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Psychology | Psychology

Psychology | Psychology

Adolescent Stress Alters Brain Genes, Affecting Adult Behavior

A new study reveals that excessive stress during adolescence can lead to long-lasting changes in gene expression in the brain, particularly those related to bioenergy functions.

Psychology | Psychology

Taking the Sting Out of Social Rejection

A Finnish study points to improv as a training ground for handling rejection.

Psychology | Psychology

What's the Difference Between a Sociopath and a Psychopath?

The terms sociopath and psychopath are used interchangeably, but they're not the same. What's the difference between these two personality disorders?

Psychology | Psychology

99 Psychological Facts About Personality (2022) Most People Don't Know

An attempt to understand the psychology behind personality started well into the 1920s and dates back to Freudian times. Although, at the time, much of psychology’s focus was based on behavior and the subconscious or

Psychology | Psychology

5 Signs You Are Making Your Anxiety Worse

Letting go of your struggle with anxiety is key to its effective management.

Psychology | Psychology

People who conceal information in their day-to-day lives are more willing to form online relationships

A new study suggests that a person's openness to forming online relationships is associated with their tendency to conceal personal information about themselves. The research has been published in the journal Personal Relationships. ...

Psychology | Psychology

Differences in men and women's brains may reveal better ways to treat depression

Scientists uncovered biological mechanisms that can, in part, explain why men and women experience severe depression differently.

Psychology | Psychology

Is Everyone Looking at You? | Psychology Today

Although it feels like we are in a spotlight, people fail to notice many things.

Psychology | Psychology

Why do we wake around 3am and dwell on our fears and shortcomings?

The thoughts are often distressing and punitive. Strikingly, these concerns vaporise in the daylight, proving that the 3am thinking was completely irrational and unproductive. But why?

Psychology | Psychology

Depression: A Family Affair

Can depression be passed on to future generations, and if it can, how can treatment help?

Psychology | Psychology

Why Is Making Friends So Hard?

True friendship is one of life's greatest joys ... and, for many, one of its most elusive.

Psychology | Psychology

5 Research-Backed Tips for Dealing With Boredom, Courtesy of Psychologists | Inc.

Psychology can help you push through this last, incredibly dull part of the pandemic.

Psychology | Psychology

My Job Bores Me To Tears, But I Don't Dare Jump - Workplace Coach Blog

Question: For the last eight months, I’ve tried everything I can think of to make myself like my job. Nothing …

Psychology | Psychology

Reopening? Learn How to Help Your Employees Feel Safe Psychologically

You can provide all the PPE you want, but it's also crucial that your employees are emotionally secure in their workplace.