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Articles 48
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Pets & Animals | Pets & Animals

Pets & Animals | Pets & Animals

Do Dogs Think About the Past? | The Bark

People have a remarkable ability to remember and recall events from the past, even when those events didn’t hold any particular importance at the time they occurred. Recognizing what we ate yesterday for breakfast or remembering who we talked to the week

    Pets & Animals | Pets & Animals

    OCD in Dogs: Can it Happen? – American Kennel Club

    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in the dog world is also known as Canine Compulsive Disorder or CCD. Here are the signs.

      Pets & Animals | Pets & Animals

      Georgia Dog Undergoes New Cancer Treatment that Saves Her Life | PEOPLE.com

      Doctors treated eight-year-old pocket boxer Dixie's tumor with Stelfonta, a drug derived from a plant in the Australian rainforest, and the dog recovered

        Pets & Animals | Pets & Animals

        5 Best Dog GPS Trackers for Small Dogs | The Bark

        Reuniting you with your lost pet only scratches the surface of what a GPS dog collar promises these days. A new generation of “smart” dog tracking collars can save your pet’s life in more ways than one. By monitoring your pup’s health and fitness — tracki

          Pets & Animals | Pets & Animals

          Dogs Are Even More Like Us Than We Thought

          For one, canines shun people who are mean to their owners, a new study says.