Kim from Oregon

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Science & Technology | Science & Technology

      Science & Technology | Science & Technology

      WHO ‘Quietly Negotiated’ Deal That ‘Sidelined Its Own Experts’ From Investigating Coronavirus Origin In China

      The World Health Organization (WHO) reportedly hid concessions that it made to communist China about how it would conduct investigations into the origin

      Science & Technology | Science & Technology

      Here Are The Biggest Public Health Policy Flip-Flops During The Coronavirus Pandemic

      Here are the biggest issues the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have flip-flopped on since the pandemic began.

            Science & Technology | Science & Technology

            Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says "Second Wave" Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, "Pandemic Is Ove

            First published by Global Research on September 24, 2020 In a stunning development, a former Chief Science Officer for the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer says “there is no science to suggest a second wave should happen.” The “Big Pharma” insider asse

              Science & Technology | Science & Technology

              "Stranger Than Fiction" --Weirdness of Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole | The Daily Galaxy

                Unlike the now iconic gargantuan black hole the size of our solar system at the center of nearby elliptical galaxy, M87, with its massive jet that blasts out at near the speed of light, the Milky Way’s central black hole, SgrA*, which until M

                Science & Technology | Science & Technology

                The Hidden Structure of the Universe | Quanta Magazine

                Our new series of articles explores the search for fundamental structure at the edge of science.

                  Science & Technology | Science & Technology

                  Four Months of Unprecedented Government Malfeasance

                  The coronavirus lockdowns demonstrated our leaders’ ignorance of economic interdependence. After the riots, that ignorance has been shown to run far deeper. It is an ignorance about government’s most fundamental obligation: to safeguard life, liberty,

                    Science & Technology | Science & Technology

                    Coronavirus T-cell immunity lasts at least six months even when antibodies are undetectable

                    Study by University of Birmingham and Public Health England, a world first, boosts hopes of long-term protection from Covid

                      Science & Technology | Science & Technology

                      How To Disprove The 6 Most Outrageous Myths In The 1619 Project

                      Nearly a year since anti-American 1619 Project was unveiled, far too many of its egregious historical falsehoods have been blindly accepted by the media.

                        Science & Technology | Science & Technology

                        Controversy on COVID-19 mask study spotlights messiness of science during a pandemic

                        Scientists have roundly criticized a new study's methodology, and the entire kerfuffle has highlighted the difficulty of "doing science" amid a full-blown pandemic.

                          Science & Technology | Science & Technology

                          After This Declaration, No One Can Say 'Science' Demands Lockdowns

                          While left-leaning media and pundits claim that evidence and science guide their decisions, the Great Barrington Declaration proves their dishonesty.