelligence. One psychologist says it’s time to test school kids.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              GI-MAP™ | Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory

              Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory is pleased to offer you the GI Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP). The GI-MAP includes the first comprehensive pathogens assay that is FDA approved, the GPP assay by Luminex Corp. The pathogen targets include bacteria, parasite

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              What Are the Benefits of Alkaline in the Body?

              When your body is in an alkaline state, you are less likely to suffer from chronic diseases. The foods and beverages you consume each day have a direct...

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Serious Leisure Involvement With Dogs | The Bark

              Seeking the fountain of youth is a universal quest, but finding the Foxhound of youth may be more realistic. There’s a never-ending list of ways that dogs benefit our health and well-being, and their role in successful aging may be one of them, as long

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Benefits of Meditation to Your Mind and Body

              Along with eating a healthy diet, getting a variety of exercise, and ensuring proper sleep, meditation also have positive effects on your brain.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              What is Frankincense Good For? 8 Surprising Uses

              So, what is frankincense good for? It has a variety of uses such as relieving chronic stress, anxiety, reducing pain, inflammation, boosting immunity, and

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              buteykochildren -

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Get to know a gene: #HTR2A | GeneSight

              What is HTR2A? The 5-HT2A receptor, encoded by the HTR2A gene, is responsible for post-synaptic serotonin signaling and is a target for many antipsychotics and antidepressants.1 Two single nucleotide polymorphisms...

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              A ‘Game Changer’ for Patients With Irregular Heart Rhythm

              Rapid, erratic heartbeats — called ventricular tachycardia — can lead to sudden death. An experimental radiation treatment has eased the condition in five patients.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Everyday ways to keep your heart healthy, according to a cardiologist

              James Beckerman, M.D., cardiologist and medical director of prevention at Providence Heart Institute, offers everyday ways to keep your heart healthy and strong.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              The Oral Microbiome

              Functional and integrative medicine focuses much attention on the gut microbiome as the root of many chronic health conditions.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Vitamin C plays a protective role against the degeneration associated with osteoarthritis

              According to a study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, researchers demonstrated a protective role of ascorbic acid on osteoarthritic osteoblasts.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Edible Food Parts You Never Knew You Could Eat - Dr. Axe

              Turns out those scraps are really edible food parts. And sometimes their nutritional profiles are on par with popular superfoods.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Cancer cure hope: Potential cure could be ready as early as next year

              A POTENTIAL cure for cancer could be ready to test on patients as early as next year.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Buyer Beware: Most Collagen Supplements Sourced From CAFOs

              Recent testing reveals popular collagen products contain potentially hazardous contaminants, including antibiotics, parabens, steroids and insecticides.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Are C-Sections Contributing to Autism?

              Studies have found a link between C-sections and autism; one study found that children born by C-section had a 21 percent higher risk for developing autism.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              One Of The World’s Top Aging Researchers Has A Pill To Keep You Feelin

              Elysium Health hasn’t discovered the fountain of youth, but their new supplement–with the backing of some of the world’s foremost authorities on aging–could change how you get older.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Sex and drugs: U.S. study links marijuana use to more ...

              USA-MARIJUANA/SEX (PIX, TV):Sex and drugs: U.S. study links marijuana use to more intercourse

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Purple Foods for Cancer Prevention and a Healthier Gut and Heart

              Polyphenols are natural plant chemicals with powerful antioxidant properties that help combat inflammation, cancer, dementia, osteoporosis and more.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              New Genetic Associations for Parkinson's Disease Identified

              Scientists at 23andMe and Genentech have identified 17 new genetic variants associated with Parkinson’s disease, almost doubling the total number of known risk variants for the condition, which gives scientists hints at potential new targets for drugs t

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              The best way to fix broken bones might be with glass

              Glass may not seem an obvious material for a bone replacement. But UK surgeons are finding that bioglass not only is stronger than bone: it can bend, bounce and even fight infection.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              How to Reverse Cavities Naturally and Heal Tooth Decay

              How you can reverse cavities naturally without drilling into your teeth and filling them with synthetic materials?

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Nobel Prize in Medicine Goes to 3 Americans for Body Clock Studies

              Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young were recognized for research into the cellular mechanisms controlling the body’s 24-hour cycle.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Eye-opening maps reveal how and where Americans die

              Maps using government health data weave a telling set of stories from raw numbers, and they can help inform where future treatments are needed most.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Serum Ferritin and GGT: Potent Health Indicators You Need to Know

              By monitoring your serum ferritin and GGT levels and taking steps to lower them if they're too high, you can avoid serious health problems.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              Chicken Meat Linked to Drug-Resistant UTI Epidemic

              A form of E. coli is responsible for over 90 percent of urinary tract infections; DNA matching reveals many UTIs are caused by eating contaminated chicken meat.

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              A 'catastrophic sleep-loss epidemic' is killing us, warns leading scientist

              A “catastrophic sleep-loss epidemic” is causing a host of potentially fatal diseases, a leading expert has said. In an interview with the Guardian, Professor Matthew Walker, director of the Centre for Human Sleep Science at the University of Californi

              Health & Fitness | Health News

              There's new evidence that Silicon Valley's favorite diet could help delay aging

              A new study in animals suggests that significantly slashing calorie intake could come with some positive benefits, but more studies in people are needed.

                Health & Fitness | Health News

                Sleeping with your dog can lead to a better night’s rest: study

                Having a ruff night? Sleeping with your dog may actually be beneficial to your sleep patterns, a study reveals. Mayo Clinic researchers conducted a study...

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Largest Study Ever Done on Mammograms States They Are Pointless and Dangerous - Health And Love Page

                  When you want to take the precautionary measures and prevent breast cancer, you go to an annual mammogram. But more and more research proves that such a measure is pointless at best and dangerous at worst. Of

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  New study demonstrates fat intake is associated with an overall lower mortality and a lower risk of cardiovascular disea

                  Researchers demonstrated that high carbohydrate intake was associated with increased risk of mortality, while total fat, as well as individual types of fat, was associated with a lower mortality.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  LED Lights – Energy savers aren’t always health savers

                  The energy efficiency of LED lighting cannot be disputed, but perhaps, a more serious outcome of this new technology is being overlooked.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  This Sleep Pattern Linked To Dementia

                  Sleep disturbance is common in dementia, but the reason is unclear.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  What Are Terpenoids?

                  Research suggests consuming more terpenoids may help promote healthy metabolism while fighting chronic diseases like cancer.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Four cups of coffee a day could slash chance of early death

                  Drinking four cups of coffee a day could slash the chance of early death, a major study suggests.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  The Protein Leverage Hypothesis – Could Skimping on Protein Make You Binge on Carbs and Fat?

                  There seem to be two major camps in the diet wars: low fat and low carb. The macronutrient that gets ignored—with powerful yet underappreciated effects—is protein.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  8 Ways to Outsmart Poison Ivy

                  Dr. Stephen Sinatra offers health advice and an extensive line of heart healthy vitamins and supplements tailored for people with cardiovascular concerns.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Heart Healthy Foods Your Cardiologist Should `Prescribe'

                  Find out more about the five heart healthy foods that Dr. Stephen Sinatra suggests to naturally and effectively benefit your cardiovascular and overall health.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  What Are Cherries Good For?

                  While sweet cherries may help play a role in cancer prevention, tart cherries help reduce pain associated with osteoarthritis.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  What Is Aloe Vera Good For?

                  While spiky aloe vera is often thought of in terms of healing skin, there are many other benefits, both medicinal and nutritional.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  How to Reduce Lectins in Your Diet

                  Corn, cashews and unfermented soybeans are some of the most problematic lectin-containing foods that are proinflammatory, immunotoxic, neurotoxic and cytotoxic.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Inositol plus selenium restores thyroid function in Hashimoto’s patients with subclinical hypothyroidism

                  Researchers demonstrated that myo-inositol and selenium help restore normal thyroid function in Hashimoto’s patients with subclinical hypothyroidism.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Take Control of Your Fitness, 2017 Update

                  While HIIT is the most effective to reach your fitness goals, the "nitric oxide dump" routine is an even shorter and much more effective and safer alternative.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Your Gut Can Help Fight Depression and High Blood Pressure

                  The health of your gut microbiota is intricately tied to that of your whole body, from your blood pressure to your mood and much more in between.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Cottage Cheese Nutrition Benefits Cottage Cheese Recipes

                  Cottage cheese nutrition can help you lose weight, detox your body and even help your body reach ketosis — and that's not all.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Bigger Firms Increasing Their Power to Control What We Eat

                  Bigger firms are increasing their power to control what we eat: 4 firms control the beer market, 6 control the seed market, and 2 control food distribution.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Vetiver Oil Improves ADHD, Anxiety & Brain Health

                  Vetiver oil improves ADHD, anxiety and brain health. Here are more benefits of vetiver oil, along with vetiver oil uses and interesting facts.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  How a Fasting-Mimicking Diet Can Help You Live Longer

                  A fasting-mimicking diet produces the same beneficial effects on bodily systems as water-only fasting, but without the potentially detrimental side effects.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Healthy Carrots in Colors of the Rainbow

                  Carrots come in many different colors, and contain many valuable nutrients that support healthy vision, heart, brain, bones and nervous system.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Melatonin: Benefits and Uses

                  Learn more about melatonin, its benefits, uses and side effects before you consider taking this supplement.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Vitamin C - A Game Changer in Treatment of Deadly Sepsis

                  An estimated 1 million Americans get sepsis; giving patients IV vitamin C with hydrocortisone and thiamine reduced mortality from 40 percent to 8.5 percent.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  5 Things You Should Do After Every Workout

                  You crossed the finish line, crushed your circuit routine or cranked out your last set at the squat rack — but you’re not done yet.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  I’m a Pediatrician. How Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse.

                  Transgender ideology is intruding into the lives of the most innocent among us, and with the apparent growing support of the medical community.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Vitamin D3 and Your Health

                  Learn why vitamin D is essential for the heart, bones, and nearly everything in between. Here are two studies that show why you need to boost your intake.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  New Study: Marijuana’s CBD Reduces High Blood Pressure

                  The scientific debate has been going on for years whether marijuana has an effect on the cardiovascular system. Marijuana and blood pressure debacle.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Are Americans Really Getting Too Much Vitamin D?

