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Robert Hastings

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Science | Science & Technology

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The solar system is teeming with 1 million 'alien invaders' from Alpha Centauri

The solar system could be packed with 1 million alien visitors, space rocks shaken away from our cosmic neighbor Alpha Centauri, new research has revealed.

Science & Technology | Science

Black hole myth busted: they don't suck anything in - Big Think

Many of us look at black holes as cosmic vacuum cleaners: sucking in everything in their vicinity. But it turns out they don't suck at all.

Science & Technology | Science

What is quantum gravity?

Quantum gravity is an attempt to unite the incompatible worlds of quantum mechanics and gravity. We explore it in more detail here.

Science & Technology | Science

James Webb Space Telescope detects 1st evidence of carbon on Jupiter's icy moon Europa

The discovery made using NASA's powerful space telescope brings scientists a step closer to determining if the salty water oceans of Europa could support life.

Science & Technology | Science

Quantum computers could overtake classical ones within 2 years, IBM 'benchmark' experiment shows

A new experiment by IBM computers shows that quantum computers could soon outperform classical digital computers at practical tasks in the next two years.

Science & Technology | Science

Boom! Astronomers just watched the largest explosion in space rage for 3 years

The blast lasted for three years and is over ten times as powerful as the brightest supernova .

Science & Technology | Science

2 newfound black holes are the closest ever to Earth and like nothing seen before

The two black holes lie just 1,560 and 3,800 light-years from our planet, respectively.

Science & Technology | Science

'Hidden' planet at edge of our solar system could be five times the size of Earth

Scientists believe that a huge planet which has never been seen by astronomers could be lurking, almost invisibly, at the dark edges of our solar system.

Science & Technology | Science

Astronomers Spot The Biggest Galaxy Ever, And The Scale Will Break Your Brain

Earlier this year, astronomers found an absolute monster of a galaxy.

    Science & Technology | Science

    NASA X-ray observatory reveals how black holes swallow stars and spit out matter

    A joint NASA/Italian space mission has put its sunglasses on to observe polarized X-ray light from a corona of hot gas around the Cygnus X-1 black hole.

    Science & Technology | Science

    New evidence for liquid water on Mars suggests the planet is geothermally active

    Martian ice caps dip and rise and it may be evidence of liquid water lurking underneath them But what keeps that water from freezing?

    Science & Technology | Science

    Discovery of alien world with tilted orbit puzzles astronomers | Space

    The 3D modeling of a planet's orbit around a star in a binary star system is raising new questions about how both gas giant planets and binary stars form.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Moon vs. Mars: NASA's ultimate destination has varied over the decades

    The moon and Mars have battled for precedence in NASA's exploration priorities.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Why gravitational waves are the future of astronomy

    We only detected our very first gravitational wave in 2015. Over the next two decades, we'll have thousands more.

    Science & Technology | Science

    We might have Alzheimer's all wrong

    For over 30 years, toxic proteins were thought to cause Alzheimer’s. However, recent studies suggest it might be metabolic reprogramming.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Jupiter, too! New James Webb photos show giant planet's rings, moons and more

    The James Webb Space Telescope can do more than peer into the deep and distant universe.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Jupiter, too! New James Webb photos show giant planet's rings, moons and more

    The James Webb Space Telescope can do more than peer into the deep and distant universe.

    Science & Technology | Science

    The Largest Comet Will Come Close to Earth on July 14, Here’s How to See It

    The biggest comet is getting closer to Earth and you don't want to miss it. A comet is fast approaching the planet Earth and it's one of the largest that has ever been spotted, according to Popular Mechanics.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Planet Nine: The answer to this cosmic mystery may come sooner than you think

    Is it a planet, a black hole, or a group of planets? One astronomer has an ambitious idea to find out.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Evidence Mounts for Alternate Origins of Alzheimer’s Disease Plaques - Neuroscience News

    A new mouse study reveals a breakdown in the process that clears brain cells of waste products precedes the buildup of amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease.

    Science & Technology | Science

    May's possible meteor outburst offers chance to listen to 'shooting stars' on the radio

    During a meteor shower, you may be able to hear 'shooting stars.' Here's how to listen for meteors on the radio.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Sleep Helps The Brain Process Emotions, And a New Study in Mice Reveals How

    A new study has revealed an important way in which sleep helps the brain process emotions for the next day, and while the findings were discovered in mice, they could also help us solve some of the mysteries of human sleep.  

    Science & Technology | Science

    How I Took a Photo of the Andromeda Galaxy from My Backyard

    Photographer Brennan Gilmore shares how he captured a stunning photo of the Andromeda galaxy from his own backyard.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Look! Webb Telescope captures 5 different, dazzling views of a nearby galaxy

    New alignments mean the telescope will be poised to perform science investigations soon.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Study Reveals Set of Brain Regions That Control Complex Sequences of Movement

    The primary motor and primary somatosensory areas of the brain are involved in controlling immediate motor movements in real-time, while the premotor area appears to control planned, sequential movements as well as reacting to and adjusting the sequence w

    Science & Technology | Science

    Strange Object Hidden in Dust May Be Precursor to a Supermassive Black Hole

    Lurking in old observations from the Hubble Space Telescope is an intriguing object from the early universe.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Hubble sees most distant star ever, 28 billion light-years away

    The Hubble Space Telescope has glimpsed the most distant single star it's ever observed, glimmering 28 billion light-years away. The star, nicknamed Eardenel, could be between 50 to 500 times more massive than our sun, and millions of times brighter.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Sun erupts with 17 flares from single sunspot, triggering solar storms

    An overactive sunspot erupted with 17 different flares since Monday (March 28) and could amp up Earth's auroras.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Astronomers spot a supermassive black hole hiding behind a cosmic cloud

    Astronomers observed a cloud of cosmic dust at the centre of the galaxy Messier 77 hiding a supermassive black hole.

