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Lisa Hanken

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Psychology! | Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

Groundbreaking MIT study challenges conventional science about sleep

Many people report experiencing increased energy, emotional stability, and a greater sense of well-being when they get more sleep

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

Insomnia in people with depression is associated with neural circuits in the temporal lobe

A new neuroimaging study comparing brain activity of depressed people suffering from insomnia with brain activity of people without insomnia has found that participants with insomnia and depression had higher resting-state functional connectivity in the s

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

64 Years of Data Proves That the Bigger Kids Dream, the More Successful They'll Be

A new study shows that how big kids dream matters as much for future success as IQ or family background.

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

Why are adults so bad at learning new languages? We may be trying too hard

Despite the fact that adult brains are far more developed than children's, adults have a much harder time learning new languages.

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

Teens who are “addicted” to TikTok experience worse depression and anxiety, and in turn, reduced working memory capacity

A study among teenage TikTok users found that those who showed addictive tendencies toward the platform performed worse when recalling number sequences. The findings, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, furt

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

Waking Just One Hour Earlier Cuts Depression Risk by Double Digits

Changing your sleep schedule by one hour has a significant impact on risk factors for major depression. Going to sleep and waking one hour earlier than usual was associated with a 23% decreased risk of developing depressive disorders.

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

A Few Simple Changes to How You Have a Conversation Will Make People Like You Much More

Psychologist and popular TED speaker Guy Winch explains how we can all be more likable.

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

7 Strategies for Coping With Depression

Read some helpful tips for living well when it comes to depression.

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

The reason you keep Googling friends who are no longer in your life

It was my own fault. I hooked up with a friend's boyfriend and instantly regretted it. I betrayed a friend I really cared about and nothing I could say or do would erase what I'd done. When our entire friendship group eventually found out, one by one, friends began dropping like flies

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

7 Awkward Tips for Making New Friends | Psychology Today

Research find that friendships last an average of seven years, so we all find ourselves short on friends sometimes. Making new ones takes some effort, but it's worth it.

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

Why Walking Through Doorways Makes Us Forget

Ever walked from your kitchen to the living room to find your phone and then forgotten what you were looking for once you got there? Researchers think your brain is hard-wired to undergo precisely that process of forgetting.

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

How One Woman Finds Mindfulness Through #Vanlife - mindbodygreen

Kathleen Morton lived in a camper van before it was cool. Check out how living on the road has made her infinitely more mindful here.

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

10+ Hilarious Comics For Socially Awkward People

The hilarious webcomics mostly revolve around one nerdy girl who always picks the worst words for conversations. Her everyday struggles include her love life, her career, and other common themes.

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

When It Comes To Politics and 'Fake News,' Facts Aren't Enough

In politics, it sometimes feels like we can't agree on basic facts. But according to neuroscientist Tali Sharot, facts are not enough — emotions may be the key to changing our minds.

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

Why ' Work-Life Balance' Talk Might Make Us More Stressed Out

Do you snicker when you hear the term “work-life balance?” As if. That elusive Zen zone can provoke anxiety, especially to those of us whose perfectionism tells us if we try harder, we’ll find it.

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

Testosterone and the brain: New study suggests sex hormones change the way we process language.

However much we’d like to think of gender as a social construct, science suggests that real differences do exist between female and male brains. The latest evidence: a first-of-its-kind European study that finds that the female brain can be drastically

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

New study claims to find genetic link between creativity and mental illness

Results imply creative people are 25% more likely to carry genes that raise risk of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. But some argue the evidence is flimsy

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

The 7 Ways of Thinking That Make Us More Anxious

How to less anxious: Those of us who suffer from anxiety problems know it doesn’t always take very much to trigger our anxiety. We can go from zero to a hundred in nothing flat.

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

Why Do Breakups Make You Crazy?

You think you've got life handled until you hear those two special words ("It's over") and you become a disconsolate rage machine. What's going on? Turns out, it's really not you. It's your brain chemistry.

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

6 Embarrassing Things You Do—and Why | Mental Floss

Admit it: You've done at least one of these things before. Turns out, there's a scientific explanation for why.

Health & Fitness | Psychology!

What if Age Is Nothing but a Mind-Set? - NYTimes.com

Ellen Langer’s experiments have shown that mental attitudes might reverse some ravages of old age.