Kelly McCoy

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The Ocean & The Environment | Science & Technology

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

Discovery of 'hidden world' under Antarctic ice has scientists 'jumping for joy'

Researchers in Antarctica have discovered a hidden ecosystem more than 1,600 feet below the ice, filled with shrimp-like creatures.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

Australian researchers find 81-year-old snapper, oldest known tropical reef fish | Fish | The Guardian

The midnight snapper caught at Rowley Shoals off Western Australia is 20 years older than the previous record holder

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

New Killer Whale Could Be the Largest Unknown Animal Left on the Planet

Found in some of the most inhospitable latitudes on Earth, it's no wonder these mysterious creatures remained undescribed by science for so long.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

Why Are Octopuses So Smart? - The Atlantic

A new hypothesis suggests that their vaunted intelligence and short-lived, solitary nature are all linked to a fourth trait.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

633 Divers Set World Record for Largest Underwater Cleanup

A representative of Guinness World Records confirmed that the underwater cleanup project at Deerfield Beach, Florida was the largest in history.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

Scientists Go Back in Time to Find More Troubling News About Earth's Oceans | WIRED

A clever study finds communities of foraminifera, a hard-shelled kind of plankton, have transformed dramatically since the Industrial Revolution.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

The Hidden Environmental Cost of Amazon Prime’s Free, Fast Shipping

Your Prime Day shopping spree came with free, fast shipping — but experts say there’s a hidden environmental cost that doesn’t show up on the checkout page.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

Why It’s Time for the Next Wave of Ocean Exploration and Protection | WIRED

Opinion: Reigniting exploration of the world's oceans is essential to protecting our natural resources and promoting scientific advancement.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

Bioluminescent critters bathe Southern California surf in aqua glow

A large concentration of bioluminescent plankton has formed in the water near San Diego, treating late-night beachgoers to its eerie, electric blue glow.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

Why Whales Got So Big

It’s often said that the ocean releases them from the constraints of life on land. It’s actually the opposite.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

World’s first talking killer whale: Wikie the orca learns to say ‘hello’ and ‘bye bye’

Whales are known for their impressive communications skills which allow pods to ‘talk’ to each other through complex clicks and singing, even when they are 100 miles apart.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

Deepest Dive Under Antarctica Reveals a Shockingly Vibrant World

Our special report offers a rare look at life beneath the frozen continent—where penguins, seals, and exotic creatures thrive.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

Scientists Develop Underwater Microscope For Peering Into Coral | Mental Floss

The new tech allows researchers to view organisms that are as small as one-hundredth the width of a human hair.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

10 Playful Facts About Beluga Whales | Mental Floss

In an ocean filled with over 80 whale species, belugas definitely stand out from the crowd. From their distinct pale shade to their relatively petite stature, you should have no trouble identifying these social sea mammals if you’re ever in their arctic neighborhood. Here are 10 facts worth knowing about the bubbly beluga whale.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

SeaWorld sues to keep breeding killer whales

SeaWorld has filed a lawsuit challenging California’s decision to forbid breeding of killer whales as part of a planned expansion of holding tanks at the San Diego theme park.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

10 Misconceptions About the Ocean | Mental Floss

No, that's not water spouting out of a whale's blowhole.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

Encounter With World’s Rarest Ocean Mammal Thrills Scientists

Fewer than 100 vaquitas—an elusive porpoise found only in the Sea of Cortez—are left on Earth.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

Places where nature has won - Telegraph

In the words of Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park (the old one, not the new fancy one), “life, uh, finds a way”, and when it’s found a way, it takes over, as illustrated by these photos of places around that world that have succ

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

'Nothing is ever dry down here. Ever.' - Telegraph

Sixty feet below the sea, in the world's only underwater habitat, a group of scientists is trying to unlock the ocean’s secrets. But how do the crew of the Aquarius stay sane?