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Keith Ridge

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3 Pieces of Advice for Selling Guitar Gear Online

Online marketplaces sometimes feel like both the wild, wild west and oppressive regimes all at once.

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What happened to the atomic test dummies? – The Nevada Independent

The explosion sent a shock wave through southern Nevada and left behind an atom-age mystery: What happened to the life-like mannequins used in the test?

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The Last WWII Veteran on Active Duty Served for Nearly 55 Years After the War

Dr. Earl Russell Fox spent most of his life in and around the military. The son of an Army officer, he was born in an Army hospital in 1919. He joined the Navy during World War II, stayed in the Naval Reserve after the war and then joined the Coast Guard -- at 55 years old.

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Watch a WWII P-51S Mustang and Stealth F-22 Fly Together - 19FortyFive

It isn't every day most people will have a chance to see a Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and World War II P-51D Mustang fly together.

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Backlash Over Biden's 'Disinformation Board' Grows

Backlash is continuing to build over the formation of a "Disinformation Governance Board" within the Department of Homeland Security as 20 GOP attorneys general

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You Can Own a Piece of Mars—Provided You Have $800,000

A new Christie's auction features chunks of Mars, the Moon, and the only known meteorite to ever cause a fatality. (It was a cow.)

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5 Ways To Check For Hidden Cameras In Your Hotel Room Or Dressing Room

Privacy is perceived differently across the world. For example, in Germany, very few offices have open doors, while in America, this is quite common. However, nobody would be okay with secretly being watched, especially during private activities.

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These are 15 of the best photos scientists took in 2017 — and they show the world in stunning ways

For their jobs, scientists explore the most unique corners of our world, observing the beauty of nature. There's lots of incredible photo opportunities.

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'Are you looking for me?' Suburban Chicago hiker tells how she survived Montana wilderness - Chicago Tribune

While many might panic or lose hope after days lost in Montana's wilderness, Madeline Connelly in a Chicago Tribune interview said she often felt at peace.

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As Faulkner Lay Drinking - The Daily Beast

A look at the award-winning author’s complex relationship with liquor and writing.

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Rescue pit bull serves as dapper groomsman at NFL player's wedding

Jeremy Zuttah took "man's best friend" to the next level when he included his pit bull, Ace, as a groomsman in his wedding last month.

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Justice Clarence Thomas breaks 10-year streak, asks question in court - CNNPolitics.com

For the first time in a decade, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas spoke during oral arguments.

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30 Crucial Skills You Need to Be an Amazing Speaker | Inc.com

Public speakers and business leaders must have these 30 essential skills. How many of these techniques do you have?

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How Google handles searches it's never seen before

Google has been testing an AI-based system to help parse users' queries, especially those that the search engine has never encountered before.

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Top Ten Ways To Promote Your Blog - EXEIdeas – Let's Your Mind Rock

Are You Running A Blog Or Want To Start A New Blog? In Every Status, You Have A Problem About Its Future So Its Time To Know And Apply Top Ten Best Ways To Promote Your Blog In Internet And Make It Viral.

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Interesting facts about Coca-Cola - Business Insider

Did you know Coke invented couponing? And Coke conjured up the image of Santa Claus we all know today?

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The 12 Wackiest Things You Can Buy From the Presidential Candidates' Campaign Stores

From Jeb Bush's guacamole bowl to Hillary Clinton's pantsuit t-shirt, the candidates are selling some surprising things to raise money.

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What are the limits of human vision?

From spotting galaxies millions of light years away to perceiving invisible colours, Adam Hadhazy explains why your eyes can do incredible things.

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The Real Reason Why Americans Celebrate Memorial Day

The Real Reason Why Americans Celebrate Memorial Day

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Dunkin' Donuts Is Getting Rid of a Controversial Ingredient in Its Food

Dunkin' Donuts is phasing out the use of titanium dioxide in its powdered sugar, and also in its glazed and cream-filled doughnuts. It's a whitening agent that is also found in chewing gum, candy, and processed foods.

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The Era Of The Flying Car Has Finally Arrived - Business Insider

Peter Thiel is wrong. His famous comment on the failed promise of the internet — "We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters" — is about to be upended as the first actual flying cars take to the roads and skies.

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8 Reasons to Choose Travel Over Going to College!

Remember what our generation was told growing up? "Go to college and get a degree, you'll then be able to get a good job." I think it's safe to say those days are over....

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11 TV & movie bars (and restaurants) that you can actually visit

Some of the bars and restaurants from your favorite movies and TV shows are actually real places. Here are 11 you can visit, like…

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32 things every woman should do in a bar at least once

You spend a lot of time drinking in bars, but that doesn't mean you're a woman without goals.

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6 Products That Can Only Be Made in One Place - Neatorama

Champagne is a lie! Your sparkling wine doesn’t have to come from France to be authentic. Here are six products that can really only be produced in one place on the globe.1. Cowichan SweatersLong before it accompanied him on his many misadventur

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The creator of those great 1960s kooky car and monster models - Boing Boing

If you’re a fan of 1960s lowbrow culture you know his art, but you might not know his name or his story.

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NASA Will Pay You $170 Per Day To Lie In Bed!

If you have the stamina to lay in bed for 70 days straight NASA will pay you $18,000 — no joke.

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What Is The Best Pizza in Every State in America?

