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אלו-הים יברך את אמריקה וישראל

Jewish Patriots

Articles 10
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Politics | Politics

Politics | Politics

Cindy Grosz: Is the NYGOP Worth Resuscitating?

The daily headlines, the endless scandals, fascinations with Neo-Nazis and now new majorities in Albany and DC make republicans question whether or not to stay

Politics | Politics

Top 10 Examples Of Black Privilege - Yes, It Does Exist! - Free State Daily

Ssomeone recently sent me this video of ten examples of Black Privledge and at first I thought whatever because frankly I’m pretty fed up with all of this racist BS going on in America right now and thought it would be just another racist moron upse

Politics | Politics

Think-Israel Article

Think-Israel is a magazine-blog that features essays and commentaries. The war Islam is waging against Israel and the West is top priority. We report on global anti-semitism, Islamism and Sharia creep. We aim to make sense of what's going on.

Politics | Politics

Oregon wants to deny $62 million in COVID relief to residents who aren't black, sparking a lawsuit

“It violates the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution that requires that people who are similarly situated be treated similarly," says James Huffman, professor and dean emeritus at Lewis &

Politics | Politics

Error Page

Twitter tribes expert Jimmy Tidey explores how the creation of low-car-use zones in London—via the installation of planters, bollards, and number-plate recognition cameras—has led to an often vitriolic war of words on social media.

Politics | Politics

Hollywood celebrities exempt from California lockdown orders

Newsom’s office said that the order would not apply to workers in the entertainment industry, saying those workers were deemed "essential."

Politics | Politics

Arabs Warn Biden: Do Not Embrace Islamists

Several Arab political analysts and columnists, particularly in the Gulf, have voiced similar sentiments. The message they are sending to Biden and the Democrats: We do not want to go back to the bad old days when the US administration aligned itself with