Mysteries of the Universe are Addressed Here (though not necessarily answered)


Articles 21
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oh the humanity.... | Humor

Humor | oh the humanity....

This Unicorn Changed the Way I Poop - #SquattyPotty

Buy at - Pooping will never be the same. This Unicorn shows the effects of improper toilet posture and how it can affect your health....

Humor | oh the humanity....

You could stop at 5 or 6 stores or just one [COMPILATION]

All of the parts put together into a full length compilation. Enjoy!

Humor | oh the humanity....

Pickle Wizard

Pickle Wizard Want To Mess With Someone's Mind?Mail Them Pickles!!! If you're here, odds are a pickle has been bestowed upon you

Humor | oh the humanity....

You've got to be kidding: Man dons hooves and lives as a GOAT

ONE man was curious about what life was like as a goat – so he decided to live among them.