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Allison Gould

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Careers & The Workplace | Business & Finance

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5 red flags that make recruiters scroll past your LinkedIn profile

It is critical to use the same style standards for your LinkedIn profile that you would use for your résumé.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

7 smart questions to ask at the end of a job interview

Career counselors recommend each question you ask serve at least one of three purposes.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

Looking for a Startup Idea? Here Are 10 That You Can Steal from Successful Entrepreneurs.

Successful entrepreneurs are sharing their unused business ideas online. Maybe one of these are for you?

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

Why Entrepreneurs Need Writing Skills (and How to Improve Yours)

All business owners should also be good, diverse writers to better engage their audience and set themselves apart from the pack.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

How entrepreneurs can raise money for a new business—and the advantages if you're over 50

Believe it or not, small-business owners who are 50+ have two big advantages. Here's what to know about crowdfunding, grants, bank financing and tapping your...

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

It's Time We Really Talk About Workplace Anxiety

The battle against anxiety in the workplace is one we desperately need to fight -- and these simple techniques will give managers the upperhand. 

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

6 Ways to Create a Positive Work Culture for Remote Teams

Company culture may have an organic component, but there are ways CEOs can foster positive engagement -- and boost morale.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

Microsoft told employees to work from home. One consequence was brutal

Many people think they have a good idea of what working from home now means. At Microsoft, however, they've studied it. And it makes for sobering reading.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

Why Successful Entrepreneurs Like Mark Cuban and Reed Hastings Believe in Lying to Yourself | Inc.

They embrace the entrepreneur's contradiction: Balancing an unjustifiable confidence in the future with a cold, hard view of the present.

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8 ways to bring your employees back to work

Guidelines to keep your company healthy and strong while transitioning back to the office and navigating the inevitable changes in your team culture.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

These 7 exceptional apps will optimize your Work From Home life

Improve your focus, organization, and efficiency—and maybe even tighten your glutes while you’re at it.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

5 Ways to Lead During the Coronavirus Crisis

The world needs strong people to lead during this time of crisis and uncertainty.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

Take Fewer Meetings, Write Fewer Proposals-- And Still Grow Your Business. Here's How | Inc.

By asking qualifying questions of business prospects and trusting your instinct you will take fewer meetings and write fewer proposals -- and still grow your business. You'll preserve your mental energy, too.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

Here's What Your LinkedIn Profile Says About You and How You Do Business | Inc.

Detail-oriented. Team player. Community minded. These are a few messages your LinkedIn profile might be conveying -- or not -- about you and how you do business.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

‘Between You And I’: Royal Grammatical Blunders To Avoid At Work

“The decision that I have made for my wife and I to step back is not one I made lightly,” Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, said. Can you spot the grammatical mistake in those words?

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

How to Become a Leadership Influencer

Executive brands are evolving through the power of expertise, authority and trust.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

4 Principles Young Entrepreneurs Often Learn Too Late

Investment leads to commitment. Investment also shatters any subconscious blocks you have, because investment often involves some form of risk and is thus courageous. 

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

How To Get Your Résumé Past The Artificial Intelligence Gatekeepers

Résumés of highly qualified applicants are getting rejected by the initial automated screening processes many companies have in place. Now job seekers find themselves having to learn résumé submission optimization to please the algorithms and beat the bot

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

These 3 Simple Rules Will Save Your Team From Spending Too Much Time in Meetings | Inc.com

We need meetings, but if there are too many, productivity and morale suffer. These rules prevent those problems.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

5 High-Paying Remote Jobs In The IT Industry That Are Not Programming

Most folks without technical backgrounds believe that there’s no room for them in the IT industry. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even if you are a non-techie, there’s still plenty well-paid gigs you can go after in the IT industry.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

How to make a career out of copywriting

If you’re a wordsmith looking to make a career out of copywriting or take your skills a step further, these copywriting mastery course bundles can show you how to use your experience, knowledge, and creativity to write copy that actually converts.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

10 Crucial Questions To Make Your Résumé Land A Job

If you want your résumé to be a tool that helps you land a job, you'll need to answer these questions with a resounding yes aside from question five.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

What's your biggest weakness? How to answer the interview question

Although "what's your biggest weakness?" is a popular interview question that has endured, many candidates are still unprepared to discuss their failures.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

How To Write A Resume To Get Through The Applicant Tracking System (ATS) So Employers Find You

Not hearing back from employers when you apply online? Getting through the ATS so that an employer actually sees your resume is tougher than you think. Don't make these common mistakes.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

More Proof (As If Needed It) that Open Plan Offices Are The Absolute Dumbest Idea Ever | Inc.

