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Report: U.S. Withholding 'Sensitive Intelligence' on Hamas From Israel |

The Biden administration is willing to share valuable information regarding the whereabouts of Hamas's leadership and tunnels to stave off an Israeli invasion of Rafah, according to the Washington Post.

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Voter Fraud Convictions Challenge Narrative of Secure Elections

Criminal convictions of election fraud across America have called into question the narrative that cheating is rare and of little impact.

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Patriot Truth News - Signature Bank Cut Ties with Trump After Jan. 6 - Guess Who Just Came Knocking on Its Door?

Signature Bank — which cut ties with then-President Donald Trump in the wake of Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion — was shut down by federal regulators Sunday evening. The move was announced in a joint statement by the Treasury Department, the Federal R

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Cardiologists Come to the Same Conclusion Regarding COVID Jab Side Effects

"The Covid mRNA vaccine has likely played a significant role or been a primary cause of unexpected cardiac ...

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COVID Shot Destroys Immune System | NaturalHealth365

(NaturalHealth365) Pfizer's own data reveals that its COVID shot harms the immune system. Find out what the evidence shows.

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Patriot Truth News - Federal Data Quietly Reveals 100 Terror Suspects Caught At Southern Border

Newly published federal data reveals that close to a hundred individuals listed on the FBI terror watchlist have been apprehended at the Southern border in the last year, a record high and a huge uptick in recent months. The Customs and Border Protection

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Patriot Truth News - "I Lied": Clinton Associate Testifies He Fabricated Dossier Claim

A longtime associate of the Clinton family admitted under oath on Oct. 13 that he lied when he said he spoke to a Republican friend about GOP drama. "I lied. I got it off cable news," Charles Dolan, the associate, testified during Igor Danchenko's cr

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Election Software CEO Arrested Over Alleged Data Theft, Storing Data on Servers in China

The head of Konnech Corporation was arrested Tuesday for allegedly storing personal data of Los Angeles County election workers on servers in China.

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Trump Asks CNN to Prove His 'Big Lie' About 2020 Elections Is False

Former President Donald Trump, who sued CNN for defamation early this week, said in an interview on Wednesday ...

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Inflammatory mRNA Nanoparticles Inhibit and Alter Immune Response: Pre-Print Study

A recent preprint study has shed light on why adverse events have been observed following a COVID-19 messenger ...

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Embalmers Have Been Finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots That Lack Post-Mortem Characteristics

Several embalmers across the country have been observing many large, and sometimes very long, "fibrous" and rubbery clots inside ...

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Jab Injuries, 50% Long COVID Cases Have This Type of Symptom—2 Ways to Reverse It

Many people experience “long COVID” symptoms after an acute attack of COVID-19 infection. Half of them are neuropsychiatric ...

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Patriot Truth News - STUNNER: New Data from Walgreens Reveals Shocking Stats for Unvaccinated

The National Conservative posted some shocking numbers on the positivity rate of those Americans who are vaccinated compared with those who are not vaccinated. According to data from over 5,000 Walgreens stores, the unvaccinated have the lowest incidence

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How to DEFEAT micro blood clots and block the spike protein by protecting the QUALITY of your blood

Doctors and researchers are now confirming that nearly all the negative side effects and deaths stemming from covid vaccines are the result of blood clots. Many of those clots are very small and unable to be easily detected with standard medical imaging e

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Researcher Calls Out Censorship After Journal Pulls COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Analysis

Jessica Rose didn’t ask for any of this. She started to analyze data on adverse reactions after COVID-19 ...

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Fauci's Financial Disclosures Made Public by Senator

Dr. Anthony Fauci's two most recent financial disclosures have been made available for public perusal by a senator. ...

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Feds Finally Admit Secret DOJ “Commandos” at Jan. 6 Trump Protests With “Shoot To Kill” Mission

What many believe about January 6 has finally been revealed to be true. There were federal 'commandos' at the Capitol on that day, and before. The commandos had been granted 'shoot to kill' authority, and the FBI was running the operat

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US swimming official quits after trans athlete shatters women's records

On Friday, Millan, said that she had resigned "days ago," saying "I can’t do this," and "I can’t support this."

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Over 100,000 reports of psychiatric disorders after COVID vaccination - LifeSite

More than 100,000 reports of psychiatric symptoms following COVID shots include hallucinations, anxiety, confusion, sleep disorders, psychosis, and suicide

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    BOMBSHELL: Pfizer lied about death count in key covid “vaccine” clinical trial – fatalities were MUCH higher

    Back on July 28, Pfizer and BioNTech published six-month data on a key Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” clinical trial that claimed 15 participants who received the injections died compared to 14 who did not receive it. It turns out that

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    mRNA Jabs Are Not Vaxx, Internal CDC Emails Reveal | NaturalHealth365

    (NaturalHealth365) Instead of admitting that the COVID mRNA jabs do not confer immunity, the CDC went ahead and changed vaxx definition.

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    FDA committee member admits he doesn’t know if the vaccine is safe for kids but approves it anyway

    One member of an FDA advisory committee admitted the vaccine might not be safe for children but still advocated for its approval for those ages 5-11.

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    Former Soros Activist Explains How Progressives Ruined San Francisco

    In his new book "San Fransicko,” Michael Shellenberger explains how progressives ruin cities, focusing on several on the West Coast.

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    Newly Released Documents Show NIH Funded Gain-of-Function Research in China: Experts

    The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded research in China that created a more potent form of ...

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    Jab-Resistant Viruses Drive Breakthrough Cases | NaturalHealth365

    (NaturalHealth365) Study out of California finds that COVID-19 breakthrough cases are driven by jab-resistant viral variants.

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    WATCH: New Study Finds Natural Immunity Blows Vaccines Out Of The Water

    A new study has found that natural immunity drastically outclasses vaccination when it comes to protection against the C-19 virus.

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    BREAKING: AZ Candidate For Secretary of State Mark Finchem: "I Call On Arizona To Decertify The Election Of 2020 And Recall The Electors... We Have A Duty To Act" - 96K+ GHOST VOTES

    Arizona Candidate for Secretary of State Mark Finchem has Joined Wendy Rogers in calling for decertification of Arizona’s electors. Liz Harris was live on Bannon’s War Room exposing results from canvassing efforts in Maricopa County and she wi

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    18 Reasons I Will NOT Get The C-19 Vaxx

    I came across a great article today that I had to share with you. It’s called: 18 Reasons why I won’t get #vaccinated Interesting dialogue here — Eric Iversen (@EricRIversen) September 1, 2021 Follow on Telegram @WeLov

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    Trust The Science? CDC Counts People Dying Within 14 Days Of Jab As “Unvaccinated”

    Read the fine print: Another example of how the CDC is misleading & manipulating the masses

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    49 Fully Vaccinated New Jersey Residents Have Died From COVID-19

    About four dozen fully vaccinated people in New Jersey have died from COVID-19, health officials say. Forty-nine deaths ...

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    Tucker Carlson Reveals Bombshell Emails Exposing US Military Secretly Moving Illegal Immigrants Around the Country

    'Apparently, Americans don’t have a right to know where foreign nationals are being resettled in their own country.'

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    FDA to Add Warning About Neurological Disorder Linked to Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on July 12 said it will add a warning label to ...

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    Big Tech Censorship & Government Collusion: Judicial Watch Reveals Secret History of 2020 Election | Judicial Watch

    Judicial Watch has uncovered critical new details in the secret history of the 2020 election: how state government officials—at times interfacing with the Biden presidential campaign—colluded with Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to censor freedom of speech

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    New Study Links Ivermectin to 'Large Reductions' In COVID-19 Deaths

    A recent study found that using ivermectin could lead to "large reductions" in COVID-19 deaths and its use could have a "significant impact" on the pandemic globally.

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    Trump Was Right: Study Shows Hydroxychloroquine Boosted Ventilated COVID Patients' Survival by 200%

    A new study shows that Trump may have been right: Hydroxychloroquine may indeed work as a treatment for COVID-19.

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    BREAKING: The Deleted Database In Maricopa County Has Been Recovered!

