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Marvin M. Portner, MD

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womens health | Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness | womens health

Groundbreaking Study Reveals Increased Estrogen Receptors in Menopausal Brains | The Epoch Times

Contrary to prior beliefs, estrogen receptors in the brain increase during menopause—a revelation that offers new insights into women’s brain health.

Health & Fitness | womens health

12 Surprising Things That Hurt Your Heart

Do you know what raises your risk of heart disease? This WebD slideshow can show you 12 surprising -- and simple -- ways to protect your ticker.

Health & Fitness | womens health

One in four women who are suffering the menopause say their symptoms are ignored by doctors  | Daily Mail Online

One in four sufferers have to visit their doctor at least three times before getting appropriate treatment such as HRT. Sarah Haselwood, 43, (pictured) visited her GP five times but was repeatedly brushed off.

Health & Fitness | womens health

Macrolide Antibiotics in Early Pregnancy Linked to Birth Defects, Study Finds

But scientists stressed untreated infections are greater risk to a fetus than antibiotics.

Health & Fitness | womens health

Unexpected Places You Can Get Skin Cancer

Your skin is one of the most common places to get cancer. Sometimes it appears in places you might not expect, like under your fingernails or on the palms of your hands. Find out more about uncommon spots for skin cancer.