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Marvin M. Portner, MD

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Allergy | Pets & Animals

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Nickel Allergy: A Common Denominator for Many With Gastrointestinal Diseases | The Epoch Times

A diet low in high-nickel foods like legumes, grains, and nuts proves to help with IBS and IBD.

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Nature’s Cure: 4 Natural Treatments for Allergy Relief | The Epoch Times

With one in three Americans suffering with allergies, natural treatments are an increasingly popular option for relief.

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Nasal Sprays for Allergies

Are nasal sprays the best way to treat your allergy symptoms? WebMD explains types and how they work.

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CBT for Children’s Food Allergy Anxiety: Concept Study

The following is a summary of the "Cognitive-behavioral intervention for anxiety associated with food allergy in a clinical sample of children: Feasibility, acceptability, and proof-of-concept in children," published in the January 2023 issue of

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Dust Mite-Proof Mattress And Pillow Covers For Allergies

WebMD examines the benefits of mattress and pillow covers for those with dust mite allergies.

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What to Know About Pollen Count

Find out what you need to know about pollen count and discover how it may affect your health.

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Medical Warning: Gluten Allergies Affect Everyone

Fatigue and depression are at epidemic levels in modern society. Today, I ask you, could gluten allergies (toxicity) ...

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Allergies Surprising Causes and Allergy Triggers

Foods, insect stings, and pollens are pretty common allergy triggers. WebMD reveals what else can cause hives, vomiting, trouble breathing, and even stop your heart.

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Could Your Sinus Problems Be Making You Depressed?

While the exact causes are not entirely clear, the link between sinus congestion and depression has been extensively documented and theories abound.

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Worst and Best Flowers for People With Allergies

WebMD tells you which plants produce more pollen - and which are easier on allergy sufferers.

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What to Know About Pollen Count

Find out what you need to know about pollen count and discover how it may affect your health.

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Allergy Eyedrop Types: Choose the One Best for You

WebMD explains the uses and variety of eyedrops for allergies, including side effects.

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Pollen Allergies: What You Need to Know

Learn about pollen allergies from WebMD.

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10 Ways to Reduce Mold Allergies (No. 4 Can Make a Big Difference)

WebMD shows you 10 ways to fight the fungus and reduce mold allergy symptoms from dust masks to bottles of bleach.

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Home Dehumidifiers for Allergies: Benefits, Cost, and More

WebMD explains how dehumidifiers help allergies, how much they cost, and other benefits of dehumidifiers.

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12 Natural Ways to Defeat Allergies in Pictures

Allergies making you miserable? WebMD shows you a dozen natural allergy treatments, from fresh fruit and vitamin D to acupuncture and air filters.

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What Causes Asthma? 10 Asthma Triggers Explained

No one really knows what causes asthma, but doctors have identified at least 10 known triggers including allergies, food additives, and more. Learn more about asthma triggers at WebMD.

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Albuterol: Can You Get Addicted to It?

Can you get addicted to your albuterol asthma treatment? Here’s what the science says.

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Allergy Shots (Immunotherapy): Effectiveness, Side-Effects & Risks

Seasonal allergy symptoms can often be prevented by using immunotherapy allergy shots. Learn how allergy shots work and who should consider getting them.

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Medications to Treat Pollen Allergies

Learn more from WebMD about medications to ease your pollen allergy symptoms.

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Allergies Surprising Causes and Allergy Triggers

Foods, insect stings, and pollens are pretty common allergy triggers. WebMD reveals what else can cause hives, vomiting, trouble breathing, and even stop your heart.

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Allergies Surprising Causes and Allergy Triggers

Foods, insect stings, and pollens are pretty common allergy triggers. WebMD reveals what else can cause hives, vomiting, trouble breathing, and even stop your heart.

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Elimination Diet and Food Challenge Test for Diagnosing Allergies

Elimination diets: When should you consider cutting things out of your diet to see if your symptoms go away? WebMD explains.

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When to See a Doctor for Your Allergies

Tired of your sneezing and sniffling and nothing you do seems to work? Here's when it's time to see a doctor for your allergy symptoms.

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Learn More About Winter Allergies

Allergies aren't just for spring and fall. WebMD explains what you need to know about symptoms, causes, treatments, and prevention of winter allergies.

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Allergy Eyedrop Types: Choose the One Best for You

WebMD explains the uses and variety of eyedrops for allergies, including side effects.

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Dust Allergies: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments of Dust Mite Allergy

When you're allergic to dust and dust mites, it can feel like having an endless cold or even asthma. WebMD has tips to help prevent and ease your symptoms.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

Slideshow: Sneaky Allergy and Asthma Triggers

You know pollen and pet dander can set off asthma and allergy problems, but what are some of the more surprising triggers?

Pets & Animals | Allergy

Are Nasal Polyps a Sign of Cancer?

Find out why nasal polyps usually aren't anything serious, and learn about the kinds of tests your doctor may suggest and the treatments that you may need.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

Allergy Eyedrop Types: Choose the One Best for You

WebMD explains the uses and variety of eyedrops for allergies, including side effects.

