Human Evolution and advancement starts from within and swallows all of its nature to transmute into higher consciousness. Find out the inner working of life, hidden knowledge, truth and what it will take to move beyond the forces that plague our earth. Connect to your conscious evolution and path to manifest more in your life and in the lives of others. We bring light and consciousness to advance the working of the natural nature of the homo sapien consciousness of the 5th dimension.

Grace Kelly

Articles 29
Views 37.8K

Spiritual Awareness | Advice & Self-Help

Advice & Self-Help | Spiritual Awareness

The Secret Power of Sexual Transmutation & Sacred Sexual Energy | Who Are Your Chosen Partner(s)

Sexual energy and sex transmutation play a fundamental role in our lives. Sex today is an open topic as we see it everywhere incomparable to conservative time frames before the 60’s and 70…

Advice & Self-Help | Spiritual Awareness

Munich shooting: Gunman targeted children outside McDonald's restaurant in shopping centre rampage - as footage emerges of suspect cursing foreigners on fifth anniversary of Anders Breivik attack

Munich police are hunting for a possible three gunmen who they believe have carried out an attack at a shopping centre and McDonalds restaurant.

Advice & Self-Help | Spiritual Awareness

The Power Of The Subconscious Mind - Simplistic success

Learn how to turn your thoughts into your reality through the power of the subconscious mind and auto-suggestion.

Advice & Self-Help | Spiritual Awareness

Man casually strolls on Union Station tracks in 'incredibly dangerous' Pokemon Go stunt

An online video trying to flag the potential perils of Pokemon Go is drawing the ire of the Toronto Transit Commission for its shot featuring a young man walking alongside the tracks at Union Station.

Advice & Self-Help | Spiritual Awareness

The dark side of livestreaming: Periscoping a rape

Livestreaming presents new challenges to tech companies and adds a level of urgency to the potential for abuse.

Advice & Self-Help | Spiritual Awareness

It's Officially Cool to Be Completely Apathetic About Pokémon Go

The life cycle of a trend usually goes something like this: manic obsession, backlash, backlash to the backlash, slow death. With the Pokémon Go craze, it seems that the “manic obsession” phase has just about run its course, which is lovely because t

Advice & Self-Help | Spiritual Awareness

Hidden Force & The Enslavement of Dark Matter

As it came to pass, I saw the alignment of the Sun and Jupiter. Illuminating the light of the Sun with the expansions of Jupitarian. The topic which is most often swept under the run came to the su…

Advice & Self-Help | Spiritual Awareness

The Sky & The Rise Of A Broken Spirit

Every evening the sky would digest the Sun. A point of escape merged between the light and the darkness. A shadow in time only lasts a few seconds. Morning light washed over the sky unzipping purpo…