                  4,000 IUs of vitamin D per day is the recommended max amount and that anything above this can lead to calcifications and other health problems.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Towel Roll Exercise | Increase Your Neck Curve | Los Angeles Chiropractor

                  Here is a simple exercise that can help you hold your upper cervical correction longer. And at the same time it can help your body move bak toward a more nor...

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Vaccine Studies Parents and Pediatricians Need to Be Aware of

                  Research shows the more vaccines an infant receives simultaneously, the greater risk of being hospitalized or dying compared to those receiving fewer vaccines.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Essential Oil: Can It Lower Your Blood Pressure?

                  Essential oil have been used to treat various types of physical and mental conditions. Some cultures use these oils to treat high blood pressure.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Lower Grilling Carcinogens by 99%

                  You can still enjoy summer barbecues and drastically reduce the level of grilling carcinogens in your meat by following a few science-backed tricks.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Dermatologist says sunscreen can protect us from blue rays

                  Dermatologist to the stars Dr Howard Murad has explained that blue rays from our smartphones and computers are affecting our skin as well as our eyes and should consider sunscreen as protection.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Calcium Supplement | Calcium with Vitamin D and K2 Formula

                  Calcium with Vitamins D and K2 supplement provides nutrients in an advanced form to help take control of your bone health.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Are You Taking a Dangerous Nutritional Supplement?

                  Discover if you are taking a dangerous nutritional supplement and which naturally effective replacement is recommended by Dr. Stephen Sinatra instead.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Dietary Fats: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

                  Fats are an essential part of your diet, but, not all fats are created equal; to know if you're eating healthy fat, Dr. Cate Shanahan answers this question.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Homemade Ant Bait: Less Toxic and More Effective

                  Ants are environmentally necessary, but may be invasive and destructive to your home; these strategies may help eliminate ants without toxins.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Are Tomatoes the Secret Sauce of Better Sleep?

                  Research has linked a lack of lycopene with 2 common sleep problems. Learn how getting enough of this nutrient can help you sleep better.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  The Secret Weapon To Level High Blood Pressure

                  Want to know about an exercise that can lower blood pressure significantly? We’re talking as much as 10-20 mmHg. No, it’s not endurance exercise...

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  What's Wrong With Olive Oil? | The Truth About Olive Oil Nutrition

                  Marketing campaigns are full of good news about olive oil nutrition. But the olive oil industry does not give us all the science-based facts. Here they are.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Cherries - A Potent Super Food

                  Cherries, a favorite summer treat, are a great source of potassium and have been shown to improve athletic performance.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Wormwood: The Parasite-Killing, Cancer-Fighting Super Herb

                  It may not sound appealing, but wormwood is exactly what you need to fight parasites and diseases parasites carry, but that's not all. Read on for more.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Fever during pregnancy may increase autism risk

                  A new study finds women who had fevers while pregnant were 1.3 times more likely to have a child later diagnosed with the disorder.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  How Touching Your Different Fingers Can Make You Healthier

                  Jin Shin Jyutsu is a 5,000-year-old Japanese healing art based around holistic healing approaches which emphasize healing the whole body.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  The Jin Shin Jyutsu finger mudras - BalanceFlow

                  The Jin Shin Jyutsu practice of holding the fingers is not only quite powerful, but holds a special place in the history of Jin Shin Jyutsu. As I’ve described before (What Is Jin Shin Jyutsu?), Master Jiro Murai was a Japanese healer and philosopher who

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Lower Blood Pressure Is Just A Breathe Away

                  Slowing the breath slows heart rate and blood pressure. Getting the breath slowed to about 5-7 breaths per minute is a good spot to be...

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Galangal Root Fights Cancer Like No Other Herb

                  What looks like ginger, acts like turmeric, but fights cancer like a champ and can even keep your brain healthy? Galangal root, which does even more.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Grass Fed Beef Health Benefits

                  Learn what grass fed beef is, how it stacks up against typical beef and where you can find the best sources of high-quality meats in your area.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Can we Fix Women with kneecap cartilage problems by Hip Strengthening?

                  A physician discusses research showing that Patellofemoral Syndrome, or kneecap cartilage problems may be caused by weak hip muscles.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  What Causes Cancer? Here Are 11 Unexpected Things

                  What causes cancer? Here are some of the more surprising things linked to cancer, including scented candles and even lack of sunlight.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Revealed: Long-Suspected Danger of Anti-Anxiety and Sleeping Drugs

                  Massive study of 100,000 people finds evidence for long-suspected danger of anxiety and sleeping drugs.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  The Monk-The Mat-And The Blood Pressure Cuff

                  It is five o’clock in the morning. My wife is asleep, our dog is asleep,...

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  The Best Sunscreens (And Toxic Ones to Avoid)

                  Steer clear of the most dangerous toxic sunscreens on the market by checking out this list of 2016's best sunscreens. (Plus, we ID ones to avoid.)

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Dementia: 7 Unexpected Ways to Lower You Risk

                  Certain allergy and insomnia pills are now linked to dementia. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. There ARE ways to lower your risk.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Can You Really Get Fit in Six Minutes Per Week?

                  Research shows high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can significantly improve your health and fitness in mere minutes per week.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  House Call Doctor : Should You Take Melatonin for Insomnia?

                  Insomnia is such a prevalent medical condition in this day and ag

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  WBVT Mimics Metabolic Effects of Exercise

                  Whole Body Vibrational Training can provide a host of impressive health benefits, all while significantly reducing your workout time.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Science Says These 3 Foods May Help Athletes

                  For many athletes, knowing which foods aid performance and which don’t relies on trial and error. Peer-reviewed journals can be a great source of ...

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Ancient Secrets to Relieving Back Pain - Senior Americans Association

                  Back pain is a big deal. It will affect almost every American over the course of their lifetime, and in many cases, it goes on to become chronic and untreatable. Back pain drives up the dependency of painkillers, it causes loss of sleep, loss of work, and

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  The Greatest Public Health Mistake of the 20th Century

                  The recommendation to always use sunblock when outdoors and avoid sun exposure may be the greatest public health mistake of the 20th century.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  10 Acupressure Points for High Blood Pressure Treatment

                  High blood pressure or hypertension cause stroke, heart attack and other diseases. Acupressure treatment for high blood pressure involves 10 potent points.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Research shows the Apple Watch can detect an early sign of heart disease

                  Results from Cardiogram’s mRhythm study indicate that the Apple Watch’s heart rate sensor can accurately recognize atrial fibrillation, which often has no symptoms but can lead to stroke.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  67 Science-Backed Weight Loss Strategies

                  Making small changes each day is one way to get started, but it’s important to remember that just because a weight-loss strategy works for someone else ...

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  What’s the difference between a Holter monitor and QardioCore?

                  Have you ever needed to monitor your heart for a prolonged period of time? Learn what's the difference between a Holter monitor and QardioCore here.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Can't Take the Pressure? 1 in 4 Suffer from High Blood Pressure

                  According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, one in four Americans suffers with the potential destructive effects of high blood press

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  How a Single Gene Could Become a Volume Knob for Pain—and End America's Opioid Epidemic | WIRED

                  Her skin is perpetually on fire. He can't even feel a bone break. Together they might hold the key to ending America's opioid epidemic.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Jet lag cure: Could eye drops ease symptoms when travelling long haul? | The Independent

                  Cells in the eye are key to regulating humans’ circadian rhythm, according to a scientific study. Researchers at the University of Edinburgh found that a group of cells in the retina communicate directly with the region of the brain that deals with the

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  The Anxiety And Sleeping Drugs Linked to Dementia And Death

                  Drugs prescribed for anxiety, OCD, insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder and other conditions linked to dementia.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Dogs May Reduce Allergies and Obesity in Babies

                  For the past couple of decades researchers have been looking at the role that pets, especially dogs, have to play in rates of allergies in children. Many have found that, what is being termed the hygiene hypothesis, is indeed correct, meaning that a littl

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  This Vitamin May Help Treat Autism

                  Autism research finds link between this vitamin and serotonin production.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  I took multivitamins every day for a decade. Then I found out they're useless.

                  Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Dogs detect breast cancer from bandage: researchers

                  Dogs can sniff out cancer from a piece of cloth which had touched the breast of a woman with a tumour, researchers said Friday, announcing the results of an unusual, but promising, diagnostic trial. With just six months of training, a pair of German Shep

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Improve posture with these exercises and banish back pain forever

                  Giving a sore back the flick can be easy and cheap – and it only takes these five steps.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  The Most Dangerous Fat Is the Easiest to Lose

                  It’s every weight loss enthusiast’s dream to zap belly fat but, far from pure vanity, there’s actually a reason why having a lot of fat in the abdominal region can be dangerous. Fat is stored all over our body, but how does an expanding waistline gr

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Do We Need to Give Up Alcohol to Lose Weight? Not Necessarily

                  Alcohol remains one of the most controversial and confusing topics for people concerned about controlling their weight.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  How to Bend and How Not to Bend | Gokhale Method Institute

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Some Lesser Talked About Blood Sugar-Regulating Herbs

                  Many botanicals are being studied for their therapeutic effects on glucose and insulin management including fenugreek, gymnema, and kudzu.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Long-winded speech could be early sign of Alzheimer's disease, says study

                  Research finds distinctive language deficits in people with mild cognitive impairment, a precursor to dementia

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Study: Those High-Priced Antioxidants May Be Killing You - Study Finds

                  A new study finds antioxidants trigger a stress reaction which causes the body to age more rapidly. In other words, they. may be killing you.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Eating Ice Cream For Breakfast May Improve Mental Performance And Alertness, Study Says

                  Study participants were also found to have increased brain function after drinking cold water immediately after waking up, but levels were much higher for those who had ice cream.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  5 Common Posture Myths

                  Actually, posture is key to optimal health. Just as a building needs a solid foundation and structure to remain strong in wind, rain, and earthquakes, so does your body. Proper alignment of the…

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Dietary Flavanols Reverse Age-Related Memory Decline - Columbia University Medical Center

                  Dietary cocoa flavanols reversed age-related memory decline in healthy older adults, according to a study led by Columbia scientists.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  How to Not Sway Your Back in the Shower