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Is Your Vacuum Cleaner Making Allergies Worse?

Can cleaning your house trigger your allergies? Find out if your vacuum cleaner is actually causing your allergy symptoms.

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Are You Allergic To Insect Stings? Types Of Reactions, Symptoms And Treatments

Learn more from WebMD about mild to severe allergic reactions to insect stings and how to treat them.

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Drug Allergies: Types, Symptoms, Treatments

WebMD explains drug allergies, including symptoms and treatment.

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Asthma and Allergies

WebMD takes a closer look at allergies and asthma.

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Are You Allergic To Insect Stings? Types Of Reactions, Symptoms And Treatments

Learn more from WebMD about mild to severe allergic reactions to insect stings and how to treat them.

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When to See a Doctor for Your Allergies

Tired of your sneezing and sniffling and nothing you do seems to work? Here's when it's time to see a doctor for your allergy symptoms.

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Antihistamine Medications: What's Available and Side Effects

WebMD explains types of antihistamines and their use for allergies.

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Antihistamine Medications: What's Available and Side Effects

WebMD explains types of antihistamines and their use for allergies.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

Dust Allergies: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments of Dust Mite Allergy

When you're allergic to dust and dust mites, it can feel like having an endless cold or even asthma. WebMD has tips to help prevent and ease your symptoms.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

Should I Get Allergy Shots?

If you’ve got seasonal allergies, you might be considering allergy shots as the answer to all your sniffling and sneezing. Here’s the rundown on who should consider them.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

10 Ways to Reduce Mold Allergies (No. 4 Can Make a Big Difference)

WebMD shows you 10 ways to fight the fungus and reduce mold allergy symptoms from dust masks to bottles of bleach.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

10 Ways to Reduce Mold Allergies (No. 4 Can Make a Big Difference)

WebMD shows you 10 ways to fight the fungus and reduce mold allergy symptoms from dust masks to bottles of bleach.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

When to See a Doctor for Your Allergies

Tired of your sneezing and sniffling and nothing you do seems to work? Here's when it's time to see a doctor for your allergy symptoms.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

Heartburn Drugs Might Bring Allergy Woes - WebMD

The researchers noted that as few as six daily doses of anti-acid medication each year were linked to an increased need for allergy medication. The risk of needing allergy medication rose with more frequent use of acid-reducing drugs.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

How Does the Weather Affect Asthma?

Does the weather affect your asthma? Find out how heat, cold and thunderstorms can make it hard to breathe -- and what you can do about it.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

Peanut and Nut Allergies: Common Foods, Items to Avoid and 4 Tips

WebMD explains the obvious and hidden sources of nuts for those with allergies.

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Why the world is becoming more allergic to food - BBC News

Food allergy rates among children are on the rise, and Western lifestyles may be to blame.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

Home Dehumidifiers for Allergies: Benefits, Cost, and More

WebMD explains how dehumidifiers help allergies, how much they cost, and other benefits of dehumidifiers.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

Blood Testing for Allergies

Blood testing for allergies is sometimes performed instead of skin tests. The experts at WebMD tell you why.

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Allergies and Eczema: What’s the Link?

Find out why so many people with allergies also develop eczema.

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Eye Allergies: Symptoms, Triggers, Treatments With Pictures

Eye Allergies: WebMD explains what they look like, how eye allergies develop, and how to treat eye allergies.

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How Does a Doctor Diagnose an Allergy?

WebMD tells you what kinds of tests to expect when you think you have an allergy and go to a doctor to find out what kind you have.

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Side Effect or Allergy? How to Tell the Difference

As a pharmacist, many of my patients have told me they were allergic to a certain drug, but the reaction they described was actually ...

Pets & Animals | Allergy

Allergy Shots (Immunotherapy): Effectiveness, Side-Effects & Risks

Seasonal allergy symptoms can often be prevented by using immunotherapy allergy shots. Learn how allergy shots work and who should consider getting them.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

Vaccine For Cat Allergies Developed By Swiss Scientists – CBS Detroit

If you love cats but are allergic to them, a team of scientists in Switzerland could have the purrfect solution for you.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

Mold Allergy

WebMD explains symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of a mold allergy.

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Should I Get Allergy Shots?

If you’ve got seasonal allergies, you might be considering allergy shots as the answer to all your sniffling and sneezing. Here’s the rundown on who should consider them.

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The 8 Most Common Food Allergies

Most food allergies are caused by just 8 foods. This article explains what they are, what symptoms they cause and what you can do about it.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

Adult Allergies: Yes, You Can Get Them for the First Time

You might think that allergies, skin tests, and shots are for kids. But believe it or not, adults get allergies for the first time, all the time. WebMD tells you why.

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9 Best Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies - Natural Allergy Cures

9 remedies and how to relieve seasonal allergies, naturally, from foods to avoid, to supplements to take.

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Slideshow: Allergy Myths and Facts

If you have allergies, should you move to the desert? Will honey help? WebMD looks at some popular allergy myths and sets the record straight.

