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Karen Burke

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Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

19 Things I Always Buy At Costco That Are Still Worth It For My Small Family Of 2

You can find almost anything in bulk at Costco and while a membership there can mean great savings it can also mean waste if you have a small family. You may be one of those shoppers that always leaves Costco with much more than you planned on buying or m

Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

Hackers released a bunch of LAUSD data. What can parents and employees do?

Students, teachers and contractors at LAUSD could have sensitive personal information on the dark web. Here are the steps you should take to protect yourself.

Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

New Research: Babies Born During COVID Talk Less with Caregivers, Slower to Develop Critical Language Skills

Infants born during the pandemic produced significantly fewer vocalizations and had less verbal back-and-forth with their caretakers compared to those born before COVID, according to independent studies by Brown University and a national nonprofit focused

Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

This Mom's Facebook Post About Expectations For Working Mothers Resonated With Many

It’s not news that motherhood is hard. From before you have the first ultrasound until after your children graduate college, parenting doesn’t stop. But one mom’s Facebook post about expectations for working mothers shows that 3 a.m. diaper changes…

Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

What the First Year of Life Looks Like Through the Eyes of a Baby | Mental Floss

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