                  As your mother always said, practice makes perfect. Luckily, every day you are presented with countless opportunities to perfect your posture while sitting, walking, sleeping and…showering. Yes, that…

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  New study demonstrates patients with inflammatory bowel disease can reach remission with diet alone

                  According to a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, researchers demonstrated that diet alone can bring pediatric patients with active inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) into remission.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  How the Stress in Your Brain Is Linked to Your HeartHow the Stress in Your Head Affects the Health of Your Heart

                  Higher levels of stress in the brain are linked to an increased risk for a heart attack or stroke, a new study finds. Researchers also detailed a mechanism explaining the link.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  8 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

                  Sugar is delicious. Anyone who denies that is lying. But because life is unfair, sugar, especially in copious amounts, is really bad for your health. In fact, once you learn about all the ways sugar impacts your body, it’s difficult to look at it t

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  This bath pulls toxins out of the body; improves muscle and nerve function, reduces inflammation and improves blood flow

                  Epsom salts have been used by many different cultures for hundreds of years. They have a number of different beneficial properties and are used in gardening, household cleaning and detoxifying the body. These salts are very inexpensive and can be purchase

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  How to Control Aging - Scientific American

                  A new book lays out the scientific case for lengthening your telomeres—and perhaps your life 

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Visiting physician sheds new light on Lyme disease

                  On a visit to Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, Dr. Nevena Zubcevik challenged conventional diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne diseases. By:Barry Stringfellow Dr. Nevena Zubcevik described her finding…

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  How Loneliness Affects Your Brain

                  Lonely people quickly move to the edges of social networks -- here's why.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Break Your Sugar Addiction in 10 Days (Infographic)

                  Do you have a sweet tooth? Most of us will overindulge at times. But the more sugar we consume, the more we want. But the good news is that people can break the sugar addiction in 10 days. Here's how.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Sinister Shellfish - Allergy Information

                  It’s possible to be allergic only to crustaceans (like shrimp) and not mollusks (like clams), but it may not be worth the risk of eating them to find out.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  A Dose of a Hallucinogen From a ‘Magic Mushroom,’ and Then Lasting Peace - The New York Times

                  Two studies used psilocybin to see if the drug could reduce depression and anxiety in cancer patients. The results were striking.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Canada's C. Difficile Toxin-Sniffing Dog

                  Angus the dog who works with his handler at a hospital in Vancouver is Canada's first certified clostridium difficile sniffing dog.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Benefits of Dark Chocolate for Lowering Blood Pressure

                  Studies show dark chocolate health benefits include reduced blood pressure levels.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Ice cream for breakfast makes you smarter, Japanese scientist claims

                  In a discovery that will give nutritionists the shivers, a Japanese scientist has discovered that consuming ice cream for breakfast improves a person's alertness and mental performance.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  ​Study reveals role of spleen in prolonged anxiety after stress

                  Mouse research pieces together more details about the links between brain health, immune system

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  The Sex That Really Does Have a Better Memory

                  Study tested which sex has a better memory for events, words, faces and meanings.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Study Suggests Celebrex Isn’t Riskier Than Rival Pain Drugs

                  A major study of drugs used to treat arthritis pain challenges some long-held assumptions about the safety of pills taken by millions of patients world-wide. But limitations of the data led some researchers to question the results.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Nurses Are Again in Demand

                  After years of relative equilibrium, the job market for nurses is heating up in many markets, driving up wages and sign-on bonuses for the nation’s fifth-largest occupation.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Posture Lessons Learned from Cats | Gokhale Method Institute

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Increase Attention With Oldest Technique of All (Forget Brain Training)

                  While 'brain training' games have become popular, there is a better way to increase attention, new research suggests.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Osteoarthritis Supplement May Help Colon Health

                  Regular users of a popular osteoarthritis supplement, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, had a 23% lower risk of developing colon cancer compared with those not taking the supplements, a study showed.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Heart Attacks Are Linked to Patients’ Activity Level, Emotional State

                  A study found a strong link between a heart attack and patients’ activity level, emotional state in the hour before the event.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  9 “Extra Credit” Moves to Fit into Your Busy Day

                  Ever feel like the carpool lane and the fast lane are one and the same? Back-to-school season has that way of upping the ante on your already busy schedule.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Is Your Stretching Regimen Helping or Harming You?

                  The Gokhale method is one of the most powerful tools we have found for keeping our bodies in shape. It facilitates correct posture that is essential for health and proper functioning of all organs in the body. And once you learn this simple method, your daily movements support your body and reduce pain.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Presidential debate raises Blood Pressure

                  With the upcoming presidential election, could the ongoing debates raise you blood pressure?

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Invisible Bugs Are Falling From the Trees in Kansas City—and They Bite - WSJ

                  Kansas City, Mo., is seeing an invasion of tiny itch mites, falling from oak trees at a rate of up to 300,000 a day per tree, causing bites that can be more painful than poison ivy.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  The Sleep-Weight Connection

                  Ever feel like you don’t get enough sleep? You’re not alone. The National Institutes of Health recommends dedicating 7–8 of the 24 hours we are given in a day to sleep. Yet, in a 2013 survey, the National Sleep Foundation  found that Americans are

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Get Results From Micro-Walks

                  The issue of time, or the lack thereof, has given rise to the micro-walk trend, which involves taking several short walks throughout the day.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Why Watching Silly Cat Videos Is Good for You

                  A host of new research shows that social media has many positive benefits. Sharing about events can make you remember them, and opening up about feeling down can lead to more support.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  These Glutes Are Made For Walking

                  The Gokhale Method is a powerful core strength building and easy to implement tool into your daily life. It improves posture effortlessly, simply, and in a very time and cost effective way. I highly recommend the program! It is the most powerful workout I have found in a very long time. I love it.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Marijuana Relieves Both Asthma & Anxiety

                  Cannabidiol, or CBD, could be helpful in achieving what an inhaler can while also decreasing patient anxiety. A 2015 study by Labratório de Fisiopathologia Experimental in Brazil found that CBD could be helpful in reducing mucous production associated wi

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Light Therapy May Boost Low Libido in Men

                  Light therapy similar to that used to treat seasonal affective disorder may increase sexual desire in men with a low libido via an increase in testosterone levels, an Italian study suggests.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  High-fat cheese: the secret to a healthy life? 

                  A diet rich in cheese might actually be good for our health, according to a new study.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Why Are Human Ears Shaped That Way?

                  The shape of the ear has a big effect on how one hears, with the outer flap, or pinna, acting as a sound gatherer.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  A New Factor When Choosing a Surgeon

                  The doctor you want may be the one who specializes in just one kind of procedure, new research suggests.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Brain Circuit Regulating Sleep Cycle Found

                  Electrical systems can be extremely complex. With various switches, relays, capacitors, and circuits it only takes one tiny thing to go wrong to bring the

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Try This 30-Minute Swimming Workout That Burns Big Calories

                  Looking for a way to burn calories, but hot yoga in the summertime just doesn’t sound appealing? One word: swimming. Swimming looks relaxing, but looks can be deceiving. Many athletes in great shape from other sports are shocked to find out how exhausti

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Top Essential Oils for Back to School

                  It's almost that time again, back to school. Summer really does go by too fast! Every August, it's time to stock up on school supplies and all the other goodies needed for learning. With the start of school

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  The Family Relationship That Could Be Most Responsible For Your Emotional Life

                  The ‘corticolimbic system’ plays an important role in mood disorders, such as depression.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  The Common Mistake That Is Making Your Abs Workout Less Effective

                  If you find that your neck starts to ache in the middle of a round of sit-ups, crunches, or other abs exercises, you may chalk it up to a necessary evil. But not only should your neck not hurt when you’re working your core, the fact that it does in an i

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Things You Might Not Know About Fall Allergies

                  (ARA) As most allergy sufferers will tell you, allergy symptoms can always be bothersome, turning any time of year into sneezing season. A runny nose, itchy eyes and scratchy throat can arise as the days get shorter and the leaves

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Polypharmacy, the “Polypill” and Adverse Drug Reactions - What You Can Do to Protect Your Health | Heart MD Institut

                  Polypharmacy - taking 5 or more medications - and the polypill - several medications in one - are on the rise, and so are adverse drug reactions.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Sleep and its impact on memory and learning

                  Two interesting studies were published this past week on sleep and its effects on memory and learning. Sleep disturbance is a common problem in our daily lives, and it has significant consequences on overall health, wellbeing, and brain function. How we f

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Do you really need that MRI?

                  Low back pain, headaches, heart palpitations—they could be nagging, minor everyday health woes or red flags that something more nefarious is going on. Should you get an MRI? With so many advances in medical technology at our fingertips in

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Try This 30-Minute Swimming Workout That Burns Big Calories

                  Looking for a way to burn calories, but hot yoga in the summertime just doesn’t sound appealing? One word: swimming. Swimming looks relaxing, but looks can be deceiving. Many athletes in great shape from other sports are shocked to find out how exhausti

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  What’s Happening When Your Heart Beats Too Hard or Too Fast

                  When your heart is beating too hard or too fast, do you have reason to worry? Understanding possible causes of a racing heart can help you assess your risk.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  The Five Elements - Activeherb

                  If Yin-Yang theory is the foundation for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), then Five Elements theory is Yin-Yang version 2.0. Five Elements Theory is used in conjunction with Yin-Yang, but greatly expands upon it. Five Elements Theory predates Christian

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Are Tea Detoxes Safe?

                  You’ve seen the ads: Drink this tea, detoxify your body! Lose weight, and flaunt rock-hard abs. Seems too good to be true? It is. Tea detoxes, also referred to as “tea-toxes” are no magic bullet. Despite the name, there’s no proof that these expen

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Test Your Genes to Find Your Best Diet

                  To find your best diet, a handful of companies and clinics offer nutritional genetic testing, aimed at revealing what nutrients you may be missing and if you’re drinking too much coffee.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Alzheimer’s Disease May Stem From Infections | TIME

                  Alzheimer's disease may be the result of plaque buildup that happens when the brain fights off infections, a new study suggests.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Study links two genes to breast cancer survival - Scienmag

                  Testing for the activity of two genes could pick out women who are at increased risk of dying from their breast cancers, suggests a new study of almost 2,000 patients. Women whose tumours had a spec..

