"The Martini"

James Martin

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Food & Drink | Food & Drink

This Is What Makes A.1. Steak Sauce So Delicious

A.1. steak sauce has something of a cult following, and it all comes down to the perfectly balanced flavors. Discover all of the elements involved.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

Best Steak Marinade in Existence | Allrecipes

What's the secret? Soy sauce, olive oil, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, and a few dried herbs. Now you know.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

The Weirdest Subway Restaurant in America

The franchise is based inside an FBI training center called Hogan’s Alley where the bank gets robbed at least twice a week and the mailbox is welded shut.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

How to Grill: Expert Tips and Tricks for Grilling All Summer Long - Thrillist

We hit up chefs and experts from around the country for some crazy simple advice on how to upgrade your summer grilling.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

Drink Up: New Study Concludes Wine Can Offset Dementia

Wine has an effect on one's glymphatic function, or the way the brain removes toxins like the proteins associated with Alzheimer's.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

The Red Juice Dripping From Your Steak Isn’t Blood

If "bloody" steaks gross you out, consider buying fresh instead of frozen.

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Meathead Goldwyn walks us through the variables in time and temp, smoke and heat

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

6 Reasons You Should Stop Ordering Sushi Rolls - Thrillist

Sushi rolls are for amateurs, here's why you should try expanding your order.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

How Trader Joe's Wine Became Cheaper Than Bottled Water

Charles Shaw, aka Two Buck Chuck, has long been the bargain drinker's best friend at $1.99 a bottle. But what's the real story behind the infamous brand?

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

An Austin Chef Recreated ZZ Top's "Tres Hombres" Album - Texas Monthly

And Billy Gibbons loves it.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

In-N-Out's Secret Menu, Ranked

In-N-Out is The Best, and one of the reasons it's The Best is The Secret Menu, which is ubiquitous enough at this point that we probably don't need to tell you what you can get.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

The Best BBQ Across America: According to Experts!

The best Texas brisket, St. Louis ribs, Memphis pork, and whole-hog Carolina 'cue.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

14 Things You Didn't Know About Sushi!

From Michelin-starred restaurants to grocery store shelves and your Netflix queue, sushi is everywhere. It's not hard to find a decent roll, but the techniques, history, and trivia behind the marriage of rice and fish are still unknown to even the most adventurous eaters.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

The Healthiest Orders at Every Major Fast-Food Chain

You might've seen a headline like this before. The subsequent list was probably filled with dressing-less salads and veggie burgers wrapped in lettuce and it probably made you go, "Welp, guess I'm not eating healthy at those places anytime soon." DO NOT DESPAIR

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

5 Standby Dishes Every Restaurant Should Make Better

How many times has a restaurant messed up your favorite standby order even though it’s such a staple every kitchen should know how to do it perfectly? Really? That’s a lot of times! We tapped five experts representing five menu favorites and asked them what one question you can ask your server that will reveal whether you’re likely to be disappointed or overjoyed.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

The 44 Worst People in Every Restaurant

Beware the Waitress Pick-Up Artist.