Love my family, dogs, nature, golf and gardening. And my country. I love my country.

Mary Newcome

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Environment/Climate Change | Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

Trump Treasury Sec Nominee Fires Back At Dem Sen Who Tries Gotcha Question On ‘Clean Energy’ Race With China

Scott Bessent told Ron Wyden that America is not engaged in a clean energy "arms race" with China during his Thursday confirmation hearing.

    Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

    Climate Change Did Not Cause the LA Fires - by Emily Yoffe

    Steve Koonin rejects Biden's claim that climate change is the "greatest existential threat to humanity." He says bad policy—not climate change—caused the fires.

      Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

      Al Gore’s Climate Alarmism: A Political Agenda Masked as Science

      With Donald Trump set to remove the United States from the Paris Climate Accords once again, Americans need to know why Trump’s action is essential.

      Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

      When Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980, a team of gophers were helicoptered in to bring it back to life

      Everything within eight miles of the huge volcanic blast was wiped out almost instantly. More than 40 years later, scientists reveal how an unorthodox experiment involving burrowing rodents brought life back to the Washington State mountain.

      Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

      Biden-Harris Admin Recalls Hundreds Of Electric Buses Amid Fire Concerns

      The NHTSA issued a safety recall on Sept. 5 for Proterra ZX5 buses manufactured from 2020 to 2022 alongside Proterra Catalyst vehicles from 2019 to 2021

        Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

        Salmon Make a Long-Awaited Return to the Klamath River for the First Time in 112 Years, After Largest Dam Removal in U.S

        Chinook salmon spark excitement among local Klamath Tribes, who have advocated for decades to restore the flow of the river in California and Oregon

            Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

            More Cows Needed to Reverse Climate Change, Experts Say - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

            In a little-noticed presentation on Dec. 9, 2023, at COP28 in Dubai, a panel of soil experts presented the case for cows as climate allies.

            Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

            Biden Policy on Natural Gas Exports Destructive | National Review

            The Biden administration's decision to stonewall approval of new liquefied-natural-gas export terminals makes no sense on its own terms, contradicts other policies of the same administration, and harms America’s domestic and foreign interests.

            Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

            We Can't Let Fossil Fuels Die Because They Keep Us Alive

            It is not just cars and leaf blowers, stoves, or even air conditioning. What is at stake is much deeper: human dignity.

            Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

            The Biden Administration Is Profiting From Another Solyndra

            Proterra, an electric bus and battery company that Biden touted as a success of his green energy initiative, filed for bankruptcy in August.

            Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

            Spectaire Could Help Global-Warming Alarmists See Clearly Now - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

            Spectaire could become the giant pair of glasses that clears the fog engulfing the debate over so-called “global warming.”

            Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

            I Left Out the Full Truth to Get My Climate Change Paper Published | The Free Press

            I just got published in Nature because I stuck to a narrative I knew the editors would like. That’s not the way science should work.

            Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

            Nobel Winner Joins 1,600 Scientists Disputing Climate 'Emergency'

            More than 1,600 scientists have signed a declaration calling the climate 'emergency' a myth.

            Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

            Solar Panels Produce Massive Emissions, Data Says - CatholicVote org

            Journalist Michael Shellenberger has uncovered new data showing that solar energy is not as “clean” as the politicians pushing “green” policies claim.

              Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

              An Insider View of ESG | National Review

              The ESG cartel pushes liberal rhetoric in service of Democratic political success.

              Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

              The Corruption of Climate Science › American Greatness

              “We need to criticize the people who got us here,” says Alex Epstein, founder of the Center for Industrial Progress and author of Fossil Future. “We can’t keep treating these designated experts as…

                Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                The Real Climate Crisis | PragerU

                We’re supposed to be in a climate crisis. And we are. But not in the way you think. Alex Epstein, author of Fossil Future, explains the real crisis and what…

                Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                Goodbye Science, Hello Night - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

                Do you remember back when you were in school and your math or science teacher gave a test in class in which you were asked to solve a problem or two and you were explicitly admonished to show your work?...

                Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                About Those Green Jobs . . . They Keep Vanishing | National Review

                The Left promises that millions of good ‘green jobs’ are right around the corner, but companies keep announcing layoffs in that extremely unproductive sector.

                Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                Electric vehicles are exploding from water damage after Hurricane Ian, top Florida official warns

                Florida's chief fire marshal warned Thursday that Hurricane Ian waterlogged a number of EVs and their sensitive batteries, creating a serious widespread danger of fires.

                  Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                  Biden Administration’s Manipulated Energy Policy Demonstrates Ignorance of History

                  Consumed, as they have been, with the work of pushing revisionist woke ideology in the schools, it seems the Left missed the lesson that those who don’t know…

                  Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                  Lake Mead Is Draining, Not Climate Changing - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

                  The water level in Lake Mead is reaching record lows and the popular narrative maintains that drought brought on by human-caused climate change is to blame. But the government’s own data from the Bureau of Reclamation shows this is not...

                  Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                  Electric Vehicles Cost More than You Think - The American Conservative

                  Conservative defenders of EVs must be realistic about the technology's costs and the way those costs have been buried by EV boosters.

                  Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                  Breaking Free From China?

                  We have been writing for a long time about the fact that transitioning from fossil fuels to wind and solar energy is catastrophically bad policy, not only because those forms of energy are intermittent and therefore inadequate, but also because China domi

                  Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                  LA Times report warns about 'environmental danger' in solar transition

                  The Los Angeles Times warned about the negative environmental impact California created when it went all in on solar panels in the mid-2000s on Thursday.

                    Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                    New Studies Find Electric Vehicles Worse For The Environment

                    Two recent studies have shown that electric cars have more quality issues than gas-powered ones and are not better for the environment. 

                    Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                    Mining Industry Warns Energy Transition Isn’t Sustainable |

                    The energy transition is being built on finite resources, and the mining industry is already waving red flags

                      Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                      Supreme Court Narrows EPA's Ability to Regulate Carbon Dioxide Emissions

                      The Supreme Court ruled 6–3 this morning that the Clean Air Act does not give the U.S. Environmental ...

                      Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                      Germany's 'Green' Energy Disaster Is A Warning To The United States

                      Germany’s energy problems are self-inflicted. Ours will be, as well, if we follow its lead in pursuing 'green' energy.

                      Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                      Is It Immoral to Drive an Electric Vehicle?

                      Of all the crazy policies we see implemented around us, from decriminalizing theft to teaching children to change their 'gender,' perhaps the craziest is government's determination to force us to drive electric vehicles. EVs like the Tesla are perfectly f

                      Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                      The Dark Side of Solar Power

                      Solar energy is a rapidly growing market, which should be good news for the environment. Unfortunately there’s a catch. The replacement rate of solar panels is faster than expected and given the current very high recycling costs, there’s a real danger

                      Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                      I Rented an Electric Car for a Four-Day Road Trip. I Spent More Time Charging It Than I Did Sleeping.

                      Our writer drove from New Orleans to Chicago and back to test the feasibility of taking a road trip in an EV. She wouldn’t soon do it again.

                        Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                        Plastic Recycling Doesn’t Work and Will Never Work

                        If the plastics industry is following the tobacco industry’s playbook, it may never admit to the failure of plastics recycling.

                          Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                          Blackouts Inevitable As Renewables Struggle To Replace Reliable Energy

                          'This is all a man-made energy crisis on the part of leaders who worship at the altar of the green agenda while plunging our country into the dark ages.'