    Oh baby! I told you there was something special about this Audit in Arizona, and you are now seeing it play out before your very eyes…. Not only are we about to uncover the ORIGINAL fraud, but it looks like we are about to prove the SECOND fraud whe

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    CDC Admits: More Dead from COVID-19 Vaccine Than ALL Vaccines From Last 20 Years Combined

    It’s official. This is now fact, not speculation. More people have died from the COVID-19 vaccine than from all other vaccines over the last 20 years… COMBINED. That’s right: the vaccine that is supposed to “protect” you from

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    Report Reveals Biden Used $3 Billion Taxpayer Dollars to House Illegal Immigrants

    Media crews have also been prohibited from entering the facilities once children arrive, increasing concern that conditions may be poor.

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    Trump Urges Republicans to 'Never Submit,' Boycott Companies Over Georgia Voting Reform Opposition

    Former President Donald Trump on Saturday continued his calls to Republicans and conservatives to stand firm against the campaign by several large corporations to openly oppose newly enacted election reforms in Georgia.

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    MEDICAL SHOCKER: Scientists at Sloan Kettering discover mRNA inactivates tumor-suppressing proteins, meaning it can promote cancer

    There's a secret layer of information in your cells called messenger RNA, that's located between DNA and proteins, that serves as a critical link. Now, in a medical shocker to the whole world of vaccine philosophy, scientists at Sloan Kettering

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    'Orders of Magnitude Higher Deaths in the Vaccinated': Israel's Vaccine Data Reveals a Frightening Picture

    In the article republished from, research is presented indicating orders of magnitude increases in death rates during the 5-week long vaccination process analyzed in Israel, as compared to the unvaccinated and those after completing the vaccinat

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    Is The COVID-19 Vaccine Safe? Read This & Decide For Yourself

    Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe? You want to read this and decide for yourself. See what's in it as well as what insiders have said about it. Shocking!

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    108 Illegal Immigrants Released by Border Patrol in Texas Tested Positive for COVID-19: Officials

    More than 100 illegal immigrants released into Texas by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection have tested positive ...

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    Texas judge and three others arrested on 150 counts of voter fraud

    Justice of the Peace Tomas Ramirez is accused of ballot harvesting at assisted living centers in the 2018 primary election.

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      Pentagon admits it has been holding and testing wreckage from UFO crashes

      THE Pentagon has admitted to holding and testing wreckage from UFO crashes in a bombshell Freedom of Information letter, shared with The Sun. Researcher Anthony Bragalia wrote to the Defense Intell…

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      The mainstream media has decided to not even cover it, it's happening right now. Border agents on the ground have told us they are being overrun again.Insider footage of a DHS facility just built in Texas

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      YouTube, Vimeo Pull Down Mike Lindell Election Video

      YouTube and Vimeo pulled down a video from MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell that alleged election fraud during the ...

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      White House Appears to Confirm Hunter Biden Still Holds Stake in Chinese Private Equity Firm

      The White House press secretary appeared to confirm that President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden still holds a stake in a Chinese private equity firm.

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      Trump lost $2B while serving as president

      Former President Donald Trump lost close to half of his wealth during his time serving as president.

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      Biden Admin Yanks Maternity Leave From Trump Appointees

      Biden claims to be a strong advocate for paid paternity and maternity leave, including in federal agencies. Apparently not for Trump employees.

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      Moderna’s and Pfizer’s vaccines share the same problem: They’re unsafe for people with allergies

      A physician at the Boston Medical Center (BMC) suffered an allergic reaction after receiving the much-talked about Moderna vaccine. The incident, which occurred on Dec. 24, involved Dr. Hossein Sadrzadeh, a geriatric oncologist with a severe allergy to

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      Pompeo Calls on Biden to Acknowledge CCP’s Role in Pandemic After Memo Release

      Mike Pompeo on Tuesday called on the Biden administration to acknowledge the Chinese Communist Party’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic.

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      Apple wants to delete Telegram app from people’s iPhones – here’s how to stop it

      Word is circulating that Apple is planning to remotely axe the Telegram app from users’ iPhones now that President Donald Trump and millions of free speech advocates have migrated there. The social media platform notified its users on Tuesday that t

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      Opinion: I Now Better Understand the ‘Good German’

      Commentary As my listeners and readers can hopefully attest, I have been on a lifelong quest to understand ...

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      BREAKING: A Printer in Michigan Printed Tens of Thousands of Excess Pennsylvania Ballots Which Were Shipped to New York

      More details regarding the truckloads of ballots shipped from New York to Pennsylvania has been uncovered.  These ballots were printed

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      Apple Punished Employee for Approving App That Was Critical of Beijing, Lawsuit Alleges

      A former Apple employee alleges in a lawsuit that the company punished him for approving an app critical ...

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      Emails obtained by FBI detail how Hunter Biden landed Ukrainian gas gig in 2014 | Just The News

      Memos show concerted strategy to leverage VP Joe Biden's trip to Kiev to score Burisma Holdings deal.

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      Attorney Ty Clevenger's Determination Led to the FBI Announcing Today They Actually Did Have Thousands of Documents on Seth Rich and His Laptop

      For years we reported on the murder of Seth Rich and followed up with numerous posts about the emails that were used as the basis to create the Trump – Russia conspiracy.  For four years the FBI lied and said they had nothing on Seth Rich, but then

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      ELECTION SUPERVISOR: Drops Bombshell on Dominion…They're TOAST!

      Watch the Coffee County Georgia election supervisor expose the dominion machines --Flip Votes, delete votes, add votes, count the same ballots multiple times and count blank ballots. WATCH FULL VIDEO. 

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      New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100% | Judicial Wa

      1.8 Million ‘Extra’ Registered Voters (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that a September 2020 study revealed that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. In other words, the registration

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      Facebook Fact-Checker Is Censoring Criticism Of Its Fake Fact Checks

      Facebook began censoring criticism of a fake fact-check published by an "independent fact-checker" before it was even published on The Federalist's Facebook page.

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      Sidney Powell Releases The Smoking Gun In Georgia

      Ware County, Georgia has broken the Dominion algorithm: Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, Ware County ran a equal number of Trump votes and Biden votes through the Tabulator and the Tabulator reported a 26% lead for Biden. 37 Trump votes used in the e

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      Facebook Whistleblower Reveals "Fact Checkers" Trained to Censor Conservatives Exclusively

      It’s no secret that big tech censors conservatives. But now… We finally have proof! A former Facebook fact checker has come forward. This whistleblower has REVEALED the insights behind how “fact checking” works on Facebook. The rev

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      SGO Chairman Appointed to Lead Open Society Foundations Amid Allegations Against Their Smartmatic Voting System

      George Soros announced that British Lord Mark Malloch-Brown the chairman of SGO Corporation, the holding company that owns ...

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      Georgia State Farm Arena Footage Shows Poll Workers Staying Behind, Pulling Out Suitcases With Ballots

      President Donald Trump's legal team on Thursday presented surveillance footage to a Georgia State Legislature hearing that appears ...

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      Zuckerberg-Funded Group Comes Into Spotlight in Election-Related Court Cases

      A group that received hundreds of millions of dollars from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is accused in post-election ...

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      Candace Owens Challenges Fact-Checker, And Wins | The Daily Wire

      Conservative author and commentator Candace Owens challenged left-leaning fact-checking site PolitiFact, a partner with Facebook, over a "false" rating —

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      Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling | Spectator USA

      To say out-loud that you find the results of the 2020 election odd is to invite derision. You must be a crank. Well, count me one

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      The Thieves Who Stole Our Election Got Sloppy

      Commentary Laziness leads to sloppiness, and sloppiness is how the most brazen heist in American history is being ...

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      Lin Wood: Satanic Pedophilia In The White House (Pre-Trump) & Voter Fraud to Dovetail, Be Exposed At the Same Time

      This just gets crazier and crazier…. Attorney Lin Wood just did an interview where he said he thought a number of things would begin to dovetail…the Durham investigation, exposure of satanic pedophilia in Washington, D.C. and specifically in t

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      A dozen compelling allegations of voting irregularities in 2020 election | Just The News

      From ejected ballot observers to fraudulently backdated mail-in votes, the evidence of irregularities is growing nationwide.

