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Religion/Christianity | Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
No, Rick Warren, Jesus Crucified Between Two ‘Bandits’ Doesn’t Mean He’s in the Middle
Rev. Rick Warren, Evangelical best-selling author, and former mega-pastor, has stirred up controversy with a now-deleted X post that develops a rather unusual
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
It's Time To Stop Perverting Christianity To Push Marxism
God does not smile when church leaders use his name to lead people astray.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Jesus Christ Takes Center Stage In College Football Playoffs
Players from various college football teams have taken the time to praise Jesus Christ for the impact He's made on their athletic careers.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
The True Meaning of Christmas
Even for devout Christians, the true meaning of Christmas can become lost in the shuffle.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
How Intellectuals Found God - by Peter Savodnik
Almost 150 years after Nietzsche said ‘God is dead,’ our most important thinkers like Peter Thiel, Jordan Peterson, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali are getting religion.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Bible sales are booming, despite a decline in religiosity. A first-time buyer says it's about finding purpose
Despite years of declining religious affiliation, print Bible sales have spiked. A first-time Bible buyer and Bishop Robert Barron both weighed in on the trend.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
CHILLS: Opera Singer Blesses Reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral With Epic Rendition of 'Amazing Grace'
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
The Christian Case For Voting For Trump
Staying home is not the moral high ground this election. Voting for Donald Trump is.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Democrats Are Not "Against Religion," As Trump Suggests | National Review
Trump should be more pointed in his criticisms. By using overly broad language, he gives Democrats an easy way out of what could be a potent criticism.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
No, Pope Francis Did Not Approve Blessings For Same-Sex Unions
Corporate media outlets are running salacious headlines that Pope Francis is now allowing 'priests to bless same-sex relationships.'
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Why I Am Now a Christian | The Free Press
I was born a Muslim in Somalia. Then I became an atheist. But secular tools alone can’t equip us for civilizational war.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Declaration of Independence Founded a Theistic Republic | National Review
Critics of new House Speaker Mike Johnson’s God-centered politics don’t understand the role that religion has played in American life since the Founding.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Pope says Church open to everyone, including LGBT people, but has rules
Pope Francis said on Sunday that the Catholic Church is open to everyone, including the gay community, and that it has a duty to accompany them on a personal path of spirituality but within the framework of its rules.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
What We Need Now Is Religious Courage | National Review
If we don’t stand for what we believe, then our society will be swept away, taking all of us along with it.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
The Groff Supreme Court Keeps Holy the Sabbath Day - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
And now Sabbath keepers and Sabbath observers have received their day of relief and justice in Groff v. DeJoy.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Corporate America Has Launched A Religious War. Pick A Side.
In this war there are only two sides: the Tao and the Machine, God or Satan. You have to choose, but choose wisely.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Ireland’s Failing Faith - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
As I touched down in Ireland the morning of Easter Sunday, I was saddened to think how sparse the Catholic faith — and with it, conservatism — has become in that once-proud bastion of sainthood. Still sometimes called “the land...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Why Students in Kentucky Have Been Praying for 250 Hours
‘You need to come back to chapel, something is happening.’ On the ground at the Asbury Revival.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Anne Graham Lotz: This Could Be the 'Last Great Awakening' as Asbury Revival Fires Reach New Campuses
The wave of revival fire shows no signs of stopping as new reports come in from colleges and universities across the nation. As flames from the Asbury University Awakening spread, author and evangelist Anne Graham Lotz raised the idea that this could be t
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
The Sudden Passing of George Neumayr - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
I not only write for The American Spectator but also am among its most voracious readers. Throughout my years at The American Spectator, I always found George Neumayr to be among the very, very best contributors amid a collection of...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
The Growing ‘God Gap’ Between Democrats and Republicans - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
“The biggest story about American religion and politics is that Democrats (specifically white ones) are becoming much, much less religious now.” That’s Ryan Burge, religious pollster par excellence, in a year-in-review Twitter post that summarizes o
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Candace Cameron Bure Reacts To Haters By Sharing The Gospel
The Christmas movie queen responded to haters with an unapologetic message about the sacrificial love of Christ, just in time for Christmas.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Salman Rushdie’s Lonely Fight Against Islam - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
The horrific attack on novelist Salman Rushdie has prompted HBO host Bill Maher to call for more “debate” about Islam...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
‘Discrimination’: Biden’s Euphemism for Religious Freedom - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
In the name of “nondiscrimination,” President Joe Biden advanced last week a proposed final regulation that would force religious doctors...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Over 100 Florida Churches File Suit to Leave United Methodist Church
A schism characterized by documents on “grace through separation” has brought forth a lawsuit. In Florida, 106 churches ...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
The Ahistorical Secularism of Justice Sotomayor - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
Justice Sonia Sotomayor has emerged as the Supreme Court’s most outspoken secularist. She subscribes fervently to the left’s myths about...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Remembering Reagan’s Great Grace - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
I recently got an email from Albert, a longtime reader of this fine publication, regarding the “unconditional release” of would-be...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
The Tyranny of the Atheistic Minority - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
To hear secularists talk about the First Amendment, one would think the Founding Fathers had established it to prevent Americans...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Jesus's Resurrection Is Probably The Best-Documented Historical Event
Because of their experience with the resurrected Jesus, the apostles were in a unique position to know Jesus was truly the Son of God.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
A Christian Heroine in Finland - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
Päivi Räsänen, the Finnish politician who faced criminal charges for merely quoting and defending the Bible’s condemnation of sexual immorality,...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
The Supreme Court to Hear Important Prayer Case - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
The propaganda sloshing through public schools grows more toxic with each passing year. Students are increasingly subject to corrupting pressure...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Biden’s Corruption of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
In February, the Biden administration celebrated the “first anniversary of the reestablishment of the White House Office of Faith-Based and...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
The Difference Between Being Happy and Finding Joy - RELEVANT
I’ve been thinking about joy for quite some time now. Or rather, why we Christians display such a lack of it. If you go to any Christian news publication
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
The Criminalization of Christianity in Finland - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
In a foreshadowing of America’s future under coercive secularism, a Finnish politician and Finnish bishop will go on criminal trial...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
HHS, the Tip on Biden’s Spear Against Christians - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
Joe Biden spent much of his first year undoing the policies of his predecessor. Biden has taken special relish in...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Biden Removes State Department Stigma on Anti-Christian Nigeria - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
In November, Secretary of State Antony Blinken removed Nigeria from the State Department’s list of countries hostile to religious freedom....