                          Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                          On Energy, the Chinese-Russian One-Two Punch

                          Steve has noted how America's energy policies--suppressing fossil fuels and spending vast sums to develop inherently unreliable wind and solar energy--play into the hands of the Russians. While we waste trillions of dollars on expensive and unworkable ene

                          Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                          Podcast: Roy Spencer on Climate Change Censorship, and Cool Satellites

                          This Power Line Classic format podcast features Dr. Roy Spencer of NASA and the University of Alabama at Huntsville. Spencer is one of the nation’s most accomplished climate scientists, having won awards for his work developing the satellite monitoring

                          Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                          When the Wind Doesn't Blow

                          The political push to transform our electrical grid into reliance on 'renewable' wind and solar energy keeps running into the laws of physics. The laws of physics are going to win, but the economic carnage in the meantime will be terrible. My colleague Is

                          Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                          The Uselessness of Solar Energy

                          You sometimes see newspaper headlines to the effect that, say, a '50 megawatt solar power plant' is being constructed. But you shouldn't count on getting anything remotely approaching 50 megawatts of power from such an installation. Energy expert Isaac Or

                            Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                            Toyota Is Right On Their Stance Towards Electric Vehicles | Top Speed

                            toyota motor corporation has been slow to adopt electric vehicles evs . as a matter of fact it was only a few weeks ago when the japanese automaker (...)

                            Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                            The Everglades Foundation | Orvis

                            The Everglades and the Florida coastal system, one of the world’s most remarkable ecosystems, are on the verge of extinction.

                            Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                            The Carbon Capture Alternative to the Democrats’ Climate Change Apocalypse | The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

                            Iceland opened the world’s first carbon scrubbing facility on September 8. One would think that the event would be welcomed...

                            Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                            The Disaster of Green Energy

                            I didn't write anything yesterday because my day was taken up with two anti-Green Energy events here in Minnesota. The first was a lunch in Albert Lea, which anti-wind activists drove up to four hours to attend. The second was a cocktail hour program in a

                              Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                              Another Climate Alarm Loses Its Mojo

                              We all know the Great Barrier Reef is in danger of disappearing because of c------ c-----. The climatistas tell us so, at every opportunity: Well guess what Mom? Check in with The Australian (behind a paywall so here is the relevant text—made available

                                Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                                Time for Enviros to Take Their Lithium

                                Lithium has long been used as a treatment for bipolar mental illness, and perhaps there is a connection to the environmental mania for electric cars that depend on huge lithium-ion batteries. Further to John's post yesterday about electric cars colliding

                                Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                                Why Wind and Solar Energy Are Doomed to Failure

                                Wind and solar energy are both essentially obsolete technologies. There is a reason why only the very rich or the very adventurous sail across oceans: the wind is unreliable, and at best produces relatively little energy. Nevertheless, liberals have conco

                                Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                                For Most Things, Recycling Harms the Environment

                                If you care about the environment, you should put your bottles and other glass in the regular garbage, every time.

                                    Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                                    California’s Disastrous Forest Mismanagement | National Review

                                    The solution is simple in principle if not in practice, but a web of interests has held back progress in the Golden State.

                                        Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                                        It’s Time for Conservatives to Own the Climate-Change Issue | National Review

                                        My proposal resists the flawed reasoning of the radical Left while embracing market-based solutions to reduce carbon emissions.

                                        Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                                        Second person connected to Mexican monarch butterfly reserve found dead in a week

                                        Mexican authorities are investigating the deaths of two men-- a part-time tour guide and an anti-logging activist-- both of whom had connections to one of the country's largest butterfly sanctuaries and who died within a week of each other. 

                                          Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                                          The Fourth Reich | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

                                          China is the world champion at “cancel culture.” Only when the communist tyranny cancels you, you aren’t just hounded off social media or pushed out of a job in the media or academia. You are literally canceled; executed, organ harvested,...

                                            Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                                            How America’s New Sexual Dynamic Is Destroying Marriages And Families

                                            That’s the missing element in the push for the so-called equal marriage. By suggesting men and women are essentially the same, we set them up to fail.

                                              Miscellaneous | Environment/Climate Change

                                              An Unlimited Supply Of Borrowed Cash Is Destroying Higher Education

                                              If college is made 'free,' there will be no reason to stop spending. We, the people who pay, must demand universities and politicians focus on education.