Human Evolution and advancement starts from within and swallows all of its nature to transmute into higher consciousness. Find out the inner working of life, hidden knowledge, truth and what it will take to move beyond the forces that plague our earth. Connect to your conscious evolution and path to manifest more in your life and in the lives of others. We bring light and consciousness to advance the working of the natural nature of the homo sapien consciousness of the 5th dimension.

Grace Kelly

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Astrology | Entertainment

Entertainment | Astrology

Mercury Retrograde August 30th – Sept 21st| Know What To Expect & Be Prepared! What Is M.R?

Mercury Retrograde is a phase that happens 3-4 times a year. This is an astrological position that all signs need to know. Most importantly, Gemini and Virgo are influenced by this transit the most…

Entertainment | Astrology

The Evolutionary Path of Virgo

The story of Virgo is that of harvesting time. The constellation is of a barrel where crop is reaped. This is the juxtaposition of the Zodiac (the place in which you are now in-between transitionin…

Entertainment | Astrology

Uranus Goes Retrograde | What Does This Mean? | Individual Change

This is an exciting time. Now that Uranus has officially gone retrograde what can we anticipate for the next coming 5 – 6 months? Uranus retrogrades half of the year while it travels direct f…

Entertainment | Astrology

It Looks Like Pluto Has a Liquid Water Ocean

For a frigid little space rock at the ass-end of the solar system, Pluto is full surprises. Ice volcanoes, hazy skies, vast plains of churning nitrogen, what’s next? Just maybe, a subsurface ocean.

Entertainment | Astrology

The Evolutionary Path of Leo

Leo the ruler of the jungle. There is a reason why you rule, it’s because the Sun plays a vital role here. This is what the article is all about King/Queen. The Sun is the life of the party, …

Entertainment | Astrology

Pluto Generation Planet in Capricorn | March 2023 | Uranus Aries Aspect

Pluto has been traveling through the sign of Capricorn since January 25th 2008. The change of signs created a formal emergence of the economical crisis we saw manifest in 2008. Most importantly, pl…

Entertainment | Astrology

The Rising Sun & Horoscope History of Astrology | Continuation Pt 2

Reading your Horoscope is great if you want to be lied to; instead read your rising sign. Most people don’t even know what a rising sign (ascendant) is. I hear this all the time… Well I…

Entertainment | Astrology

The Importance of The Rising Sun | Astrology History Pt 1

The song, “House of the rising sun” wasn’t deemed important for no reason. Literally the house of the rising sign will give you the most accurate reading you will ever get in your…

Entertainment | Astrology

Venus & Mercury Enter Regal Sign Leo

Leo it's your time to shine as Venus planet of love and Mercury planet of communication takes its place conjoining your Sun sign in the month of July. With Mercury and Venus traveling at your…

Entertainment | Astrology

Powering Underground Forces of Destruction | Mars in Scorpio

From the relentless backlog of Mars retrograde which ended on June 29 at 23 degrees Scorpio, we see an uncontrollable and destructive force associate with the presence of Mars direct in Scorpio. Wh…

Entertainment | Astrology

The Evolutionary Path of Gemini

The youthful twins of the Zodiac playing with planet Mercury. This is a chatty placement and is associated with short trips, communications, and writing/publications. This is where we learn to spea…

Entertainment | Astrology

Evolutionary Path of The Sign Taurus

Taurus Taurus is an earthy sign that is wrapped in tangible objects here on the physical plane. It is the house of possessions and love due to its ruling planet Venus. This placement is here to lea…

Entertainment | Astrology

Evolutionary Path of The Sign Aries

Aries Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and is in its primary when learning to develop. Any planet you find here is learning to develop into the 11 Zodiac signs. For this reason, it is importan…

Entertainment | Astrology

The Areas Of Life: Astrological Houses In Your Life

The astrological houses are the very basis of astrology with 12 areas of life. Astrology is connected to historical figures such as Nostradamus, Hitler and Queen Elizabeth II. This primary post wil…