Kelly McCoy

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Health Tips | Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness | Health Tips

Are eggs risky for heart health?

Large studies have not found evidence of higher rates of heart attacks, strokes, or other cardiovascular diseases in people who eat up to one egg per day.

Health & Fitness | Health Tips

Sleep deprivation may increase the risk of eye disease

New research has found that sleep deprivation can negatively affect stem cells in the cornea in both the short term and long term.

Health & Fitness | Health Tips

Want to Live Longer? A New Study Shows These Diet Changes Could Improve Your Lifespan by *Decades*

Eating well should be effortless, sustainable, and enjoyable. Discover the foods, habits, and practical choices that work best for you.

Health & Fitness | Health Tips

Contracting COVID-19 From Food or Food Packaging Is Unlikely, According to WHO

As long as you wash your hands and don’t touch your face, your chances of catching COVID-19 from food are basically zilch.

Health & Fitness | Health Tips

Mouthwash might be able to kill coronavirus in your mouth, but it won’t cure you

Mouthwash can stop the spread of the novel coronavirus, new research suggests, but it can’t save you from becoming infected. Lab tests involving mouthwash that contains active ingredients that can interact with the chemical structure of the virus showed

Health & Fitness | Health Tips

Are Muscle Aches and Pains a Coronavirus Symptom? Doctors Explain

Coronavirus can cause muscle pain, and the COVID-19 symptom may be more common than a sore throat, headaches, and chills. Here’s when to see your doctor.

Health & Fitness | Health Tips

How Infectious-Disease Experts Unpack Groceries and Packages During the Pandemic

“We made a decision that we would do the things that have the most data behind them.”

Health & Fitness | Health Tips

Can Coronavirus Spread Through Your Shoes? New CDC Research Says It’s Possible

New CDC research found that shoes can carry novel coronavirus, but is the risk of picking it up from the floor really that high? A doctor explains the risk.

Health & Fitness | Health Tips

Coronavirus: How to safely take care of someone sick with COVID-19

Those who are infected and don’t require hospitalization are instructed to stay home, but most live with families, roommates and pets at home.

Health & Fitness | Health Tips

Grocery rules for your coronavirus lockdown: Buy beans, freeze milk, don't hoard, and more

These are the best foods to buy when you know you're going to be stuck at home for awhile but don't want to sacrifice a healthy diet.

Health & Fitness | Health Tips

Not fasting is killing us, but fasting can hurt us too. Here's what to do.

We need to take long breaks from eating, new research says. Can we do that without putting ourselves in danger?

Health & Fitness | Health Tips

8 Ways to Tackle Morning Depression and Successfully Get Out of Bed

Depression can make it hard to get out of bed in the morning, especially when it’s kept you up all night or given you restless sleep. Here’s eight ways to tackle difficult mornings with a little self-care and consideration.

Health & Fitness | Health Tips

10 Health Benefits of Living Caffeine-Free

Coffee, as many researchers put it, can be like a drug — meaning your energy levels and moods might depend on your morning cup, and without it your body may have withdrawal symptoms. But if you manage to hold out, you might notice some amazing changes t