50 states. 50 pizzerias. And one article to list them all.

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Daylight Savings Time Ends This Weekend: Do We Really Need It?

As Americans turn back their clocks to standard time on November 2, a debate rages about whether daylight savings is really beneficial.

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10 Coffee Facts From the Amazing Fact Generator | Mental Floss

Today is National Coffee Day, and many coffee shops are offering freebies. We've got the next best thing: coffee facts to read while you wait in line!

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Why I Decided War Reporting Was No Longer Worth the Risk

"This wasn’t my country, it wasn’t my war, and now I would die for it in a horrible way."

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The U.S. Craft Beer Market Is Way Overcrowded - Bon Appétit

With 3,000+ craft breweries now operating in America, it's tough for makers to stand out in the crowd—and for consumers to decide what craft beer to drink

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10 Early Late Night TV Interviews You’d Never See Today

Late night hosts occasionally took on hard news and featured interviews with the serious intelligentsia of the day. We’ve rounded up 10 of the most interesting early late night interviews where the hosts serve more as cultural curators than comedians.

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Wrigley Field renovation unanimously approved

The Chicago Cubs earned another victory Thursday from the Commission on Chicago Landmarks — the second in a year — but it's beyond the outfield of their historic stadium where their unfinished business remains.

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Dawn of bionic age? Paralysed man becomes first to use power of thought to move hand - Telegraph

Ohio doctors insert microchip into Ian Burkhart’s brain allowing him to move hand for first time since accident

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The Milky Way Galaxy, As Seen From a 747

On the right of this image is our home galaxy, the Milky Way. On the left, the wing of a Boeing 747. How, pray tell, does one acquire such a photograph?

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What's it like to be hypnotized?

When Carla Sinclair was offered a free hypnotism session, she jumped at the chance.

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At 90, Bush 41 'enjoys life to the fullest' & celebrates with his 8th jump!

(CNN) -- On January 14, 2013, George H.W. Bush was released from a Houston hospital after seven weeks of treatment for bronchitis, an infection and a persistent cough.

On Thursday he was sky-diving to celebrate his 90th birthday.

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From Utah Beach to Kabul: How Army gear changed since D-Day - CNET

The basics are the same: A uniform, a helmet, boots, a rucksack, and a rifle. But that's about the only similarities between what a D-Day soldier and one in Afghanistan took into combat.

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Who profits the most from 'Shark Tank' success?

On this season of “Shark Tank,” the Sharks have invested $16.8 million in the business ideas pitched to them by aspiring entrepreneurs — but what happens after they close the deal? As it does each ...

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Florida whiz kid, 16, graduates college before high school

A 16-year-old Florida whiz kid graduated from high school and college in the same week — completing college first.

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After 32 years, town lifts arcade game ban

A Massachusetts town has decided it's time to finally lift a ban on arcade games it established when Ms. Pac-Man was new.

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Why Do We Call Pranks "Practical" Jokes?

Every year on April Fools Day, you might find yourself the victim of a practical joke or two—the old water over the door trick, maybe, or short sheeting a bed. But why are these jokes called practical?

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    Paper Folding to the Moon

    Okay, as many of you had heard, I’ve got a new job as a full-time Professor. And not only am I pretty excited about it, I thought I’d share with you one of the more interesting things I taught on the first day. I got this idea from talking to

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      Behind the lens | photographer Todd Glaser shoots Pipeline

      When shooting at Pipeline everything tends to blur into one as your adrenalin is running really high. I remember shooting the Pipe Masters last year and watching CJ Hobgood, John John Florence and...

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      2014 IQ Test

      Know your IQ by answering 20 simple questions. No registration, no bullcrap.

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        Thai Protesters Create Mercedes Logo Instead of Peace Symbol

        A group of Thai protesters tried to use candles to create a peace sign from the small flames, but instead created the logo of German auto maker Mercedes-Benz.

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          Get Paid $100 a Day... to Review Public Toilets

          Need some extra cash? If you live in New York and are willing to spend a lot of time in public restrooms, you can earn $100 a day for reviewing the facilities, the Daily Dot reports. Michael Li, the... Money News Summaries. | Newser

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            Buffing up the Bagdad: McMenamins aims to teach an old theater new tricks

            The venerable McMenamins theater-pub has undergone a serious facelift, and prepares to debut its new self to the public with a screening of an Oregon cinema classic.

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            Newsweek: The Rise of the McMansion - Los Angeles’s Endangered Modernist Homes

            Los Angeles’s architectural gems are being endangered by a hot real estate market—and a decidedly Beverly Hills aesthetic.

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              The Great American Menu: Foods Of The States, Ranked And Mapped

              What are the United States' best regional foodstuffs? Its worst? These are the questions that bedevil the mind of man--but no longer! For here, we have ranked them. Rigorously scientific (not), ardently researched (nope), and scrupulously fair (not ev

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                Power’s Out and in a Pinch? How to Create 5 Makeshift Urban Survival Lights

                Editor's Note: This guest post by Creek Stewart first appeared at willowhavenoutdoor.com.  It’s impossible to be perfectly prepared for an imperfect world

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                    Beat the Carnies: The Secrets to Winning 5 Popular State Fair Games

                    It's state fair time once again all over the country. And that means Ferris wheels, giant turkey legs, a visit from the world's smallest horse, and, of cour