A passion to help families and teens Come Together© and become the family they dream of being.

Margie Knott

Articles 63
Views 55.2K

Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

Building Emotional Intelligence: What to Say to Children When They Are Anxious - Hey Sigmund - Karen Young

Anxiety has a way of making everyone feel helpless, but here are some ways to to strengthen children against it, and build on their emotional intelligence.

    Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

    This is What I Hope I’ve Taught You | Dr. Christine Carter

    My baby Fiona giving her 8th grade commencement talk. (A reminder to me that she’s got this thing — she gave better advice to her friends at

      Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

      Managing Screen Time Increases Family Joy

      by Rachel Macy Stafford. Too much screen time in your home? Learn how to manage screen time and increase the joy of being together.

      Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

      19 Practical, Powerful Ways to Build Social-Emotional Intelligence in Kids & Teens: - Hey Sigmund - Karen Young

      When it comes to children, we're the ones who can fuel their flight and building their social-emotional intelligence is a sure way to do this. Here's how

        Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

        The Science of ‘Inside Out’ - The New York Times

        Pixar’s latest movie gets a lot right about how the emotions work.

          Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

          Stronger for the Breaks: How to Heal From a Toxic Parent - Hey Sigmund - Karen Young

          There's a different kind of hurt that only comes from toxic parents - the ones who are meant to love you and protect you from the sharp edges of the world.

            Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

            Teaching Kids How To Set & Protect Their Boundaries (And Keep Toxic People Out) - Hey Sigmund - Karen Young

            Teaching kids how to set boundaries is an important life skill. Here's how to to protect your kids from the people who might shrink them.

              Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

              Toxic Adults Affect Kids Too: Know the Signs and How to Explore a Little Deeper - Hey Sigmund - Karen Young

              We teach our kids to respect adults and other children, and they should – respect is an important part of growing up to be a pretty great human. There’s something else though that’s even more important – teaching them to respect themselves firs

                Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

                The Reasons Why We Should Bring Meditation into Schools | The Mind Unleashed

                "If every eight year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation." –Dalai…

                  Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

                  How to Avoid Passing Anxiety on to Your Kids | Child Mind Institute

                  Anxious parents worry about raising anxious kids. Help yourself, and your children, by learning techniques to manage stress in a healthy way and sharing them with the kids.

                    Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

                    Surviving :) The Teenage Brain: Facts About the Teen Brain - The Nature of Things

                    Teens bring fresh perspective to solving old problems - and are essential to mankind's survival.

                      Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

                      Why We Don’t Keep Secrets In Our House {Child Abuse Prevention} | Denver Metro Moms Blog

                      About a month ago, our family was having dinner with some friends at their house. I walked into the kitchen just as the other mom, while winking at me, handed

                        Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

                        Talking to a Child Who Does Not Want to Talk to You | Vitamin C

                        Several years ago I was in a quaint, small-town bookstore. As I chatted with the sixties-something bookstore owner she noticed my three daughters. "Are those girls yours?" she asked. "Yes," I said proudly. "Hmmm . . . " she

                          Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

                          Curiosity: The Heart of Lifelong Learning | Psychology Today

                          What makes children want to learn? Curious children often spend a great deal of time reading and acquiring knowledge because they sense a gap between what they know and what they want to know—not because they are motivated by grades.

                                Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

                                What Are The 10 Best Parenting Strategies? | Michael Orlans | LinkedIn

                                Most parents parent the same way as their parents, or if they disliked it, do the opposite.  What comes naturally is the familiarity of what was modeled.  Parenting isn’t taught as part of school curriculum and we just don’t learn it by osmosis.  D

                                  Family & Parenting | Family & Parenting

                                  Don’t Text While Parenting — It Will Make You Cranky | TIME

                                  A new study from Boston Medical Center reveals that parents who get absorbed by email, games or other apps have more negative interactions with their children, making them feel like they're competing for attention with their parents' gadgets