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  The Personality Trait That Doubles Alzheimer's Risk

                  Study of link between dementia and personality followed 800 women for 38 years.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Living With Anxiety - Important New Insights

                  It's likely that if you're not living with anxiety, someone you know or love probably will be. Here are important new insights into anxiety and what works.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Medicating Children With ADHD Keeps Them Safer

                  New research suggests that medication can reduce risky behavior in teenagers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Even if you exercise, too much sitting time is bad for heart health

                  "Regardless of how much physical activity someone gets, prolonged sedentary time could negatively impact the health of your heart and blood vessels," expert says

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Way by which you can Easily Get Rid of Sore Throat

                  Sore throat is defined as a condition where throat is suffering from unusual cough resulting through bacteria present in the mouth, otherwise inflammation which is the prime cause of some cold or viral disease. The usual symptoms which are founded in the

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Your Brain Has A 'Physics Engine' And Scientists Have Located It

                  The brain knows instinctively how to predict when accidents are about to happen.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  The Effect of Environment on Genes

                  Lab experiments show how sensitive genes can be to small differences in the environment.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  15 Supplement Ingredients to Always Avoid - Consumer Reports

                  These 15 potentially dangerous supplement ingredients can cause health problems including organ damage, cancer, and cardiac arrest.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  23andMe data points to genes affecting depression risk

                  A comprehensive scan of human DNA has turned up 15 regions linked to depression — which may help uncover clues to the biology of the disease.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Can Cannabis Help Autoimmune Disease Sufferers?

                  Join the leading medical marijuana community online. Medical & expert advice, medical marijuana cards, cannabis products, great deals and more. Joining is free.

                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                  Dementia: 9 Warning Signs Everyone Should Know

                  Includes: memory problems that are perfectly normal and those which are slightly worrying.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    8 Hidden Psychological Effects Of Being Right- Or Left-Handed

                    The right-hand bias, the leftie advantage, handedness and mental illness and more…

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    25 Life Hacks to Eat Better

                    Though making time for food and preparing meals may sound like a chore, it can be one of the most important keys to the success of your health goals. If cooking at home seems overwhelming now, don’t worry. The more frequently you’re able to use the fo

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Can This Brain Exercise Put Off Dementia?

                    A major new study is believed to be the first to show that a behavioral intervention—a brain exercise called speed training—can reduce dementia risk.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Caffeine: The Performance Enhancer in Your Kitchen

                    Olympic athletes and other elite competitors turn to coffee and other caffeinated products for a perfectly legal boost.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Brain training may forestall dementia onset for years, new study says

                    If you’re intent on keeping dementia at bay, new research suggests you’ll need more than crossword puzzles, aerobic exercise and an active social life. In a study released Sunday, researchers found that older adults who did exercises to shore up the s

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Things You're Not Washing Often Enough

                    Your kitchen harbors bacteria and mold in unlikely places. Here are eight of the dirtiest spots, and the best ways to keep them clean.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    This mindset will improve even the worst commute to work

                    If you feel like a slave to your commute, there is a much better way. And it doesn’t mean changing your travel plan.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Acupressure vs. high blood pressure: This holistic route is 100 percent drug-free

                    The need for a good and safe solution to the problem of high blood pressure has never been greater. According to the CDC, as many as 70 million adults in t

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Does Melatonin Really Improve Your Sleep?

                    One touted solution you may have heard of is melatonin, a supplement that some claim wards off jet lag and sleep issues. But, does it really help do that?

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    The Psychological Benefits of Writing Regularly

                    When you attempt to envision a writer, I imagine many of you see a quirky recluse, hunched over a desk in some cabin, crumpled paper strewn about as they obsessively work on the next great American novel. But writing is so much more.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Too much light weakens bones and changes immune system

                    Research in mice suggests that continuous exposure to light has wide-ranging effects on health, a worrying finding for people who do shift work

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Alzheimer’s Gene Affects Early Brain Development, Study Suggests

                    Changes in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease can be seen as early as childhood in people with a heightened genetic risk, according to a study published in the journal Neurology.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Why Artificial Sweeteners Are Bad for You

                    Artificial sweeteners have become a dieter’s best friend but they have side effects and can affect metabolism, weight gain, and appetite.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Can Cannabis Assist in Healing Skin Cancer?

                    A new study out of Australia could be just what is needed to show that marijuana could be a beneficial aspect of skin cancer treatment, particularly in regards to melanoma. The University of Canberra in Australia is now working to develop a new treatment

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    THC in Cannabis Topicals: Why It Matters

                    THC-rich topicals provides an effective pain relief option for those who suffer. Pain, in essence, is nothing more than a communication between our brain and our body to signify that something is wrong. THC can intercept this communication and prevent pai

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Is Coconut Oil All It's Cracked Up to Be?

                    I admit I was late to join the coconut oil craze, but it’s quickly become a staple in my pantry—and not just because it’s delicious. Still, coconut oil is very high in saturated fat (about 90%)—a type of fat that has, for quite some time, been ass

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Why regular sex can help you stay slim and stop you binge-eating

                    A York University study found people with low levels of the hormone oxytocin are more likely to binge eat. Oxytocin, dubbed the love hormone, is released after sex to bond couples together.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Migraines Linked To Lack Of Specific Vitamins

                    Many young adults, teens and children with migraines are deficient in these three nutrients, study finds.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Smarter, Stronger, Better Than Yesterday - The Beliefs That Will Make the Difference (And science has proven it.)

                    One of the most remarkable and oh-so-good-to-be-human findings in the last decade or so is that we can change our brain. Mindset - what we believe - is key.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Shut your Mouth and Change your Life | Patrick McKeown

                    Decongest your nose, increase your body temperature and activate your bodies relaxation response in three to four minutes by simply altering your breath. Aut...

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Tickling the brain can boost immunity: study

                    Artificially stimulating the brain's feel-good centre boosts immunity in mice in a way that could help explain the power of placebos, a study reported Monday. "Our findings indicate that activation of areas of the brain associated with positive expec

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Blood Pressure and the Brain

                    Hypertension is at the root of cognitive decline. It's becoming increasingly clear that high blood pressure, or hypertension, is at the root of much cognit

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    5 Workout Red Flags You Shouldn’t Ignore

                    Profuse sweating, labored breathing, sore, burning muscles — all of these can signal a good workout. Yet there are some signs that your body can provide during exercise that you need to monitor so you work at the level that’s appropriate — and chall

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    #Marijuana Compound Removes #Alzheimer's-Related Protein From Nerve Cells

                    With the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease expected to almost triple in the United States by 2050, there is an urgent need to identify effective treatmen...

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Stronger by Nature - 30 Minutes of Nature Will Strengthen Mental Health

                    It's always a welcome thing when science confirms that the beautiful things can strengthen us. A new study has found the difference a dose of nature can make

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    FDA Seeks Proof of Safety, Effectiveness of Hand-Sanitizing Products

                    The FDA is proposing that makers of antibacterial hand-sanitizing products submit data on safety and effectiveness if they want to stay on the market.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    The Parental Happiness Gap Is Largest In The US

                    Do children make you happier? It depends in which industrialised country you live.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Vacuum in The Belly – Get a Thinner Waist and Flat Stomach With This Simple Exercise

                    This technique is very effective and commonly used in yoga. It will help strengthen your abdominal muscles and trim your waist line in 3-4 weeks. And the m

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    How to Help With Anxiety. What To Do When Someone Close to You Has Anxiety.

                    Here's how to help with anxiety, that will make you seem as though you're made of sunlight and beautiful things, with a little bit of magic thrown in.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Keeping Your Hair in Chemo

                    A growing number of breast cancer patients are freezing their scalps as a way to preserve their hair during chemotherapy.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Do Seasonal Allergies Make You More Likely to Get Sick? - WSJ

                    An allergist explains how those with allergies can take steps to avoid summer colds.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    People with higher levels of IgG/IgM antibodies less likely to have heart attack

                    Measuring antibody levels in the blood could be used to detect a person's heart attack risk after researchers, part-funded by the British Heart Foundation, discovered that higher levels of these antibodies are linked to a lower heart attack risk.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    2breathe - Fall asleep effortlessly

                    2breathe. Fall asleep effortlessly.Wake up refreshed. Smart device & Mobile app that guides your breathing to induce sleep.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Is the Fish Kick the Fastest Swim Stroke Yet?

                    I tug my black swim cap over my hair, strap on my pink goggles, and keep a focused calm, like Michael Phelps before a race. It’s…

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    The 6 Things You Should Clean Every Single Day

                    Taking a few minutes to wipe down these items can get rid bacteria and dirt hiding in plain sight.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    XaQuil® XR | A Medical Food by PharmaceutiX

                    XaQuil® XR is an orally administered, extended released, medical food for use only under medical supervision for the dietary management of suboptimal folate levels in depressed patients.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Weight Can Tip the Scale in a Home Decision

                    A University of Utah study in the International Journal of Obesity finds that obese women are much more likely to choose less walkable neighborhoods with heavier residents

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    How it feels to live with the possibility of ‘sudden death’

                    How does it change you to hear that death could be imminent, but doctors don’t know why? Rose Eveleth explores one woman’s personal story.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Swearing: 7 Miraculous Effects On The Mind - PsyBlog

                    Seven ways in which swearing can actually be psychologically positive.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Cannabis: The New Hot Beauty Item

                    Cannabis and Hemp are increasingly being found in beauty products, a trend that is sure to continue.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Health Benefits of Owning a Cat

                    Pet ownership can improve a person's quality of life - cat ownership in particular. Discover the many health benefits of owning a cat.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Top Toxins to Avoid

                    What are the worst toxins we're exposed to in our daily lives? Here's a list of the worst environmental toxins with information about how to avoid them.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    How Your Gut Affects Your Mood

                    At any given moment, you have somewhere between 10 trillion and 100 trillion microorganisms inhabiting your gut — that’s more microbes in your bowels than ther…

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    Antibiotics Hurt Memory And Slow Brain Cell Growth

                    262 million prescriptions are written for antibiotics in one year in the US alone.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    New Study Reveals Dangers of 'Silent Heart Attacks'

                    A new Reuters Health study shows severity of silent heart attacks accounting for as many as 45% of all heart attacks.

