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Science | Science & Technology

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Amazing Advance in Spinal Repair Allows Injured Mice to Walk Again

Researchers have reversed 'irreversible paralysis' in mice with complete spinal cord injuries using gene therapy.

Science & Technology | Science

TOUCHDOWN! NASA Just Returned to Earth With The Largest Asteroid Samples Ever

A seven-year space voyage came to its climactic end Sunday when a NASA capsule landed in the desert in the US state of Utah, carrying to Earth the largest asteroid samples ever collected.

Science & Technology | Science

Powerful observatories reveal 5 breathtaking corners of the universe hidden to human eyes (images)

NASA has highlighted a new set of vibrant cosmic images, each one painted by the observatories that help us see what our eyes cannot.

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Google wants to use AI to turn your brain waves into music

Google scanned human brain activity and fed the data to an AI large language model in an attempt to reconstruct the music.

Science & Technology | Science

White Dwarf Star Enters Its Crystallization Era, Turning Into A 'Cosmic Diamond'

To us, stars may resemble cut jewels, glittering coldly against the velvet darkness of the night sky.

Science & Technology | Science

Boom! Japanese astronomer catches meteorite smashing into the moon (video)

Japanese astronomer Daichi Fujii captured the telltale flash of a meteorite impacting the moon, causing a brief flash on our celestial neighbor's nightside.

Science & Technology | Science

Part of The Sun Has Broken Off And Formed a Vortex... What The Heck Is Going on?

For all that the Sun is a ubiquitous and vital part of our lives, a lot about it remains baffling.

Science & Technology | Science

Mars helicopter keeps on flying as it approaches anniversary

NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter has been on Mars almost two years and the high-tech contraption is still in good enough shape to get airborne.

Science & Technology | Science

Are the Colors in Webb Telescope Images 'Fake'?

Humans can't see infrared light, so what makes Webb Space Telescope images so dazzling?

Science & Technology | Science

‘Could Revolutionize Stroke Treatment’: Researchers Discover Breakthrough Treatment For Stroke

"It is very easy to administer, which makes it a game changer when seconds count to save brain cells."

Science & Technology | Science

25 things we’ve learned about the moon since 1969

For millennia, the moon has been an endless source of fascination for mankind.

Science & Technology | Science

NASA's Voyager 1 Is Sending Back Mysterious Data From Beyond Our Solar System

NASA's Voyager 1 is continuing its journey beyond our Solar System, 45 years after it was launched. But now the veteran spacecraft is sending back strange data, puzzling its engineers.

Science & Technology | Science

Boeing launches Starliner spacecraft on crucial test flight

Boeing Space and ULA have successfully launched the Starliner spacecraft from Cape Canaveral in Florida in a crucial flight test.

Science & Technology | Science

James Webb Space Telescope Shows Never-Before-Seen Images of the Cosmos

The space telescope released dozens of pictures that show the beautiful abyss of stars. James Webb Space Telescope has successfully completed a critical milestone, NASA reavealed.

Science & Technology | Science

Watch SpaceX’s Crew-4 astronauts arrive at new home in space

SpaceX’s Crew-4 astronauts have safely boarded the ISS on Wednesday after a 16-hour ride to the orbiting laboratory — the fastest Crew Dragon trip to date.

Science & Technology | Science

Can't Stand Some Sounds? It Could Be Due to an 'Abnormal' Brain Connection

If you have an overreaction to 'triggering' sounds such as other people chewing or drumming their fingers, you probably have misophonia. Last year, scientists finally discovered a key brain connection responsible for setting it off.

Science & Technology | Science

CDC Study of VAERS Data Finds High Incidence of COVID Vaccine Side Effects, Including Death

Ever since the COVID-19 vaccines were first made available, open and honest discussion about them, their efficacy, and their potential side effects has been subject to big-tech censorship—particularly...

Science & Technology | Science

Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies are merging

The Milky Way and Andromeda merger has already begun. The two spiral galaxies will form one giant elliptical galaxy in 5 billion years.

Science & Technology | Science

NASA reveals first images from its new X-ray mission

NASA revealed the first imaging data from its Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), an explorer launched in December to study supernovas, black holes, and more. The image is the first for a long mission that could provide insight into the origins of

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Space Debris Has Hit And Damaged The International Space Station

The inevitable has occurred. A piece of space debris too small to be tracked has hit and damaged part of the International Space Station - namely, the Canadarm2 robotic arm.

Science & Technology | Science

Was Einstein wrong? Why some astrophysicists are questioning the theory of space-time

To better understand the universe, we may need to kill off one of the most important theories of all time.

