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Science & Technology | Science & Technology
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
When Are We Going to Stop Putting Our Young Men at Risk With mRNA Vaccines?
How many more studies need to find mRNA vaccines pose unacceptable risks to boys and young men before we stop?
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
Facebook 'Hate Speech' Algorithm Found 90% of Hate Speech Directed at White People
The Washington Post reported that an April 2020 examination of Facebook’s anti-racism algorithm found that roughly 90 percent of the...
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
Canadian Doctors Speak Out: Top Reasons Why Not to be Afraid of COVID (VIDEO)
A group of Canadian doctors released a video this past week on why not to be afraid of COVID. This group of Canadian doctors shared the following about COVID: Cases are not the same as symptomatic people and the vast majority of cases have really no sympt
Science & Technology | Science & Technology
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: MIT PhD Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: MIT PhD Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems. Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Scien...