You won't believe how Panasonic plans to make the open plan office more productive.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

10 LinkedIn Background Photo Ideas To Make Your Profile Stand Out

What's the best LinkedIn background photo you can feature on your LinkedIn profile to make yourself truly stand out? Here are 10 ideas for your background photo that can reinforce your professional value and personal brand.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

This question can save your job interview when an employer seems bored

If you want to get an interviewer's attention, here's what to say, writes columnist Nick Corcodilos.

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Barbara Corcoran on how to make good first impression in “5 or 6 seconds”

Corcoran has made hiring decisions in less time than that - think "five or six seconds" when a candidate's presentation and panache has been flawless.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

'Why Do You Want This Job?' Is A Trick Question -- Here Is How To Intelligently Answer It

At the most basic level, an employer seeks to learn about the job seeker’s motivation to interview for a specific job. The manager desires to investigate if the applicant truly desires this position.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

Want to earn more money? 11 businesses you can start from home

Working from home means you can start your side hustle even while you’re still employed. Plus, working from home lets you spend more time with your family.

Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

5 New Ways to Make Money in the Freelance Economy

Freelancing has become so common that freelancers are themselves a large market.

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    FlexJobs: 10 work-from-home jobs that pay $100,000 or more

    All of these positions offer a nice salary and the flexibility to work from wherever. 

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    These 15 Behaviors Will Make You Almost Irreplaceable At Your Workplace

    It doesn’t take a genius manager to recognize the almost irreplaceable people in his company. Employees who practice all or most of these behaviors are the ones that any company wants and can't afford to lose.

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    21 job interview questions that are designed to trick you | Ladders

    Sometimes, questions can be tricky or confusing. Interviewers ask them to learn more about you, including information you may be trying to conceal.

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace


    When I was coming up to graduating from my BA in Creative Writing, I received no guidance from the uni or anyone else about what to do […]

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    These 7 jobs will be in high demand with employers next year

    Salaries vary depending on many factors but jobs that are in high demand often allow candidates to negotiate better salaries — human resource consulting firm Robert Half released a list of positions it predicts will be the most sought-after among compan

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    Take this online class and learn how to make Insta-money

    The photo sharing app sees over one billion visits every month, with a high level of engagement from its users. Learn how to get a piece of that pie.

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    How to Answer the 6 Most Common Job-Interview Questions

    Work columnist Alison Green shares how to answer the six most common job-interview questions, from “Tell me about yourself” to “What salary are you looking for?”

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    9 Things That Interviewers Really Want To Hear From You In The Interview

    The goal is to portray yourself as someone who wants to help contribute, has done your homework and arrives prepared.

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    The Moment I Realized I Was Working For An Idiot

    All of a sudden, one day in the department's staff meeting, Jack realized he was working for a boss who didn't even slightly deserve his talents. Has it ever happened to you?

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    These are the 5 “super skills” you need for jobs of the future

    Work is changing, so to stay ahead you’ll need to master these skills that you probably didn’t learn in college.

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    Six Insider Tips For Landing A Job Right Out Of College

    As a former high tech recruiter, Meghan Biro saw lots of promising job candidates make some unwittingly fatal errors that cost their chance at a great post-college gig. Here's an insider's guide to avoiding those same mistakes.

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    Five reasons why most ‘digital nomads’ fail

    What may seem to be the perfect way to make a living can turn into a nightmare – here’s why.

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    Is It Safe To Give Two Weeks Notice When I Quit?

    Years ago we wouldn't think twice about giving two weeks notice when we were ready to leave a job. It was expected. Nowadays it's not always a good idea to give two weeks notice -- here's why!