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    If We Could Put King Solomon in an MRI Machine, Could We See the Wisdom in his Brain?

                    At the 2010 Cannes Film Festival premiere of You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger, director Woody Allen was asked about aging. He replied…

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    What the West Can Learn From Tibetan Pain Management

                    The Tibetan tradition and its herbal medicines offer an inviting alternative to the typical Western approach, writes Melvin Konner

                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                    What's Really Hurting Your Sex Drive + 5 Ways To Fix It

                    If you ever feel like your love life is lagging and others are having all the fun in bed, you may be tempted to blame the lack of passion on your partner.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Conscious Entrepreneurship: Lessons From Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg | Inc.com

                      Incorporate these four habits into your daily life to produce better work from a healthier mindset.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Home Allergy Care

                      For many, happy symbols of springtime mark the arrival of chronic seasonal allergies that can be incapacitating. Springtime means rebirth and renewal....

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Holistic Medicine in Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia

                      The effects of chronic pain and fatigue can be devastating. Chronic pain and fatigue plague countless individuals. The effects can be devastating. Oft...

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      What Happens to Your Body (and Metabolism) When You Don't Sleep Enough

                      There’s no question that sleep deprivation is an American epidemic, with a third of the country getting less shut-eye than the recommended 7 to 9 hours per night, according to recent research from the Centers for Disease Control. And it’s not like thi

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      The Human Brain as a Word Cloud, on a Shared Drive

                      In research reported Wednesday in Nature, neuroscientists at the University of California at Berkeley created a comprehensive atlas of neural patterns sparked by spoken language.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Alzheimer's could be helped with meditation

                      Researchers at Jena University Hospital in Germany found chemicals behind the feel-good feeling produced by meditation may also provide a boost.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Cold and flu tablets can SHRINK the brain and slow down thinking

                      Indiana University School of Medicine researchers found the drugs block the chemical acetylcholine, which is involved in the transmission of electrical impulses between nerve cells.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      One Way to Grow A Happy Brain

                      Can you grow your own happiness? According to recent research, you sure can with just one simple practice. Find out what it is and how to get started today!

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      The Female Body Shape Men Find Most Attractive - PsyBlog

                      From Texas to Tehran and from Dakar to Beijing, the results were the same.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Function of the Vagus Nerve

                      Human Beings have an Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) that is actually comprised of three separate subsystems, the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS), the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and the Enteric Nervous System (ENS). The enteric nervous system ha

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      How to Calm Anxiety and Depression - The Easy Way to Restore Vital Neurochemicals

                      Exercise is the wonderdrug-but-not-a-drug of mental health. Research has shown that it improves anxiety and depression. Now we’re starting to uncover why.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Cannabis Use Linked to Better Social Skills in Psychosis

                      Individuals with psychosis who have used cannabis have greater premorbid social skills than persons with psychosis who have never used the drug, the results of multinational study reveal.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      The Weight Gain-Inflammation Connection

                      When we think about inflammation, we often think of it as helping us heal from an obvious injury (like a wound) or fighting harmful bacteria. This is good inflammation working in our favor to keep us healthy. But on the flip side, when the immune system i

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Dementia: 9 Warning Signs Everyone Should Know

                      Includes: memory problems that are perfectly normal and those which are slightly worrying.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Repeat concussion 'can trigger dementia', scientists reveal

                      Scientists from Massey University, in New Zealand, revealed the long-term effects of repeated minor blows to the head are just as damaging as a single high-grade head trauma.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Mammography Could Help Detect Heart Risk in Women, Study Suggests - WSJ

                      Widely used mammography screening for breast cancer could potentially serve as a tool for detecting heart risk in women as well, a new study suggests.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      How to Strengthen Your Feet | Gokhale Method Institute

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      BBC - Future - The enormous power of the unconscious brain

                      A lot of the things we do in everyday life don’t need to involve our conscious mind. In many cases, the more we use it, the less effective we become.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      The Essential Oil That Enhances Memory For Past And Future Events

                      The aroma of this essential oil also boosts mental arithmetic and long-term memory.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      How your BIRTHDAY could predict if you'll suffer an allergy: Season of birth 'linked to eczema, hayfever and asthma' | D

                      Scientists from University of Southampton revealed winter and autumn babies are more likely to have allergic diseases - such as asthma - while autumn babies alone are more likely to have eczema.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      How to Get Better Sleep (and Need Less Every Night)

                      Many of us struggle to get enough sleep every night, but is the sleep we get any good? While it’s important to get enough sleep, better sleep is a greater ally than more hours of sleep. We sat down with a sleep expert and a stack of studies to help you

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Burn More Calories on Your Walk With 4 Easy Tweaks

                      If you’re looking to discover a fountain of youth, it may be as simple as putting one foot in front of the other. Recent research published in the Journal of more »

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Can Cryotherapy’s Chill Help Muscles, Joints?

                      Can a few minutes in a frigid cryotherapy chamber speed muscle recovery after a hard workout, ease joint pain and encourage healing?

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Why We Eat Too Much When We Don’t Sleep Enough

                      University of Chicago researchers found sleep-deprived people ate more snacks, with more calories and fat, compared with after a full night’s sleep

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      The 4 Best Moves for Stronger Abs

                      Most people miss the mark when it comes to training their abdominals. They either do countless sit-ups and crunches, putting their lower backs at risk of injury, or they ignore core training altogether because they think compound exercises like squats and

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Snake Venom Could Hold Key To Alzheimer's Breakthrough - PsyBlog

                      The snake venom originally came from a pit viper, which is found in South and Central America.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Researchers Identify Virus and Two Types of Bacteria as Major Causes of Alzheimer’s – Neuroscience News

                      Neuroscience News has recent neuroscience research articles, brain research news, neurology studies and neuroscience resources for neuroscientists, students, and science fans and is always free to join. Our neuroscience social network has science groups,

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Anxiety - Research Sheds Light on Why the Worry

                      People with anxiety have an extraordinary ability to anticipate potential problems. This makes them great to be with – they are the ones with the plan B, the plan C, the spare batteries, the phone charger and the escape route. Being able to anticipate

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      New study shows prediabetes is often ignored by primary care physicians

                      According to a study published three days ago in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, less than 25% of patients who met the criteria for prediabetes received lifestyle recommendations from their primary care physicians. This is a huge mis

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      5 Reasons We Love Eggs (Plus, 5 Recipes to Try Today!) - Hello HealthyHello Healthy

                      Last Friday was World Egg Day! Bet you didn’t eggs-pect a whole day dedicated to eggs. We think eggs are so great that we’ve decided to keep the celebration going! Here, we whipped up 5 reasons why we love eggs, plus some delicious recipes so you can

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      9 Signs of Progress That Aren’t a Number on the Scale - Hello HealthyHello Healthy

                      Think about what triggered your weight-loss journey. It could have been anything from being able to squeeze into an old dress again to appeasing your unrelenting doctor to staying around for your grandchildren. Whatever your original intention, once you s

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      6 Marijuana Facts You May Not Have Known

                      From Yahoo News: Fact: Marijuana is a wonderfully versatile drug.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Sleeping with your mouth open damages teeth 'as much as a fizzy drink before bed'

                      Breathing through the mouth dries it out - removing the protective effect of saliva, which has a natural ability to kill bacteria in the mouth that produce acid, say Otago University researchers.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      5 Best Exercises For Lower Back Pain You Will Thank Us Later For!

                      These 5 exercises for lower back pain which are low in intensity are beneficial for the following muscle groups.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Holy Herbs Frankincense and Myrrh May Cure Cancer

                      Frankincense and myrrh are aromatic herbs. They can strongly disperse congealed blood, and direct it to descend and are very effective for relieving pain

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      We're Not as Open-Minded As We Think We Are

                      We all like to think we’re open-minded, but election season brings out the worst in even the best of us. Even the most “open” and “informed” among us are a lot more closed minded than we’d like to think and they’d openly admit. Let’s look

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      The Sleep-Weight Connection

                      Ever feel like you don’t get enough sleep? You’re not alone. The National Institutes of Health recommends dedicating 7–8 of the 24 hours we are given in a day to sleep. Yet, in a 2013 survey, the National Sleep Foundation  found that Americans are

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      6 Tips for Pushing Through a Weight-Loss Plateau

                      It’s a familiar story. You made the decision to adopt healthier habits with a goal of losing weight, and — at first — the pounds seemed to fall off. Then suddenly progress slows, and the inevitable weight-loss plateau rears its ugly head. This leads

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      #Head injuries may lead to the development of #dementia later in life

                      Scientists at Imperial College London found protein clumps, usually associated with Alzheimer’s disease, in the brains of people long thought to have recovered from a head injury.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Study reveals new link between brain and fat-burning circuit

                      A new study in animal models, led by scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), is the first to show that oxygen sensing in the brain has a role ...

