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Marvin M. Portner, MD

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senior health | Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness | senior health

5 Therapist-Recommended Exercises to Combat Osteoporosis | The Epoch Times

Osteoporosis means weakened bones. These exercises can help you safely increase bone strength.

Health & Fitness | senior health

Effect of Yoga on Frailty in Older Adults: A Systematic Review: Annals of Internal Medicine: Vol 0, No 0

Background: Yoga, a multicomponent mind–body practice, improves several domains of physical and psychological health and may affect frailty in older adults. Purpose: To evaluate the available trial evidence on the effect of yoga-based interventions on f

Health & Fitness | senior health

World’s Longest Study: Do This Now to Have Great Health in Your 80s

What do we need for a long and happy life? The answer to this question is emerging from ...

Health & Fitness | senior health

14 Surprising Facts About Growing Older No One Ever Told You

Think you know what it’ll be like to get older? Check out these surprising facts from WebMD about your golden years.

Health & Fitness | senior health

Fight the Aging Process: Wrinkles, Weight Gain, Libido, and More

You can’t slow down the clock, but you can make some changes to fight little aches and pains, wrinkles, memory glitches, and other parts of the aging process.

Health & Fitness | senior health

Enlarged Prostate Doesn't Raise a Man's Odds for Cancer

Researchers report that having an enlarged prostate -- a condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) -- may actually provide some protection from developing prostate cancer.

Health & Fitness | senior health

Pictures of Medications Seniors Should Use With Caution

Just as your health needs change as you age, so do your reactions to certain medications. Find out what drugs to watch out for in your senior years.