    Science & Technology | Science

    New brain imaging technique suggests memories are stored in the connections between your neurons

    All memory storage devices, from your brain to the RAM in your computer, store information by changing their physical qualities. Over 130 years ago, pioneering neuroscientist Santiago Ramón y Cajal first suggested that the brain stores information by rear

    Science & Technology | Science

    NASA's Perseverance rover still has to face 'seven minutes of terror'

    Despite having bridged a gap of nearly 300 million miles between Earth and Mars, NASA’s Perseverance rover still has its most perilous moments ahead.

    Science & Technology | Science

    How Far Could A Spaceship Go If We Never Ran Out Of Thrust?

    A single lifetime is more than enough to take you to the limits of the Universe.

    Science & Technology | Science

    NASA Satellite Launched In 1964 Is About To Fall Back To Earth

    A satellite NASA launched 56 years ago to study Earth’s magnetosphere is set to make a fiery homecoming on Saturday when the Orbiting Geophysics Observatory 1 (OGO-1) re-enters our atmosphere.

    Science & Technology | Science

    50 new planets, including one as big as Neptune, are identified using A.I.

    Researchers used a machine learning algorithm to confirm 50 new "exoplanets," a first for artificial intelligence in astronomy.

    Science & Technology | Science

    NASA watches as weird 'dent' in Earth's magnetic field splits in two

    NASA is tracking a strange dent in Earth's magnetic field called the South Atlantic Anomaly, which can expose spacecraft to higher levels of damaging radiation.

    Science & Technology | Science

    A green glow has appeared around Mars

    The Mars Trace Gas Orbiter spotted a phenomenon on Mars that has also been observed around Earth. A green glow outlining the planet is the result of charged oxygen atoms gradually calming down.

    Science & Technology | Science

    T cells found in COVID-19 patients ‘bode well’ for long-term immunity | Science

    New findings suggest past infections may offer some protection against the novel coronavirus

    Science & Technology | Science

    Astronaut study suggests spaceflight permanently alters the human brain

    Scientists discovered a major effect that long duration spaceflight has on astronauts' brains, altering the volume of fluids around the brain.

    Science & Technology | Science

    This Guy Is Pretty Sure His Time Machine Would Work

    A longtime advocate for time travel says he has a “prototype” of a device that uses lasers to twist time. So: Just how possible is time travel anyway?

    Science & Technology | Science

    These are the top 20 scientific discoveries of the decade

    The 2010s yielded many incredible finds and important milestones. Here are our favorites.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Inbound interstellar comet Borisov has a toxic tail

    The space rock isn't from around here, but the poisons it carries are.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Left-handed DNA found - and it changes brain structure

    Scientists start to chip away at the mystery of why one in 10 people is left-handed.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Apollo 11 Put the First Men on the Moon. What About Missions 12-17?

    You know Apollo 11. But what did the other Apollo missions accomplish after Neil Armstrong made his giant leap for mankind?

    Science & Technology | Science

    Complex quantum teleportation achieved for the first time

    Austrian and Chinese scientists have succeeded in teleporting three-dimensional quantum states for the first time. High-dimensional teleportation could play an important role in future quantum computers.

    Science & Technology | Science

    NASA confirms mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to explore its icy oceans | TechCrunch

    NASA has confirmed a mission to Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter, will indeed happen. The mission was initially explored starting in 2017, with the space agency looking for reports on how it might proceed, and now NASA has said it will go ahead and mov

    Science & Technology | Science

    Thousands Of The Toughest Known Animals In The Universe Are Now On The Moon | WIRED

    The Beresheet lunar lander carried thousands of books, DNA samples, and a few thousand water bears to the moon. But did any of it survive the crash?

    Science & Technology | Science

    Move Over, Energizer Bunny! NASA's Mars 2020 Rover Just Got Its Nuclear Battery

    NASA's next spacecraft on the Red Planet, Mars 2020, is getting a nuclear battery to do science on the Red Planet.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin Were Almost Left on the Moon | Time

    Even after half a century, people still don’t know much about the little broken switch that nearly stranded Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the…

    Science & Technology | Science

    BBC - Apollo in 50 numbers: Time

    Humanity has spent little more than three Earth days exploring the Moon. But that time has given us an extraordinary insight into our nearest celestial neighbour.

    Science & Technology | Science

    NASA Moon landing: How Apollo 11 landed on Moon with computers weaker than your smartphone

    NASA’S Apollo 11 crew landed on the surface of the Moon for the first time in human history using computers considerably weaker than the average smartphone used today, a tech expert has revealed.

    Science & Technology | Science

    Moondust Could Cloud Our Lunar Ambitions

    It's superfine. It's sharp. It sticks to everything. Before we return to the moon, we'll have to conquer one of the weirdest substances in the solar system.

    Science & Technology | Science

    We Could Be Just Days Away From Seeing the First-Ever Photo of a Black Hole

    Capturing an image of the distant, supermassive black hole in the center of our galaxy has been compared to “standing in New York and counting the individual dimples on a golf ball in Los Angeles."