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      4 Simple Exercise Tweaks for Stronger Glutes

                      No, that doesn’t say exercise twerks for a stronger butt. It says tweaks because you only need a few moves for a well-developed backside, but a few small changes to those exercises can make them dramatically more effective. We’ve taken our four favori

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      The Americans Who Don’t Get Enough Sleep

                      The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said more than a third of U.S. adults aren’t getting enough sleep. A new report shows who’s getting the least sleep by age, race and region.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      How to Cut Your Health-Care Bill: Pay Cash - WSJ

                      Hospitals and other providers increasingly are offering prices far below what they charge though insurance.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Why Resilience Is Good for Your Health and Career - WSJ

                      Why being resilient is good for your health: Companies coach employees in how to be positive and productive in spite of stress and disruption

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      The appendix – Darwin’s mistake

                      Our gut health is helped by this unfairly maligned small organ.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      New Ways Into the Brain’s ‘Music Room’

                      M.I.T. researchers have devised a radical approach to brain imaging that reveals what past studies missed about neural responses to music.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Stress Raises Cholesterol More Than You Think

                      Of all the factors contributing to high cholesterol, many cardiologists say one often goes unmentioned in advice for patients: stress.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      The Family Relationship That Could Be Most Responsible For Your Emotional Life - PsyBlog

                      The ‘corticolimbic system’ plays an important role in mood disorders, such as depression.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Study Shows How Smudging Does A lot More Than Just “Clear Evil Spirits”

                      The practice of smudging dates back to prehistoric times, and is still very much in use today worldwide for cleansing everything from dwellings to human

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      How to Deal With People Who Undermine Everything You Do

                      Years ago, a friend introduced me to someone who asked what I did for a living. “I work on an online video series,” I said. It was hard work, it required lots of planning, researching and interviewing, and it was how I paid the bills. My friend chimed

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Same-Day Hip Replacement - WSJ

                      Hip replacement surgery is an outpatient procedure using what surgeons call an anterior approach

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Gym bunnies are wasting their time, study suggests - Telegraph

                      Hitting the gym in the hope of burning up calories to lose weight can backfire as the body adapts to higher activity levels, according to new research

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      More evidence emerges for 'transmissible Alzheimer's' theory : Nature News & Comment

                      Autopsies reveal plaques in the brains of people who died after receiving grafts from cadavers.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      10 Simple Exercises for Hands and Fingers With OA in Pictures

                      WebMD shows you easy hand exercises and finger exercises to help with range of motion and joint pain.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Jimmy Carter: “Medical Marijuana Cured My Cancer”

                      While speaking to ABC News about the remission of his cancer, former President Jimmy Carter credited marijuana for killing of his cancer cells.   The Nobel winner thanked his doctors and family for…

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Vitamin A: Underappreciated Role in Thyroid Health

                      When it comes to nutrients that get attention for their role in healthy thyroid function, you would think iodine and selenium were the only players in town. With iodine being a key constituent of thyroxine (T4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3), and selenium bei

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Young athletes have an increased risk of prolonged post-concussion symptoms

                      According to a study published last week in the Journal of Pediatrics, researchers found that young adolescent male student ice hockey players had a significantly increased risk of prolonged post-concussion symptoms compared to older players. In this stud

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Salk Institute say the human brain can store 10 TIMES the memories previously thought

                      A team at the Salk Institute in California, discovered that, on average, one synapse can hold about 4.7 bits of information. This means that the human brain has a capacity of one petabyte.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      An innovative tool to combat depression, back pain

                      Most startups define big wins as landing a key customer, strategic partner or round of funding. Assurex Health measures victories a bit differently. The Mason, Ohio-based startup defines winning as helping

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Science Confirms Turmeric As Effective As 14 Drugs

                      Next1 of 2Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder, GreenMedInfo Turmeric is one the most thoroughly researched plants in existence today.  Its medicinal properties and components (primarily curcumin) have been the subject of over 5600 peer-reviewed and publishe

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Allergies may boost chances of anxiety or depression symptoms

                      Kids who have allergies at an early age are more likely than others to also have problems with anxiety and depression, according to a new study.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Atrial Fibrillation - New Technology Doubles Treatment Success Rate

                      A new type of technology that precisely targets the causes of irregular heart rhythms in patients with atrial fibrillation has the potential to nearly double the success rate of treating...

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Resolved to Lose Weight in ’16? Join a Venerable Club

                      A study showed that 2 out of 5 dieters don’t make it beyond the first week. The regimens have become divorced from their original intentions

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      The Widespread Habit That May Damage Memory - PsyBlog

                      Tweet Share 0 Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0 Email Learning and memory could be damaged by this common habit. Habitual late-night snacking could damage a type of memory and learning, a new study suggests. Eating meals at odd hours has already

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Anti #'sweet tooth' hormone discovered by scientists - Telegraph

                      A hormone which switches off the preference for sugary foods has been found by scientists

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Scientists Just Made a Major Breakthrough in Understanding Autism | Mother Jones

                      For the first time, researchers have connected autistic behavior to an important chemical in the brain.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Pets In Bed: Study Reveals If It Helps or Hurts Sleep

                      Tweet Share 0 Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0 Email Is having a pet in bed beneficial for sleep? Having a pet in the bed may benefit some people’s sleep, a new survey suggests. The conclusion comes from 150 patients at the

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Vegetarian and 'healthy' diets could be more harmful to the environment, researchers say: Eating lettuce is 'over three

                      Following the USDA recommendations to consume more fruits, vegetables, dairy and seafood is more harmful to the environment because those foods have relatively high resource uses and greenhouse gas emissions per calorie, say researchers. A new study measu

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Congress quietly ends federal government's ban on medical marijuana

                      Tucked deep inside the 1,603-page federal spending measure is a provision that effectively ends the federal government's prohibition on medical marijuana and signals a major shift in drug policy.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy Linked to Autism

                      Women in a new study who took antidepressants during their second and third trimesters of pregnancy showed an 87 percent increased risk of having a child with an autism spectrum disorder, compared with women who did not take medications for depression whi

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      This Fine Belief May Protect Against Alzheimer's Disease

                      Tweet Share 0 Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0 Email This belief about ageing may protect against memory loss linked to Alzheimer’s. Holding more positive beliefs about ageing may protect against Alzheimer’s disease, a new study finds. The results come fro

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Why Insomnia Happens and What You Can Do to Get Better Sleep

                      We’re all familiar with that silly image of the person who resorts to counting sheep when they just can’t seem to fall asleep. But when you’re the one who’s been tossing and turning all night, insomnia is no laughing matter.

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      The Health of Obamacare - WSJ

                      The best scholarly analyses of the Affordable Care Act suggest that it’s neither the triumph trumpeted by its proponents nor the disaster suggested by its critics

                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                      Elephants almost never get cancer thanks to multiple gene copies | New Scientist

                      Duplications of the p53 gene makes elephant cells more likely to die in response to DNA damage, rather than turn cancerous

                        Health & Fitness | Health News

                        New Help for Back Pain

                        When surgery fails or isn’t an option, an approach to physical and psychological healing called functional restoration may work. The aim is for patients to manage their back pain and return to normal activities.

                        Health & Fitness | Health News

                        Find your primal posture and sit without back pain: Esther Gokhale

                        In the spirit of ideas worth spreading tedx is a program of local selforganized events that bring people together to share a TEDlike experience At a tedx event tedtalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small gro

                          Health & Fitness | Health News

                          The Potential Cardiac Dangers of Extreme Exercise

                          A new study finds that exercise that is extreme in either volume or intensity may be associated with high levels of atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries.

                          Health & Fitness | Health News

                          15+ Celebrities Who Revealed Their Mental Illnesses To Help Others Find Courage | Bored Panda

                          It's hard to talk about your problems, but sometimes, someone else breaking the ice can help. And despite one in five Americans suffering from a diagnosable mental illness, this is a topic which many feel uncomfortable facing.

                          Health & Fitness | Health News

                          Study Links Sugar to Conditions That Lead to Diabetes, Heart Disease in Children - WSJ

                          Researchers offered new evidence Tuesday linking sugar consumption with conditions that can lead to diabetes and heart disease in children, fueling the debate over the causes of health problems related to obesity.

                            Health & Fitness | Health News

                            Don't Cancel Your Dinner Plans

                            Nobody ever mentions the importance of an active social life.

                            Health & Fitness | Health News

                            Debate Over Early-Stage Cancer: To Treat or Not to Treat?

                            Are we overtreating early-stage thyroid, prostate and breast cancer? A debate heats up over treatment for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).

                            Health & Fitness | Health News

                            Migraines triggered by protein deep in the brain | New Scientist

                            A peptide that over-excites neurons controlling facial feeling is to blame for migraines – so drugs that constrict blood vessels won't work

                            Health & Fitness | Health News

                            Possible cancer-causing additive found in pizza crust, bread and crackers

                            Scores of common baked goods contain potassium bromate, a possible cancer-causing additive, according to a new analysis by Environmental Working Group . The nonprofit agency found the chemical in 86 breads and other baked goods, including such well-known

                            Health & Fitness | Health News

                            Coffee Talk: How It Stacks Up Against Water

                            An expert weighs in with a healthy defense of coffee—the beverage of choice for so many.

                            Health & Fitness | Health News

                            Germs Slideshow: Dirty Public Places

                            A lot of public places have more germs than a toilet seat. WebMD shows you where the bacteria and viruses lurk, from playgrounds to elevators to hotel rooms.

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              Scientists Tap Dragonfly Vision to Build a Better Bionic Eye

                              Researchers have developed an artificial-intelligence system based on a dragonfly’s vision that they say could aid the blind and help create a better driverless car.

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              Embodied Intelligence | A Psychologist Discusses the Body’s Wisdom

                              Despite one-time taboos against touch within her field of psychotherapy, Aline LaPierre explores our body’s incredible ability to heal trauma.

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              Peering into the World of Pears

                              Apples tend to come to mind first when we think of fall fruit, thanks to orchards offering “pick your own” days, and hot apple cider, spiced cider donuts and other warm apple treats gracing restaurant menus and curbside food trucks. But apples aren’

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              Brain Most Sensitive to New Memories and Stress At This Stage of Life

                              In this phase of life the brain is especially sensitive to new memories, social stress. The brain may be particularly sensitive to new memories and social stress in adolescence, a new study has found. All brains have the ability to

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              Videogames for Seniors Boost Brainpower

                              Playing videogames can improve seniors’ abilities to multitask, and boost concentration and working memory, too

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              8 Ways to Cut Those Calories

                              Regardless of what you hear from dieting websites, marketers, or infomercials, losing the pounds is not an easy mission. Whether your goal is to really shed substantial weight, or shake more »

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              Bacteria in ancient flea may be ancestor of the Black Death

                              About 20 million years ago a single flea became entombed in amber with tiny bacteria attached to it, providing what researchers believe may be the oldest evidence on Earth of a dreaded and historic killer - an ancient strain of the bubonic plague.

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              The Price We Pay for Sitting Too Much

                              Medical experts are devising formulas for how long a typical office worker should spend sitting and standing to counter the negative health effects of being sedentary.

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              Study adds to evidence that viruses are alive

                              A new analysis supports the hypothesis that viruses are living entities that share a long evolutionary history with cells, researchers report. The study offers the first reliable method for tracing viral evolution back to a time when neither viruses nor c

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              The Best Time for a Break Might Be the Mid-Morning, Not the Afternoon

                              The afternoon is when most of us hit a productivity wall and feel the need for a break, but a new study suggests that it might be better to conserve your energy earlier in the day.