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      Something Rotten in Pennsylvania - American Greatness

      An October 29 story in the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that election officials in several Pennsylvania counties were debating how to alert voters that their…

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      Genius Patriot Edward Solomon Discovered The Exact Dominion Algorithm That Transferred MILLIONS of Votes! [VIDEO]

      American “Deplorable” patriots are truly amazing people! A man named Edward Solomon appears to have cracked the code on the Dominion software and discovered the exact ratio they used to switch MILLIONS of votes! This is highly illegal. It is t

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        Video: Trump Got 10 Million More Votes Than in 2016

        President Donald Trump's 73 million votes record is around 10 million more than he got in his last bid for presidency, based on current data.

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        Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell Says Team Will Sue Officials 'To Invalidate' Election Results

        Hours after claiming that President Donald Trump won the election by a landslide and that there is evidence ...

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        BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared “National Emergency” that set an Election Day trap for th

        We have another major bombshell for you here, regarding the 2020 election. Despite the intense, malicious censorship of Big Tech, we're really becoming known for in-depth analysis and research of current events, so thank you for your support as we continu

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        Statistical Anomalies in Biden Votes, Analyses Indicate

        With the 2020 elections marred by legal challenges and fraud allegations, some have used statistical analysis to try ...

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        Never More Biased: TV Blasts Trump with 92% Negative Coverage; 66% Positive for Biden

        Four years ago, the Big Three broadcast evening newscasts tried to destroy Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign with historically negative press coverage. This year, those newscasts are doubling down, with coverage that is even more hostile to the

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        Antifa a Dangerous Organization With Similar Structure to an Islamic Terror Cell: Police Spokesperson

        Antifa is not just an idea; it's a dangerous organisation with a similar structure to that of an Islamic terror cell, Betsy Brandner Smith said.

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        ICE Says California Court Forced Them to Release 250 'Dangerous' Detainees With Criminal Histories

        Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said a California district court ruling led to the "release of dangerous criminal aliens into various communities."

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        The New York Post endorses President Donald J. Trump for re-election

        We can put annus horribilis, 2020, behind us and make America great again, again. We can do all this — if we make the right choice on Nov. 3.

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        Biden Appears to Confuse Trump With Former President George W. Bush in Virtual Event

        Joe Biden appeared to momentarily confuse President Donald Trump with former President George W. Bush.

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        New York Times’ 8-Month-Long ‘Investigation’ of The Epoch Times: Light on Facts, Heavy on Bias

        The New York Times on Oct. 24 published an article by tech columnist Kevin Roose about The Epoch ...

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        Lax Online Security Appears to Allow Cancelling Other Voters’ Mail-in Ballots in Some States

        Election security in some states is so lax that people can spy on other people’s mail-in ballot process ...

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        Confessions of an American Insurrectionist: Communist Tells of 'Joy' at Watching Police Station Burn

        Commentary The recent surge of rioting, looting, arson, and violence in the aftermath of the May 25 death ...

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        WHO Official Urges World Leaders to Stop Using Lockdowns as Primary Method Against CCP Virus

        The World Health Organization's special envoy on COVID-19 has urged world leaders to stop using lockdowns as the ...

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        Scott Atlas, Trump coronavirus adviser, won't cave to criticism - Washington Times

        President Trump's embattled coronavirus adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas, isn't backing down under intense criticism that his guidance runs counter to established science.

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        WATCH: Jewish Democrats' Ad Compares Trump's America to Nazi Germany

        An ad by the Jewish Democratic Council of America comparing President Trump's America to 1930s Nazi Germany has sparked outrage.

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        Over 20 times Trump publicly denounced 'white supremacy' | The Post Millennial

        "Trump is a Racist" has been trending on Twitter despite President Donald Trump publicly denouncing white supremacy and white nationalists again and again over the years, revealing that the mainstream media has traded what is true for what they want to be

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        Google Pushes Conservative News Sites Far Down Search Lists | RealClearPolitics

        It has long been feared that Google, which controls almost 90% of U.S. Internet search traffic, could sway an election by altering the search results it shows users. New data indicate that may be...

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        Democrat Whistleblower Pulls Back Curtain On 2020 Vote – Lays Out Alleged Operation To “Rig Elections”

        President Trump has been firm in his stance against mail-in voting. While Republicans in Congress

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        162 House Dems Vote Against Measure to Combat Anti-Semitism

        More than 160 House Democrats voted on Wednesday against a measure to combat anti-Semitism.

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        FBI Director: 'Antifa Is a Real Thing,' Confirms Investigations Into 'Violent Anarchist Extremists'

        FBI Director Christopher Wray made clear that the far-left group Antifa "is a real thing and not a ...

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        Study: Up To 95 Percent Of 2020 U.S. Riots Linked To Black Lives Matter

        A report accompanying the data project, however, reads like an upscale attempt to blame the police for criminals’ decision to steal, kill, and destroy.

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        Nearly 2,000 Uncounted July Ballots From New Jersey Primary Found in Bin

        More than 1,600 ballots from New Jersey’s July primary election were found by Sussex County elections board officials in a “mislabeled” bin.

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        Ohio Governor Calls Out Fauci Lies, Lifts HCQ Ban

        Among our most fundamental and sacred rights is the right to medical freedom. In Ohio, a ban on hydroxychloroquine has been lifted.

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        Trump Says Schools Teaching NY Times' 1619 Project 'Will Not Be Funded'

        President Donald Trump on Sunday warned the Department of Education is investigating the use of the New York ...

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        Portland Rioters Throw Fire Bombs, Mortars at Police; Over 50 Arrested

        Rioters at a Black Lives Matter event in Portland late Saturday threw fire bombs, mortars, and rocks at ...

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          Broadcasters Air 150 Times More Negative News on Trump Than Biden: Study

          Evening news has aired a plethora of negative stories against President Donald Trump while virtually ignoring presumptive Democratic ...

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          Trump wants federal hiring to focus on skills over degrees

          WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is preparing to direct the federal government to overhaul its hiring to prioritize a job applicant’s skills over a college degree, administration and...

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          Nearly 110,000 DACA Applicants Have an Arrest Record: USCIS

          Nearly 110,000 "Dreamers" approved under the Obama administration's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program have an arrest ...

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          EXCLUSIVE: Cartels Helped Pick Top Officials in Mexican Border State, Leaked Documents Show

          Mexican law enforcement documents show the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas had influence over hiring for top law enforcement positions.

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          NYC Councilman Suggests Trump Should Void Benefits to Alleged Looters

          A New York City Councilman suggested that President Trump should revoke benefits given out to suspected looters arrested during the riots.

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          FDA Approves First COVID-19 Antigen Test for Emergency Use

          the food and drug administration has issued an emergency use authorization for an antigen test for COVID-19

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          Mark Levin Celebrates Vindication of 'The Broadcast That Will Go Down in History'

          Mark Levin noted that he had been vindicated in his early suspicions that the outgoing Obama administration had staged a "silent coup."

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          Graham Requests More Documents After Footnotes Show Steele’s Dossier May Contain Russian Disinformation

          Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), the chairman of U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, has demanded the Department of Justice (DOJ) to provide more documents related to Christopher Steele's primary source.

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          Betrayal? California Gov. Newsom Helps Chinese Get $1 Billion in COVID Aid

          The governor hasn't even informed the California Legislature on the details yet.

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          Obama Depleted Mask Supplies—But Who Cares?! - Freedom Wire

          New reports show that the Obama administration depleted the nation's stockpile of medical supplies...but during an outbreak, does that even matter?

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          Major Uranium, Rare Earth Deposit ‘Rediscovered’ in California

          A massive critical mineral deposit in San Bernardino County, Calif., could yield $2.5 billion in uranium alone, enough to supply the nation’s needs for the next 16 years, say the miners who own the claims.

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          New Yorkers No Longer Allowed to Enroll in Trusted Traveler Programs: DHS Secretary

          The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is no longer allowing New Yorkers to enroll in Global Entry and ...

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            54 Nationwide Injunctions Issued Against Admin Since Trump Took Office: DOJ

            DOJ: Federal judges have issued nearly 55 nationwide injunctions against the Trump administration since President Donald Trump took office in 2017.