Science & Technology | Science

Elon Musk reveals why SpaceX Starship SN10 exploded after landing

The prototype did more than just break a leg during its debut performance.

Science & Technology | Science

Imagining Faster-Than-Light Travel | National Air and Space Museum

After the 1950s, fictional depictions of space travel needed to suggest conceivable ways to cross interstellar distances to seem plausible. Some authors suggested faster-than-light drives, hyper drives, jump drives, worm holes, and black holes.

Science & Technology | Science

Quantum computing may make current encryption obsolete, a quantum internet could be the solution

Sometime between now and 2030, the mathematical system that protects all of digital communications may fall victim to a superior quantum system. Preparing for that time may require us to reinvent the network itself.

Science & Technology | Science

Is Coronavirus Burning Out After 20% of a Population Is Infected? | RealClearScience

More than half a million people have died from COVID-19 globally. It is a major tragedy, but perhaps not on the scale some initially feared. And there are finally signs that the pandemic is...

Science & Technology | Science

SpaceX's new 'Endeavour' spaceship just made history by docking to the International Space Station with 2 NASA astronauts inside

NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley can now begin a stay in orbit that could last up to 110 days before they return home.

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Mysterious fast radio bursts solve the universe's missing matter problem - CNET

A decades-old cosmic puzzle solved with a breakthrough technique to study the universe.

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Radio Wave Breakthrough Helps Stabilize Fusion Reactions

Scientists have used radio frequency waves and temperature to stabilize the volatile plasma that swirls inside fusion reactors like tokamaks and stellarators.

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New York clinical trial quietly tests heartburn remedy against coronavirus

Hospital data from China and a classified drug screening program led to the rapid launch of $21 million study

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Why Does Covid-19 Make Some People So Sick? Ask Their DNA | WIRED

Consumer genomics company 23andMe wants to mine its database of millions of customers for clues to why the virus hits some people harder than others.

Science & Technology | Science

What The 3 Biggest Physics Discoveries Of The Decade Mean For The Future Of Science

Finding the Higgs boson, gravitational waves, and imaging a black hole's event horizon were huge. There's even more to the story.

Science & Technology | Science

Voyager Mission Detects Unexpected Pressure At The Edge Of The Solar System

NASA’s Voyager 1 mission scientists have calculated the total pressure from particles in the outer region of the solar system, known as the heliosheath during an opportune timing of a solar event that made the measurement possible.

Science & Technology | Science

Water detected on potentially 'habitable' exoplanet for first time, scientists say

Scientists have detected water vapor in the atmosphere of a “super-Earth” exoplanet with potentially habitable temperatures. The discovery, which is being touted as a milestone, could have major implications in the search for life outside the Solar System

Science & Technology | Science

One giant ... lie? Why so many people still think the moon landings were faked

It all started with a man called Bill Kaysing and his pamphlet about ‘America’s $30bn swindle’ ...

Science & Technology | Science

Trees that traveled to space now live on Earth. Here's where to find them.

Grown from hundreds of seeds that went to the moon on Apollo 14, the arboreal oddities were almost lost to history.

Science & Technology | Science

NASA's Ambitious Mission to Titan - The Atlantic

The agency plans to launch a spacecraft to Titan, a moon of Saturn with some crucial ingredients for habitability.

Science & Technology | Science

The Worst Nuclear Accident in History Turned Chernobyl Into Something Nobody Expected

Reactor number four of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant suffered an explosion during a technical test on April 26, 1986. As a result of the accident, in the then Soviet Union, more than 400 times more radiation was emitted than that released by th

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The moon may be tectonically active, and geologists are shaken

A new look at Apollo-era seismic data revealed that the moon's insides might be warmer than scientists thought possible.

Science & Technology | Science

This Milky Way Photo on Nat Geo is Raising Eyebrows

National Geographic recently published a series of gorgeous photos by photographer Beth Moon that shows some of the world’s oldest trees under the stars. But one photo, in particular, is now raising eyebrows after sharp-eyed readers noticed something strange about it.

Science & Technology | Science

If the Moon is Gradually Moving Farther Away From Us, Will Its Gravitational Pull Ever Cease on Earth? | Mental Floss

Theoretically, the Moon could move far enough away to no longer have a hold on Earth. But quite a number of other big events would likely take place first.

Science & Technology | Science

For The First Time, Physicists Have Clocked The Ghostly Speed of Quantum Tunnelling

In quantum physics, particles can 'tunnel' through seemingly impenetrable barriers, even when they apparently don't have the energy to do so. Now, researchers have gleaned behind the curtain to better understand how this trick is done.