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Lockdown | Health & Fitness
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
But, But, Masks!??...
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
Coroner in Colo. slams COVID-19 death data, says it's inflated | One America News Network
As the number of coronavirus deaths continues to grow, one coroner said many of the deaths listed are not from COVID-19 at all.
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
More Evidence Shows Total Deaths in 2020 Are No Different Than Prior Years - Open Up the Economy, Democrats
A couple weeks ago a study at John’s Hopkins University was taken down because it showed that total deaths in the US in 2020 were no different than prior years. Today another expert shares the same. We reported in late November how an article in a
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
Australia Retreats
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
5 bombshell COVID studies the MSM won't report
Here are the latest reports about COVID-19 that public health officials, politicians, and the mainstream media won't share.--Click the subscribe button above...
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
"Listen To The Scientists!"
...we’re being force fed a narrative that science is absolute and 100% certain... and that, above all else, we must listen to the scientists... Or, more precisely, we must listen to the scientists they want us to listen to.
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
Virginia County Rebels Against Gov. Northam's Lockdown Restrictions - Declares Itself "First Amendment Sanctuary"
"Local businesses are struggling, these are real problems..."
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
"It's Panic Porn Clickbait" - Media Scare-Stories About Hospitals Are Misleading
They either have no idea what they are saying or are seeking to mislead...
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
Coronavirus cases in NYC linked to Tulum festival that became superspreader event: report
A COVID testing company says the majority of positive tests were from individuals who went to the Art With Me festival in Tulum, Mexico, or came in close contact with someone who went, a new report suggests
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
JCCF: Gov't data shows lockdowns 'more deadly' than the virus
The fearless source of news, opinion, and activism that you won't find anywhere else.
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
Michigan's COVID Shutdowns Are Legally the same as Martial Law
Restaurant owners have been urging defiance of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s shutdown orders. Citizens in Michigan have been bristling under a “mask mandate” even though the Michigan Supreme Court has repeatedly struck down Whitme
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
Rules For Thee But Not For Me: A List Of Lockdown Leftists Ignoring Rules
For months left-wing liberals have fined, shamed, and arrested, all who dared reject their tyrannical orders. In secret, they've ignored them.
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
Masks Aren't For The Science-Believers — They're For The Superstitious
If these makeshift masks are nothing more than terror management for germaphobes, what's the point of wearing them everywhere?
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
WHOA! Dr. Fauci in 2017: President Trump Will Be Challenged By a "Surprise Global Disease Outbreak" (VIDEO)
Come again? Back in 2017 at forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University Dr. Fauci made an interesting statement. Fauci told the audience the Trump administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza an
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
COVID - 1. The Lie. 2. The Hoax. 3. The class action lawsuit. ????????
COVID - 1. The Lie. 2. The Hoax. 3. The class action lawsuit. ???????? ???????????????????????? Part 1: Undeniable proof that doctors and scientist have broken the law and will go to Jail! DR DAVID E MARTIN BIO: Dr. David Ma
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what do the MSM do? They ignore it
Four German holidaymakers who were illegally quarantined in Portugal after one was judged to be positive for Covid-19 have won their case, in a verdict that condemns the widely-used PCR test as being up to 97-percent unreliable.
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
Johns Hopkins Study Mysteriously Disappears after it Revealed, In Spite of COVID, No More Deaths in 2020 Than In Prior Years
Johns Hopkins University keeps a tracker of covid cases around the world and the US. This site is used to scare people into staying in their homes and shut off from the real world. So when a study from Johns Hopkins comes out, showing no increa
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
South Australia Revokes Draconian Lockdown After Revelation One Person Lied To Contact-Tracers
"...the individual in question purposely misled contact tracers,”
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
Twitter Locks Out Tom Fitton Over Accurate Tweet About Efficacy of Masks Exposed in Massive Danish Study
Twitter locked out Judicial Watch boss Tom Fitton on Wednesday for a completely accurate tweet about the efficacy of face masks. Tom Fitton was citing a massive Danish study published this week confirming face masks do not work and may be dangerous. The d
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
Face masks have no significant effect: Danish study | Spectator USA
The evidence from a new Danish study shows that wearing masks in the community does not significantly reduce the rates of infection
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
Brandon Smith: Now Is The Time For Americans To Rebel Against Lockdowns, Mask Mandates, & Forced Vaccination
...reality is that the wave model is not a very practical plan for stopping viral spread, but it is a perfect method for conditioning people to submit to a high level of control over their personal lives that they never would have accepted otherwise...
Health & Fitness | Lockdown
Collateral Damage? CDC Admits COVID Lockdowns Sparked Surge In Children's Mental Health Issues
...at its worst, the proportion of mental health–related ED visits among children increased 66% over 2019...