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            Pentagon Anticipating More Attacks by Iran and Proxies

            Iran, or the forces it backs, may be planning additional attacks on American presence in the Middle East, ...

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            Jewish Leaders Raise Alarm Over Growing Trend of Anti-Semitic Attacks

            NEW YORK—The spate of anti-Semitic acts carried out over the past few months across the New York metropolitan ...

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            Israel Develops New Laser System to Shoot Down Gaza’s Explosive Balloons, Drones

            Israeli security forces revealed on Dec. 26 its new laser system designed to intercept dangerous airborne incendiary devices launched from the Gaza Strip.

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            Year in Review: 20 Notable Spygate Developments of 2019

            In the saga of "Spygate," 2019 has shaped up to be the year the tables turned. In the ...

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              The Era of ‘Good’ Fascism?

              Consider the recent statements and acts of iconic progressive celebrities. Jane Fonda is chronically furious. This time she directed her wrath at those who disagree about the urgency of ending the …

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              CBP Seizes $1.97M in Hard Drugs, Including Record Heroin Bust

              U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) discovered separate alleged attempts to take a total of 395 pounds of drugs into the U.S. illegally.

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              Sen. Cornyn: Dems’ Broken Promises, Impeachment Threaten to Deadlock Budget at Year's End

              News Analysis WASHINGTON—Another end-of-year government shutdown crisis will result because of congressional Democrats’ “single-minded obsession with impeaching the ...

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              Bipartisan Senate Bill Seeks Major Reforms in Budget Process

              Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) and committee member Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) introduced the "Bipartisan Congressional ...

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              After Years of Common Core, Betsy DeVos Announces 'Devastating' Results

              'We cannot abide these poor results any longer. We can neither excuse them away nor simply throw more money at the problem.'

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              US-Turkey Tie-Up Important to Stabilize Multi-Faceted Conflict in Syria: Insider

              The US and Turkey have not been friends but an insider says the arising geopolitical situation in Syria has pushed both the NATO allies to collaborate.

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              Culture of Corruption in Congress Encouraged by Legal ‘Pay-to-Play’ Privileges

              WASHINGTON—U.S. senators and representatives can manipulate their elected positions for their own benefit by taking advantage of multiple ...

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              Dennis Prager on why new film 'No Safe Spaces' is unfairly rated | Fox News

              Dennis Prager and Adam Caroll's upcoming documentary "No Safe Spaces" has been given a PG-13 rating by the MPAA.

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              Trump Asks Who Changed Whistleblower Rules Before Submittal of ‘Fake Whistleblower Report’

              President Donald Trump on Sept. 30 demanded to know which officials changed the rules on a whistleblower form ...

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              Judicial Watch Victory: Court Grants Significant New Discovery in Clinton Email Case - Judicial Watch

              Hillary Clinton Has 30 Days to Oppose Judicial Watch Request to Question Her Under Oath (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that a federal judge granted seven additional depositions, three interrogatories and four document requests related

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              Trump Rips 'Do Nothing Democrat Savages' Over Impeachment Inquiry

              Republican President Donald Trump criticized Democratic Party leaders on Sept. 28, singling out several in his ire over the impeachment inquiry.

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              During 9/11 Memorial, Victim's Son Blasts Ilhan Omar by Name & Schools Her on Who's Responsible for Attack

              Wearing a black T-shirt printed with the words 'Some People Did Something,' Nicholas Haros Jr. remembered his mother lovingly, but also laid into Omar.

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              Trump Wins Big in Emoluments Lawsuits: Two Down and One to Go | National Review

              The remaining emoluments-clause case against Trump is as spurious as the first two.

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              Brooklyn Jewish Community Fearful Over Onslaught of Attacks

              The tight-knit and Orthodox Jewish communities of Brooklyn, NY are facing an onslaught of hate and violence. New York City Councilman and Jewish Caucus Chair Chaim Deutch called it an "epidemic of hate" and urged

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              Why NBC, MSNBC’s Reporting on The Epoch Times Is Textbook Fake News

              Dear readers, As you know, The Epoch Times is a proudly independent news organization dedicated to truthful reporting. ...

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              CBP Chief Mark Morgan Defends Record-Breaking Illegal Immigration Operation

              The commissioner of Customs and Border Protection defended the decision to conduct recording-breaking immigration raids, and corrected CNN on a previous quote.

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              State Dept. Reports Finding 23 Violations of Security Protocols Related to Hillary Clinton's Emails

              The State Department revealed on Monday that at least 15 people mishandled former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s emails with 23 different violations.

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              Young Conservatives at Turning Point: We're Being Censored

              Young Conservatives Feel They Can't Express Themselves on Social Media

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              Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Republican Opponent Raises Concerns About Pattern of Traffic Violations

              Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Republican Opponent Raises Concerns About Pattern of Traffic Violations

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              China's Threat to Hold Rare Earth Minerals Hostage Is Our Opportunity

              Commentary China’s recent “threat” to restrict sales of rare earth minerals to the United States is actually a ...

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              Esteemed NSA Whistleblower Bill Binney Says He Has Evidence DNC was NOT Hacked - "The Mueller Report and the Rosenstein

              Roger Stone is requesting proof that the Russians hacked the DNC server, as was reported in the Mueller report. He claims if the Russians didn’t hack the DNC, his case should be dismissed. An IT expert and NSA Whistle blower who looked at the data online

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              Justice Department Declines to Prosecute Serial FBI Leaker

              The Department of Justice declined to prosecute a senior FBI official linked to the Clinton-email investigation, despite evidence ...

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              Fake Families, Fake Papers Are Rampant at Border

              EL PASO, Texas—No one is able to estimate how many fraudulent families have already been released into the ...

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              DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated

              Some of the migrant families arrested at the southern border weren't actually families.

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              Activists Call for Jewish Exodus from Democratic Party

              WASHINGTON–Activists from across America assembled before the U.S. Capitol on May 7 to call for a Jewish exodus ...

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                Obama White House Knew About Clinton Emails Years Earlier Than Previously Admitted

                WASHINGTON—Top officials working in the White House under former President Barack Obama knew Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ...

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                Former FBI Official: Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House

                Former FBI Official: Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House

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                Papadopoulos Disputes Key Claim in Mueller Report

                The final report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller tweaked a key fact in the official narrative about the origin of FBI probe into Trump-Russia connections.

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                Nothingburger Mueller Report Came at a Cost Too Great for America

                Commentary Can you believe we waited two years for this 400-page nothingburger? We finally have special counsel Robert ...

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                875 Catholic Churches in France Were Vandalized in 2018 by Radical Secularists and Muslims

                For over 850 years, Notre-Dame de Paris survived the French Revolution, two world wars, terror threats and pollution. But on Monday the historic Notre Dame Cathedral was engulfed in flames and nearly destroyed. Over 850 years, Notre-Dame de Paris survived

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                GAO Report: Travel Ban Rate Under Obama Was 16 Times Higher Than Trump - Sara A. Carter

                Data analysis in a GAO Report shows that under President Obama the travel ban rate for security reasons was 20 times higher than under Trump.

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                From 'no crisis' to 'breaking point': Mainstream media outlets change their tune on border crisis amid illegal immigration surge

                Months after repeatedly dismissing and mocking President Trump’s claim of a national emergency at the Southern U.S. border, mainstream media is grappling with the reality, declaring the border crisis a “breaking point.”

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                How Obama Officials Spied on Trump

                Commentary Attorney General William Barr told congressional lawmakers on April 10 that he is investigating both the "genesis" ...

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                The Attempted Coup Against Trump

                Commentary President Donald Trump told reporters on April 10 while discussing the origins of the investigations into his ...

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                Clinton Contractor Described ‘Cover-up Operation Work Ticket’ in Newly Uncovered Email

                A newly obtained internal message from the Denver-based Platte River Networks firm that serviced the personal email system ...

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                San Diego: Where a Border Wall Works

                SAN DIEGO—The county once known as "ground zero" for illegal immigration in the United States has become a ...