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    Students are being prepared for jobs that no longer exist. Here's how that could change.

    As automation disrupts the labor market and good middle-class jobs disappear, schools are struggling to equip students with future-proof skills.

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    21 Low-Cost Ways to Make Money from Home

    Startup costs can be a real barrier to getting up and running, so here are some work ideas that cost little to no money to consider.

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    I Asked 5,000 People How They Stay Passionate at Work. Here's What I Found

    How do you stay passionate at work? Morten T. Hansen details findings in his new book 'Great at Work.'

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    Open plan offices make employees miserable and distracted | Metro News

    Open plan offices make employees miserable and distracted

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    Ten Things Recruiters Look For In Your LinkedIn Profile

    What are recruiters looking for when they visit my LinkedIn profile? Here are ten important things!

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    Learn how to start a career as a copywriter for less than $25

    Have you ever wondered if your writing hobby could actually become a career? Learn what it takes to be a copywriter, land clients, and build your portfolio.

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    19 high-paying jobs with tons of openings and room for promotion in 2018

    LinkedIn broke down some of the most promising jobs of 2018, and a lot of the occupations are engineering gigs.

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    6 Ways to Manage Employees' Bad Habits

    From showing up 10 minutes late, to wasting 10 minutes on Facebook, these responses will help keep your team in line.

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    Ten Signs You're Interviewing For A Fake Job Opportunity

    Larry had a sneaking suspicion that he might be "interviewing" for a job opportunity that didn't exist -- and he turned out to be right! Here's how to tell a fake job opening from a real one.

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    Why Do Women Bully Each Other at Work?

    Research suggests that conditions in the workplace might be to blame.

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    This Is the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn (the Answer Will Surprise You)

    With 500 million members in 200 countries, determining the best time to post on LinkedIn can be tricky. Here's what to do.

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    8 Ways to Schedule Job Interviews While Working Full-Time | Mental Floss

    Test your knowledge with amazing and interesting facts, trivia, quizzes, and brain teaser games on MentalFloss.com.

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    You Really Could Have a Legitimate Business in a Week

    If your great idea solves problems, the rest is mostly filling out forms online. You can knock it out in a few days.

    Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

    6 Things to Never Say in a Job Interview | Mental Floss

    Test your knowledge with amazing and interesting facts, trivia, quizzes, and brain teaser games on MentalFloss.com.

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    3 online businesses you can run from your couch - MarketWatch

    To help couch potatoes start a business, we’ve identified three online business ideas with moneymaking potential.

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    The Founder of LinkedIn Says Too Many of Us Are Using the Site All Wrong

    While it could seem natural to decline a Facebook friend request from a stranger, the dynamic on LinkedIn is much different.

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    Want Something? Asking in Person Is 34 Times More Effective Than Email

    Sometimes it's worth it to leave your desk and talk face-to-face.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Cool Job Alert: American Girl Is Hiring a Historian

      The company is looking for a researcher to verify the historical accuracy of its products.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Our obsession with personal branding reveals a dark truth about the future of work

      Personal branding probably won't help you get a job. But it is making us all more accepting of an increasingly dehumanizing job market.

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      Why Local News Anchors All Have the Same Look - Racked

      The faces on your TV may have been surgically altered for a distraction-free experience.

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      Guy Documents His First Week Of Work At Target, And It Couldn’t Get More Hilarious

      If you thought that working at a retail store is boring, we've got news for you. Well, actually Tumblr user kimpossibooty does. He recently uploaded a very detailed and hilarious story about his first week working at Target, and it is pure gold.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      What Makes People Feel Upbeat at Work - The New Yorker

      Maria Konnikova writes about how to create a positive work environment. Research shows that it involves not telling people to be positive.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      So how much do freelance writers actually make?

      Everything you ever wanted to know (and some you didn't) about what freelance writers make.

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      Why Managers Are So Bad at Recognizing Good Ideas - The Atlantic

      In most settings, criticism tends to dominate. For any idea or book or movie or what have you, the question that people discuss is what’s wrong with it, why it didn’t live up to expectations.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      The 50 Best Places to Work in 2016 | Inc.com

      The 50 companies on our inaugural roster show you how to create a culture to find and keep the very best employees.