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              Depression: This Tiny Change to Diet Has Protective Effect

                              This small change to your diet could be enough to reduce the risk of depression. A Mediterranean diet including fruits, vegetables and legumes can prevent depression, a large new study finds. People only had to make relatively small changes to

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              The World's 17 Most Dangerous Foods

                              Talk about the last supper! Eating these foods could possibly kill you. Try them at your own risk!

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              The Sleeping Position That's Best for Brain Health?

                              While you're sleeping, your brain restores, recharges and cleanses itself of brain toxins. Research has found the best sleeping position for this.

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              High Blood Pressure Treatment Should Be More Aggressive, Study Finds

                              A new study finds that bringing blood pressure down below current recommendations may greatly reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              New study finds high prevalence of pre-diabetes and diabetes in the U.S.

                              According to a new study published in JAMA just three days ago, the increasing prevalence of diabetes may be leveling off. That being said, in 2011 through 2012, the estimated prevalence of diabetes among U.S. adults was 14% and the prevalence of pre-diab

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              California Assembly approves right-to-die legislation

                              The state Assembly on Wednesday approved a measure that would allow California physicians to prescribe life-ending drugs to terminally ill patients, sending the proposal to the Senate, which had previously approved a similar bill.

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              It’s probably a myth that we’re not getting enough sleep - Quartz

                              We've been told that the modern, connected life is taking a toll on our sleep. Compared to previous generations, studies report, we've been sleeping less and less every year. And that is making us "more likely to suffer from chronic diseases such

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              Slideshow: Medical Marijuana

                              See the types of medical marijuana and find out what conditions it can treat.

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              Is Our Identity in Intellect, Memory or Moral Character?

                              A new paper looking at Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases finds a surprising answer to where our identity lies.

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              You Don't Need To Go Low-Carb To Burn Body Fat, Study Says

                              Popular advice suggests a low-carb diet is necessary to trigger the body to shed fat. But a small, rigorous study finds low-fat diets also spark body-fat loss. The key: Choose a diet you'll stick to.

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              50 is the new 42: technology is making brains of middle-aged younger

                              The increasing mental demands of technology is making older people sharper than previous generations, scientists have shown

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              Test for early stage pancreatic cancer could help save lives - University of Liverpool News - University of Liverpool

                              University of Liverpool scientists, collaborating with a team at Bart’s Cancer Institute, have developed a urine test which could give an early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                              8 Ways Showering At Night Could Help Improve Your Sleep

                              When it comes to achieving a solid night's sleep, a cool room is a must. But it turns out that warming the body, as counterintuitive as that sounds, is equally important. According to renowned sleep scientist

                                Health & Fitness | Health News

                                Millions facing a hefty increase in Medicare premiums in 2016

                                From Yahoo Finance: Nearly a third of the roughly 50 million elderly Americans who depend on Medicare for their physician care and other health services could see their premiums jump by 52 percent or more next year. While Congress is largely focused on ad

                                Health & Fitness | Health News

                                The Secret Life of Melatonin | Psychology Today

                                Melatonin is a commonly used over the counter sleep aid, but this hormone's effect on fertility and puberty are powerful and not fully understood in humans. Caution should be exercised before any chronic use or using melatonin in kids.

                                Health & Fitness | Health News

                                Gene study confirms low Vitamin D, multiple sclerosis link

                                From Yahoo News: A major genetic study Tuesday confirmed a link between low vitamin D and a higher risk of multiple sclerosis, a finding which experts say could lead to better treatment and prevention. Previous observational studies have found an associat

                                Health & Fitness | Health News

                                No, You Do Not Have to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day

                                There is no science behind a formal, one-size-fits-all requirement of daily water consumption.

                                Health & Fitness | Health News

                                Why the age you get your period can matter forever | Fusion

                                We all know that going through puberty early can present psychological challenges—but it's also been linked to health risks.

                                Health & Fitness | Health News

                                Yes, There Are Risks To Going Gluten-Free If You Don't Have Celiac Disease

                                By: Katherine Tallmadge, M.A., R.D. Published: 08/18/2015 10:18 AM EDT on LiveScience Katherine Tallmadge is a registered dietitian; president of Personalized Nutrition; noted motivational and wellness

                                Health & Fitness | Health News

                                Brain drain: ‘Missing link’ discovered in the brain - The Washington Post

                                Lymph vessels connecting brain and body should aid understanding of many neurological diseases.

                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                  Sound Baths Move From Metaphysical to Mainstream

                                  The ritual, using the vibrations from soundwaves, helps promote relaxation and healing, proponents say.

                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                  Overhydration: More Than a Summertime Threat for Athletes

                                  Considering that the human body is upwards of 60% water, maintaining adequate hydration is fundamental to good health. With so many enticing energy drinks, fruit juices, bottled tea and coffee on the market, humble, life-sustaining, plain ol’ water some

                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                  The Work We Do While We Sleep

                                  Maria Konnikova writes about recent research on why our brains and bodies need sleep.

                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                  Ticks: Summer’s Unwanted Guests

                                  Thorough checks of spouses, children and friends for the tiny pathogen-carrying freeloaders are now a necessary part of summer rituals.

                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                  Reiki Healing and Mental Health: What the Research Shows

                                  Healing touch therapies, the best known being Reiki (pronounced RAY-key), are ancient practices in increasingly wide use today. According to the

                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                  Research shows Reiki could help cancer sufferers

                                  Researchers believe that there is a case for Reiki being added to the roster of complementary therapies Due to more effective methods of diagnosis and treatment, people are living longer with cancer and it is now often classed as a long-term condition. �

                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                  Fibromyalgia Mystery Finally Solved!

                                  Researchers have found the main source of pain in Fibromyalgia patients, and contrary to what many believe, it does not stem from the brain. The findings mark the end of a decades-old mystery about...

                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                  You say tomato, we say…tremendous

                                  It wouldn’t be summer without plump, juicy heirloom tomatoes piled high on a table at the farmers’ market, or containers of cherry tomatoes as sweet as raspberries reappearing in supermarkets for the season. Eating a rainbow of produce is an effective

                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                  Sick children offered Reiki therapy

                                  A HOSPITAL has introduced Reiki therapy for its young patients.

                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                  The IBS/SIBO-Psoas Connection and Why It’s Important for Highly Sensitive People |

                                  Note to the reader - this is one motherload of an article. Grab some coffee and a low-fodmap cookie and let's dive in. In my personal experience with SIBO, back and hip injury, and with my experien...

                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                  Eye Allergies Slideshow: Symptoms, Triggers, Treatments

                                  Eye Allergies: See what they look like, how eye allergies develop, and how to treat eye allergies.

                                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                                    Brain Chemicals Explain the Power of Placebos

                                    In recent years, research has explained much about how placebos work. Patricia Churchland on chemicals made in our brains that reduce pain

                                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                                    What Picky Eating Might Mean for Children Later

                                    Moderate and severe cases of selective eating were associated with elevated symptoms of anxiety and depression in later years, a new study found.

                                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                                    Reiki goes mainstream: Spiritual touch practice now commonplace in hospitals

                                    Sandra Delgado wasn’t held much as a child growing up in a stern, Catholic, Mexican-immigrant home in the San Fernando Valley.

                                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                                    76 Scientific Benefits of Meditation

                                    Summary of the main scientific research on the benefits of meditation, covering the different types of meditation (Vipassana, TM, Yoga, Mindfulness, etc).

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      Ahead of Alzheimer’s meeting, researchers seize on signs of progress

                                      From Yahoo News: By Bill Berkrot and Ransdell Pierson NEW YORK (Reuters) - After decades of Alzheimer’s research that led to dead ends, including 123 drugs that failed, top researchers in the field say they are far more confident now of producing an eff

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      The Best Pets For Your Health | TIME

                                      Animal friends can reduce stress, protect your heart and even help you lose weight

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      You May Be Getting More Sleep Than You Think

                                      Overactive brains can lead people, even those with insomnia, to underestimate how much they’re sleeping.

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      The Secret Life of Melatonin

                                      Melatonin is a commonly used over the counter sleep aid, but this hormone's effect on fertility and puberty are powerful and not fully understood in humans. Caution should be exercised before any chronic use or using melatonin in kids.

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      Sleep Disorders Pictures Slideshow: Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy, and More

                                      Pictures show you the symptoms, causes, tests, and treatments for sleep problems.

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      MEDICAL 3D HOLOGRAMS on Vimeo

                                      RealView, an Israeli high-tech company, thrilled the medical world when it presented 3D holographic images of inner body organs that can be manipulated by the…

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      Measles carries risk of a terrifying, always-fatal and rare complication

                                      Measles is commonly thought to be a one-time deal: Get it once, survive, and you’re immune for life.

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      A 17-year-old invented an ingenious way to instantly stop bleeding

                                      From Yahoo Finance: Imagine this: You're gushing blood. Nothing seems to make it stop. Then you apply a gel to your...

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      The Psoas: Muscle of The Soul

                                      I was delighted when I first came across Liz Koch's amazing work because it confirmed much of what I'd been intuiting on my own. I had begun to open and close my yoga practise with hip opening poses with the specific intention of releasing tension in my p

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      The Science of Bouncing Back

                                      Scientists now know why some people rebound so well from setbacks. They also know how the rest of us can be more like them

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      What Happens When You Sleep?

                                      You know when you are asleep, right? Have you ever wondered exactly what is happening? Now you can learn more about what happens while you're sleeping!

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      Lost Posture: Why Some Indigenous Cultures May Not Have Back Pain

                                      There are a few populations in the world where back pain hardly exists. One woman thinks she has figured out why, and she's sharing their secrets. Have Americans forgotten how to stand properly?

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      Think You’re Sensitive to Gluten? Think Again

                                      Chances are, you can still enjoy bread, pasta and other gluten-containing foods.

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      Finding the Right Balance

                                      The exercise we need is the one that’s best for the brain.