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                BUSTED: Twitter Engineer Says Platform ‘Deletes’ Pro-Trump Accounts, Claims They’re ‘Russian Bots’ | Sean Hannity

                A new undercover exposé from James O’Keefe and Project Veritas show a Twitter employee bragging about simply “deleting” Trump supporters...

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                FBI clashed with DOJ over potential 'bias' of source for surveillance warrant: McCabe-Page texts

                Just nine days before the FBI applied for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil a top Trump campaign aide, bureau officials were battling with a senior Justice Department official who had "continued concerns" about the "possibl

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                Pentagon Finds $12.8 Billion for Border Wall

                The Pentagon has found $12.8 billion for the construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall

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                CONFIRMED: President Trump Unwittingly Busts Twitter in MASSIVE PLOY to Mask His Popularity

                Twitter was just caught manipulating President Trump’s analytics. How does the most popular person in the world get only 11,000 retweets? How does a person with 59 million followers get only a few thousand likes per post? Twitter is deceiving the pu

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                Noncitizens Use Nearly Twice the Welfare of Native-Born Americans: Study

                Noncitizens, including legal and illegal, use nearly twice as much welfare as native-born Americans, according to a study. ...

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                The new plan to prevent veteran suicides: new grants, better research, more community focus

                The president will sign a new executive order on Tuesday creating a task force with a deadline of one year for aggressive new solutions to the problem.

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                Smugglers Force Thousands of Child Migrants Into Prostitution

                WASHINGTON—Hundreds of thousands of people head to the United States every year in search of a better life, ...

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                Three Cheers for Nikki Haley - Gingrich 360

                By Newt Gingrich Both former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley and President Trump deserve serious praise for their clear condemnation of North Korea in the death of American college student Otto Warmbier. Haley was exactly right on Thursday, when she

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                President Trump Is Committed to Achieving Transformational Peace for the United States, the Korean Peninsula, and the World

                President Donald J. Trump is committed to achieving a bright and secure future for all people on the Korean Peninsula and across the world.

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                Google, Apple, and Microsoft Distribute Chinese Surveillance Technology

                Commentary As I previously discussed, Google is actively distributing surveillance and data-mining technology developed by Baidu, a Chinese ...

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                Texas Sheriff Says Mexican Cartels at the Heart of Border Crisis

                WASHINGTON—A porous southwest border is the gift that keeps on giving to Mexican cartels, whose multibillion-dollar businesses depend ...

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                Opinion | Mexican Meth Fuels an American Crisis

                Greater border security and funding for treatment are necessary to arrest the surge in deaths.

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                People Are Wrong About Donald Trump, Parkland Victim's Father Says

                Americans need to turn off their TVs and look into President Donald Trump on their own, said Andrew Pollack, father of Meadow Pollack who was slain in the Parkland shooting

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                Trump to Leave 200 Troops in Syria, Graham Applauds Decision

                President Donald Trump will leave 200 American troops in Syria, the White House said on Feb. 21. The ...

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                The Paid-Propaganda-as-News Scam

                Commentary One of the biggest dirty secrets of the DNC Media Complex is that, for some time now, ...

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                Florida Governor Plans Rollback of Common Core

                A sweeping executive order recently issued by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis aims to remove the “vestiges” of the ...

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                Tax-paid Hill Pensions Would End Under Scott, Braun Bill

                WASHINGTON—Generous tax-funded pensions for members of Congress would be abolished under a proposal introduced in the Senate on ...

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                American Jews Buy Full-Page Ad To Thank Trump

                'We thank President Trump for his courageous, clear eyed leadership in engaging in the fight to defeat anti-Semitism...'

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                Cuomo in Panic After Tax Revenue Comes Up $2.3 Bil Short... 'God Forbid if the Rich Leave'

                In what may be seen as a shocking admission, Cuomo said that the wealthy are carrying the lion's share of the income tax burden in the state.

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                SCAAP Data Suggest Illegal Aliens Commit Crime at a Much Higher Rate Than Citizens and Lawful Immigrants | Federation for American Immigration Reform

                The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States has reignited a key debate about American immigration policy. Do illegal aliens commit crimes at a higher rate than native-born U.S. citizens and lawful immigrants? And, if so, how should that

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                Senate Intel Committee Chair Says There Is No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion

                After questioning more than 200 witnesses and reviewing more than 300,000 documents over the course of two years, ...

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                Senior FBI Lawyer Did Not Read Carter Page FISA Before Signing Off on It

                Trisha Anderson, the principal deputy general counsel for the FBI and head of the bureau's National Security and ...

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                Bill O'Reilly: Bill's Weekly Column - Ignoring Truth

                While the hate Trump media counts all the President’s “lies,” the Democrat who replied to Mr. Trump’s State of the Union speech put three whoppers out there with no scrutiny whatsoever.

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                  The Thing We Don't Talk About

                  The idea that for the sake of the fittest, the weakest among us must be destroyed is not a new idea. And it's the reality the left wants us to live under.

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                  Ex-DHS Agent: 10,000 Children Trafficked Into US as Sex Slaves Each Year

                  About 10,000 children are smuggled into the US every year to be sold as sex slaves, according to a former Homeland Security agent.

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                  MS-13 gang member, attempted murderer apprehended at Texas border lacking border wall

                  Here are some things you didn't read about this week in any of the national newspapers or see on cable news:

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                  McCarthy: 'It Doesn't Have to Be a Wall' in Final Border Agreement

                  One GOP's description of a potential border compromise -- some sort of physical barrier, technology, personnel, drug sensors -- sounded like the Democrats' plan.

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                  Walls Across America: Celebrity Edition

                  'Why do wealthy politicians build walls, fences and gates around their homes?'

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                  Media Can't Admit Trump–Russia Sources Are Compromised, Feeding Them Fake News

                  What if the documents the leakers viewed actually do say Trump told Cohen to lie; it's just that the documents they viewed weren't real? They were fakes.

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                  Mulvaney vows Trump will build border wall 'with or without Congress'

                  Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney suggested on "Fox News Sunday" that President Trump will construct a border wall using his emergency powers if Congress cannot agree on a compromise to fund the construction in the next three weeks.

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                  More Illegal Border-Crossers Requiring Immediate Hospital Care

                  WASHINGTON—As the number of illegal immigrants apprehended by Border Patrol increases, so, too, does the level of medical ...

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                  Last Year, Top Democrat Said Anti-Zionism Is Anti-Semitism. Now Silence

                  Due to a surge in this new form of anti-Semitism, including in the U.S. Congress, it is time for Democrat leaders to speak out again against this bigotry.

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                  Life Near Texas Border: Mother Fears for Kids’ Lives

                  RIO GRANDE CITY, Texas—Martina Arredondo sleeps with a gun. So far, she has killed a few rattlesnakes with ...

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                  Blexit Rally Emboldens Conservative Minorities in Los Angeles

                  The very first ever Blexit rally—celebrating the exit of Black Americans from the Democratic Party—was held at the Globe Theatre in Los Angeles on Jan. 20.

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                  EXCLUSIVE: Transcripts of Former Top FBI Lawyer Detail Pervasive Abnormalities in Trump Probe

                  Transcripts of testimonies by former FBI General Counsel James Baker detail the abnormalities in the Trump-Russia investigation.

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                  Trump Responds After Pelosi Rejects Border Wall Compromise Offer

                  President Donald Trump responded to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) rejection of his border-wall proposal on Jan. 20, as he ...

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                  Trump Sets Goal of Missile Detection ‘Anywhere, Any Time, Any Place’

                  WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump announced the release of the 2019 Missile Defense Review on Jan. 17, while Pentagon officials ...

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                  Agents Catch A Convicted Child Sex Abuser Trying To Cross The US...

                  As tension at the United States Southern border continues to heat up, new developments are following a similar pattern. According to The Daily Caller News Foundation, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents discovered a sex offender attempting to enter the

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                  Human Trafficking, Sexual Assaults Key Aspects of Crisis on Southern Border

                  WASHINGTON—The words “humanitarian crisis” are constantly being used on both sides of the aisle during negotiations over border security ...

