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Robert Hastings

Articles 671
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Books | Books

Books | Books

Six Books Every Young Journalist Should Read

A student of mine asked if I had advice for aspiring journalists. Here, then, are six books that every youthful D.C. journalist should read.

Books | Books

New Data Analysis Suggests Only Six Book Plots Exist

Everyone who secretly thought that all novels have the same plot can feel vindicated by new research supporting that suspicion. Sort of.

Books | Books

What Bill O’Reilly’s new book on Ronald Reagan gets wrong about Ronald Reagan - The Washington Post

Bad sources and old misconceptions persist in "Killing Reagan"

Books | Books

UK bookseller takes Kindles off shelves to make room for books

A large book retailer in the UK has decided to pull Kindles from its shelves after "pitiful" sales to put physical books back in their places.

Books | Books

7 (Fairly) New Books Every Middle-Aged Person Should Read This Summer

Now that nearly everyone in the world has finished The Goldfinch, we need some other book recommendations to get us through the summer. Huff/Post50 turned to its Facebook community to find out wha

Books | Books

Harper Lee, Author of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ Is to Publish a Second Novel - NYTimes.com

Harper Lee, the reclusive author of the beloved best-selling novel “To Kill a Mockingbird,” will publish a second novel in July, her publisher announced Tuesday.

Books | Books

5 Book and Pizza Pairings - Neatorama

(Pizza photo: Randy Mayor)Pizza is fun to eat and heavy literature is, well, good for you in a way. It's the literary equivalent of broccoli. You should eat it. A nice greasy pizza will help you digest the prose.But which pizza? Martin Cahill of Quick Boo

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Kindle Unlimited: it's the end of losing yourself in a good book

Amazon's leaked 'Netflix for books' plan will alarm publishers – and doom old-fashioned anonymous reading, writes John Naughton

Books | Books

James Lee Burke: What You Should Be Reading

The best-selling author on Hemingway, why books are necessary for democracy, and more

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The Dylanologists

Detectives on the trail of a musical enigma, Bob Dylan’s most tenacious fans prove nearly as intriguing as the elusive artist they revere. A study ...

Books | Books

Classic Authors Who Suck, According To Other Classic Authors

Do you hate negative book reviews? Try telling that to Mark Twain, D.H. Lawrence, or any of these famous authors who have trashed their fellow writers' publications! Photos: Associated Press, Getty Interactive infographic by Jan Diehm fo...

Books | Books

9 Writers Who Are At The Top Of Their Game

Originally posted on Kirkus: Your friends may recommend a book to you they like or maybe you’ve read a review of a book that sounds intriguing. Those will be good reads, no doubt. But when you pick up a book by a writer who’s not only ...

Books | Books

Harper Lee OKs e-book version of 'To Kill a Mockingbird'"

Reclusive author Harper Lee has agreed to allow "To Kill a Mockingbird" to be released electronically, ending what had until now been a glaring holdout in the digital library of literary masterpieces.

    Books | Books

    Maximalist: America in the World from Truman to Obama

    From a writer with long and high-level experience in the U.S. government, a startling and provocative assessment of America’s global domi...

    Books | Books

    How Paperbacks Transformed the Way Americans Read

    Half a century before e-books turned publishing upside down, a different format threatened to destroy the industry.

    Books | Books

    Lessons from Stephen King and “Valley of the Dolls”: Reading 100 years of bestsellers

    What the most popular books of the past century taught one writer about America's strange taste in fiction

      Books | Books

      23 Books You Didn't Read In High School But Actually Should

      You probably SparkNoted these books before, but now's your chance to read them.

        Books | Books

        16 Books To Read Before They Hit Theaters This Year

        2014 is going to be an exciting year for books and movies! In order of release date.

            Books | Books

            The Original Illustrated Sherlock Holmes: Arthur Conan Doyle, Sidney Edward Paget

            The Original Illustrated Sherlock Holmes [Arthur Conan Doyle, Sidney Edward Paget] on Amazon.com. *FREE* super saver shipping on qualifying offers. Here are the original Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle as they first appeared in the

              Books | Books

              The Complete Western Stories of Elmore Leonard

              The Complete Western Stories of Elmore Leonard [Elmore Leonard] on Amazon.com. *FREE* super saver shipping on qualifying offers. Before he brilliantly traversed the gritty landscapes of underworld Detroit and Miami, Elmore Leonard wrote breathtaking adventures set in America's nineteenth-century western frontier—elevating a popular genre with his now-trademark twisting plots

                Books | Books

                The Caine Mutiny: A Novel: Herman Wouk

                The Caine Mutiny: A Novel [Herman Wouk] on Amazon.com. *FREE* super saver shipping on qualifying offers. The Novel that Inspired the Now-Classic Film The Caine Mutiny and the Hit Broadway Play The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial Herman Wouk's boldly dramatic