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      Missing link found between brain, immune system; major disease implications

                                      In a stunning discovery that overturns decades of textbook teaching, researchers have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist. The discovery could have profound implications for disea

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      Poor sleep is associated with buildup of toxic Alzheimer’s protein

                                      Restful sleep is required for us to store and save our memories. If you are not getting enough sleep each night, you may be at an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. This is something that I feel equally applies to many other chronic disea

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      Assisted-death bill approved by California Senate

                                      After a debate marked by raw and personal tales of loss, the state Senate on Thursday advanced a proposal to allow terminally ill Californians to end their lives with drugs prescribed by physicians.

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                                      More older Americans are being buried by housing debt

                                      From Yahoo Finance: Al and Saundra Karp have found an unconventional way to raise money and help save their Miami-area home from foreclosure: They're lining up gigs for their family jazz band. They enjoy performing. But it ...

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      The Breathing Trick That Puts You to Sleep in Seconds

                                      Warm milk, lavender oil, and counting sheep — we’ve all tried them.

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      The spine gives structure to your life: Keep it fit with good posture

                                      Christiane Carman believed she had good posture. Then one day she woke up with a crick in her neck, a nagging little pain on the left side that didn't go away. Soon it was shooting down her left arm. By the time she landed at UCLA's Spine Clinic, the pain

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      Harvard neuroscientist: Meditation not only reduces stress, here’s how it changes your brain

                                      Meditation's benefits may derive from its impact on the shape of the brain, thickening parts associated with mind-wandering, memory and compassion, and shrinking the fear center

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      The Reasons Why We Should Bring Meditation into Schools | The Mind Unleashed

                                      "If every eight year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation." –Dalai…

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      The Most Distinctive Causes of Death by State, 2001-2010

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      Houseplants That Purify Air - Air-Filtering Houseplants

                                      NASA research has shown that these houseplants purify the air in your home.

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      Happiness: 10 Fascinating New Psychology Studies Everyone Should Know

                                      Where we feel happiness in the body, how it affects our genetic code, why it changes with age, unexpected pleasures and much more…

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      Want Great Longevity and Health? It Takes a Village

                                      Want great longevity and health? It takes a village

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      Borderline Personality Disorder: 8 Classic Signs You Should Know

                                      How to tell if someone has a borderline personality disorder. Borderline personality disorder is thought to affect between 1% and 6% of the population. It is more common in women than men. The most telling sign of borderline personality disorder

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      The Secret To Learning is Reverse of Conventional Wisdom

                                      Neuroscientists find that the key to learning fast and efficiently may be the opposite of conventional wisdom.

                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                      Study Suggests Dense Breast Tissue Isn’t Always a High Cancer Risk -

                                      New research published in Annals of Internal Medicine suggested that only about half of women with dense tissue need extra tests.

                                        Health & Fitness | Health News

                                        Surge in Pollen May Spur Many Cases of Dry Eye

                                        High pollen levels in the spring are linked to dry eye, a new study suggests.

                                          Health & Fitness | Health News

                                          Laundry-Pod Poisonings Piling Up - WSJ

                                          Poisonings and other accidents involving concentrated laundry-detergent packets continue to be a problem in the U.S., despite changes made to packaging and labeling.

                                            Health & Fitness | Health News

                                            Remarkable Healing Power of Reiki as Cancer Treatment

                                            Some patients with serious conditions and cancers like mesothelioma often turn to Reiki, an alternative therapy that provides symptom relief and healing.

                                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                                              More Consensus on Coffee’s Benefits Than You Might Think

                                              A review of studies shows that coffee’s reputation as being unhealthy is undeserved, with the potential health benefits surprisingly large.

                                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                                              What Everyone Should Know About Inflammation: A Cardiologist Explains

                                              Regular readers of MindBodyGreen are aware that a process in our bodies called inflammation is involved in many aspects of human health and disease. For example, you may have read that a breakfast of

                                              Health & Fitness | Health News

                                              Scientists may have found the most likely culprit so far for schizophrenia

                                              One gene can explain the conflicting hypotheses about what causes the disease.

                                                Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                Stroke Pictures: Signs and Causes of Strokes and Mini Strokes

                                                WebMD's pictures help explain the symptoms, causes, and dramatic lifesaving treatments for stroke -- including when to call 911.

                                                Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                Surge in Pollen May Spur Many Cases of Dry Eye: MedlinePlus

                                                High pollen levels in the spring are linked to dry eye, a new study suggests.

                                                Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                6 Ways You Can Put Your Dreams to Work for You | Psychology Today

                                                Research shows that REM sleep integrates recent emotional memories by forming broad associations to past experience. Could your dreaming style steer the connections your mind makes during sleep?

                                                Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                Vanquishing Viruses - 10 Natural Antiviral Remedies |

                                                Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                5 Mini Meditations You Can Do In 1 Minute

                                                As a meditation teacher, I've heard every excuse under the sun as to why people can’t meditate. “I don’t have time!” or, “I just can’t sit still,” to name a few. It's reasons like these that

                                                Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                Dog Infects Humans With Plague for First Time in US

                                                A dog became sickened with the plague last year.

                                                Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                Quiz: Salt in Food, Sodium, Blood Pressure, and Your Health

                                                Want the facts about the salt in your food and how it affects your health? Take this WebMD quiz.

                                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                  Whole Foods Tops List Of Companies Forced To Recall Food

                                                  A new analysis of the FDA's food safety database reveals the most common reasons for food recalls.

                                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                  9 Things You Can Do to Live a Long, Happy Life

                                                  What enables certain people to live so long and so well? Author Dan Buettner worked with a team of experts including medical researchers, anthropologists, and epidemiologists to identify the factors that contribute to their longevity.

                                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                  Fibromyalgia Mystery Finally Solved!

                                                  Researchers have found the main source of pain in Fibromyalgia patients, and contrary to what many believe, it does not stem from the brain. The findings mark the end of a decades-old mystery about the disease, which many doctors believed was conjured in

                                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                  This New Breakthough Alzheimer’s Treatment Fully Restores Memory Function

                                                  A team of Australian researchers are using a non-invasive ultrasound technology to assist in removing toxic plaque and lesions from nerve cells commonly associated with the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.   If you are one of the many millions of people

                                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                  Mellow Pastimes Can Be Good For Your Health

                                                  You don't have to be out running marathons to get health benefits from leisure activities. Engaging pastimes like reading, sewing or listening to music improved health markers, a study finds.

                                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                  The Right Dose of Exercise for a Longer Life - NYTimes.com

                                                  Two new studies suggest that the ideal dose of exercise for a long life is a bit more than many of us currently believe we should get, but less than many of us might expect.

                                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                  Slideshow: Medical Marijuana

                                                  See the types of medical marijuana and find out what conditions it can treat.

                                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                  11 Unexpected Spring Allergy Triggers

                                                  Avoiding flowers and trees will only get you so far during allergy season

                                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                  Why We Procrastinate at Bedtime

                                                  ... and the challenge so many of us have convincing ourselves it's OK to sleep.

                                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                  In autism, the brain's response to speech speaks volumes - LA Times

                                                  When language delays or social detachment mark a baby for a diagnosis of autism, dark clouds cast that child's future in shadow. But researchers have discovered a test that can reliably forecast, some time between a baby's first and second birthday, wheth

                                                  Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                  Slideshow on Mold Allergies: Proven Ways to Fight the Fungus

                                                  Learn 10 ways to fight the fungus and reduce mold allergy symptoms from dust masks to bottles of bleach.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                    Child’s Best Friend: The Dog Unleashed as the Surprising Allergy Preventer | Allergic Living

                                                    Allergic Living is the leading magazine for those with food allergies, celiac disease, gluten sensitivity or environmental allergies. It features in-depth articles, news and safe recipes.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                    Closing in on a Cure For Cat Allergy | Allergic Living

                                                    Allergic Living is the leading magazine for those with food allergies, celiac disease, gluten sensitivity or environmental allergies. It features in-depth articles, news and safe recipes.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                    A Dying Neurosurgeon's Exquisite Message To His Daughter

                                                    Editor's note: This piece was originally published in Stanford Medicine magazine on February 23, 2015; Paul Kalanithi passed away on March 9, at age 37. Read Stanford Medicine's obituary for him here. By Paul Kalanithi In residency, there&rsquo...

                                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                      Eggs – they really are incredible

                                                      The U.S. 2015 Dietary Advisory Committee is set to drop its recommendation that eggs should be restricted from the diet. Finally. For many in the alternative medicine community, this “revelation” that eggs are not harmful is not new news. Eggs concern

                                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                      The Scary Stats & Happy Facts on Cognitive Health – Part I

                                                      As the baby boomer population ages, memory loss, along with its associated decreased quality of life, is a major concern. This is especially true with those who are caregivers to parents and loved ones who suffer from various forms of dementia, including

                                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                      Another Medical Society gives Buteyko a thumbs up: British Thoracic Society - Breathing Expert

                                                      the British Thoracic Society has given the Buteyko Method a grade A recommendation for asthma treatment.

                                                      Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                      Harvard Unveils MRI Study Proving Meditation Literally Rebuilds The Brain’s Gray Matter In 8 Weeks | FEELguide | Film,

                                                      Test subjects taking part in an 8-week program of mindfulness meditation showed results that astonished even the most experienced neuroscientists at Harvard University. The study was led by a Harvard-affiliated team of researchers based at Massachusetts General Hospital, and the team’s MRI scans documented for the very first time in medical history how meditation produced massive changes inside the brain’s gray matter.

                                                        Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                        Exercise Not Only Treats, But Prevents Depression

                                                        Psychologists have touted for decades that exercise can go a long way in treating depression.

                                                          Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                          Allergy Shots (Immunotherapy) | AAAAI

                                                          AAAAI explains that is a form of treatment that decreases symptoms for many people with allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, conjunctivitis or stinging insect allergies.

                                                          Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                          Sleep Soundly with Natural Supplement

                                                          Synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan, 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is the rate-limiting precursor to serotonin and melatonin, our relaxation hormones that are important for proper sleep. 5-HTP supplementation has been shown to be useful in enhancing

                                                          Health & Fitness | Health News

                                                          Environment Trumps Genes at Shaping Immune System: Study: MedlinePlus

                                                          Find information on health conditions, wellness issues, and more in easy-to-read language on MedlinePlus, the up-to-date, trusted health information site from the NIH and the National Library of Medicine.