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                  Fact-Checking 5 of Trump’s Claims in Border Speech

                  President Donald Trump made the case Tuesday night for the $5.7 billion he wants Congress to approve for a wall expanding the physical barrier along... Read More

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                  US Border Patrol Reports 300% Increase Of Border Violence, Illegal Immigrants Assaulting Agents

                  The Border Patrol reports that assaults against its agents have spiked, but Democrats still think we don't need a wall on the US-Mexico border.

                  News | News

                  How Staged Disinformation Events Turn Into Policy

                  A subversive strategy is being used by special interest groups, #NewsOutlets, #PoliticalMovements and terrorists to stir public emotion with staged events an...

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                  Pompeo Says Cooperation With Israel Over Syria and Iran to Continue

                  BRASILIA—U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Jan. 1 that the United States would continue to cooperate ...

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                  North Carolina Sheriffs, Dealing With Cartel Violence, Call for Congress to Fund Wall

                  More than 1,400 miles north of the southwest border, sheriffs are battling drug trafficking, overdoses, gang and cartel ...

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                  Khashoggi: Qatari Asset in Life; Qatari Asset in Death - Security Studies Group

                  Thanks to the Washington Post, we now know that Jamal Khashoggi was never a journalist; he was a highly-partisan operative who worked with a handler to publish propaganda at the behest of Qatar. He was, in other words, an agent of influence. [...]Read Mor

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                  Google Search ‘Filter Bubbles’ Politically Divide Americans, Study Says

                  Google’s personalizing search results is isolating people in bubbles of their political preferences, making it harder for voters to make informed decisions, study says.

                  News | News

                  Report: Aluminum Tariffs Boost Jobs, Production, Investment

                  WASHINGTON—The U.S. aluminum industry was on the brink of extinction a year ago, but it is thriving now ...

                  News | News

                  US Border Crisis: 100,000 Illegal Immigrants in 60 Days

                  WASHINGTON—A caravan's worth of illegal immigrants cross the border every day—as has been the case for years. But ...

                  News | News

                  Trump says criminal justice reform legislation will pass, after McConnell vows to bring bill to Senate floor

                  President Trump said Tuesday he believes the criminal justice reform bill will pass, after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, under pressure, vowed to bring the legislation to the Senate floor for a vote as early as this week. 

                  News | News

                  Spygate: The True Story of Collusion [Infographic]

                  Spygate: How Obama administration officials colluded with Hillary Clinton and foreign governments to conspire against candidate Donald Trump.

                  News | News

                  Majority of Non-Citizen Households in US Access Welfare Programs, Report Finds

                  Almost 2 out of 3 non-citizen households in the United States receive some form of welfare, according to ...

                  News | News

                  Caravan Charge Reveals Weakness in Border Structures

                  After some 1,000 migrants attempted to break through the U.S.-Mexico border in Tijuana, Border Patrol Chief said such places need a wall.

                  News | News

                  First caravan-related violence reported in U.S. as rocks thrown at Border Patrol

                  The Border Patrol reported the first major instance of migrant caravan-related violence Saturday, saying a Honduran man threw rocks at agents to try to keep from being arrested Friday in Arizona.

                  News | News

                  California Voter Fraud Scheme Involved Giving Cash for Signatures: Officials

                  Nine people were charged in a “large-scale voter fraud scheme” in Los Angeles County on Nov. 20. The group was hit with a dozen felony counts for allegedly offering money and cigarettes to homeless people in exchange for false and forged signa

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                  Migrant Caravans Push Officials in Tijuana to Limit

                  The police chief in Tijuana has his work cut out for him as thousands of migrants from Central America arrive in his city, intending to cross into the United States.

                  News | News

                  Mexico to deport migrant caravan members after Tijuana arrests

                  Tijuana officials say they’ve arrested 34 caravan members for drug possession, public intoxication, disturbing the peace and resisting police, and they would be deported to their home countries.

                  News | News

                  Tijuana Mayor Blasts 'Horde' of Caravan Migrants, Demands Immediate Action

                  'You’re going to tell me we have to respect human rights,' he said. 'But human rights are for law-abiding humans.'

                  News | News

                  Trump Humiliates Acosta Again as Campaign Ad Turns Out To Be Prophetic

                  Jim Acosta took issue with Trump's campaign ad showing migrants scaling border fences, but that actually just happened on our southern border, proving Trump's warning quite prescient.

                  News | News

                  Bill O'Reilly: Bill's Weekly Column - Muzzling the White House Press Corps

                  It is Jim Acosta’s job to get information to CNN viewers, not be captain of the debate team.  If he wants to give opinions, CNN should give him a primetime show.  

                  News | News

                  Midterm Election Wins Bolster Trump’s Mandate

                  President Donald Trump celebrated the midterm elections as a “tremendous success” for his administration after Republicans expanded their majority in the Senate, maintained an edge in governorships, and handed control of the House to the Democ

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                  Trump's Pick to Replace Jeff Sessions Suggested Cutting Off Mueller's Funding

                  Matthew Whitaker repeatedly voiced skepticism of the Russia investigation

                  News | News

                  Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

                  Employment costs rose more than expected in the third quarter in a sign that more inflation could be brewing in the U.S. economy.

                  News | News

                  More Voters Say the Press Has Divided the Country Than Trump

                  In the new Morning Consult/Politico poll, 64 percent of registered voters said the press has done more to divide the country than unite it since Trump took office, compared with 56 percent who said the same was true of the president.

                  News | News

                  NY Times Reports, Without Evidence, That Trump's Views on Caravan Caused Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre

                  News Analysis The New York Times published two stories on the front page of its Oct. 30 print edition that blame President Donald Trump and his allies for the massacre at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. Both stories are positioned prominently ab

                  News | News

                  New York Times Paints Trump as Peddler of Anti-Semitic Conspiracies, Cites No Evidence

                  News Analysis In a front-page feature story on the recent rise in anti-Semitic attacks, The New York Times painted President Donald Trump as a promoter of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, without citing evidence. The newspaper suggests that those conspir

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                  Judicial Watch Obtains Carter Page FISA Court Documents - Judicial Watch

                  (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding today’s release of 412 pages of documents about FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrants targeting Carter Page, who had been a Trump campaign a

                  News | News

                  A Letter to Our Readers Regarding BuzzFeed’s Reporting About The Epoch Times

                  On Oct. 22, 2018, BuzzFeed published an article about us. This provides an opportunity for us to clarify our editorial approach to our friends, readers, partners, and society as a whole. While the best way to understand our editorial approach is to read o

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                  Mike Pompeo to Migrant Caravan: 'You Will Not Cross Our Southern Border'

                  Mike Pompeo, one of the top officials in President Donald Trump's administration, told the migrant caravan that they will not be able to illegally enter the United States.

                  News | News

                  Chinese Subversion of the United States Is Deep and Far Reaching

                  News Analysis For decades, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been subverting the United States by infiltrating, undermining, and influencing its key institutions. This topic is only recently coming to the surface. Vice President Mike Pence said on Oct

                  News | News

                  Rosenstein Agrees to Testify Before House Committee

                  House lawmakers leading the Judiciary-Oversight task force scheduled an Oct. 24 interview with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, according to a press release from Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) Rosenstein will answer questions from the committee under o

                  News | News

                  Democrats Have A New Sexual Assault Problem - 1600 Daily

                  A top Democrat Senator running in a tough reelection is facing a sexual assault claim. The Daily Wire reports: This sounds vaguely familiar. In what Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio is decrying as nothing less than “character assassination,R

                  News | News

                  Trump, First Lady Visit Hurricane-Devastated Florida and Georgia

                  President Donald Trump accompanied by the First Lady headed to Florida and later Georgia on Oct. 15 to surveil the destruction caused by Hurricane Michael.