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
A Preview of Biden’s Activist Judiciary | The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
To advance his secularism, Joe Biden is busy appointing opponents of the First Amendment to the courts, as evident in...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Biden Judges Will Eviscerate Religious Freedom | The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
“I think we’re seeing a common DNA run through the Obama [judicial] nominees, and that’s the ACLU chromosome,” observed Jeff...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
The Death of Religious Freedom by a Thousand Cuts | The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
The Biden administration’s position on religious freedom grows more and more narrow. In a grim measure of its unwillingness to...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
The Left’s Manipulation of Religion | The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
The policy of modern liberals is to keep religion out of politics while inserting politics into religion. On this view,...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Liberals’ Obsession with ‘Christian Nationalism’ | The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
The chattering class is very preoccupied these days with “Christian nationalism.” The pundits who speak darkly about it don’t bother...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
United Methodist Conservatives to Form New Global Church, Will Not Recognize Same-Sex Marriage
Conservative leaders within the United Methodist Church (UMC) have unveiled their plans to form a new denomination.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
'We Want God': Trump Issues Proclamation Packed with Powerful Quotes on Faith and Freedom
This week President Trump issued a proclamation that was filled with some profound quotes about faith and freedom, intended to reaffirm America's mission to end religious persecution worldwide.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
The Salt That Has Lost Its Savor: The Woke Church and the Undoing of America | The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
When editors at The American Spectator asked me to write a column for their exceptional magazine about the liberalization of...
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Clay Christensen on Religious Freedom (His personal views, not HBS)
Clay Christensen on Religious Freedom. The views in this video do not necessarily represent the views of the Harvard Business School.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Michigan Faith-Based Adoption Agencies Win Big in Court, Allowed to Keep Following Their Religion
A district judge in Michigan has ruled that a faith-based adoption agency can continue to practice its religious beliefs and still partner with the state in connecting foster children with families who want to adopt them.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Atheists Ordered School Board to Drop Football Prayers, Crowd Erupted When They Did This Instead
The Freedom From Religion Foundation asked the Lowndes County, Georgia High School to stop allowing prayer before its Friday night football games. But the school board found a way to keep the prayers going forward by making sure all prayers are both stud
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Paula White-Cain: Donald Trump’s Spiritual Adviser on Faith, Policy, and the President
Paula White-Cain is a pastor and is the spiritual advisor to President Donald Trump.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Was America founded as a Christian or a secular nation?
Jonathan Morris, Pastor Robert Jeffress and Ravi Zacharias weigh in on whether or not America was founded as a Christian nation.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Good News: Egypt Legalizes 127 Churches in Sweeping Approval
A committee set up by the Egyptian government has approved the legalization of 127 churches which were previously being run in an illegal capacity.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Researchers Believe They’ve Uncovered One of the Oldest Christian Churches on the Planet
An excavation in Egypt may have uncovered the oldest church ever discovered in the North African nation.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Texas Lawmakers Look to Stop Discrimination Against Companies Like Chick-fil-A
The "Chick-fil-A bill" was fast-tracked in the Republican-controlled state legislature as a response to the San Antonio City Council stopping Chick-fil-A from opening a location at the airport of the nation's seventh largest city.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Bible Study Battle Turns into Federal Lawsuit After Apt. Managers Threatened to Evict Christian Couple
A Virginia senior living community is facing a federal lawsuit after threatening to evict residents for leading a Bible study in their own apartment.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
The Demise of Traditional Christian Sexual Morality Is Greatly Exaggerated | National Review
Perhaps the Methodist vote can be a wake-up call.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
'Queer and Trans Readings of Biblical Texts': US Universities Awash with Courses Aimed at 'Queering' Students
A new report from Young America's Foundation argues the curriculum at a wide range of American schools, from Harvard University to Columbia University to Swarthmore College, seems to target conservative and Christian values in some shocking ways.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
'Shameful and Demonic': Hillsong NYC Pastor Speaks Out Against New NY Abortion Law
Pastor Carl Lentz of Hillsong NYC has shared his feelings about the abortion law that was passed by the New York state legislature last week.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Religious Freedom Day Celebrates Vital Founding Principle | National Review
It is increasingly important to articulate what religious freedom is and to explain why protections for religious belief and expression serve the common good.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Kamala Harris’s Outrageous Assault on the Knights of Columbus | National Review
No longer is the debate over Christianity in the public square. It is over Christians in the public square.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
A Global Religious Shift Underway? What It Means for Christians and Israel
A strong voice for evangelicals around the world says Christians should expect some big changes in the world's religious landscape this year.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
Is Joy Possible? | National Review
Getting beyond seasonal coffee cups
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
'Ancient Prophesies Are Being Realized': Netanyahu's Holiday Message to Christians Worldwide
In a heartfelt Christmas Day address, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his gratitude to Christians around the world, and in the US in particular, for their strong support of the Jewish state.
Miscellaneous | Religion/Christianity
In Europe, Free Speech Bows to Sharia | National Review
Europeans are free to say only what the courts let them.