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Massive amounts of pollen turn North Carolina sky yellow

Stunning aerial photos show a haze of pollen so thick over Durham, NC, it turned the sky yellow this week-- as doctors in the region have reported an uptick in patients complaining about their allergy symptoms.

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Pet Allergy Pictures: 'Hypoallergenic' Dogs and Cats?

Is there such a thing as a hypoallergenic dog? WebMD explains the facts about pets and allergies.

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Allergy Sufferers Prepare for Unusually Long Season, Expert Says - NBC 7 San Diego

Southern California has received more rain than usual and the explosion of wildflowers on our hillsides are a result but so, apparently, is the increase in allergy sufferers.

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Video on Chronic Hives: Can an Elimination Diet Help?

If you suspect certain foods trigger your hives, you’ll want to write them down and check with an allergist.

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How low-histamine foods can help tame allergies | Well Good

If you suffer from allergy symptoms—or other hard-to-explain health issues—you may have a histamine intolerance. Here's how changing your diet can help.

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Nasal Allergy Attacks Pictures: What Happens During an Attack

See how an allergy attack happens from trigger to finding relief from symptoms. WebMD shows you what causes the sneezing, congestion, and itching of an allergic reaction.

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Allergy Shots (Immunotherapy): Effectiveness, Side-Effects & Risks

Seasonal allergy symptoms can often be prevented by using immunotherapy allergy shots. Learn how allergy shots work and who should consider getting them.

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Relieve Allergy Symptoms Without Drugs, Naturally

Alternative methods to relieve allergy symptoms.

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Allergy Shots (Immunotherapy): Effectiveness, Side-Effects & Risks

Seasonal allergy symptoms can often be prevented by using immunotherapy allergy shots. Learn how allergy shots work and who should consider getting them.

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Adult-Onset Food Allergies Increasing, Confusing

Forty-eight percent of the adult population with a convincing food allergy reported developing at least one as an adult (they may have had others as a child)

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Scientists found molecular ‘switch’ for allergic asthma treatment – Scienmag: Latest Science and Health News

A team of Russian scientists identified the role of the interleukin-6 molecule in the development of allergic asthma. Now it can be a new target for the treatment of this disease. The results are published in Frontiers in Immunology. About 300 milli

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Dr. Marc Siegel: New peanut allergy treatment has incredible potential | Fox News

As an internal medicine physician I’ve been trained to react quickly and without emotion to many kinds of potentially life-threatening medical conditions. But this training couldn’t prepare me for the recent terrifying sight of my 13-year-old son swel

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Pictures: Natural Ways to Ease Asthma Symptoms

You can do more than take medication to manage your asthma. Several other things can help you breathe more easily.

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Pathway to resolve allergic asthma is discovered – Scienmag: Latest Science and Health News

A group of Brazilian researchers succeeded in preventing allergic asthma from progressing in experimental models by increasing the amount of a protein. This increase, in turn, blocked the CD4 T lymph..

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Food Allergies vs. Intolerances: What's the Difference? - Cooking Light

The two terms tend to be used interchangeably, but knowing how they differ can help you manage your symptoms, prevent potential nutrient ...

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Why peanut, food allergies have become 'almost epidemic

Among children, allergies to peanuts and other types of food continues to climb, but experts say there is some progress in controlling or preventing life-threatening reactions.

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A revolutionary treatment for allergies to peanuts and other foods is going mainstream—but do the benefits outweigh th

Eating small but increasing doses of peanuts seems to protect children with peanut allergies, but the therapy comes with risks and unknowns

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Common Plants and Trees That Trigger Allergies

Find out more about which plants and trees might be producing pollen that is causing your itchy eyes and a runny nose.

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Asthma Assessment: Is It Time to Change Your Plan?

Take this assessment to find out if you’re doing all you can to keep your asthma under control.

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Slideshow: Allergy Myths and Facts

If you have allergies, should you move to the desert? Will honey help? WebMD looks at some popular allergy myths and sets the record straight.

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Signs of a Severe Allergic Reaction

Learn how to tell if you or someone near you is having a severe allergic reaction.

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Allergy 'vaccine' suppresses the allergic response to peanuts in mice

There may be hope on the horizon for food allergy sufferers in the United States -- at least, those that are mice. Scientists reported on Wednesday that they successfully tested a new allergy "vaccine" in mice with peanut allergies. A potential

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Seasonal Allergies Quiz: Plagued by Pollen and Hay Fever

Test your knowledge about casues and consequences of seasonal allergies and how you can find relief in this WebMD quiz.

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Surge in Pollen May Spur Many Cases of Dry Eye: MedlinePlus

High pollen levels in the spring are linked to dry eye, a new study suggests.

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     5 Signs Your Dog or Cat Has Allergies - Pet Insurance Blog – Pets Best Insurance

    Learn 5 signs your dog or cat is suffering from allergies. By veterinarian Dr. Eva Evans for Pets Best Pet Insurance.

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    View All - Worst Allergy Mistakes - Health.com

    View All: How to prevent and reduce allergy symptoms when pollen and outdoor allergens are making life miserable.