                  News | News

                  Trump’s New Trade Deals Seek to Deter Currency Manipulation

                  WASHINGTON—The new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is the first trade agreement in history to directly address the issue of currency manipulation, which could now serve as a precedent for future U.S. free trade agreements. Governments man

                  News | News

                  Declassification Would Refute Pretext of Russia Probe, Lawmaker Says

                  Congressmen have viewed classified documents containing exculpatory evidence that undermines the pretext of the investigation of alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas). The FBI began a counterintelli

                  News | News

                  Facebook Purge: Here Is the List of Pages Deleted by Facebook

                  As reported by The Western Journal, in what many are calling the “Facebook purge,” Facebook announced on Thursday that it removed over 800 political pages and accounts in a clamp down on what the social media company calls “inauthentic behav

                  News | News

                  BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Loses Security Clearance Amid Email Scandal

                  Hillary Clinton lost her security clearance according to an announcement from the Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley revealed that Hillary Clinton’s aide (who magically became her lawyer) Cheryl Mills alon

                  News | News

                  US Should Embed Human Rights in Every Aspect of Foreign Policy: CECC Report

                  WASHINGTON—The Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) issues a report every year on human rights and rule of law in the People’s Republic of China, although the feeling at the release of this year’s report felt different. There was sadne

                  News | News

                  Network Coverage of Trump 92 Percent Negative, Lacks Diversity, Report Says

                  President Donald Trump has received 92 percent negative evening news coverage from the main broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC.

                  News | News

                  Pence set to accuse China of trying to undermine Trump

                  WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday plans to accuse China of trying to undermine President Donald Trump as the administration deploys tough new rhetoric over C

                  News | News

                  A Case Study: The Chinese Communist Party Works to Influence Oregon

                  An Oregon resident recently found out, much to her dismay, that a piece of Oregon state legislation that encouraged the establishment of Confucius Classrooms could have been pushed through by the long arm of the Chinese Communist Party. She believes the C

                  News | News

                  SARA CARTER: FBI Had 2 Separate Sets of Books - One With Real Spygate Docs and Another For Appearances (AUDIO)

                  Investigative reporter Sara Carter dropped a bombshell on Sean Hannity’s radio show Wednesday. Sara Carter told Hannity that sources are telling her that the FBI has two sets of records on the Carter Page FISA docs and other records relating to the

                  News | News

                  Leaked video shows Google co-founder compare Trump voters 'fascists' | Daily Mail Online

                  Google co-founder Sergey Brin can be seen on stage in front of hundreds of employees saying he was 'deeply offended' by Trump's election and that it 'conflicts with many of Google's values.'

                  News | News

                  Huge Wall Construction Update - 1600 Daily

                  Donald Trump’s wall projects has made good progress in New Mexico. The Daily Caller reports: New Mexico is progressing on its 20-mile border wall construction west of Santa Teresa, replacing old posts and rail barriers as part of President Donald Tr

                  News | News

                  The Real Reasons Peter Strzok was Fired from the FBI - Sara A. Carter

                  There are certainly more than just the anti-Trump text messages sent by former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok that led the second in command at the FBI to fire him. FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich actually overruled a recommendation by the bureau’

                  News | News

                  Trump's Welfare Ban for Immigrants Would Be $57.4B Tax Cut for Americans

                  Trump's ban on allowing welfare-dependent immigrants to resettle permanently in the U.S. would likely save each taxpayer about $1,600 a year.

                  News | News

                  Bill O'Reilly: Bill's Weekly Column - General Kelly vs. the Phantoms

                  Protecting sources who disseminate false information is against the rules of journalism.  Printing and broadcasting erroneous information is a betrayal of the public trust. 

                  News | News

                  I was Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh's law clerk -- Let me tell you about the man I know

                  During his 12 years on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Judge Kavanaugh has had many law clerks. It was my immense good fortune to be one of them.

                  News | News

                  Walk Away: Leftists Abuse St. Jude Family Who Thanked Eric Trump For Raising Millions of Dollars to Help Children With Cancer

                  Nothing is too low for leftists; they’ll even attack a family with a precious little boy battling cancer. A Memphis, Tennessee woman was on the receiving end of abuse from leftists after she decided to thank Eric Trump for donating and helping raise

                  News | News

                  Trump adviser Kushner says will publish Mideast plan 'soon' -newspaper

                  ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS/KUSHNER (UPDATE 2):UPDATE 2-Trump adviser Kushner says will publish Mideast plan 'soon' -newspaper

                  News | News

                  The IG’s Report May Be Half-Baked | National Review

                  But who knows? In dealing with the FBI, Clinton got kid gloves while Trump got scorched earth.

                  News | News

                  Statement from Trump, Kim Jong Un: Read the text

                  The following is the text of a joint statement signed by President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea at the Singapore Summit on June 12, 2018.

                  News | News

                  Trump-Russia Scandal: Evidence Piles Up Of Wrongdoing At FBI, But Media Ignore It

                  There have been two major ongoing investigations involving President Trump. One is looking into whether Trump colluded with Russia. It's borne no fruit. The other involves abuse of power at the highest levels of government and is producing damning ev

                  News | News

                  After Trump tax cuts, most households give thumbs-up to US economy

                  A University of Michigan survey marks the first time since 2009 that most thought the government is doing a “good job.”

                  News | News

                  South Korea credits Trump for talks with North - CNN

                  South Korea's foreign minister has said she believes President Donald Trump is largely responsible for bringing North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to the negotiating table.

                  News | News

                  'People Are Very, Very Nervous': Community Leaders In Brooklyn Warn Of Increased Bias Attacks Against Jews

                  The most recent incident left a man badly bruised. It was captured on camera and now police are searching for the attacker.

                  News | News

                  Conservatives are Being Erased from Social Media

                  April 2 has been declared the "National Fact-Checking Day". Interestingly enough, this "holiday" only came into existence after Donald Trump's 2016 victory. Of course, the term "fact-checking" has a very different meaning when it is used by liberal c

                    News | News

                    TV vs. Trump in 2018: Lots of Russia, and 91% Negative Coverage

                    A Media Research Center analysis of the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts in January and February found ten times more negative comments (91%) about the President than positive statements (just 9%). Out of 851 total minutes of airtime devoted to the admi

                    News | News

                    Four Months into FY 2018, Refugee Admissions Plunge to Lowest Level in 15 Years

                    Refugee admissions into the United States have plunged to 6,708, the lowest level this far into a fiscal year in 15 years.

                    News | News

                    Furor greets request to add citizenship question to 2020 U.S. census

                    Critics of Department of Justice request say it will drive down response rates, increase costs

                    News | News

                    44 Numbers From 2017 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

                    2017 went by way too quickly. Donald Trump’s first year in the White House shook up the entire planet, and nobody is quite sure what is going to happen next. Personally, as 2017 began I

                    News | News

                    Israel prepares for 20 percent increase in Christian pilgrims for Christmas

                    Israel's Tourism Ministry is preparing to welcome tens of thousands of Christian pilgrims over the Christmas season, finishing up a record-breaking year as the number of tourists reaches 3.5 million people in 2017.

                    News | News

                    Chart: The U.S. Is Smashing Its Clean Energy Forecasts | Statista

                    This chart shows the U.S. Department of Energy 2006 10 year predictions compared to actual 2016 results.

                    News | News

                    Tech Giants Are Biggest Threat Facing Trump Supporters

                    Illustration by Ben Garrison After tech giants testified before Congress on Tuesday, Americans should realize the richest and most powerful U.S. companies wield power and influence in a way not seen since the railroad tycoons and John D. Rockefeller’s S

                    News | News

                    National Survey: Americans Agree with Trump on National Anthem and NFL Protests - Breitbart

                    The Remington Research Group has just conducted a public poll, which shows two things very clearly. First, the American people agree

                    News | News

                    WATCH: Wikileaks Founder Ready to Provide Evidence Russian Collusion is False | One America News Network

                    Breaking News, Latest News and Current News from Breaking news and video. Latest Current News: U.S., World, Entertainment, Health, Business, Technology, Politics, Sports.

                    News | News

                    U.S. Army fudged its accounts by trillions of dollars, auditor finds

                    The United States Army’s finances are so jumbled it had to make trillions of dollars of improper accounting adjustments to create an illusion that its books are balanced.

                    News | News

                    The Business Behind the Left’s Pay-to-Protest Scheme

                    When left-wing organizers were recruiting people to travel to Washington, D.C., to try to “shut down the inauguration of Donald Trump” and “paralyze the city itself,” they offered a number of incentives — free housing, food, and

                    News | News

                    When Liberals Club People, It’s With Love In Their Hearts

                    Apparently, as long as violent leftists label their victims fascists, they are free to set fires, smash windows and beat civilians bloody.