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      Working Remotely Makes You Happier and More Productive

      Remote workers also feel more appreciated.

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      30 jobs in the PR and marketing world

      Creative marketers are always in demand. To land your next job, recruiters suggest handing over an example of your prowess. To get started, consider this list of inventive opportunities.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      18 Unprofessional habits that could cost you your job - Business Insider

      Your bad workplace habits will undoubtedly annoy your boss. Worse yet, they could get you fired.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      6 Things Your Boss Honestly Wishes You Would Do (Or Not Do) With Digital Marketing - Forbes

      She’s looking at you again. Your boss. Glaring? Admiring? It’s hard to tell. She’s thinking something. You wish you knew what. What does your boss honestly think about your job performance? Are there things that you could do better? Results you shou

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      7 Things You Must Do To Maximize The Value Of Your LinkedIn Profile - Forbes

      You’ve done all the hard work to create a stellar LinkedIn profile. Now, complete these 7 actions to maximize the value of your efforts.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Before You Quit Your Job, Try These 10 Strategies

      Got a case of the Mondays every day? You can always quit your job -- but first, try these strategies to make work more enjoyable or earn more money.

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      How to stop a colleague from taking credit for your work - Fortune

      Is a coworker taking credit for your good work? The real question may turn out to be whether you're working for the wrong boss.

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      21 signs you're about to be fired

      Most people are at least somewhat surprised when they hear the words "you're fired." Some are even shocked.

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      The Art of the Out-of-Office Reply - The New York Times

      It’s August, and vacationers’ email auto-responses are coming in left and right. From the poetic missive to a simple “nope,” saying you’re not working has become its own art form.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Making A Case For Joy In Your Job

      Must you be unhappy in your job? This isn’t being productive—and it certainly isn’t being happy. It’s just being busy. And being busy hides us from being present.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Being Laid Off Hurts, But It's Not the End of the World | Emma Goddard

      It took me longer to find a job than it did to hold one. That was the first thought I had when I learned my company decided to shut down U.S. operations just six months after I started my first full-time position.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      43 free career-advancing courses you can take (and actually finish) this summer

      Yes, summer is the perfect time to relax and recharge. But, it's also the perfect time to pick up a few new skills. Put that relaxed brain (and work schedule) to good use!

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      The 6 Worst Things You Can Call Yourself On LinkedIn

      It's hard to find words that say how wonderful we are. Perhaps we shouldn't try so hard.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Here Are the 25 Best Cities for Jobs

      New York does not make the cut.

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      10 Mindsets That Will Radically Improve Your Performance | TIME

      Success is something all career-driven individuals desire yet it eludes many people — at least at the levels desired. Why are some businesspeople successful and others not?

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      How to beat jet lag, from a CEO with an insane travel schedule

      From Microsoft chairman and Virtual Instruments CEO John Thompson who has insane travel schedule.

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      What (Some) Silicon Valley Women Think Of Newsweek | TechCrunch

      Tech has some issues. You read trade pub stories about sexual harassment and assault allegations so often it's absurd. Newsweek, which just discovered there..

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Best Jobs in 2015 - 25 Best Jobs in America for 2015

      We're not saying you should give up on becoming Ben & Jerry's chief flavor developer/the person who spritzes Jamie Dornan with Evian in between takes, but there's probably a dream job out there that's just a little more…realistic.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      The Ideal Work Schedule, as Determined by Circadian Rhythms

      Humans have a well-defined internal clock that shapes our energy levels throughout the day: our circadian process, which is often referred to as a circadian rhythm because it tends to be very regular. If you’ve ever had jetlag, then you know how persistent circadian rhythms can be. This natural — and hardwired — ebb and flow in our ability to feel alert or sleepy has important implications for you and your employees.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      The words to delete from your resume ASAP

      What are your least favorite resume words? My own is "utilize" — there isn't a single instance I can think of where it would be inappropriate to substitute "use." Every time I read "utilize" on a resume I always feel like the writer is trying to be unnecessarily fancy.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Amazon glitch leads to rush over 1p 'bargains' in UK - Telegraph

      Businesses fear they could go bankrupt after a software error led to items being sold for a fraction of their worth on Amazon

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Cost-Benefit Reality Check: Does Your Business Have Any Business Taking Out a Loan?

