Mom, wife, foodie....

Katie Haspel

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History | History

History | History

Camelot on the Carolina Coast - Local Life

Charles Fraser and the wild, glory days of Sea Pines Company. Story by Tommy Baysden A good bit has been written about the serendipitous series of circumstances leading to the …

History | History

15 Historical Facts That Will Make You Question Your Perception of Time

Our perception of time can be pretty skewed, especially when it comes to history. Read through this list of amazing historical facts and then review the historical timeline you have in your mind. It’ll probably change… 1. Woolly Mammoths still roamed the

History | History

The story of St. Helena Island’s historic Chapel of Ease

This beautiful relic of a church known as the ‘Chapel of Ease’ is located on St. Helena Island.  During the colonial era, planters on St. ...

History | History

'Never felt guilty': Civil rights convictions tossed in SC -

ROCK HILL, S.C. (AP) -- For a moment, Clarence Graham's heart raced. Fifty four years after he and eight fellow black men served a month of hard labo...

    History | History

    Restoration reveals how people were seated at Roman Colosseum -

    Ongoing restoration in the 2,000-year-old monument has revealed traces of red painted numbers found on the Colosseum's arches.

      History | History

      The story of St. Helena Island's historic Chapel of Ease | Beaufort SC Local & Visitor Guide | Eat Sleep Play Beaufort

      In the 1700s, the Anglican Church established the 'chapel of ease' to help families attend church on a regular basis, because Beaufort was too far away.