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                    Victor Davis Hanson: Is California Cracking Up? | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

                    Corporate profits at California-based transnational corporations such as Apple, Facebook and Google are hitting record highs. California housing prices from

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                    62% of Americans Want Immigration Cut by 50% or More

                    National Survey of 1000 Likely Midterm VotersConducted July 24-25, 2017By Pulse Opinion Research Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence

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                    California has 11 Counties With More Registered Voters Than Voting-Age Citizens: Registered Voters 144% of Eligible

                    The Election Integrity Project California provides a list of 11 California counties that have more registered voters than voting-age citizens. In addition, Los Angeles County officials informed the…

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                    Lock Up the Leakers

                    The leaking of evidence about the Manchester bombing should be the final straw.

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                    Report: Comey Plotted To Avoid Charges Against Hillary BEFORE The FBI Interviewed Her

                    Amidst the fallout from the firing of FBI director James Comey, a new report reveals that Comey actually planned not to recommend charges against Hillary Clinton over the use of her private email server well before she was interviewed by the FBI.

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                    Honeymoon from Hell: The Liberal Media vs. President Trump

                    As President Trump approaches the end of his first 100 days in office, he has received by far the most hostile press treatment of any incoming American president, with the broadcast networks punishing him with coverage that has been 89% negative. The netw

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                    Judge Reveals Obama’s Role In Conspiracy To Spy On Trump

                    Did Barack Obama illegally spy on Donald Trump? Trump leveled the shocking allegations and the media immediately erupted in fury. But one judge says he has proof Obama engaged in an illegal operation to spy on Trump during the campaign. Appearing on Fox a

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                    Hot Mic Captures Trump Proving His Innocence in Russian Hacking Scandal

                    Trump got caught on a hot mic again, and what he said is simply unbelievable...

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                    Dennis Prager: Note to the Left — Four Years Ago, Conservatives Were Just as Depressed

                    Here's a news flash for Democrats and other Americans on the left: Four years ago, when Barack Obama was re-elected president, conservatives were just as

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                    Majority in Leading EU Nations Support Trump-Style Travel Ban: Poll - NBC News

                    The figures "suggest that public opposition to further migration from predominantly Muslim states is by no means confined to Trump's electorate."

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                    16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won

                    Journalists, media types, reporters, you have two choices: you can fix these problems, or you can watch your profession go down in flames.

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                    Trump Prepares Orders Aiming at Global Funding and Treaties

                    The orders suggest that President Trump intends to pursue his campaign promises of withdrawing the United States from international organizations.

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                    If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama

                    Obama has laid all the groundwork Trump needs for a crackdown on reporters.

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                    Study: The Obama Recovery Is A Myth

                    President Obama has staked a great part of his legacy on the idea that he skillfully engineered a great recovery from the financial crisis. The Obama-friendly media routinely parrot the idea. But in fact, as a shocking new study from the nonpartisan U.S.

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                    Sore loser Obama turns to Russian hacking to delegitimize Trump's triumph

                    President Obama has searched high and, increasingly, low, for the reasons he and Hillary Clinton lost the election.

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                    Russian hackers, Donald Trump, and the 2016 election, explained

                    A firestorm about the past — but also the future of US foreign policy.

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                    Trump’s Carrier Coup and a Lesson From JFK

                    Declarations columnist Peggy Noonan writes about President-elect Donald’ Trump’s Carrier coup and a lesson From JFK. In the early 1960s, President Kennedy took on U.S. Steel and won. But economic nationalism can lead to abuse of power.

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                    EXCLUSIVE VIDEO - Juanita Broaddrick: Hillary Tried To Silence Me On Bill Clinton’s Rape - Breitbart

                    EXCLUSIVE VIDEO - Juanita Broaddrick: Hillary Tried To Silence Me On Bill Clinton’s Rape

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                    How I Was Wrong About ObamaCare

                    Health-care expert Bob Kocher writes about how he got ObamaCare wrong. The law’s drafters wanted consolidation: 112 hospital mergers last year. But smaller practices have improved care better.

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                    Jewish Baby Boom Alters Israeli-Palestinian Dynamic

                    The jump, along with the decline of Arab birthrates in the region, has calmed the fears of many Israeli Jews of being outnumbered, writes Yaroslav Trofimov

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                    Photo of Obama in Muslim garb shows deep ties to faith, O'Reilly says | Fox News

                    Newly unearthed photos of President Obama in Muslim garb underscore his deep ties to the faith – and possibly help explain his reluctance to call out radical Islam, Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly said Wednesday.

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                    Report Uncovers Stonewalling of Illegal Obamacare Payments

                    The Obama administration has been illegally funding Obamacare “Cost Sharing Reduction” (CSR) payments for years over the objections of IRS officials, according to a report released today by the House Ways and Means Committee and the House Energy and C

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                    Obama Invites 18.7 Million Immigrants to Avoid Oath of Allegiance, Pledge to Defend America - Breitbart

                    Obama Invites 18.7 Million Immigrants to Avoid Oath of Allegiance, Pledge to Defend America

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                    Brexit is a bad omen for world commerce

                    (c) 2016, The Washington Post. The economic story of the past quarter-century was the rapid advance of globalization, the unleashing of trade and commerce among countries rich and poor - a McDonald’s...

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                    Report: ABC, CBS, NBC cover Trump 'scandals' 4-1 over Clinton's

                    Much has been made of all the free media Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has received, but a watchdog report out Monday finds that much of the coverage has been negative and that ABC, CBS and NBC have covered his controversies more than Hil

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                    Israel Goes Full Trump on Gaza: Massive Concrete Wall Above And Below Ground Along Entire Border - Breitbart

                    Israel is planning a massive above and underground concrete barrier across the entire nearly 37-mile border with the Gaza Strip.

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                    Inside Panama Papers: Multiple Clinton connections | McClatchy DC

                    A long life in politics has allowed Bill and Hillary Clinton to accumulate relationships to wealthy people and businesses across the globe. McClatchy found multiple connections to the Clintons in the Panama papers database.

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                    This is how the FBI destroys Hillary: The 10 questions that could end her White House dreams

                    These questions, if answered honestly, would most likely hand the Democratic nomination to Bernie Sanders

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                      Enough dirt, time for a real national security discussion

                      Politicians reflect those that they seek to elect, and the Kardashian culture has now fully infected the political system. Rather than waste our time in prurient discussions of hand sizes, the campaigns need to force real issues into the media.…

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                      Illegal Immigrants Get Public Health Care, Despite Federal Policy

                      The Affordable Care Act provides no insurance for unauthorized immigrants, but officials in many large counties are treating them anyway.

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                      Obama’s Ideological Holiday in Havana

                      The split-screen told the story: on one side, the images of the terror bombing in Brussels; on the other, the Obama fantasy world in which romancing Cuba -- without an ounce of democracy or human rights yielded in return -- is considered a seminal achieve

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                      GOP Debate: Trump, Cruz, Rubio And Kasich Face Off : NPR

                      Both Marco Rubio and John Kasich have a lot on the line tonight as they try to fend off a challenge from Donald Trump on their home turf.

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                      Revealed: the 30-year economic betrayal dragging down Generation Y’s income

                      Exclusive new data shows how debt, unemployment and property prices have combined to stop millennials taking their share of western wealth

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                      ‘Hijacking the Republican Party’ | Freedom's Back

                      Republican elites scratch their heads after each election loss and wonder why voters say the GOP doesn’t &qout;care about people like me.&qout; After listening to the way the GOP brain trust disses Trump voters, maybe these working class folks a

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                      AP, NY Times Fail to Report Absence of Power, Kerry From Netanyahu UN Speech

                      On Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the United Nations. As described by George Jahn at the Associated Press, it was

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                      Support for Iran Nuclear Agreement Falls

                      Survey Report As Congress prepares to vote on the Iran nuclear agreement, public support for the deal has declined. Currently, just 21% approve of the

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                      Why We're Losing Liberty

                      Was the Constitution written in a way that was designed to protect freedom and limit the government's size? Has it been effective in doing that? And what's t...