      Before you sign on for a small business loan, you need to make sure it's the best plan for your business.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      How Did Megyn Kelly Get to Be So Successful?

      The anchor of Fox News Channel's The Kelly File shares what it took for her to get to the top. Want to hear more from her in person? She'll be at Cosmo's Fun Fearless Life Weekend. Buy your tickets at FunFearlessLife.com.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      What I Wish I'd Known About Running a Startup

      I knew building a startup would be hard. I knew it would be slow. But these are the things I wish I could've predicted.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      The best advice in business: 40 execs reveal their secrets to success

      We’ve gathered wisdom from those who have rocketed up the corporate ladder and helped others climb with them. Here, some valuable lessons on how to lead well, achieve more, and have fun doing it.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      How to (Professionally) Miss a Deadline

      It happens to the best of us. Maybe accounting didn’t get you the numbers on time. Maybe the design work you thought would take you four hours is taking more like 14. Maybe Taco...

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Feel Like an Imposter at Work? You’re Not Alone!

      The good news about imposter syndrome is it's entirely in your head. The bad news? It could be interfering with your career. Here's how to overcome it.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Highly educated, unemployed and falling behind

      In the upside-down, topsy-turvy world of jobs these days, even an advanced degree can't protect some Americans from tumbling down the economic ladder.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Americans prefer male bosses, even though women are better for business - Quartz

      A new Gallup poll found that American men and women prefer a male boss to a female one. Though the popularity of women bosses has improved since the 1950s, it hasn't changed much in this century. Instead, the number of people who say they prefer men has

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Successful People Start Before They Feel Ready

      If you want to summarize the habits of successful people into one phrase, it’s this: successful people start before they feel ready.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Did Starbucks start a pumpkin boom?

      Ever since Starbucks (SBUX) introduced its famed pumpkin spice latte about a decade ago, pumpkin sales have skyrocketed. It's led to the increased popularity of pumpkin-spiced everything, including spicy pumpkin beef jerky and pumpkin beer.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Top New Women Leaders in Technology: Glamour.com

      Meet the top young women leaders who are changing the face of technology.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      eBay and PayPal are splitting up | The Verge

      Citing a "rapidly changing global commerce and payments landscape," eBay has just announced plans to separate its business into two distinct and independent companies: eBay and PayPal. Spinning off...

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      CrowdStreet grabs $800K for its real estate crowdfunding site | VentureBeat | News Briefs | by Kia Kokalitcheva

      Crowdfunding has opened up new funding models for everything from hardware gadgets to philanthropy. So why not real estate?

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      When Your Big Business Idea Stalls, Ask These 3 Questions

      It can be tough to determine if you're really onto something. After conducting a gut check, seek the advice of others.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Alaska Reporter Shows How Not to Quit a Job - NBC News.com

      Some people just give their two weeks' notice when they quit their job. Others give a notice that will be remembered for much longer than two weeks. An Ancho...

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      5 Rules For Surviving Cubicle Life

      How to make cubicle life better for everyone: no one envisions a cubicle as the holy grail of places they’d like to spend their waking hours. While you can love your job to the moon and back (well, maybe just to the moon), sometimes the cubicle life can get down right intrusive.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      How To Know If Your Dumb Idea Will Change The World | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

      Box SVP Sam Schillace shares how he quickly and cheaply experimented on an app no one wanted--that became the basis for Google Docs.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      80% of Americans took a week's vacation in 1976. Just 56% will in 2014.

      In Australia every full time worker is guaranteed four weeks of paid vacation each year. In Japan, it's 10 days. Canada? A minimum of 10 days of paid vacation. Here in the U.S.? Zero.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Infographic: Half Of Creative Workers Don't Start Their Jobs Until After 9 A.M.

      Lazy! For all our talk about flex time and the freedom (and insanity) the Internet gives us to work at any time of the day, the traditional 9 to 5 workday, with a break at noon, is still going pretty strong

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      75% Of Ikea’s Catalog Is Computer Generated Imagery!!!

      You could have fooled us. Wait, actually, you did. The best special effects are often the ones you never notice--which may make Ikea the most skillful special effects studio in the world. The Swedish furniture company has been aggressively ramping up its use of computer generated imagery in their catalogs. Ikea's first CG photo was a Bertil pinewood chair in 2006. By 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported that 25% of their products were CG. Today, that figure has ballooned to 75%.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Life is getting easier for 17 million freelancers!

      Companies and groups are starting to fill the benefits gap for freelance workers, offering access to disability and other insurance that can make project work a little more secure.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      How the Lego company found success in the digital age — by going back to basics

      Legos have been successfully entertaining kids for years — but the company was threatened by the arrival of the digital age. It wasn't until the company refocused on the bricks that it began to grow again.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      If You Want To Be Rich, Don't Get An MBA - Business Insider

      The richest people in the world are entrepreneurs who do not have MBAs, argues Mariana Zanetti.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Powerful people have a distorted perception of time - Quartz

      Maria Konnikova, writing in the New York Times, made the point recently that there’s much more to poverty than just a shortage of money. Being poor, she said, brings with it other abstract deficits, most notably a lack of time. She quoted Sendhil Mul

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      8 Reasons Why Work Is Sometimes Just Like High School

      It's funny, isn’t it? We grow up, leave high school, go onto college, and then join the ranks of other working professionals, but do some ever really graduate emotionally? After a few years in the real world, it becomes clear that the office where you spend your days is just like the educational institution where you spent your teenage years.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      The Strong Link Between Your Self Image and Business Success.

      The vast majority of business people focus on tactics to be successful - strategy, marketing, sales and systems. Yet after doing this religiously for ten years still often complain that they have not achieved what they had hoped. Is there something more t

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      5 Top Industries For Starting A Business

      Have an independent streak? If you’re an American, chances are you do. The U.S. consistently leads developed countries around the world in the rate of entrepreneurship, and 25 million people were in the process of starting or running a new business

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Starting a Business: The Idea Phase

      You know you want to start a business, but what do you do next? Here's how to find the perfect idea for your business.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Movies At Work: An Untapped Motivational Method?

      It may seem like an excuse to slack off, but showing movies in the office has been proven to boost morale, retention, and productivity.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Failing To Negotiate Your First Salary Could Cost You Half A Million Dollars

      Members of Gen Y are missing a huge opportunity to increase their pay: They are not negotiating their first salaries.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Ask The Experts: How Can I Deal With Having 3 Demanding Bosses?

      One demanding boss is enough. Three is a nightmare. An overwhelmed assistant writes in for help managing her managers.

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      6 Signs Your Coworker Has A Beef With You And What You Can Do About It

      The writing is on the wall: your relationship with your coworker is heading south, fast. Here's how to fix it before things turn completely sour, or...

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Work Driving You Crazy? Here Are 5 Ways to Keep Your Sanity.

      Here are five things you can consider deleting from your daily routine that will make you saner, more productive and more efficient.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      Make Every Day "Bring Your Dog To Work" Day

      Here's how to create a pet-friendly office environment that works for everyone.

      Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

      The 10 Most Powerful Women in Technology Today

      According to James Brown, it’s a man’s world. But historically, the tech world has been notably bad in this field in general. The good news is that with a number of strong, smart women taking on leadership roles with good pay grades at high profile IT and social media companies, the tides seem to be turning slowly.

        Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

        The Art of Business Pitching Has Changed. Are You Onboard?

        Presentations are changing, becoming more visual, but the pictures can't do all the talking. Real money allocation also speaks strongly to investors.

        Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

        My Year At A Standing Desk And Why I'll Never Go Back

        Fast Company Web Producer Cia Bernales made the switch to a standing desk a year ago. She shares why she's never going back to a regular office chair...

          Business & Finance | Careers & The Workplace

          Why Working More Than 40 Hours a Week is Useless

          Research shows that consistently working more than 40 hours a week is simply unproductive.